For months they’ve made us listen to the sound of silence, but now it’s time for San Marino to speak up and reveal their plans for the upcoming Eurovision Song Contest 2017.

The little Republic nestled in the heart of Europe made headlines weeks ago when two Italian singers — Tony Maiello and Arisa — revealed that San Marino had asked them to represent the small nation upon payment of an amount between €300,000 and €500,000, stirring unwanted attention at the country’s state broadcaster, which immediately denied the allegations.

On March 7, San Marino RTV’s general manager Carlo Romeo spoke to Italian Eurovision source Eurofestival News about the matter: “It was a very complex year from this point of view”.

But they must now look to the future and to those wondering aloud what the tiny state is up to.

“In the end I think we chose the best solution with a non-EU artist and one coming from the EU who, I am sure, will come as a surprise. The announcement will be during the week”.

Eurofans are already dreaming of a duet between sizzling icons Serhat and Valentina Monetta! In just a few days our curiosity will come to an end…

San Marino’s televote

The interview also gave Romeo the chance to explain what has been decided about the alternative proposal for the televote, sent by San Marino RTV to the EBU.

As you may remember, in 2016 the EBU launched a new voting system — where both the jury vote and televote are counted separately. But owing to San Marino’s small population, its televote isn’t actually its televote.

As the EBU explained, for San Marino the “substitute result is calculated by the audience result of a pre-selected group of countries”.

Carlo Romeo promptly criticised that decision, and on February 2016 made a statement deeming the new system unacceptable.

On November 2016, San Marino RTV proposed a new method to calculate the Sanmarinese televote.

The proposal provides for the creation of a statistically representative sample of viewers of an X number of people living in San Marino. These ‘jurors’ need to watch two of the three Eurovision shows and vote online in the same time granted to other European viewers.

What response has come from the EBU? Carlo sounds dejected and angry when responding, suggesting that San Marino could say Arrivederci to the competition after Kyiv.

“No one talked to us and we’re disappointed. They didn’t have the good taste and the education to reply on the matter with an e-mail. And yet, it absolutely is a sensible proposal that would put an end to a kind of stupid and vicious discrimination against San Marino. To double the annual fee for small states, however, they did have all the attention and even our colleagues of the Italian subsidiary [It seems that he references the Italian delegation, Ed.] following this sector didn’t say anything or consult us about this decision taken without our considerations. Sorry to see that small states are considered at this low level by EBU. We’ll see after the Eurovision what to do”.

Who do you think will represent San Marino? Shout out on the wiwibloggs app, or leave a comment in the comments section below!


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8 years ago

The lovely Valentina has just set up her official Instagram account in the last few days. Coincidence?

8 years ago

@Purple Mask: If you’re thinking what I think you’re thinking (with regard to scenario #2), I’m way ahead of you. We might have to wait until Monday afternoon.

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
8 years ago

Well the week is over now, and this announcement didn’t happen. Hmmm. :/

8 years ago

Chiara from Malta finished 23rd in her 3rd appearance at Eurovision (2009). I think San Marino should consider a recent Maltese national contender, starting with Janice Mangion, who brought tears to the eyes of many in the audience at MESC, yet wound up 2nd to the more well-known Claudia Faniello.

8 years ago

@Sandro: which Chiara? The Italian one or the three-time Maltese representative? Either way, both Mika and Chiara are technically still EU (well, until we leave it, anyway).

PS: Please DON’T let Serhat anywhere near Eurovision ever again! His song was rubbish (and, in fact, still is)!

8 years ago

I’ve heard it’s going to be Mika and Chiara

8 years ago

If you talk about Siegel, remember that in Moldova was a duet with a german girl and moldovian boy, and Siegel was writer.

8 years ago

Vladimir P.: That is quite a possibility. They did say that one of their choices is someone not in an EU-affiliated country. There have long been rumors about China being invited to Eurovision; so, it wouldn’t be too much of a surprise if San Marino invited someone from the Far East to sing for them. Would they try for someone from South America, the islands in the Pacific or Caribbean, or Africa?

Vladimir P.
Vladimir P.
8 years ago

It would be interesting to see a Japanese or Korean singer under the San Marino flag in Eurovision. For example, Korean bands Paradise or Beast, or Japanese singer Daichi Miura.

8 years ago

@(J)ESC Fanatic: LOOOL Salads or ballads? They will always be regarded as boring …

8 years ago

I honestly expected a headline like “San Marino pulls out of Eurovision 2017”, I’m surprised they’re taking part. Might be their last year, though. Seems like the EBU has a Lisa Ajax attitude towards San Marino…
Also: Please let it not be Serhat.

8 years ago

Deban and William are going to be San Marino’s representatives. We just need to crowdfund their participation in Kyiv. 😀

8 years ago

Now, aside from the possibility that they might poach a recent loser from elsewhere, Annalisa is an excellent possibility, and I think she could get them back into the final.

8 years ago

@(J)ESC Fanatic: Which Emma? The one who crashed and burned at UMK and ended up 3rd? Would San Marino play truth-or-dare this time, and poach a national contest reject?

(J)ESC Fanatic
(J)ESC Fanatic
8 years ago


Salads? LOL!

8 years ago

I have followed Valentina Monetta on her for-fans Facebook wall since before Crisalide and she is totally 100% not interested in Eurovision at this point. She moved on. People who want Serhat back for San Marino – why??? The ONLY thing that saved that song from being the WORST thing ever in Eurovision is that it swapped to a cheesy disco version that made more fun of itself than promoted itself as a serious song. Either way it stood no chance for a final – thus it was a waste of time to enter it regardless. Please, let’s hope for… Read more »

serhat daddie
serhat daddie
8 years ago

Annalisa and Valentina! That would be the most amazing thing ever!

William Lazarev !!!
William Lazarev !!!
8 years ago

Two artists?? William and Deban of course!! Please, San Marino.. 😀
You could be in the Top-5 with them!! No doubt! 😉

8 years ago

Does anybody care about San Marino? Honestly! They haven’t exactly gifted us with their presence..
They probably offer us yet another Sielgel composition that would be best left untouched.

Chicken Kyiv?
Chicken Kyiv?
8 years ago

Poor San Marino. I think they should withdraw if that is the horrible way the EBU is treating them.

8 years ago

@Tomas Patrick Davitt: Because in your mind … all salads are boring …. so let’s stick to our ABC songs that we loved when were 7 years old … although we’re in our 20s and 30s and 40s … but yeah … let’s go back to be 7 again …

8 years ago

Are they inviting another Adam Russo-look-a-like to sing disco music like the late Leonard Cohen .. or another diva-wannabe to sing another “I Will Survive” ballad/disco? So much originality and credibility here … it’s emotional … you just can’t handle the amount of emotions pouring out of such precious original and creative musical choices …

Austrian Ari
Austrian Ari
8 years ago

I’m curious who they found to pay their bills for them. Another Ralph Siegel production maybe?

Tomas Patrick Davitt
Tomas Patrick Davitt
8 years ago

Czech Rep’s song is out! Its a boring ballad. Another one – yay!

8 years ago

Martina just released her entry.

8 years ago

Serhat and Annalisa. Make it happen.

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
8 years ago

The Czech song is out by the way.

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
8 years ago

I am surprised that they are even bothering this year, to be honest.
Having said that, they do have a very good draw in SF2.

8 years ago

Is it a duet, or 2 different artists and they will decide on one?

8 years ago

Valentina Monetta and…who else?

Polegend Godgarina
8 years ago

Daddy Serhat is from outside of the EU… so… the legend might be back?!

8 years ago


8 years ago

I’m actually excited!! Good luck San Marino. I’m guessing there’ll be at least oke returning artist. So:
Miodio- Band. Not happening.
Senit- Italian. EU!
Valentina- Sammrinese. Non-EU!
Michele- Italian. EU!
Anita- Sammrinese. Non-EU!
Serhat- Turkish. Non-EU!

It’s not a Valetina-Serhat duet, JD said.

I really hope it’s not Michele and Anita again. Anita would be bearable as the smaller role in the duet, but Michele is just ‘no’. Pun intended.
C’mon Valentina!!!!!!

8 years ago

BQL is a duo!! 😀

8 years ago

Why can’t they do a desmoscopic poll for televote ala Sanremo??That would be a good solution I feel.

8 years ago

Please, not Michele and Anita again! It’ll be a sure flop

8 years ago

Its duo Jesc fanatic. Your solo female obsession wont come true again.

(J)ESC Fanatic
(J)ESC Fanatic
8 years ago

I still hope for Emma. Just kidding, it’s not going to happen…

8 years ago

San Marino isn’t part of the EU, sorry to crush your dreams.

8 years ago

Probably going to be Michele and Anita again

Paul D.
Paul D.
8 years ago

Send a jazz song San Marino !

Cambell Grace
Cambell Grace
8 years ago

I think Valentina will return or I hope so. And I hope the song is actually decent this time! Perhaps San Marino will surprise and actually be a dark horse in the competition.

ESC Cake
ESC Cake
8 years ago

If the serhat & valentina thing happens i will cry with happiness

Paul D.
Paul D.
8 years ago

That Valentina Monetta and Serhat duo is happening omg

8 years ago

I feel bad for San Marino in the voting saga ! They should have 2 juries one of music people and one of randomly selected public jury for the televote ! I don’t like that other counties and having there votes counted in this small nation ! Where is the respect for sovereignty to this beautiful nation ! Plus I’m looking forward to the song on hoping for a good one that will qualify and be on the left hand side !