The Eurovision Bulgaria Twitter account loves to tease. Recently they’ve been giving out hints of the 13 songs competing in this year’s internal selection process. But things have just got a whole lot more interesting.

Earlier in the week, BNT revealed that a “returning artist” was involved with one of the 13 entries. This sparked off much debate and speculation amongst fans, who tried to figure out who it could be.

But today @bg_eurovision has dropped a hint that has made things much simpler — and a whole lot more complicated!

In a tweet, BNT listed all the top five acts from the past six Eurovision Song Contests who can safely be excluded from being part of the Bulgarian selection process.

So that’s a definite no to the Russian Grannies, Kallay-Saunders and Måns Zelmerlöw, among others. But who does it leave? Just seven artists:

  • Conchita
  • Emmelie de Forest
  • Kristian Kostov
  • Loreen
  • Poli Genova
  • Sergey Lazarev
  • Zeljko Joksimovic

Of the list, the two Bulgarian acts seem most likely. While it’s been less than a year since Kristian Kostov represented Bulgaria at Eurovision, perhaps he’s ready for a second shot. Or is Poli Genova aiming to better her fourth-place finish from 2016?

From other countries, fan speculation has focused on Loreen and Sergey Lazarev. We know that Loreen was looking to make a Eurovision comeback with “Statements”, and with a new look and new sound, is she looking for a new platform to relaunch herself? And there’s long been talk of a Eurovision comeback for Sergey, but has he decided to do it with friendly Bulgaria instead of Mother Russia?

Or could it be time for the Serbian star Zeljko Joksimovic to make his third Eurovision appearance? While all the Bulgarian songs are in English, the multi-lingual Zeljko would surely be able to handle Bulgarian.

Then that leaves 2014 winner Conchita and 2013 winner Emmelie de Forest. Both have been busy with their own music careers and neither seem all that likely to return to Eurovision singing for Bulgaria. However, last year Emmelie did make an appearance at Eurovision, as the writer of the British song. So Emmelie has shown that she’s happy to work with other countries — at least as a songwriter.

Which returning artist would you like to represent Bulgaria at Eurovision 2018?

Which returning artist would you like to see singing for Bulgaria in Lisbon? Have your say and vote in our poll. As always, you can vote for as many acts as you like, but you can only vote once — so make it count!

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7 years ago

Another vote for some bulgarian Comebacks, but last time i looked there still was a chance that Lazarev is working with Kirkorov again (and how could anybody forget the moral obligation to Yuliya Samoylova …). So i also opted for Sergey Lazarev.
On the other hand i agree that a songwriting involvement is just as likely.

7 years ago

Here is the thing. The returning artist won’t be a winner. Winners won’t gain anything more if they compete for anoher country. Also, even if they wanted to participate again, they would do it for their own country. So, Conchita, Emmelie de Forest and Loreen are out. Next, Sergey Lazarev wouldn’t participate with Bulgaria. He was definitely disappointed when he lost to Jamala in 2016 and if he wanted to return he would do it with Russia again. Last but not least, as much as I want to see Zeljko back, I don’t think it’s him. Why? Because he would… Read more »

Lucky stranger
Lucky stranger
7 years ago

Serg has better things to do than represent some country rather than his own

7 years ago

I want Bulgaria to win some time soon, but I want their win to be with Poli.

7 years ago

Wishing, hoping, praying for Poli Genova! #PoliGenova2018! Absolutely LOVED her song back in 2016! 😀

7 years ago
Reply to  blondboybc

Overrated song

7 years ago

Poli or Kristian. Bulgaria doesn’t need any foreign singers. It isn’t a good idea. I voted to Poli

Roy Moreno
Roy Moreno
7 years ago

I can’t vote, it’s just way too hard 0.0
But hmm is it sure that the returnee is a top 5 singer?
Couldn’t it be anyone else? Like 14th or something?

7 years ago

Let’s see, I think it’s easy… It’s obvious we can cross off the list Conchita and Emmelie de Forest. That’s just crazy. Of the remaining five, we should put away Zeljko Joksimovic because he doens’t sing in English and the 100% of the submmited songs are in English. Now, we have only four candidates, so we should ask ourselves: why they are returning and why for Bulgaria? We don’t have a solid answer for Loreen, she’s not going to represent Bulgaria, that would be too random; neither for Sergey Lazarev, he could go for Russia, no need to represent Bulgaria.… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Héctor

I only think Emmelie is crazy because I don’t think Bulgaria would send an artist from another country. I think Emmelie would be open to going back if a country asked her.

7 years ago

Okay, so they said that there’s 1 returnee and 2 international artists right? How do we know that the returnee is an international artist then. And if you’re international isn’t it required that you perform with a Bulgarian artist as well? I thought I heard that somewhere. Anyways, I don’t think any of these international returnees would actually come back as a singer for Bulgaria (and I hope they wouldn’t), it’s definitely either Kristian or Poli, but I’m leaning more towards Kristian. Maybe Emmelie is a songwriter or something but I don’t know.

7 years ago

Poli or Kristian. Either one will bring Bulgaria to a Eurovision victory for the first time! 🙂

7 years ago

Many say Kris or Poli can’t be because it’s too soon. I wonder what you think about Lena 2010/2011.

7 years ago
Reply to  sonia

But Lena won

7 years ago
Reply to  Mark

Loreen won and fans are asking what she wants now.

7 years ago
Reply to  Mark

And Poli and Kristian both had top 5s.

Poli also loves the contest. And Kristian is ambitious.

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
7 years ago

inb4 it’s some flop from the 00s

7 years ago

Well, irrespective of who this turns out to be, this is one great marketing campaign! There is so much going on in other countries, some have even revealed the contenders’ names. Yet the most exciting Eurovision thing happening now is the BNG game! I even reinvigorated my long forgotten twitter account to stay on the top of rumours! Well done, Bulgaria!

7 years ago

Sergey Lazarev should be ruled out.
And I really wonder how BNT even thought of using his name for this game.
He is a super star that in 2016 was appointed by RTR to represent Russia. For what reason should he take part at a selection process of another country when he can easily represent our country next year?

7 years ago
Reply to  VlaD

Putin will not allow this !!!

7 years ago

Why would Loreen, Conchita or Emmelie just represent Bulgaria? They’re all famous singers in their homelands, and have already won once. If they would want to return to the contest, wouldn’t they try it first for their own homeland? I’m 100% sure that the returning artist is not Conchita, Emmelie or Loreen. A return of Kristian would be unlogical as well. I wouldn’t mind if he returns in 2020, or 2021, but in 2018, it’s too early for a return, especially when he was already a favourite in the last year’s contest. This would mean that everyone would have high… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  KESC

I think BNT has already said in their twitter that it isn’t Sofi Marinova. I think it’s really something between Kristian and Poli, but I really hope it’s Poli. #TeamPoli

7 years ago

You wrote that Conchita won in 2015, but in fact she did in 2014 🙂

7 years ago

Was Loreen really looking to make Eurovision comeback with ‘Statements’ ? Wasn’t it just Bjorkman’s wish to have such grand artist in Melfest line-up ? I believe Loreen said in one of the interwiews, that she wasn’t thinking about Statements as Melfest-winning song. We can probably exclude her from this list as well

7 years ago
Reply to  Ugnius

No it was her wish. She wanted to make a “statement”.

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
7 years ago
Reply to  pasi

She ended up leaving a testament of her career. Bloop!

7 years ago
Reply to  Ugnius

Loreen only confirmed her participation in Melodifestivalen 2017 like a day or two before the artist announcement press conference, (kinda like this year when Alcazar got kicked out last minute because someone else confirmed), so I don’t think she really cared too much about getting to Eurovision.

Marcus (Day One)
Marcus (Day One)
7 years ago
Reply to  Ugnius

I thought it was because her record label wanted her to compete.

7 years ago

It’s like Murder Mystery Dinner, but with songs instead of victims (then again, sometimes the songs can in fact be seen as victims 😉 ).

Maybe the person we’re looking for will only be involved as a songwriter. I think it’s quite likely that Emmelie de Forest has submitted one of her songs (that didn’t end up on her EP) to the Bulgarian broadcaster.

Tomás Patrick davitt
Tomás Patrick davitt
7 years ago
Reply to  M_K

Yes good call. I think this is it.

7 years ago
Reply to  M_K

But why didn’t she submitted to Dansk Melodi Grand Prix? That’s strange. I think it’s either Poli or Kristian.

7 years ago
Reply to  Erasmus

She submitted a song to the UK’s national final last year (and won), so I don’t think it’s crazy that she would’ve sent a song to a different country. Many songwriters write for countries they aren’t from.

7 years ago

I think it is Sergey Lazarev, but I dont think it would be a smart move from BNT, since they will be involved in the every year Russian ESC drama and this would probably lower their chances

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
7 years ago
Reply to  Tihomir

And many Bulgarians don’t have a favorable opinion on Russia anyway.

7 years ago

The opinion about Russia in Bulgaria is bipolar. From one side we like Russia and consider russians as brothers, also we are grateful for the help from Russia for the liberation of Bulgaria, history and stuff. On the other hand most people dont approve Putin’s policy and hated the time during communism. Anyway this doesn’t matter for ESC. If it is Sergey Lazaraev and even if he have the best song in the world, people will think that BNT is choosing him only to steal some points from Russian fans. So from a strategic point of view it is not… Read more »

7 years ago


7 years ago

Bulgarian broadcaster should be stupid to hint that Lazarev would ever take part in their selection. They should exclude him from the list.
He is a super star in Russia that was appointed by Russian national broadcaster. How could he just take part in a selection process of a much smaller country?

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
7 years ago

The final choice might still end up being a non-returnee though, so don’t get your hopes up too much!
Conchita would be awesome. Just, because. 🙂

7 years ago

Poli. And among those it’s Poli or Kristian, I don’t see any other.