In 2012 she won Festival di Sanremo and two years later she represented Italy at the Eurovision Song Contest with “La mia Citta”.

And now, just in time for the holiday season, Emma Marrone has released a music video for her new song “Quando Le Canzoni Finiranno” (When the Songs End), part of the soundtrack for the film La cena di Natale (Christmas Dinner).

Emma never stops surprising us. She can scream “The Heaven Doesn’t Exist” and then get romantic with a Spanish guy. And now she sings a spiritual song in a Christmas movie! We really have no idea what expect next from this versatile performer.

Keeping with its Christmas theme, the music video is very spiritual. It starts with Emma sitting amongst candles and singing like a whispering angel. She’s very emotional and her face reflects everything she’s feeling inside. Emma screams, she cries — she’s living it. The rest of music video features scenes from the movie La cena di Natale.

The lyrics have something magical in them. They look simple but carry a powerful message of love. There’s intimacy in them but there’s innocence as well. It’s like a prayer for each of us as we crave for our other half. Emma’s song ends when her love does not make a sound. What about yours?

Emma – “Quando Le Canzoni Finiranno” lyrics

Quando Le Canzoni Finiranno

Dicono che c’è una tempesta nel sole
Sarebbe meglio stare a casa
Non vedo l’ora di poterti abbracciare
Mentre tutto fuori esplode

Dicono che in una tempesta di neve
Qualcuno giura d’aver sentito
Anche le pietre più dure sospirare
Mentre tu non fai rumore
Non fai rumore

Quando le canzoni finiranno
Che cosa ne faremo
Di tutto quanto il nostro amore
Ma quando
Le canzoni finiranno per me
Mentre tutto fuori esplode

Dicono che noi siamo fragili cose
Ma nelle attese di un sorriso
Abbiamo visto e va porare il sole
Mentre tutto ti commuove
Ti commuove

Quando le canzoni finiranno
Che cosa ne faremo
Di tutto quanto il nostro amore
Ma quando
Le canzoni finiranno per me
Che cosa ne faremo
Di tutto quanto il nostro amore

Ma c’è un ragazzo
Mi hanno detto che è capace
Di resistere al mio cielo
Mi han detto
Che verrà ad invadere i miei sogni
Ed ogni singolo pensiero
Le strade
Che mi fanno perdere nel mondo
Mi portano lontano

Quando le canzoni finiranno
Che cosa ne faremo
Di tutto quanto il nostro amore
Ma quando
Le canzoni finiranno per me
Mentre tutto fuori esplode
Mentre tu non fai rumore

When the Songs End

They say there’s a storm in the sun
It’s best to stay at home
I can’t wait to hug you
While everything outside explodes

They say that in a snow storm
Someone swears to have heard
The toughest stones sigh
While you don’t make a sound
Don’t make a sound

When the songs end
What will we do
With all of our love
But when
The songs end for me
While everything outside explodes

They say that we are fragile things
But in the expectations of a smile
We’ve seen and gone to bring the sun
While everything that moves you

When the songs end
What will we do
With all of our love
But when
The songs end for me
What will we do
With all of our love

But they told me
There is someone that is able
To resist the sky
They told me
He’d come to invade my dreams
And every little thought
The streets
That make me lose the world
They take me far

When the songs end
What will we do
With all of our love
But when
The songs end for me
While everything outside explodes
While you don’t make a sound






























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Purple Mask
Purple Mask
8 years ago

Wow. One of the best songs of the year. It really sums up everything going on right now. I cried too.
Thanks to the songwriter(s) and to Emma for singing – this is very special.