It’s been a long day but the end is in sight! The final group of acts hoping to iron out their performances include Iceland’s Svala, Czech Republic’s Martina Barta and Cyprus’ Hovig.
Iceland: Svala “Paper”
During her second rehearsal Iceland’s Svala unveiled her stage costume, which consists of bulky white platforms, shiny pleather trousers and a skin-tight white top. A vertical drop from her neckline to her stomach puts her ample assets on fine display, and she draws even more attention to her décolletage with silver embellishments across her bosom. Her cape — which resembles translucent curtains — adds to the visual feast, as it flows with her movements and whenever producers unleash the wind machines.
Svala no doubt scoffs at Coco Chanel’s advice to always take something off before leaving the house. She wore her hair in a dramatic top-knot pony tail, and added two extremely large gold earrings, which our Portuguese blogger compared to horse hooves. Try getting through airport security with those on.
The LED is largely the same but features one very cool Matrix-like moment when a series of green beams shoot out like a fan from behind Svala, before turning to white beams and repeating. It adds some much-needed dynamism to the background.
Svala, “Paper” Second Rehearsal at Eurovision 2017
Svala, “Paper”: Performance Preview
Czech Republic — Martina Barta, “My Turn”
Go for gold, Martina! The Czech star had some of the most surprising staging of the first rehearsals, pairing her classy jazz number with some truly modern visuals. Her performances remains calm, minimalist and futuristic as she walks the stage in reflective gold lamé. In the opening bars of the song she struts down a gold runway, which spreads out to fill the entire LED floor. When she turns to face the camera, the colour pink sweeps up toward the screen, eventually revealing the semi-naked people from her music video. This remains elegant and engaging — and just might sneak through to the final.
Martina Barta, “My Turn” Second Rehearsal at Eurovision 2017
Martina Barta, “My Turn”: Performance Preview
Cyprus — Hovig, “Gravity”
Talk about a grower! During his first rehearsal Cyprus’ Hovig really struggled with his choreography and seemed unable to find his balance as he landed on one foot. Well stumbles be gone! Today he introduced new moves that saw his dancers holding his feet and helping to suspend him as he walked across a line. That line, we now see, creates the illusion he’s walking a tight rope in mid-air and poised to fall. Their crouching dance moves now make complete sense and add suspense and drama. One of the most amazing shots comes when Hovig lies on an LED of clouds and sky and the camera shoots away. He’s a man in free fall on the screen — but not at Eurovision. Today’s work suggest he’s in with a shot at the final.
Svala’s my favorite, although I wish she kept her Illuminati earrimgs from the music video.
I just have that feeling that Iceland may withdraw next year if they don’t qualify! And maybe a few other countries too
Iceland’s best ever entry – Silvia Night – Congratulations, 2006.
Please come back Silvia, Eurovision misses you and the people of 2017 will now see the humour and talent!!! You were so ahead of your time.
I think Iceland and the Czech Rep have little chance of qualifying.
Hovig on the other hand, is really impressing. It is not the most original song or staging but he performs it much better than expected. I think he could get through.
Iceland: Nothing really changed apart from Svala’s outfit! Still a bland, boring performance! Czech Republic: I really liked this performance! It seemed the same as at the 1st rehearsal! However, we had the chance to watch a clip on youtube (Eurovision channel) with the camera angles etc! I really liked the distant shots! Cyprus: The 2nd biggest improvement after Belgium today! Everything came together this time! The choreography made more sense! Hovig is more used to the stage and he’s more confident about his moves throughout the performance! He’s way better at the choreography but he needs to master it!… Read more »
Anyone with the result from the press poll today? Thank you. 🙂
Island: good voice, very weird dance, little bit amateur dancing
Czech Republik: I like the song and singer, staging is boring and folium costume not very nice.
Cyprus: good voice, the song is not my cup if tea.
Cyprus was much better today but the staging is very Sergey Lazarev mixed with Loic Nottet. I still think it looks really good and I have belief back that they can reach the final. Czech Republic and Iceland come across as boring, they won’t qualify
The Czech Republic was the best here.
Iceland had good vocals, but the staging was very dull. It needs more movement.
Cyprus too needs more movement on stage. This is the type of song that constantly needs things to be exploding, jumping or flashing. That just wasn’t happening.
^ delightful
Both Martina and Hovig can carry themselves on stage especially towards the end. They both gave a delighful performance.
Cyprus to final , Czech Republic and Island no chance
It’s still quite boring and Svala’s vocals seem to have lost some of their edge.
Czech Republic:
It’s a beautiful song and a very nice staging. I’d want them to make it to the final and I think there’s still a chance for them to do so.
It’s much better than on Monday. However, there are still too many parts when actually nothing is happening.
I’m still a fan of Iceland.
I don’t see/hear any flaws vocally, really. It’s a pop song and of course it’s pretty autotuned in the studio version, but in my opinion she’s doing a great job.
And honestly the song is good enough as well as the act itself odd enough for people to vote for it. I’m pretty sure it’ll qualifly.
Kudos to Czech Republic: nice song, great voice but small budget. Still modest but very good performance.
Svala was amazing. Grand final for Iceland! 🙂
Slay All Day, setting the stage on fire with a great performance from Svala. I hope so dearly she will just run through the semi and into the final. WINNER!
These three are going to be hard to get through. What were they thinking when they put them back to back?
They were probably thinking “oh let’s just get these out of the way before Latvia closes.”
Czech Republic chould have been more creative. I do not like the official video.
Martina is a great singer and her song is OK too…..but the background….meh.
i pray for Cyprus not to go the final because it’s a cheap rip off of Human by Rag’n bone man and the staging is Russia 2016 and Belgium 2015.
Totally agree.
That’s one way of looking at it. Another way is to see it like this: Somebody tried it first, others liked it and followed and thus it became a trend. Works in all the arts, including music, cinema and of course fashion as well. What you call a rip off can be called by someone else, an influence. That’s how trends and movements are created and I’m sure if it didn’t have to do with Eurovision and qualification to the Final you wouldn’t give a damn. Robotic dancing etc are not a trademark of Loïc Nottet just because he did… Read more »
For Cyprus, there’s this cute moment when the two dancers play “pass the Hovig,” so it’s like Hovig becomes a play doll for them to chuck about. Neat idea. 🙂