Eurovision Song Contest Year in Search

In recent years Eurovision has been a stalwart on Google’s “Year In Search” list — its popular recap that shows precisely what the world was Googling during the year. Google has now published this year’s list and Eurovision takes its place near the top in a number of countries — alongside topics like Brexit, Donald Trump and Euro 2016. We’ve done a bit of research and found Eurovision and Eurovision-related personalities appearing on a number of lists in countries from Austria to Ukraine.

Now we haven’t been able to go through every single country in the world, but here’s a start. If we left out your country, let us know what topics ranked where.

Here’s where the phrase “Eurovision Song Contest” appeared. The number indicates its ranking (so 1 = most Googled) and the phrase in brackets represents the category. Categories vary by country. For instance, Australia does not have a TV category, which makes us sad.

#1 – Austria (Events, Shows & Festivals)
#1 – Ukraine (TV show)
#2 – Greece (Events)
#2 – Russia (Top Trending Searches)
#3 – Poland (Events)
#4 – Ukraine (Top Trending Searches)
#5 – Greece (Top Trending Searches)
#5 – Poland (Top Trending Searches)
#8 – Spain (Top Trending Searches)

Many countries also have lists based on people — whether that’s Belgian people, people in German, Dutch women, etc. Here are the countries and categories where Eurovision personalities appeared:

6 – Jamala (People of the Year)
10 – Sergey Lazarev (People of the Year)

2 – Laura Tessoro (Belgian People)

9 – Michal Szpak (People)

6 – Sergey Lazarev (People of the Year)
8 – Jamala (People of the Year)

The Netherlands:
1 – Anouk (Dutch Women)
1 – Douwe Bob (Musicians)
2 – Anouk (Musicians)
4 – Douwe Bob (Dutch Men)
6 – Douwe Bob (Top Trending Searches)

1 – Jamala (Person of the Year)

8 – Sandhja (Musician)


1 – Melodifestivalen (TV & Radio)
1- “Wem vann Eurovision 2016?” (Who won Eurovision 2016?” (Questions that begin with ‘who’).
7 – Melodifestivalen 2016 (Top Trending Searches)
9 -“Varför får Australien vara med i Eurovision?” (Why does Australia participate in Eurovision?) (Questions that begin with ‘why’)

What did you search for during the year? Let us know in comments below!


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Charli Cheer Up
Charli Cheer Up
8 years ago

@Mark well they did give Ace Wilder their 12 pts at Melodifestivalen not Frans..

Charli Cheer Up
Charli Cheer Up
8 years ago

Seriously I would’ve never imagined that the SAME smiley Jamala that caught my heart in Ukraine national 2011 would return in 2016 with a song that was the complete opposite and eventually win the whole contest! wow

8 years ago

I searched for: “why eurovision juries hates Poland?” in polish: “dlaczego jury na Eurowizji nienawidzi Polski?”

8 years ago

#1 – Austria ?

8 years ago

1 place among Polish musical performers in 2016
3 place among musical performers at all in 2016
9 place ranking in the Top Trends, or any passwords Polish Google’s fastest rising

8 years ago

Sweden is just upset that Australia didn’t vote for them this year.

8 years ago

very surprised that Jamala ranked higher in search results than Sergey Lazarev in Belarus. It’s good, and pretty cool to see

Stephen Podesta
Stephen Podesta
8 years ago

Australia as much as I would like to say differently, Australia thinks Eurovision is a joke and there are not that many that really care about it except a few thousand hardcore fans. Only Dami Im because of the Dami army and those that love her boosted the ratings in 2016. Damis Original MV has reached 15 million views and trended higher than many of the other winners. We in OZ have a very small population so OZ did very well even though we are not in Europe. The results don’t change and no fancy figures as posted here will… Read more »

8 years ago

@polegend: maybe because they don’t know who jamala is? why google someone you already know?

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
8 years ago

Haha. Lots of Swedes asking why Australia is in Eurovision, as if Google would know. Heck, I don’t even know! Because the broadcaster has viewers who like watching the show first thing in the morning?!

Krzysztof Poland
Krzysztof Poland
8 years ago

Belarus + Ukraine = BFF, that’s why.

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
8 years ago

6 – Jamala (People of the Year)
10 – Sergey Lazarev (People of the Year)”

I’m glad that in the end, even Russia’s puppet state saw the light and recognized Jamalegend’s superiority.