In Lisbon, Mélovin rose from his piano-grave on stage. And now Ukraine is gearing up for another year of creative performances and big talent as it searches for its Eurovision 2019 act for Tel Aviv. Now broadcasters STB and UA:PBC have provided some more insight into their upcoming selection show Vidbir 2019.

Not even the financial problems faced by broadcaster UA:PBC can stop Ukraine from finding a way to Eurovision. The broadcaster revealed back in October that it has signed an agreement with private broadcaster STB to assure their partnership – especially when it comes to Vidbir — for the next three years.

With the application period now closed, producers will turn to choosing the lucky acts who will make it to the live shows of the national selection. Although no names have been officially confirmed, STB is teasing us with artists who have applied. We’ve also come across some suspicious YouTube uploads of Ukrainian artists. So let’s find out who we might expect to see in February on the stage of Kyiv’s Palace of Culture.

Vidbir 2019: Possible contestants

She tried to represent her country in 2017 and 2018 – and came second both times. And while Tayanna has stated that she hasn’t fully made her mind up yet, it seems she’s ready for a third try — having told local media as much. Although she was very upset about judge Andriy Danylko’s criticism in 2018, it looks like she has overcome her anger and is ready to take part with a song in Ukrainian. STB is alreading promoting the Vidbir ticket sale with Tayanna…

One of Ukraine’s most current bands KAZKA reportedly applied for Vidbir. They competed in X Factor Ukraine where they made it to the live shows AND they already competed in Vidbir 2018. The band combines an international/modern electro-sound with ethnic elements. Their song “Plakala” (Cry) was a huge success, earning almost 100 million (!) YouTube views. Interestingly, they released the song’s English version only yesterday. Does that mean this will be their Vidbir 2019 entry?

From San Marino to Ukraine! Singer Dontsov tried to make an impact last year at 1 in 360 – San Marino’s global search to find a Eurovision act for Lisbon. He didn’t make it to the final but still wants to do Eurovision – this time representing his home country Ukraine. His song “Gimme” contains some sensual lyrics – mixed with an urban club sound. Will he bring sultry eastern European-vibes to Tel Aviv?

Another act we’ll possibly see in February is rock band MNISHEK. The band features 6 members, the maximum allowed to be on stage at Eurovision. MNISHEK’s musical genre is something between ethno and pop-rock with the soft vocals of lead singer Anna. They’ve even released their potential song for Vidbir “Tuman” (Fog) already.

More rumoured acts in Ukraine are Mountain Breeze who shot to fame through X Factor Ukraine, Dmitri Koladenko, Shain Lee, twin sisters Anna-Maria, Rulada with “The Bee” (who has already managed to get over 100,000 views in only two days), Paul Manandise, Lina Boykova, Leo and Marta Ademchuk.

We won’t find out who made it to the live shows until 21 January at the latest. Then the Ukrainian broadcasters will reveal the candidates who will compete at one of the semi finals on 9 February and 16 February.

Vidbir 2019 judges

Next to the rumoured acts, STB also revealed the judges for next year’s season. Once again Eurovision 2016 winner Jamala will join Eurovision 2007 runner up Verka Serduchka aka Andriy Danylko and music producer Yevhen Filatov to decide half of the outcome of the show. Be ready for harsh criticism and some brutally honest words ( Ukrainian though)!

Natalia Franchuk, Head of the national selection, said: “We are pleased with this jury and we still do not see the need to change it. Each of our judges is a professional, everyone is strong in their direction. They perfectly complement each other. Their ratings and the difference in the views on the best song create a field for heated discussions. Who knows, this year something new will be waiting for us, and our jury members will be unanimous in choosing the winner.”

Who should represent Ukraine in Israel next year? Do you think it’s finally time for Tayanna or do you have another favourite so far? Let us know in the comment section below.

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Circle of Bibles
Circle of Bibles
6 years ago

Ziandzha basically announced she entered a song for Vidbir. She was on the past season of Holos, and became an overnight celebrity in Ukraine, as she is trans. She’s very controversial, but I can imagine her song/participation is guaranteed just for the press alone. We love her!

Also, I’m pretty sure this song UNDER SKIN by Shain Lee will be participating:

Bram Wammes
Bram Wammes
6 years ago

GO TAYANNA!!!! Honestly, she sould have won Vidbir in 2017 AND 2018!!! She could’ve won with both songs!!!

6 years ago

Jamala again? But why? Woman, just stay home and raise your little kid! As an artist she’s amazing, as a jury member she’s awful. Also, Verka in the jury again, too? After two fail entries in the past 2 years I thought the producers will at least change the Ukranian jury members, I mean there must be some other artists in Ukraine. A little diversity maybe…

6 years ago

Listen to the song ANNA-MARIA – “MY ROAD” (EUROVISION UKRAINE 2019), this song must represent Ukraine in Tel Aviv, in my opinion, absolutely fantastic and amazing!!!

6 years ago
Reply to  Alex

It’s very Switzerland 2018, and we saw how they did… Don’t get me wrong; it’s a good song, but is it enough for the final? I don’t think so. I think Tayanna or Kazka will take it this year.

6 years ago
Reply to  Blobby

KAZKA cannot sing live, her live vocals are just awful, like Julia Samoylova (remember her result – not even qualifying?). Tayanna’s songs are so banal, nothing special and interesting, everything about love,love, love, she’s not interesting at all for me.

6 years ago
Reply to  Blobby

And the song My Road by Anna-Maria has nothing in common with Switzerland-2018, totally different songs and artists. So I fully disagree with you. These girls with this song have the chance for the top-5 in the Grand Final, if they add a bright, powerful staging.

6 years ago

Alyona Alyona must wins!!!

6 years ago

I would like ALEKSEEV for Ukraine 🙂 He is the only Ukrainian artist I listen to these days..

6 years ago

I fear they will let Tayanna take part until she finally wins.

6 years ago

I hope Tayanna get judged right this time. Playback…. i dont think so. I like Ukraine but is was not suprised Melovin was last after the jury voting in ESC. I couldnt understand his english. If you cant talk in english , dont sing in it.

6 years ago
Reply to  Rasmus

I think the problem is in the lyrics itself which isn’t properly fitted with the music. I tried to pronounce it, singing along with him but it wasn’t the easy thing to do.

6 years ago

Kazka or Tayanna probably will win Vidbir this year, though i want Hardkiss or Kadnay, but no info about their possible participation yet…

6 years ago
Reply to  Fatima

I think Kazka will win though, Tayanna is quite big in Ukraine, but Kazka are HUGE!

6 years ago
Reply to  Fatima

The Hardkiss and Kadnay will not participate (as they said)

6 years ago
Reply to  Fatima

Yes, the hardkiss! Then Tayanna will definitely be second again(or third)… 😉

6 years ago
Reply to  Fatima

It’s a damn shame Hardkiss aren’t coming back. They absolutely have what it takes to win, but maybe they got discouraged after 2016. I still think they should have won that year… Hopefully they do return some year with a great song.

6 years ago
Reply to  Alex

They don’t feel like they need it anymore I guess and they are too busy touring around Ukraine, announced concerts in some other European countries as well.

6 years ago

Melovin will be there too, but as a guest performer, such a nice reunion…tayanna if you lose again, just blame melovin, he made you nervous. or Danilko obviously…

6 years ago
Reply to  Meliris

You’re evil…lol
Danylko is my fav judge, and i will always love him for being a gardian angel to Mélovin, Andriy keeps protect and support Mélovin , its so sweet:)

6 years ago
Reply to  Kris

Melovin performed Lasha Tumbai at his recent Kiev concert, I wish he had done that at his show in Berlin as well… sieben, sieben 😉

6 years ago
Reply to  Meliris

Danylko’s “Mountain breeze” boys band been guests at recent Mélovin concert, rumors said boys want to participate in Vidbir again, wondering is this conflict of interest for Danylko as their producer?

6 years ago

why They have again Jamala? I don’t think she did a good job the last time she was in the panel…. She voted that stupid band who came 23rd

6 years ago

Tayanna and Kazka are both soooo good!

Roy Moreno
Roy Moreno
6 years ago

Pleaseeee choose Tayanna if she competes!

Oh I've been waiting for this Russian Fla-la-lag
Oh I've been waiting for this Russian Fla-la-lag
6 years ago

Vidbir 2018 had so many diverse and competitive acts. I hope they will have more of this in 2019. Also, will they be lessening the time where they let the juries have their commentaries? It gets boring and unnecessary if they talk to a given artist for minutes.

6 years ago

Change the juries members. In 2017 best song Geraldine sang by ????? ??????? (with armenian origin) did n got to final thanks to vote from Jamala .

6 years ago

I love Kazka a *lot* but Tayanna brought my favorite song to Vidbir in both 2017 and 2018, so I feel it’s her time to finally get the right to represent Ukraine since she already should have had the chance (in my opinion)

6 years ago

Kazka’s Hit is just incredible.
The Ukranian version has even been played on MTV channel here in Spain .
In English it’s still great because it’s an amazing song but it loses part of its magic imo.

6 years ago

Mnishek’s song is really really good.

6 years ago

Kazka sounds very interesting

6 years ago

What were the comments that Andriy made to Tayanna to annoy her so much?

6 years ago
Reply to  OohHoney

I think he said something about how he thought her performance was with playback

6 years ago
Reply to  OohHoney

In 2017 about lack of originality in the song, in 2018 he blamed her for using phonogram

6 years ago

Kazka can’t take part with the English version (“Cry”) of their song “???????” since the Russian version was released in May 2018

6 years ago
Reply to  VlaD

Kazka hasnt russian songs

6 years ago
Reply to  VlaD

Is that a problem? I mean…some people did that before, others just added random English lyrics.

6 years ago
Reply to  VlaD

Original version of the song is in ukranian not in russian

Armen Arshakyan
Armen Arshakyan
6 years ago
Reply to  VlaD

That’s Ukrainian, not Russian. 😉

6 years ago

ok yes Ukrainian I meant. The thing is that their song has been released in May so they cant take part with this song.

Talentina Monetta
Talentina Monetta
6 years ago
Reply to  VlaD

Alekseev did the same thing this year, so I guess they’ll be allowed to enter

6 years ago

True, guees they realised English version just now for a reason

6 years ago

Alekseev didn’t have an official release of the song in May he just performed it in some concerts
They had an official release in May so there is not one in a million they will be allowed to enter with this song

6 years ago
Reply to  VlaD

KAZKA will take part with new song “Apart”.