With just over two months to go until Junior Eurovision 2016, officials are ready to live up to this year’s motto and are poised to embrace the children of Europe, sequins and all.
And now Serbia‘s state broadcaster RTS has confirmed that it will walk into that warm embrace, as it has finally confirmed its participation for this year’s edition.
Serbia’s confirmation will ease fears that the Balkan countries are over JESC, which many have suggested is on life support. Last month Montenegro — the other half of the former state of Serbia & Montenegro — announced its withdrawal. And Croatia pulled out last year.
A total of sixteen countries have now confirmed their participation, putting the EBU on track for its goal of having 18 acts in the house this November.
Judging from tabloid speculation, there’s definitely interest in Serbia’s mini pop stars and rising talents.
In recent weeks tabloids have suggested that Mateja Vukasinovic — a finalist on the popular series Pinkove Zvezde finalist — had already been internally selected to represent Serbia.
But Duska Vucinic — the Head of Press and PR at RTS — told Kurir that this simply isn’t true.
“We have not yet determined the way we’ll select the representatives for this year’s competition,” she said.
Over the last two years, RTS has internally selected their act for Junior Eurovision.
Last year Serbia’s ten-year-old contestant Lena Stamenkovic was the most viewed Junior Eurovision 2015 star on YouTube ahead of the contest. Expectations were high — and boy did she impress, ultimately coming seventh.
During her first rehearsal of her song “Lenina Pesma” we were totally feeling it, writing:
As the song opens, we’re greeted to a desolate backdrop of grey skies, snow and barren trees (yes, yes, more Eurovision trees). But as Lena picks up pace, it explodes into a collection of “shining” red diamonds before these too transform into a skyscape of glittering lights. Lena looks stunning in a red gown, which matches her staging perfectly. Vocally, the girl was flawless. Some had questioned her ability to reach those high notes, they needn’t have worried. All in all, it feels very Polina Gagarina, but with considerable more sass. And remember how well she did!
Before taking the stage Lena told us that her song was a call for the world to unite and keep every child safe. It’s enough to make us jaded old bloggers melt. Let the children sing!
Are you excited for Serbia’s confirmation? Do you think they should held an open selection or go internal once again? Let us know below!
Other two countries will participate. It’s France and Israel or Sweden
I would like to see Lena this year again
Thank god, finally they confirmed. Such a pity that Croatia and Montenegro are out. I think that Mateja is already 15, so he cannot participate. But Serbia has big talents and potential, we saw that in the last two seasons of Pinkove Zvezdice (the Macedonian representative this year also participated in that competition and Lena last year), so I think their choice will be awesome, like last year for example. I think an internal decision will be the best choice.
Il Volo was on America’s Got Talent.
If we had televote this year, Mateja would be excellent choise, but now, as we only have juries, no!
I doubt Sweden will confirm. I think this is either all we’re going to get, or get France and/or Israel. Its a shame because I really wanted a debuting country :(.
I think this just might be everyone. 16 is a pretty decent amount of countries. If anything more, Sweden *might* join and bring it to 17. On one hand, they said in 2015 that they’d only take a one year break, but on the other there has been no confirmation as of now so I’m not really sure.
I know there’s rumors of France and Germany, and I hope well that they turn out to be true, but I don’t want to give myself false hope.
I hope that we will Germany and Estonia confirm too 😀
Now only two countries left which I think they are Israel and France