Eurovision 2019 is less than five months away and the preparations in Israel haven’t stopped for a minute. Last week we published an exclusive post about the stage and the technical plans and now we have even more specific details and revelations regarding the stage, the lighting, and those triangles.

In recent days KAN has published a new set of tender documents and requests for proposals for the different aspects of the show (lighting, sound, rigging, pyro, security, etc.), in which we found what is planned for the main stage and the green room. Get ready for about 1,000 square meters of LED screens and 300 triangles on stage. Scroll down for the full details…

The return of LEDs

In our previous post we already revealed that video content is back this year after its absence in 2018, when LED screens weren’t included in the Lisbon stage design. But now we know exactly what the stage will feature:

  • The main screen on stage will be 450 square meters (Roe cb5 4500 nits, or equivalent in weight and quality).
  • An additional 432 square meters of side screens (cb8, or equivalent in weight and quality).
  • 100 square meters of the floor will be covered in Roe black marble bm4 glass (or equivalent in quality).

If you don’t know what all of these technical terms mean, you can relax. Neither do we! But thanks to the Google we’ve now figured it out.

The Eurovision 2019 stage will have about 900 square meters of LED background and another 100 square meters of video content on the floor.

We can compare that to the recent Eurovision stages:

  • 2018 – No LEDs. The stage floor was 460 square meters.
  • 2017 – 1000 square meters of LEDs (160 square meters of LED floor)
  • 2016 – 600 square meters of LED screens on the walls and 250 square meters on the floor.
  • 2015 – 350 square meters of LED wall (and an additional LED floor).

We would just like to mention the exceptional Eurovision 2009 that had a record of 2000 square meters of LEDs on stage in Moscow (obviously not every host country/city can afford to pay for such a huge amount).

300 Triangles on stage

The triangles motif was revealed back in November, when the Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth published that Eurovision 2019 stage will feature moving triangles inspired by the Star of David.

Then, in early December, fans were talking about a stage design speculation after they saw a Facebook photo of the production crew that included some stage sketches in the background.

Today we can confirm that the stage will indeed feature 300 triangles, as KAN’s document states that the request is for 300 units of “Triangle aluminium frame 250x250x250 cm”.

If we done our math right, that represents about 900 square meters of triangle realness. We still don’t know how they will move and what they can do on stage, but we hope to find out soon.

Other stage specs

The ceiling in the main hall will feature 2760 units of Roe led strip 60cm with black diffuser (or equivalent in weight and quality). A quick calculation brings us to 1656 meters of led strips.

Other details we found in the video specs are 14 rear projection screens and frames (400×250) and projectors, which we guess are for the audience and delegations screens across the venue, in addition to the 20 TV screens (65″) that will be in the dressing rooms and the press centre.

1630 meters of Pixel neon flex will be used by the production in the main stage and the green room, but those might be just to mark around borders of the stage and mark the way on the floor from backstage to the stage etc.

The Green Room

The green room this year will be located right next to the main venue, just a few steps away, in a similar way to how it was back in 2013.

Other than the delegations and a few thousands of fans in the hall, there will also be a lot of LEDs there as well, as the documents states:

  • Green room screen behind sofas: 300 square meters of Roe cb5 4500 nits (or equivalent in weight and quality).
  • Green room across the holding area: 240 square meters of Roe cb5 4500 nits (or equivalent in weight and quality).

The Green Room ceiling will have 700 units of Roe led strip in variant lengths with black diffuser (or equivalent in weight and quality).


It was recently published that the winners of the lighting tender of Eurovision 2019 are the light designers Dakar Azulay (LightVision) and Ronen Najar.

But what lights will they use? KAN has published the full list that includes a total of  2726 lighting fixtures, which is quite similar to the amount from last year in Lisbon (2632).

The main model on the list is Ayrton MagicBlade FX. The request is for 900 units of it, which is about 1/3 of the entire light design of the set. Here’s a demo of what those lights can do, and for now you can only dare to dream of how it will look like in Tel Aviv.

In addition to those lights, there is a long list of other models that will be used in Eurovision 2019, some of those models are actually brand new and were just out this year, so we’re curious to see how it will all look together. If you’re curious about what each one is, we’ve attached a link with a video for each one — so light your fire (or light it up?).


In our previous post we covered the aspect of pyrotechnics, but in the recent days some further information has been released. As every year we can expect fire (ground/air), flames, heavy fog, and wind machines. Other than that here is the full list of the pyrotechnics and special effects that KAN would like to have on stage.

If like us, you don’t really know what each one means, just google it or think of it as: “Crash! Boom! Bang!”.

Eurovision 2019 stage will include:

  • 50 Firing positions implemeted into and around the stage.
  • 8 Heavy fog outlets.
  • 2 Professional film studio style high output wind machines.
  • 15 kg of silver and gold confetti for the winner.

When will we get to see the actual stage design?

We can’t really know when the official sources will reveal the stage design, but in recent years it was no later than February.

Last year we found out the stage design in December (5), in 2017 it was at the end of January (31), in 2016 it was on February (15), in 2015 it was on January (20), and let’s hope we’ll not have to wait until April (7) like in 2014.

Since we can see that all the plans have been done by now, it might be in the upcoming weeks, so stay tuned as we will make sure to keep you updated. Is the photo everyone was talking about the actual stage? We will find out soon.

What do you think about the stage plans for Eurovision 2019? Do you dare to dream about it and how does it look in your dreams? Let us know in the comments section below.

Read more Eurovision 2019 news here

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5 years ago

Who are the artists who made the backdrop video art ?

6 years ago

Will this be the original Triangles by KINETIC LIGHTS as seen on all videos or fake ones?

dual lipper
dual lipper
6 years ago

i want oled

6 years ago

Tons and tons of sheer bad taste. But that was to be expected…

6 years ago
Reply to  Alkisti

I didn’t attack anyone personally. But of course, you had to… Good Christmas to you too

6 years ago
Reply to  Alkisti

Nice Festive Season to you too and happy new year

6 years ago
Reply to  Alkisti

Excuse me but the metaphor with the cast and the film is a really bad one… The choice of a cast says a lot about a film, including its quality. It’s not all but a big part of it. What I guess Alkisti was trying to say is that there is a big reliance on LED, which indeed is a matter of taste, as you yourself pointed out in the reply of another comment

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
6 years ago

Thank you Ron, this is an extremely well-written article.
The quantities on their own look astounding, but when compared to other Eurovision contests in the 2010s, it is quite standard. That’s okay though, we (the fans) wouldn’t want to push the country’s public finances into ruin. 🙂
Obviously the 2009 contest in Moscow still holds all the technical records, thanks for pointing that out. I wonder how long it will be until those technical achievements will be surpassed… 2030, maybe?

6 years ago

Thanks for all the information! Does the design include a concept that backing vocalists may be seen somehow or will they be hidden again?

6 years ago
Reply to  Ron Kavaler

In 2014, you were at least still able to see that there’s someone providing their vocals: they stood at the very right corner of the stage.

You might be laughing on me but for me that’s an very important thing. Whoever established this rule, I hate him for doing that…

6 years ago
Reply to  Ron Kavaler

I can totally understand that point. But it wasn’t necessary until 2014 and now they’re even hiding when it doesn’t seem to make sense. Netta’s singers were taken to the stage in the reprise. But they even would have barely seen even in the original performance.

For me it’s just a lack of transparency. Maybe I’m old-fashioned. But that’s one thing I’m worried about and what if that’s a step to pre-recorded vocals??

6 years ago
Reply to  Christian

Hello Robyn, I have big issues with this kind of opportunity since I noticed that countries took more and more effectively use of it. There are many pros and cons but it’s hard for me to accept the status quo.

I’d like to ask where the rules say that the lead singer must be on stage? As I saw, the rules only mention that all singers must perform live on stage but where does it say, that the lead vocalist must be visible?

6 years ago

Wow, thanks for the article! This was so informative, I’m excited about the stage 🙂

6 years ago

Im so happy. The light and leds are so important for an stunning show. Thank you Israel!!

6 years ago

Thank god Israel won. It was obvious they wil know how to make a show.

6 years ago

Im just asking myself if we will have a logo….. Because the logo of 2018 was already revieled in Early Novemver!

6 years ago
Reply to  Bram

So what? Every year has a different timeline, like the example of the set design reveals in the article. There is plenty of time till the show, they don’t have to reveal now anything.

6 years ago
Reply to  Danny

I thought it was great last year that the logo was revealed before the first song was revealed. The logo was then used for the promotion of the song. I remember the previous year In Ukraine the branding was really messy.

Loin dici
6 years ago

Unrelated topic, but when usually will the graphic design be revealed? I expected it to come on December but seems there’re no news at the moment.

6 years ago
Reply to  Loin dici

Actually there was no tender for branding, “design of the graphic package” was found in the tender for the production company. So if I understand correctly, only when the production company will be picked, it will be responsible to hire a studio that will make the graphic design. So I doubt we will see any branding soon. On the other hand, they will have to have it on the 28th of January. So… No idea what’s going on with that.

Loin dici
6 years ago

Looking at the details I wonder how big and festive this stage will be.

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
6 years ago

[inb4 the Illuminati jokes…] I hope that won’t stop the artists from coming up with original and high-energy stagings like the best ones we got in Portugal!

6 years ago

It gonna be epic show!

6 years ago

Already tired with Wieder’s stages. Led, circular stage with led, and led. #innovationallert

Loin dici
6 years ago
Reply to  Esc1234

Well, 2019 won’t be circular, honey.

6 years ago
Reply to  Esc1234

It’s qiet a lot of b*tching considering the fact that the stage design is not even known yet and the fact that most of the stages in our days have LEDs. Are you also angry about the fact that they use moving lights? Or electricity? Does Florian owe you a dollar or something?

6 years ago

And can we please have Eric in the green room? I mean, it seems that with all the hot men that Israel has to offer, they went with this mentalist/magician guy, who’s ok but COME ON what about some eye candy for the core fans? Sweden gets it.

6 years ago

All those lights, they look amazing! Those from the video are simply stunning.
We should not expect less then the best light show in history of Eurovision

6 years ago

after that disaster with stage in Portugal, this is more than good news

6 years ago
Reply to  Maritza

This year’s stage was pretty good, imo.

6 years ago
Reply to  Maritza

You gotta be kidding? The stage this year was amazing 🙂

6 years ago
Reply to  Maritza

I loved the stage in Lisbon. Don’t really understand why people were so negative about it. The fact that there were no LEDs actually made it unique. I do admit though that some of the entries kinda looked the same.

6 years ago
Reply to  Izzy

Norway, Finland and Czec Rep. using the same colours… however I really like the stage in 2018 🙂

6 years ago

It was obvious that Israel is going to Slay Eurovision 2019

Conor K
Conor K
6 years ago

Excellent news, well done Israel! They know how to do Eurovision right, just watch the fantastic 1999 show 🙂

6 years ago

Illuminati confirmed!