In 2010 he represented Israel with his touching ballad “Milim (Words)”.
And last week Israel’s Harel Skaat had a few more words for LGBT youth in Israel, telling them not to enlist in the Israeli Defence Force following a government petition to the Supreme Court that opposes moves to ease adoption by same-sex couples.
As the Jerusalem Post reports, current laws allow same sex couples to adopt children but heterosexual couples are prioritised. In fact, only three same sex couples have successfully adopted within Israel since 2008, as opposed to over a thousand heterosexual couples.
Thousands have gathered in Tel Aviv to protest the government’s petition. Many Israeli celebrities have echoed these sentiments, none more so than Skaat who posted an emotional reaction on Facebook.
“The day will come in a few years that you will have to enlist in the army and do your part,” Harel wrote. “As an Israeli who loves his country and is proud to be a Jew and talks about that around the world, who served proudly in the army and whose boyfriend is an IDF major who serves almost a month out of the year, I call on you not to enlist in the army!”
But he went further than military service, suggesting that those treated as second-class citizens should behave as such to send the government a message.
“And you know what, don’t pay taxes either on the money you will soon be earning. Basically any requirement the country asks of you — ignore. Because that’s what they do to you and the equal rights that are due to you.”
Skaat’s explosive comments reflect the sentiments of many within the LGBT community in Israel, which is vast. Last month Tel Aviv Pride Parade attracted around 200,000 people and the proposed legislation would be a huge setback in the push for equality in the country.
Harel came out of the closet in 2012 and spoke with wiwibloggs at World Pride in London that year. It marked his first time performing at an LGBT Pride event.
Speaking of his gay fans, he said: “I love them and I appreciate them and I thank them for their support — now and before I came out.”
“It was a really good experience to stand there on that stage — the first time I’ve been to a gay parade.”
In 2010, Harel Skaat placed fourteenth with his song “Milim”.
The song was a fan favourite, placing second with OGAE, ahead of “Satellite“, the eventual winner of the contest.
It also won all three Marcel Bezençon Awards in 2010 and is the only song ever to achieve a clean sweep.
Mattias Sollerman – ”Critics of same sex parenting tend to point out that children brought up by biological parents do better on average than those who were separated from their parent/s shortly after birth. But this is clearly not an argument against same-sex adoption, but rather against surrogacy.” I agree that surrogacy is horrible. Nickc – ”Robin, just out of curiosity, is it a ‘polish’ ip address that these “roommates” are sharing? Just a shot in the dark…” Why do you think Poland is different than all the other Eastern countries, and did you try to understand that adoption is… Read more »
Georgia, I ha’ve nothing against Poland, all I know, or rather suspect, is that the person using multiple identities to spread homophobic propoganda is an individual named Charles from Poland
OK. The main thing is that I would not rely on adoptions. The biological mother can say she had post-natal depression when she signed the documents, and to be fair, she has a point. Is very hard to adopt.
Robin, just out of curiosity, is it a ‘polish’ ip address that these “roommates” are sharing? Just a shot in the dark…
I get him being upset about LGBT rights, but isn’t his advice a bit dangerous to Israeli youth? Isn’t military service there obligatory and not something one can choose? I’m sure that if just ‘not enlisting’ was an option, many young people would prefer to stay civilians. If someone chooses to listen to Skaat’s advice, unfortunately they might be looking at jail time under this circumstances. 🙁
Well, he’s also telling them to “not pay taxes” and “not obey other obligations”, so he seems to be entirely fine with people going to jail.
The Israeli people are far ahead of their government. The latest polls show an 80% support for same-sex marriage. Oh well, we have the same problem in Italy.
The same people trying to spread their homophobic and heteronormative attitudes in the comment section, as usual. I have a feeling it might even be one person with multiple accounts. How pathetic.
Agreed. I respect different opinions, but especially in an era where LBGT people are subject to violence more than ever, I find these comments utterly dusgusting
Katy – if anyone is jugdmental and pathetic it is YOU!
What is homophobic with telling the fact that a lot of ESC fans are STRAIHGT? That one is really ored with those gay arrogance claiming “t is OUR contest” blah blah…:THAT is actually HETEROPHBIA. Not better!
If I am homophobic (hah!) beause I like to stress out the fact that lots of fans are straight….well, I am happy tbe one!
Get a grip!
The idea of multple posts by the same user is ridiculous….atually, there must be one more than one intelligent reader here!
I feel like you are just making up stuff. No ESC fan ever said that the contest belongs to gay people. I think you are the one who needs to chill and stop being so obsessed over reminding us that there are straight fans. Cause that’s what you do all the time and no offense, but it’s annoying. Okay, we got it, there are obviously straight fans as well. And to be honest, I don’t care about their sexuality. What unites us is the music. Wiwibloggs posted this article because it has to do with a former ESC participant. Not… Read more »
Katy – I am chill…. 🙂 I can inform you – if it really matters – that I have a lot of gay friends. I don’t actually have any problem with gays / lesbian at all. And I am in favour of liberation. And I don’t “segerate” people (the way some people seem to do; incl. gay fans) What I – and obvously many others – DO have a problem with is how some fansites tries to “make” ESC a gay thing…as if all fans are gay / lesbians etc. It’s becoming annoying. And not inclusive. And Wiwi is –… Read more »
Charles, you do realize that more than half of weblogs team is gay, right? If you are a proud homophobe, would you consider finding yourself a more hetero website that only discuss music and leave us alone in.our pink fluffy world?
Nickc Seriously….here you come across as extremely selfobseed and arrogant. Pink fluffy world….what is that! Don’t you realise that many fans are straight. Well, do we destroy the joy for you gay people then. because we also love ESC?? Come on….ESC is for EVERYONE…straight, gay, lesbian, bi…whatever. What unites us is our love for music and the competion…NOT sexuality! And why shoiuld we “leave you alone”…maybe you should leave US alone….You try topo preach tolerance…ends up as the intolerant one….practise what yyou preach! And yes…that is the problem….too much gay focus on some of the ESC fan sites. Because it… Read more »
Kermit, I am not the one who has an issue with gay, straight, bisexual or asexual people. I take pride in being inclusive and non discriminationatory. I do not feel bored or disturbed when wiwibloggs report on gay, or straight Eurovision stars. Can you say the same?
The Israeli government is so far behind the public’s opinion. According to the latest polls, over 80% of Israeli people support same-sex marriage. Oh well, we have the same problem in Italy, so I kinda understand them.
The scientific consensus is that children of same sex parents fare no worse than others. In a 2015 meta-study by Columbia Law School, 75 of 79 scholarly studies found no correlation between the well being of the child and the sex or sexual orientation of the parents. Later studies corroborate this. In addition, there is no reason to believe gender identity, sexual orientation or gender roles develop differently in children of same sex parents. Critics of same sex parenting tend to point out that children brought up by biological parents do better on average than those who were separated from… Read more »
Exactly! Also, the countries that allow same-sex couples to adopt are usually the richest and most advanced ones. I don’t understand why people from certain countries want to ~defend their traditions from the West~, like, you’re a third world country, check your priorities.
Who cares? ESC is not LGBT world! Still the same articles.
I agree Loll…stupid connection
Why this ESC- gay link all the time? A tiresome cliche! A lot of us are straight men. or women. We get bored with it
so you can enjoy harel’s singing this amaizing song..I’m sure you will not find it boring…..ENJOY
So true Kermit
Nobody forces you to read the articles of gay interest so you don’t have to bored. “I am bored” in this context is the same as saying “I am a homofobe”.
Yeah…if so, one is homophobe because one doesn’t like the colour ppink as well! 😀 Just as relevant! Yes, I like the colour pink btw
That must have been the stupidest analogy that I have ever read or heard… Which actually proves that homofobia is generated by stupidity like yours
Kudos to Harel.
The Israeli governments likes to flaunt the LGBTQ rights and gay culture in Israel, but when push comes to shove they always give in to the vocal Orthodox minority.
The LGBTQs are good enough for promoting tourism to Tel Aviv and showing off how liberal we are, but not good enough to be acknowledged as the contributing citizens and equal human beings they are.
That’s true.
It’s homophobic as the law basically enforces a curtailment of rights for LGBTQ Israelis. Israel is a lot better than many countries in this area, but it’s no Scandinavia.
Well well well….. That’s an endless debate. Even in countries where gay people can adopt not everyone agrees and respects these families. I will mention France because it’s my country. Actually a lot of people would consider gay couple with kids as different and not equal. The government is also not helping. Adoption for gays is allowed but it’s a way more difficult and harassing procedure. So it’s not because adoption by LGBT couples is allowed that your country is respectful of your rights. So yes, the Israeli government is going a bit too far now, but that will not… Read more »
*** see my comment here ^^^
and ISRAEL IS AMAIZING COUTRY FOR THE LGBT COMMUNITY. YOU CAN BE SURE OF THAT !!! and for minorities and for everyone !! Even for it’s enemies (wounded syrians treated in the coutries hospitals on behalf of out taxes in a very good way)… Israel is amaizing country for all it’s citizents. If all the coutries of the world could be as half as good as Israel…
dealing with adoption cases, the governments do not deal with rights of certain groups rather with privillage given to parantes who stand in very high standards (and the list of them is long). It’s not about preventing rights. It’s all about wanting to reasure that the chuld , who is in a frigile condition, will have to most easy way, the govermnt can provide him/her, without conflicts, as much as it is possible. Sorry Harel but you are very wrong this time. By the way, his boyfriend, idan Roll is a hottie, sweet and caring man. But still… they are… Read more »
and ISRAEL IS AMAIZING COUTRY FOR THE LGBT COMMUNITY. YOU CAN BE SURE OF THAT !!! and for minorities and for everyone !! Even for it’s enemies (wounded syrians treated in the coutries hospitals on behalf of our taxes, with most expensive treatments)… Israel is amaizing country for all it’s citizents. If all the coutries of the world could be as half as good as Israel…
You’re disgusting.
I’m Israeli and I can’t believe this is actually happening… When will all the people here have the same rights??
*** see my comment here ^^^
who cares 😀
Everyone. (or at least everyone should)