Eurocasting fever is now over, and fans have been dying to know who won the online voting segment that narrowed the acts from 30 wildcard candidates to just 10 jury hopefuls.
And on Saturday Spain’s RTVE finally gave us the answer, revealing that Nito won the day with his song “Luna” (Moon).
He may not have convinced the jury to take him from the Top 10 to the Eurocasting final, but his sexy voice and thumping Latin vibe definitely convinced the televoting public, perhaps paving the way for future participation.
Eurocasting 30: Online Voting Results
These are the full results. NOTE: These numbers correspond with the percentage of votes each act received and NOT the number of votes. So Nito earned 4.813% of all votes, not 4,813 individual votes.
Despite being the fans’ favourite act, the Spanish jury — as on so many other occasions — did not share the public’s opinion. In fact, Nito earned zero points from the jury vote, which placed him last in that phase of the contest. Game over, amigo!
Javián, who ultimately placed second in the wildcard show, also placed second here, earning 4.672% of the vote for his number “No somos héroes”.
Pre-contest favourite Brequette, who finished first in our #Eurocasting30 poll, came third here. She took to Instagram after learning the news to express her appreciation: “Muchas gracias a todos los que votasteis por #NoEnemy en el #Eurocasting ¡seguimos trabajando!” she wrote.
Loose translation: “Many thanks to all of you who voted for #NoEnemy in #Eurocasting we are still working!”
Congratulations to @vanesaklein for winning the #EurocastingFinal in a landslide!
— wiwibloggs (@wiwibloggs) January 12, 2017
Nieves Hidalgo — who placed second in our Eurocasting 30 poll with 14.69% (560 votes) — finished eighth in the online voting segment and sixth in the jury vote (with two points). Our readers may have felt Nieves’ Latin power, but Spain did not.
Here are the results for the seven remaining candidates who made it to the final ten.
4. LeKlein – “Ouch” (4,105%)
5. Pedro Elipe – “Del Dolor” (Fom Pain) (3,865%)
6. Fruela – “Live it Up” (3,723%)
7. Romy Low – “In Love” (3,715%)
8. Nieves Hidalgo – “Esclava” (Slave) (3,655%)
9. Nicky Triphook – “Daddy’s Little Girl” (3,589%)
10. Rebecca Moss – “Volveré por tí” (I will come back for you) (3,461%)
The amazingly edgy diva, who won the Eurocasting final in a landslide on Thursday, only came fourth in the Eurocasting 30 vote. She earned 4,105% of votes.
In the Eurocasting 10 portion of the contest, the jury ranked her first — just as the public did during the actual Eurocasting final. But that’s not all: She was our reader’s favourite to win the final too!
She will now compete against five other acts in the Spanish National Final — Objetivo Eurovision. The final will take place in mid-February.
The singer, model and TV host placed sixth in the online voting phase of Eurocasting with 3,723% of all votes. But the jury placed him second, which carried him through to the Eurocasting web show.
Sadly his performance in the show left plenty of commentators lacking. He seemed stiff, awkward and somewhat uncomfortable.
For someone who is “living it up”, Fruela sure looks bored! #EurocastingFinal
— William Lee Adams (@willyleeadams) January 12, 2017
Now that RTVE has revealed the internally selected acts for the national final – Mario Jefferson, Maika, Mirela, Manel Navarro and Paula Rojo plus the Eurocasting winner LeKlein – we have the full list of acts that will fight to wear the Spanish flag in Kiev.
Y’all better stay tuned! The Spanish broadcaster plans to publish the candidates’ songs this Monday! YAS!
But what do you think of the Eurocasting results? Do you agree? Were you expecting these results? Share your thoughts below!
‘Luna’ was a crappy song, as Nito is also a bad singer, that votes could be easily manipulated. Anyway, I hope TVE improves Eurocasting next year, like not voting for 10 artists and give them 1 point even you like one more than others…
I’m also very happy because Stvrkid & Silence of the Wolves came 12th! ‘Sparkling lights’ was original, modern and have lot of potential. I’m sure if they had been famous, they would have qualified. Hope they come back.
If I had a penny for all the Spanish songs I’ve heard that are called “Luna”, I’d be on my way to be a millionaire now. That song is, as Robyn has already mentioned, an uninspired snoozefest.
@ Jordi Pedra
Thank you for the answer! It was my mistake, after reading again, the article says that is about something that happened earlier.
Both Spain and Greece should have internal selections, because why keep asking the viewers if you don’t listen, and if you, as broadcaster, already know what you want?
That being said, I start thinking that maybe the public favourite (LeKlein) is in danger, maybe the broadcaster have another favourite.
ok i have to say i don’t understand spain’s national selection process at all.
AS someone who studies statistics as part of their job – those percentages look mighty mighty susipicious to me. To have all 30 songs get between 2.4-4.8% just looks completely fabricated. That does not remotely look like normal distribution from a subjective ordinal poll. I call shenanigans!!!
These results are quite surprising, frankly, I have trouble trying to make sense of them. Far from me to denounce foul play, data rigging, etc.
The only explanation I can find is this:
Why disclosing percentages instead of number of votes?
When the total number of votes is very low, a small number of them (say, maybe as few as 15 or 20 votes) can vary percentages dramatically.
The difference between Javian and Brequette is 0.081%… Not really meaningful, I’d say.
@an Esc Fan
Hello! No, Brequette is not back in the game. What RTVE – The Spanish Broadcaster has just published is the results of the online voting of the Eurocasting 30 candidates segment of the contest.
The top 10 above (Nito, Javián, Brequette, Leklein, Pedro Elipe, Fruela, Romy Low, Nieves Hidalgo, Nicky Triphook and Rebecca Moss) faced a Jury Voting and Brequette didn’t make it. So she’s out of the competition.
Thank you!
Funny, because from all of them the only one that truly stood out for me was precisely Luna. Though I knew it wouldn’t pass because I know it doesn’t have a “widespread appreciation” in the ESC community, but I’m glad it ended up winning something at least 😛
It is hard to understand this, so Brequette is back in the game?
Seems that many countries, trying to do the right thing, create something very complicated. I wonder if Ukraine, with their jury and televote, voted for Jamala because they thought ”1944” is ”Eurovision style” and ”recipe for victory in ESC”.
Please guys, I want your reaction video to the songs on Monday! hahaha I’m loving it!!!
Ah, thanks Robyn. That makes more sense now.
RTVE already handpicked 9 finalists for Operación Triunfo. They should not have put their finger into the “democratic” wildcard race at all, and the abomination of Ouch! could have already been long forgotten. But well, kinda outrageous move by RTVE to make sure that not the wrong songs proceeded to sing-off.
So was “eurocasting 30” a vote from all over Europe? And, the jury threw out their number one favourite? That’s more than a little suspicious.