Manel Navarro Xavi martinez objetivo eurovision

On Saturday evening Eurofans across the world watched as Catalan singer Manel Navarro narrowly defeated Aranjuez-born starlet Mirela in the final of Spain’s Objetivo Eurovisión 2017. At the end of the show — as the host called on the three-person jury to break the deadlock between the two stars — the tension was palpable.

And while the result of any nail-biter usually brings relief for the eventual winner, this was not any nail-biter. Instead of applause and endless congratulations, Manel found himself in the awkward position of having to reprise his entry “Do It For Your Lover” before a clearly disgruntled audience, many of whom had booed the jurors for awarding Manel top marks just moments earlier. It was clear to Eurofans everywhere — in the studio and watching online — that the Eurodrama had gone nuclear.

Indeed, the reaction inside the venue was anything but congratulatory. Myself and two of my fellow wiwibloggers attended the proceedings, and can attest that people were booing and shouting, and hurling insults at the jurors at the same time as their neighbours cheered for Mirela.

We’re huge fans of Mirela — she actually won with our in-house panel of reviewers and with our readers. But that doesn’t give fans license to shout down her opponents. Manel’s crowning moment was actually quite shameful.

So much so that the Spanish media and countless celebrities have been discussing the proceedings in print, online and on air, usually concluding that the crowd’s behaviour turned the show into something esperpento — aka, grotesque.

In an opinion piece entitled “Shame on ‘Objetivo Eurovisón’, asked, “Which artists are going to want to appear in this circus in the future? What professionals are going to dare to put themselves in a race of such absurdity?”

“Manel Navarro was vilified by many of the Eurofans who came to the gala,” they write. “The incessant rain of booing stained the sweet moment intended for the artist…”

Xuso Jones, who competed in the 2016 edition of Spain’s national final, was not amused.

“That violence is not justified with anything….the circus that has been mounted is very embarrassing”

Spanish songwriter Pablo Alborán said “NO TO VIOLENCE” — and in capital letters.

Other stars took issue with the actual result of the show, which saw Mirela — who won the public televote — lose as a result of the three-person professional jury. In their eyes the tiebreak wasn’t the will of the people.

Masterchef Cyber host and Kiehl’s cosmetics ambassador Abel Arana wrote: “The sad thing about all of this is that for the first time someone who will represent us at Eurovision has not even won in their country.”

Why is Manel Navarro’s win controversial?

The fact that the jury — rather than the public vote — broke the tie is a cause of concern to many. As you’ll recall, in 2014 the tie between Ruth Lorenzo and Brequette was broken by the public.

But that’s not the main point of contention. Fans have been up in arms over an alleged friendship between Manel and judge Xavi Martinez, the evidence of which has been cited on Twitter.

Last month Twitter user @Magitorras congratulated Manel on the release of his song “Do It For Your Lover”. Then Xavi — who hosts Los 40, one of the most listened-to radio programs in Spain — answered, writing that they were going to make the song “an anthem”.

Manel replied: “Thank you brother! Hoping you are my talisman!”

We should point out that at the time of this exchange, Xavi was not yet confirmed as a judge of Objetivo Eurovisión.

However, this leads to another big question: Why was he chosen as a judge if he already had connections with Manel?

Outraged fans have let their disgust over the perceived unfairness be known and spun a series of conspiracy theories.

Xavi Martínez was attacked in the show

Xavi subsequently claimed that he was attacked by a person in the audience during the show, which led him to leave the studio before the show ended.

His radio station Los 40 tweeted their support for him, writing: “At LOS40 we want to show our full support for @xavimartinez and express our strongest condemnation against violence #ObjetivoEurovision.”

Xavi hasn’t made any statement regarding the incident, but his fellow juror Virginia Díaz has spoken out.

In an interview with La Voz de Galicia, the Radio 3 host explained that Saturday night’s incident made her “not want to take part in any Eurovision related event again” because she had “never been in such a situation in the world of music”.

“I knew Eurovision fans were passionate, but I couldn’t believe they could get aggressive,” she said.

Virginia had to decide on who was going to Eurovision, actually. After Xavi picked Manel and Javier Cárdenas went for Mirela, it was her time to decide, and she stayed true to her principles and taste.

In the interview, she states that the jury wasn’t rigged — not her, at least — and explained how Mirela’s song was not her cup of tea from the beginning.

Prior to the voting segment the show was running quite smoothly. But then Xavi announced that he had given 5 points to Mirela and 12 to Manel, and part of the audience erupted in rage. You could feel the atmosphere change.

And the poisoned air may explain Manel’s rather unfortunate gesture, in which he appears to be giving his finger to the public on stage. Perhaps he buckled under the pressure and was feeling the sting of jurors being booed for supporting him. Regardless, it’s not a way to win people over.

What do you make of the latest instalment of Eurodrama? Was RTVE right to include Xavi on the panel? Should Xavi have disclosed his relationship and support of Manel prior to the contest? Should RTVE have let the televote break the tie? And do you actually buy in to the various conspiracy theories? Let us know in the comments box below.

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7 years ago

Haben Sie jemals als Hinzufügen ein wenig mehr als nur Ihre Artikel? Ich meine, was Sie sagen, ist wertvoll wichtig und all . Dennoch jedoch vorstellen, wenn Sie einige große bilder oder Videos, Ihre Beiträge mehr geben “, Pop- “! Ihr Inhalt ist ausgezeichnet, aber mit Bilder und Clips , Sicherheit besten field. Gute Blog!

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
7 years ago

Hugs to Luis Fuster.
I hope you’re okay.

7 years ago

Luis your point of view is kind of depressing and retarded actually. This is not a normal eurodrama, a one that we just laugh at and keep going on. And just in case you wonder it is not about Mirela winning, who actually was the one that the audience wanted to win. This is about fighting for the rights of the audience and eurofans that spent money voting for their favorite to represent them, against a corrupted jury and organisation looking for their personal interests or as they say ‘personal taste’. We want us to be heard.

7 years ago

There are people that thinks the reaction that eurofans are having is about if we want Manel or Mirela, but it isn’t. All of this is about the bad organization of the heads of delegation. And the fight is not only for 2017, is for al the future.

7 years ago

Luis, please be impartial and exact and update your news, Parlament will ask explanations to RTVE for this bad management from them. Update and be impartial you are selling a half true here.

7 years ago

@Luis – I completely understand and appreciate your words and your position. Both for your profesionalism and even for your own personal and musical preferences. But remember you have wrote “Absurd circus?” and during your work , it is clear the messege: this is an of the typical eurodramas, with not really truth on it. it is Spaniards being spaniards, right? I just want to point out to anyone that is reading this, that is not. Is a circus, agreed, thought not absurd, but completely fundamented and imo, understandably sad. I of course dont have documental proofs that it was… Read more »

7 years ago

Well, look on the bright side, guys.

At least we won’t be spending the next three months listening to Spanish fans telling us how overwhelmingly certain this is their year to finally win again.

We love leds, visuals, air fans, ballads and divas
We love leds, visuals, air fans, ballads and divas
7 years ago

(Continue) And if Rtve does nothing (what would be very sad indeed), at least let’s NOT make Manel and his song pay for this.

We love leds, visuals, air fans, ballads and divas
We love leds, visuals, air fans, ballads and divas
7 years ago

I voted for Leklein and Maika that night, but I was happy with the result because I didnt like Mirela’s song. I have been defending Manel and his song from all the attacks here and in youtube tops. His song sounds fresh and is very catchy. Nevertheless, it is obvious there have been many irregularities in the process, starting with Brequette’s not being selected by the jury for Objetivo Eurovision when she was the favourite of the audience inthe Eurocasting together with Leklein. Rtve has an easy solution for this: make a new gala including the favs from the Eurocasting… Read more »

7 years ago

This is quite embarassing for RTVE! If they, as an organization, care at all about fairness and transparency, they shouldn’t have allowed a proven biased juror (Manel’s ‘talisman’) and a juror who has a family member linked with Manel (even if this link wouldn’t have influence the lady, the question marks are raised and they will never be put to rest! And, come on – she gave Manel first place and Mirela last! Doesn’t that raise anyone’s eyebrows?! Again, a fair organization would have avoided such speculations at all costs!). Shameful!

Amor Amankwah
Amor Amankwah
7 years ago

Look, I don’t like Manel’s song or Mirela’s but he did not deserve what happened to him. It was disgusting. They should have let the people vote for the representative, not the jury. They did it in 2014 why not now?

7 years ago

At the end of the day, none of these entries (Mirela’s and Manel’s) are good enough to achieve a high placing at Eurovision. 15th place maximum, nothing more. So, why fight?

7 years ago

@Fifi – Exactly Fifi. All knew the rules. And rule 1.4 says: “the jury will be impartial and with no relation of anykind with any of the candidates” – Xavi is the “talisman” for Manel. His exclusive (non other candidates were promoted by Xavi) radio promoter. He was the one in charge to put Manel on radio 24/7 previous to the final. – The other 2 both works directly for Antonia (as she being the leader of TVE’s entertainment area) , the organicer of this circus, and mother of one of the promotional team for Manel in Sony Music Spain.… Read more »

7 years ago

So, as a summary: – RTVE’s manager of entertainment show’s daughter works for Sony Music in Manel Navarro’s team (confirmed: – For the first time, if there is a tie between jury and public vote, the jury’s one is the valid. – RTVE chooses as a jury a person that knows Manel and has been vocal about supporting his song for ESC. Also, the other two juries are hosts of RTVE. – Two of the juries award Manel the highest vote while giving both of the other fan-favorite songs the lowest scores (Seriously, giving Jefferson’s song the second place???).… Read more »

7 years ago

Fifi You’re ridicolous

7 years ago

And crazy eurofans will be still fighting for their divas with trashy songs! Be quiet, Spain sends divas every year, they have bad results and we are tired with the same every year. Eurovision is about diversity and you have finally original and modern track! Dont destroy Eurovision with your limited taste! We want Manel and not Mirela with stupid soap-opera opening jingle from 2000. Everyone knew the rules before contest. Thats all. Good luck Manel!

7 years ago

this whole controversy is so extra
like guys it really does not matter that much

7 years ago

Xavi Martínez wasn’t attacked and he is lying to us to hide the truth, that way people will forget the topic of corruption and will only speak about his false agression with ‘poor old him’ words:

7 years ago

If the Jury was the tiebreak,then why the people voted?I think RTVE should really start working to find the perfect solution.Or they should give the audience money back,because the have payed for their vote,the jury got paid for their vote.

7 years ago

Whatever was, Spain can be happy they have a male singer with huge potencial and not next female with trashy pop. Jury changes the opinion in many national finals every year. So why we are speaking still about Spain? Manel was 3rd in public voting, it means, many Spanish people want him. Mirela was 1st thanks to crazy eurofans, who have bad taste (female pop, nothing more) but audience in Eurovision is huge and people have absolutely different taste. Thats the reason, why Ogae winning artists have bad results every year. Spain must be thankful for jury.

7 years ago

Xavi has posted an open letter on Los Cuarentas’ website:

It’s entirely in Spanish but Google Translate should at least provide a more or less clear, if not exact, translation.

7 years ago

@Luis – thats the key Luis: That Antonia has a daughter working for Manel is not speculation, but the reality. I know it is difficult to believe (cause is a huge conflict of interest that it is not logical that had happened), but it is the truth, it is not a rumour as Marc said a few posts back (hopefully because of unknowledge and not because he was trying to lie on purpose… And btw, @Marc, idk where Antonia’s daughter was last year, I just know that right now, she works for Manel… and you can also know it if… Read more »

7 years ago

Neither Manel or Mirela should have been in that tie break, Manel’s song is awful as are his vocals and Mirela still seems to think it’s 2003 and it still wouldn’t have got top half when it was current. I’m glad Manel is going to Kyiv out the two of them because Europe is tired of Spanish divas. They really need to change next year and select something different like Maika or some guy with a nice modern track instead of some hair flipping diva singing a dated ballad or pop song. As for corruption in the jury I’d say… Read more »

7 years ago

Vanuatu BRAVO!

7 years ago

First of all, noone can deny that televote is the tiebreak. The song represents a country and people have the first say. Furthermore, Nothing would happen if xavi wasnt in the jury. He was obviously biased and the fact that he gave the lowest score to the favorite is a great indication of that. He better start praying that manel would not end up last because he is going to have so much trouble….

7 years ago


They didn’t answer anything about Antonia or the Spanish delegation.

Last year Salvador Beltran was also from Sony.

7 years ago

Who won the competition is a problem for the broadcaster and the public if they like or not. The big problem is that the jury promoted their favorite by giving him 12 points and giving 5 to Mirela, and they knew Mirela was the favorite. This is the problem. The format can concern the Spanish people and TVE, not the Eurovision community.

7 years ago

@Marc – you said “Antonia’s daughter was a fake rumour.”. Just a few minutes ago a press meeting from TVE have been done regarding Objetivo eurovision. And to the question ¿Dont you think that the fact od Antonia’s daughter working in Sony Music was a conflict of interest?, TVE has refused to answer saying “we refuse to answer ” This is huge guys, if a boicot is not being done on may by europ voters, help spain to not participate in eurovision. They are stealling funds from spanish taxes so they can have great lifes and great job opportunities for… Read more »

7 years ago

I’m sure LeKlein had been the chosen if the jury were not rigged. That’s why “Ouch!!” composer hit Xavi Martinez. She was the best on the stage, and the best produced song.

7 years ago

Lewis, if you don’t know the situation… Shut up! There are PROOFS. SERIOUS PROOFS. Some people knew that DIFYL would win, before the song as ANNOUNCED! Nicky Triphook’s statements are SO SERIOUS. As composer, I know this song has 0 potential on Eurovision, but I don’t care about this. THE VOTES WERE RIGGED and THAT’S ALL!. If Spain withdraws (that’s what I think that will happen), will be FAIR. I don’t wanna be represented by THIS.

7 years ago

Maybe it’s time Spain left the contest. I can’t imagine this happening in any other country.

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
7 years ago

In other news, Slovenia has apparently released snippets of its songs on its Facebook page:

Polegend Gogdarina
Polegend Gogdarina
7 years ago

Oh and finally, let me precise that the Italians didn’t go dislike Manny Zelmerlow’s video en masse after it was revealed that 200 jurors decided his victory over 28 million televotes that wanted Il Volo. If we moved on, the Spaniards will too over this smaller thing.

Polegend Gogdarina
Polegend Gogdarina
7 years ago

Oh and f

Polegend Gogdarina
Polegend Gogdarina
7 years ago

I’m all for 100% televote, both at NFs (except countries with rigged televotes like Belarus) and at the Eurovision. But it is what it is, and making a fuss over this is simply pathetic. The dice are thrown, Manel is Spain’s representative. Learn it, love it, live it! 🙂

Polegend Gogdarina
Polegend Gogdarina
7 years ago

A bunch of pressed diva-loving hunties who are complaining because someone with a penis is representing their country for the first time since 2010? Ain’t nobody got time for that. Accept the facts and move on, you’re making a fool of yourselves.

7 years ago

I forgot to say that last year the votes were split in 60% jury/40% televote, Barei won and nobody complained. This year was 50/50 so… if it was like last year Manel would have won too.

Lewis Griffiths
7 years ago

Seems to be the way things are these days really. Things don’t go someones way and then they protest despite the rules being made 100% clear beforehand. Same with Brexit, same with Trump. Things might not be the outcome you want but that’s what happened. Not saying that Manel is anything like the above (my point being is that people need to calm the hell down especially over a song!), I actually really like the track and it’s nice to have something different at Eurovision instead of yet another solo female singer. This is probably the best thing that could… Read more »

7 years ago

I’ve never heard this concept here in Catalonia. We have other issues to care about.
And we Catalans (nationalist or not) are respectful people.

7 years ago

I’m really tired of the crappy side of Spain. Not only for Eurovision, but for everything, this is just an example of how things work in Spain with people like this. Was it rigged? Well, there isn’t any proof of that (Xavi spoke out about all of this yesterday in the web of his radio station ‘Los 40’), even if it was, we should blame TVE for choosing a juror related to a participant, it isn’t Manel’s fault. Everyone knew the rules previous to the contest and had the possibity to withdraw. Stop the drama. I would have vote the… Read more »

7 years ago

The norms were clear: the jury have the final decision in the case of same point between artists. Jury 50% and public 50%. Manel is Spain’s representant in Kiev, so we have to accept. Is so typical in Spain when one person or team lost, to acuse of injustice.

7 years ago

The norms were clear: the jury have the final decision in the case of same point between artists. Jury 50% and public 50%. Manel is Spain’s representant in Kiev, so we have to accept. Is so typical in Spain when one person or team lost, to acuse of injustice.

(J)ESC Fanatic
(J)ESC Fanatic
7 years ago

Corruption, corruption and again corruption! Shame on the biased juror!

7 years ago

I’m Spaniard and I just have to say that this is a shameful show and as a famous proverb: «Oyendo hablar a un hombre, fácil es acertar dónde vio la luz del sol; si os alaba Inglaterra, será inglés, si os habla mal de Prusia, es un francés, y si habla mal de España, es español». Yes, it’s a pity but Spaniards always want Spain to burn… I cannot understand that. The NF was just embarrassing, maybe there was a case of corruption, but the public reaction was so disproportionate. Just a shame. This is giving a very bad image… Read more »

7 years ago

@marc So you are a non-nationalist catalan. No offense then. Now tell me if you have heard or read the concept “the Africa of Europe” very often outside Spain. Have you? I doubt it. That particular insult has a very specific spanish flavour. Of course it’s a shot in the dark from me and I could be wrong. That’s why I speculated with he formula “Let me guess…”

7 years ago

Feels like maybe it’s Tve ESCleader’s Reprisal to Spanish escfans and cheating their televoting money . Maybe before Eurocasting tve already decided the one they want to send. so they deleted many good song……

7 years ago

Wozzack your comment is just ridiculous and proves you don’t know anything about Catalans.