She has a mountain to climb on May 13, knowing full-well that Germany has finished last back-to-back at Eurovision. But Levina is an optimist and hit back at naysayers in an interview with German regional daily newspaper Augsburger Allgemeine published today.
In the interview, Levina tackled Jamie-Lee and Ann Sophie’s consecutive last place finishes: “I’m not even thinking about coming last.”
Indeed she’s aiming a lot higher than where “Ghost” and “Black Smoke” finished.
“My goal is the top third of the scoreboard,” she said.
Germany hasn’t finished that high since Roman Lob placed 8th in 2012 with “Standing Still”.
From the interview, it seems Levina may already be thinking about her career after Eurovision and what her result on the scoreboard will mean for that.
“Even if it does not work out so well, if some of the people in the industry I’ve met continue to find me good, then maybe I can get something out of it.”
There is a long way to go before the Grand Final though, and Levina is steeling herself for the long days and nights ahead with gingerbread, and her childhood teddybear as a companion.
“The days are probably going to be so long that I’m just going to fall straight into bed. I’m taking a book though I don’t think I’m going to have time to read! I’m taking gingerbread for emergencies, and Struweline my childhood teddybear!”
The Eurovision Song Contest is a jungle, so it’s probably a good thing she’s bringing a bear along for protection.
With the release of her album Unexpected today, it’s one less thing for the star to be concerned about before she takes the stage to perform “Perfect Life” live in Kiev.
“The title is about my surprise victory at the national selection and everything that’s started,” she said in the interview.
Levina starts rehearsals for the Grand Final next week.
top 3
PFF obvious top 2
The song has really grown on me, probably thanks to Levina’s lovely personality. But still, I just can’t see this getting into either the public’s or jury’s top ten in most/any countries and that’s the problem. It’s so middle of the road, it will probably be between 20th and 15th in most countries… and that won’t get them any points.
I would be very surprised if she made it out of the bottom 3 or 5.
poor girl, if only you knew…
Well, that’s spirit, go girl, ”I’m not afraid of making mistakes..” ! 😀
Unfortunately, I imagine her song could easily serve in opening and closing credits for some teen drama series, not for ESC.. I don’t think that she will be without any point, it’s still decent song.
Having listened to the Eurovision album today I’m struck by how many songs sound the same this year, there’s a homogenous and slightly mournful tone to the whole thing when you hear them back to back. Unfortunate given the diversity theme. In that sense I don’t think Levina’s song stacks up so badly (not much of a recommendation however).
I know right? Too many countries tried to be radio-friendly but they ended up sending bland songs with no chance to stand out. Italy, Belarus, Hungary, France and Portugal are celebrating musical diversity in the best way, as their entries have a strong identity. But countries like Cyprus, Denmark and Serbia completely failed at this.
Please stay realistic, the best scenario is finishing in the Top 15, not higher. Perfect Life as a whole, is a very weak song that leads straight into nowhere, I wouldn’t even be surprised if the score is lower than Jamie-Lee’s. And if that happens, Germany should really rethink the whole selection process, the times were Stefan Raab has used his magic are over.
France seems to have their game face back after some lousy results; and with the exception of Emma Marrone’s out-of-breath performance in 2014, Italy has done consistently well… …If Spain reopens their Pastora Soler/Ruth Lorenzo playbook, they might find themselves back in the game, but after the scandal of this year’s national contest, they may need a huge overhaul if they want to get back to the top-half of the final standings… …If the U.K. can’t find the top-half of the table, they may need to try it the MF way, and organize a multi-week contest, to give the people… Read more »
“We salute her spirit!”
Well ain’t that some shade…
Sure Jan
Germany’s Levina has a problem: the song she’s singing is too high-pitched for her voice. If the key of the song is lowered, she will do better. We shall see. I just watched the UK’s Lucie Jones perform on “The Graham Norton Show:” Lucie is beautiful, but I’m worried that the song will fall flat, coming across as “boring” in the Eurovision final. Combine that with the “Brexit effect” and I’m honestly worried that the UK will come 25th or 26th this year. Spain might do very badly indeed, but my cynical tip for last place in the final is… Read more »
No matter how logical it is, it looks bad to have, say, 4 direct qualifiers in the bottom 5. Will they change the system at some point? I can’t think of a better solution but this situation seems unsatisfactory.
Can you give me some input regarding how a failure would be received in the UK? What’s the main story line, so to say?
The general UK public see Eurovision as a joke anyhow; a failure wouldn’t affect them. They would still treat the contest as a joke and enjoy it all the same. The UK media would probably blame the result on Brexit and start asking “what is the point in our money supporting this any more?” But then the media would all remind itself why it loves to hate to love Eurovision, and the story would blow over and no changes would actually happen. The reality is that the BBC has hold of all the reins at Eurovision in the UK, which… Read more »
The last couple of weeks I’ve tried my best to wrap my mind around the British attitude towards Eurovision. I’m not saying the pessimism towards the contest or the UK’s role in it is unjustified, but how anyone can disregard the event as a joke is beyond me. Eurovision has become its own unique genre of entertainment, and shouldn’t necessarily be measured against more traditional art forms.
I’ve become needlessly absorbed by the UK’s fate in Eurovision after having listened to all of Graham’s commentary on the contest. I’m rooting for him. ^^
About the “Big 5” situation, obviously money still pays for a slot on Saturday night TV and that is an unfortunate reality. I’m not a financial consultant, so I don’t have suggestions on how to better distribute the costs of the event. The ideal scenario would be that all countries should have to qualify the same way, but that would mean the financial structure of Eurovision would have to be radically reformed.
I don’t think Lucie will have an abysmal finish. Every few years the UK manages to send something good (2011, 2014 and now 2017) and thus make the top 20. Lucie herself is making an effort in regards to promotion and many fans are warming to the song. She’s one of the best vocalists in the competition and her song allows her to show her voice off. As a successful actress in the West End she’s a far more current and relevant act than other British ones sent to the contest. Brexit won’t be a big problem considering how the… Read more »
I’m expecting the UK to snatch 50+ jury points and 20ish televotes from Australia, Denmark and Ireland. Spain will also get some cute televotes, and Ukraine is the only song the rock fans will cling up to (also the immigrant/ex-Soviet factor). All Germany has is a terrible song… won’t be surprised if they don’t hit double figures.
I disagree with the part abou Ukraine coming last due to politics. Ukraine’s entry is weak and it is obvious that they are focusing on preparation for the hosting, and not on the performance. They really made history with 1944 and they made a statement banning Russia from the contest. I am sure they are relieved to be passing on the torch…
You gutes should listen to her album! It has many songs on there that are much better than perfect life. Great album! She is a cool artist!
Lol, the first video is not available in… Germany 😀
Amazing. Germans really know how marketing works. 😀
There’s a GERMAN of the EPK available here in Germany! ;))
They went bilingual with 2 different EPK versions. They are smart!
If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.
As much as I like her as a performer, I don’t think she has a serious chance of reaching the top eight (or even top ten). If she actually finishs in the top third, it will be the most surprising top ten finish since LT United in 2006 (based on betting odds).
ok so what top third means?
is it that she wants to be in 1/3?
that means top 8 or top 9?
She only needs 12 points to do better than her fellows Ann-Sophie and Jamie-Lee to do better than both combined! 😀
Nice to see she has the Titanium spirit going on for her
that’s… brave
Underrated song… At least she is brave enough to defend her great song and voice! Go Levina!! Surprise them all!
She’s got the voice and the looks to do well at Eurovision…but sadly the song is Flop 3 material. She deserves better.
Well, she won’t be getting last place and the infamous 0 points–that honour will go to Manel from Spain. 😉
I believe so too. Levina has more likability.
No points from Portugal?
38 countries must withdraw if she expects to finish in top 3
“Top third” doesn’t mean top 3, I hope you know that
I don’t think so, darling
Between a bad song and strained vocals, does she really expect to get points at all?
What will the Germans do this year to top the trees with frickin’ laser beams attached to their branches?
Sweden will win! Not Italy… Italys song is not contemporary…
What does that have to do with this post?
so from wich time era would you say the italian song is…?
Are you already butthurt by Italy’s very likely victory to the point that you have to post the same thing in every thread?
Right…and 1944 was contemporary? Or even Sergey’s song that would fit best for 2005-2008?
Gabbani is GOD!
Also, where’s the article for Magellano?
@Davve: Neither was “Rise Like A Phoenix”, and it won. What’s your point?
Italy is going to win deserved, cause the rest of the songs sucks so much this year. Nearly everybody singing in english with songs by international producers.
Azerbaijan spents millions of euros for its eurovision entry.
Won’t watch this years final for the first time, cause its going to be the worst ESC since 2008. Except Italy’s entry all songs are generic
Hungary, Portugal and Belarus aren’t generics. France has a good song (the full French version). But I agree, the majority are boring.
I’m disappointed with Bulgaria, I hope at least the backing vocals are from there.
I don’t understande countries like Germany, Slovenia, Lithuania, San Marino…if they don’t have nothing good to send, why don’t they sing in their own languages at least?
Wow she’s delusional – this song is incredibly boring. She’s an amazing performer – but even she can’t give life to this rotting corpse of a song.
She may get a shock then.
Maybe not last, but bottom 3 definitely for Germany this year! :/
Well she might come second to last with Spain coming last.
Either way she’s not going to do well.
Maybe it’s possible… Last year, everyone said about Belgium’s song that it sounds like “Sax” and it was low in both bets and for example YouTube tops but in the end it finished 10th
The power of staging and being “in the right moment.” What’s The Pressure made a great way to close its semifinal and open the final and it was a feel good song live.
It wasn’t my favorite at first but I did see the appeal when it was live.
Funny that the most ambitous comments came from Levina and Manel.
I like her album and Wildfire is my favourite, she would have a chance with that song.
Perfect Life is the worst in the tracklist. I hope she will be back with a better song one day.
Honey that me be your goal but it won’t be your reality