One’s an Australian Idol runner-up named as a game-changer by Vogue Australia magazine. The other’s a Let’s Dance winner who loves sharing pictures of delicious pasta on his Instagram story. But now Australia’s Jessica Mauboy and Sweden’s Benjamin Ingrosso have something in common: They’re the favourites to win Semi-Final 2 of the Eurovision Song Contest 2018 in Lisbon on May 10, according to bookmakers UNIBET.
They top the odds at 7/4. Australia has an excellent track record at Eurovision, placing second in 2016 and Sweden’s reliably impressive stage show should light up the arena in every sense of the phrase. Returning Eurovision winner Alexander Rybak rounds out the top three on 7/2. The Netherlands and Denmark round out the top 5 favourites to win Semi-Final 2 on 5/1 and 14/1 respectively.
The top ten is completed by Russia, Lativa, Ukraine, Georgia and Hungary. You can see full results below:
For many countries however, the main priority is making it into the Grand Final, and worrying about winning once you got there. So for them the odds to qualify matter more.
If the current odds are replicated in May these ten countries will qualify from Semi-Final 2: Sweden, Australia, The Netherlands, Norway, Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Denmark, Latvia and Serbia.
That means Moldova, Hungary, Romania, Georgia, Malta, Slovenia, Montenegro and San Marino are out.
The non-qualifiers currently include perennial qualifiers Hungary and Romania. It would also mean a second year in the semis for Malta.
Full Odds to Qualify are below, with countries set to qualify marked in bold:
Sweden 1.05
Australia 1.08
Netherlands 1.08
Norway 1.14
Russia 1.2
Ukraine 1.2
Poland 1.3
Denmark 1.44
Latvia 1.5
Serbia 1.6
Moldova 1.85
Hungary 1.9
Romania 1.9
Georgia 3
Malta 3.5
Slovenia 3.5
Montenegro 4
San Marino 8
The announcement of running order this morning is likely to shake things up on betting markets so keep your eyes peeled for more odds updates soon.
*Odds accurate at 14:11CET
Waylon rocks again after the common linnets. Up to the finals with a rock edgy spectacular performance. 12 points! ROCK IT MAN!
I going to semi 2 and am dreading both Sweden and Norway and their inevitable qualifications. Truly insipid trashy empty music. I only pray the quality songs of Ukraine and Denmark qualify x
no love for slovenia 🙁
Ogae Spain results:
Italy 1 point
Germany 2 points
Belgium 3 points
Czech Republic 4 points
Sweden 5 points
Australia 6 points
Cyprus 7 points
Finland 8 points
France 10 points
Israel 12 points
I don’t really follow OGAE results but its surprising (in a good way) that Spain didn’t give any points to Portugal 🙂
Well the song from portugal is Beautifull so ftom spain I send them lots of love.
thx for the explanation, I wondered what the fuzz was about in some comments
lmao all this cheap tricks to fit a certain topic & get hype based on this lool ))))))
I do like Netta. She seems cool & not one of those aggressive SJWs I see on interwebz so often.
Hey, there’s a mistake. According to the picture, it’s Hungary who qualifies, not Poland as written down later!
Sweden, Australia & Norway on top of this list ??? What a joke. Three extremely boring, dull and definitely overrated songs. Would be great if they don’t qualify. This would bring some fresh air to the competition.
It makes me sad to see how other countries in this semi are trying to send something different, authentic and yet struggle to qualify, while this generic boring overrated plastic soul less c*ap always wins.
And it makes me sad how others try to downgrade these countries and slag them off as overrated, all in order to make their countries better.
Denis: I agree!
I agree for you David & Denis.
I agree too! 😉
Australia, Sweden, Ukraine and The Netherlands will qualify. Not very confident about the others.
Sweden’s Benjamin Ingrosso tries to sing like Justin Bieber and tries to dance like Michael Jackson and the video clip is inspired by Justin Timberlake but filmed in the 90’s.
Can’t stand that voice very weak. The jacket thing i and the way he wears it in performance is so so so annoying.
I really hope Russia doesn’t qualify, as it is so mediore and some much better songs could qualify in its place
Russia doesn’t need to try this year and they will still qualify???
dream on 😉
Kremlin will make revenged war in Portugal as result after rejected in Eurovision 2017 yesterday.
I think Hungary and Serbia should be switched around but that otherwise sounds fairly accurate.
I’m almost certain Hungary will qualify
Hungary will definitely qualify rather than Latvia (funnily enough, Hungary is my winner and Latvia is my last place), and Serbia will have a tussle with Slovenia, Montenegro and possibly Georgia on their hands.
So we Can make good money betting on Hungary, it’s what you’re saying.
100% Agree
Count me in. Add Belguim and Cyprus to that list also.
God help, please not, Australia is utter crap this year. Is disrespectful to say the least! Take that girl out of the poodle amd give it a rest. Show some respect to Eurovision next year!
Well, thank you for following me. I saw almost all entries in a single sesion and this one just stood out as the cheapest and most shallow. It’ s just my opinion, and I’ m intitled . You have other opinion and I don’t mind that.
Also seeing how the juries gave them an enormous set of points last year while receiving only 2! from the televoting makes me angry, I admit. I feel like they are cheating at the blockstarts.
That was only last year. There was a massive discrepancy between the points.There wasn’t a big difference in jury and televote the previous two years. I think Jessica will get more televotes than the mess last year.
In my humble opinion she is weaker than last year’s but she will still get those jury votes again.
I find Azerbaijan, Iceland, Moldova, Norway and Slovenia cheap. Probably Norway is the most annoying in my opinion.
I agree with that too, no problem
I agree. This year Australia is so disappointing. The song is so generic, it sounds like it was composed by a computer. It has no soul.
Composed by a computer but performed by a charasmatic singer with soul.
My favorite remains Georgia. Very clever song, good harmonies. Nostalgic and modern. So underrated.
You’re not alone. I absolutely love it. My favourite internally-selected song this year.
My least favourite along with Iceland
I Love it too.
Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla …. and bla bla bla bla bla…. and i forgot : bla bla bla bla bla ??????? youre all soooooooo funny ..
Why the hell is Latvia doing quite well with the betting odds to qualify? Personally I think it’s a definite NQ. I think either Ukraine, Sweden, or Australia will win this semi but I don’t think any of the semi final 2 songs will win Eurovision.
I agree with your thoughts on Latvia. I don’t mind the song but I don’t see how it qualifies.
Oh, come on… Again Australia and Sweden. I feel like we have sth similar each year.
Looking at the odds, I’m fine overall. However, I would like Moldova, Montenegro and Hungary among the qualifiers.
I am going to remember this kind of shady behavior very well. They must teach some really questionable journalistic integrity at Harvard.
the message had not to be said,if the message is not right.Look this blog is not just a random,we-can-do-anything-we-like ish one, since they started trading sweatshirts ,tshirts etc. If you are a commercial blog you have to play within the rules. You have to be transparent ,you can’t favor sth- unless you get bribe! Writers of this blog are earning money via us! They have to treat as we accept :TRANSPARENT OBJECTIVE AND FAIR. Nobody has a right to say :”this is my blog its none of your business” it is not your blog anymore since you made it commercial… Read more »
Standing by for a smart reply from team Wiwi….
Hungary will qualify!! For sure! But I’m not so sure about Romania.
Eugene i agree with you ahundred percent. Did you see how William answered a negative commenter: ” If you don’t want to see articles about Israel then don’t look at them and scroll down’ I am literally shocked how presumptous and arrogant he is.
What is wrong about what he said?
This is THEIR website and they can write about whatever they want and even change their name to if they wanted to. I don’t know how an innocent video of girls escalated to this.
If us readers don’t read and support this blog they are nothing don’t you get it? They HAVE TO be polite and know their places that’s all.
Polite or not, the message had to be said. Not interested in something? You don’t have to comment about it. As logic as that and I don’t know a way to say in a more polite manner.
The message had not to be said,if the message is not right.Look this blog is not just a random,we-can-do-anything-we-like ish one, since they started trading sweatshirts ,tshirts etc. If you are a commercial blog you have to play within the rules. You have to be transparent ,you can’t favor sth- unless you get bribe! Writers of this blog are earning money via us! They have to treat as we accept :TRANSPARENT OBJECTIVE AND FAIR. Nobody has a right to say :”this is my blog its none of your business” it is not your blog anymore since you made it commercial… Read more »
As long as there are no other blogg that we, the esc-fans choose, wiwiblogg has the oppurtunity to do as they want.
you can still watch the video on youtube. i don’t know what the comments were. for me it’s hard to watch. i just see a school discussion and i’ve outgrown that a bit.
the Israeli song is just fun pop song, i don’t think it’s as controversial as Israel wants it to be. To me as a man being harrassed by his female boss, the whole #metoo movement is actually quite hypocrite. We’re all people and power changes you. Gender has nothing to do with that…..
Thank you! I hate metoo movement because of that, and that video just makes me sick, thanks god that most of Europe isn’t on USA level of those kind of opinions. And I also think Netta wasn’t thinking in that way at all. Those girls shouldn’t listen to “Hollywood” stars, because all they know is money. They should listen to their self, I mean one girl said that she was harrased because she was playing basket as a girl, I agree that’s not right, but it’s also not right that boys are harrased when they want to dance, I know… Read more »
I just watched the video and I agree with Eugene that it seemed to be staged. I find it very hard to believe that 11,12 year old kids would say these sort of things unless (a. They have staunchly feminist parents or (b. They were told to say those sort of things by Suzanne. So many strawmen and so many stories that make me think of poorly written Hollywood movies than (presumably) middle school in 2018. I mean, there are plenty of immature jerks in middle school, but I find it hard to believe that they would be this blunt… Read more »
Was there comments about the young girls? Then perhaps it was a god thing to remove the article?
There were a few, but I think that specifically in this case it’s important to moderate your comments even more considering the circumstances and the fact that the girls can read.
Overall, just try to be positive.
I could start a blogg were I promote some artists. Wiwibloggs are not representing media i general. They are free to act hos they want. So are you and I if we start a blogg. And if prople write things we don’t like on our blog, well then we are free to erase it. Calm down : )
To be fair, Malin has a point. It’s not like Wiwibloggs is “media” in the traditional sense. It’s a group of (very) passionate fans creating content.
Ok, but if William or other at wiwibloggs thougt that the critical views were right. Was it not good if they removed the article?
You want a noble prize then? Don’t like it here? Go elsewhere where your favorite countries are are covered in articles.
Predictable odds…Sweden could send a blue and yellow cow and still qualify. Australia will get through thanks to juries…Ukraine through on teen/gay vote…Denmark qualifying thanks to GoT, LoTR, Viking fans….Russia in thanks to sympathy votes….the rest are less predictable…much depends on live staging/delivery. Not a big fan of most songs in this semi…Semi one so much better!
WTH about the article that was deleted.
People just have to be salty over an article of young girl reacting. You don’t like it, skip on. Keep your jealousy and hate for yourselves please.
Empowering woman is so cool right now though
Freedom of speech is so post-soviet…gawd!
I was agreeing with you Eugene. Of course I would put freedom of speech above everything and I believe I need equality for all but in ESC 2018 female empowerment is the go to topic this year. Israel is doing it, Australia tried to do it, but it’s just a cheap marketing ploy to promote the song, get the people on side and for the song then I be real relevant.
I see Poland & Ukraine will help Hungary. Ukraine is not Eastern Group again & stand with Central Europe with Poland & Hungary also Georgia & Slovenia.
So Central Europe & Ex Yugoslavia Country + Georgia will help each other.
Poland will help Hungary also as Populist/Right Politic Group.
My prediction of chances to qualify at this time:
Australia ~100%, Sweden ~100%, Ukraine ~100%, Norway 95%, Neth. 90%,
Hungary 85%, Poland 80%, Denmark 70%, Moldova 55%, Latvia 50%
Russia 50%, Montenegro 45%, Malta 30%, Serbia 20%, Romania 20%,
San Marino 10%, Slovenia 10%, Georgia, ~0%
My prayers are that juries will grow a spine and won’t let Australia and Norway qualify. I don’t care about my country, I just want these fraudsters put to rest.
Place your bets on Hungary y’all because it IS qualifying.
Yeah, I mean, what are People thinking? Between all these ”boring” Songs, it’s so sticking out! Most Juries will say ”Hvala, ne!” to this but I think they could score extremely high with the televote. High enough to push them through.. This is the Kind of song that can also convince People that are not usually into metal/rock, because it’s waking you up at least. I would bet on them, but I don’t do these Things so… Nah.
Exactly! AWS is going to the final.
Meny seems to worry about Hungery. When that’s the case maby there is noting to worry about ? If not everyone that writers thatis from Hungary if you understand what I mean.
i heard that sweden doesnt have money and considers skipping the contest next year
heard it too, their budget is tight
That will never happen (hope they don’t leave) but Sweden lives for Eurovision and they are a wealthy country that continue to score top results. They won’t leave, even if SVT is struggling another broadcaster would take over.
Melfest and Eurovision is some of the most watched tv in Sweden. It must be still April 1st where you’s are.
Don’t worry. We love our national selection Melodifestivalen more than Eurovision, but if we would win, well then we will hoast.
I love Sweden in Eurovision. Always in my Top 10. Granted, since you guys last won, the entries haven’t been on strong from but I still have them in my Top 10 every year a son they are still songs I listen to outside Eurovision.
I’m torn about you guys winning again though haha because my country will lose its record if you win again but at the same time, I love Swedish songs
All Wei you really don’t like sweden. I allmost wan’t to invite you so you can get a new picture of us. What do you say ; )
Where are you from?
Jag kommer ignorera honom/henne från och med nu. Han/hon är ju avundsjuk på Sverige. Benjamin är så bra. Jag hoppas på minst en topp 5 placering för Sverige.
For Bell Bättre att ignorera om du blir arg. Bell, många har mycket emot Sverige, svenskar och våra bidrag år för år. Det är bara att acceptera. Sedan får vi ju acceptera att andra inte tycker dom oss. Det betyder inte att de hatar oss lika lite som vi hatar de vi inte gillar. Något vi ksn göra för att minska att människor inte gillar Sverige är att berömma andra och då betona att är svenskar. Många tycker att vi är malliga för att vissa svenskar inte ksn bete sig. Nu ska vi se fram emot eurovision och vi svenskar… Read more »
Malin, Tak for your nice reply andyou have misunderstood me, Im sorry for that!! I Love Sweden and it peoples!! I only dont like the self indulgent attitude you have towards your eurovision entries for the last 9 years and I also dont like and use ikea stuff!! thats all!!
Ok, I think it’s importen that we are allowed to love our act as long we are respektfull toward others. Sorry if we sometimes mait be tooo proud so we use wrong words and have a bad attitude. : )
Can I come?? I’ve wanted to visit Sweden for years! Love your history, culture, food etc
Oh too bad, because Hungary will qualify…. Wether you like it or not, it leaves a very strong Impression! In a semi with so many mediocore Songs, this will stick out so much. And it’s not a wannabe rock entry like Ukraine last year, it’s actual Quality.
Sweden Will win This semi, Russia and Ukraine Will round up the top 3. This is the more diffucult semi I think, a lot of these entries work better live (Moldova, Romania, Latvia, Malta and Hungary for example)
I think Denmark, The Netherlands, Poland, Ukraine, Hungary, Russia, Moldova (cause the Running order), Norway, Australia and Sweden Will qualify, with Serbia, Latvia and Romania following closely behind.
Sweden and Netherlands are overrated.
Their ESC lobby is just too strong, so they get rave reviews and top marks even when they send mediocre song.
Imagine other countries sending their entries. Do you think they would qualify? Probably not.
If anything they are underrated. Hungary on the other side is very overrated.
Sweden, belarus, Ukraine or Cyprus are overrated!! All medium songs, no artist charisma or geniric song!! Why Nld’s!! Good artist with his own song, can really sing live!! Why all hate against Nld’s!!?? No ESC lobby here in Nld’s dude, Poland if that qualifies against their own meager live efforts on the national slection!! Thats ESC lobby!!
You are a such Sweden-hater. Stop with your jealousy against Sweden.
Calm down and respect eachoteher. It must be ok to have diffrent taste Bell and All Wei. ESC is fun. I think the boath of you should go and sing ”love,love, pease,pease…” and take a deap breach.
Ödmjukhet Bell
Tak Malin!! I dont hate anybody, but i might dislike songs!! I love the ‘peace, peace, love love’anthem and thats from sweden 2015 isnt it?? Your Petra is one of the best ESC presentors EVER!!
Ödmjukhet Bell (translation please !!)
groetjes uit de Lage landen ;-)))
Ödmjukhet means that a peason shoul be humble. I think. I’m not so good in English, althoug everybody think that all sweeds are that. : )
ok, thats well understood here. And I get that!! Dont say sorry for your skills in english, Its how it is!! Unlest we arent able to communicate than we might have some problems!! All the best!~~
Dear Belle i dont hate your country, I only dislike some of your songs. And Im not jealous as we have a better taste in music and our chairs dont collapse after 4 years!! Peace xx
A kiss for you for beeing respectfull now.
I tried to be respectful all the way. I excercized my freedom of expression right stating that I didnt like the swedish entry. Another person started accusing me of being hatefull!! Tak for the kiss and hugs back from the Outlaws In ‘Em
ESCaltor. I think the opposit. I think if an other coutry would send our song the resultat would improve. I am from sweden and it is so many that duslike us of diffrent reason and write so much bad things everywere. I think that has a negative inpact when in comes to voting.
i have to state like so many others did before…i strongly believe that hungary will qualify.
I actually can see Hungary not qualifying. It is to out there to really impress. To different. As for Romania it is quite forgettable.It could pass with good staging but it needs a lot of work
As for Sweden and Aus no surprises there. It is the only of those countries that could reach top 5. And it’s safe to say they will reach it.
I personally would love Slovenia to qualify, it is a decent good song!
My top 10: 1. Sweden 2. Ukraine 3. Poland 4. Australia 5. the Netherlands 6. Latvia 7. Slovenia 8. Denmark 9. Russia 10. Malta/Hungary countries that I don’t want to qualify: 11. Montenegro 12. Norway 13. Georgia 14. Romania 15. Moldova 16. Serbia 17. San Marino prediction: 100% in the final: 1. Sweden 2. Ukraine 3. Australia 75% to be in the final: 4. Norway 5. the Netherlands 6. Poland 50% to be in the final 7. Denmark 8. Hungary 9,10,11. Slovenia, Malta, Latvia 25% to be in the final 12: Moldova 13. Romania 14. Serbia 15. Montenegro 0% to… Read more »
I think Sweden, the Netherlands, Poland, Australia and Ukraine will qualify in 100%.
Hungary is surrounded by neighbors that will vote for them, but they never vote back because Viktor Orban tells them their neighbors hate them. Shame on you Hungary.
Never vote back?
Hungarian telovoting:
2017 final:
6 points to Romania
5 points to Croatia
2016 final:
12 points to Ukraine
Yeah shame on Hungary cause the viewers vote for actual good songs not for a song just because it was sent by a neighbouring country.
What a pathetic comment.
And I’m sure you’re against diaspora votes lol
I see Poland & Ukraine will help Hungary. Ukraine is not Eastern Group again & stand with Central Europe with Poland & Hungary also Georgia & Slovenia.
So Central Europe & Ex Yugoslavia Country + Georgia will help each other.
Poland will help Hungary also as Populist/Right Politic Group.
Are you tatally idiot!
Would be so mad if Hungary didn’t qualify. By far the best one in this semi final.
Now Moldova are in the top 10 of the semi to qualify!!! Get in!!!
The odds are ridicolous…
We MUST go through! Also i have a feeling that maybe Romania will catch a spot in the grand final…
I really think it’s weird that odds are not in Hungary’s favor. I for sure think Hungary will qualify. I personally hate the song and don’t like this genre of music, but I think it stands out and will find enough people who like something different in Eurovision. Plus, there isn’t much else in this semi to go through, so…
Sweden will win the 2nd Semifinal
AUSTRALIA to win, really? O_O What is there to even like about that offensively basic song???
Sweden’s high odds are less of a surprise. Sweden always to well with oddsmakers and they have a good chance to win the semifinal.
Sweden and Australia are my two faves so this is good news. I predict both will be in Top 5
Hungary have a awful song. Its not go to the final
I agree! It’s Awful.
Your grammar is awful
Agree strongly with your statement. I don’t get why so many people like it
Because it’s a great track 🙂
Because the song has more depth and musicality than anything that Australia has sent in the last 3 years. Yes, I am Australian and I’m throwing shade at my own country.
I think Moldova will be instead Latvia in final.