The Wiwi Jury — our in-house panel of music unprofessionals — continues to rate and review the 41 competing entries of Eurovision 2019. Finally we head to The Netherlands, where Duncan Laurence has “Arcade”. Did we want to put a penny in his slot? Read on to find out!
Duncan Laurence – “Arcade”
“Arcade” reviews
Ron: “Arcade” is just perfect! Now I will try to find some more words to describe it… This song feels like a piece of art, yet it is so accessible. You can feel it, it’s full of emotions. “Arcade” feels so genuine and we know it wasn’t written for Eurovision — that’s perhaps one of its strengths. The verses are so soft and touching and the choruses are so strong and powerful with those anthemic beats. Duncan’s voice is so beautiful and precise. He manages to almost touch you with his vocal cords in each word and each note. I watched his recent stripped-back live performance and literally got shivers. I don’t think I have ever felt that way from a performance in or outside of Eurovision. Game over! See y’all next year in Amsterdam!
Score: 10/10
Angus: The elements of a Eurovision winner are hardly rocket science: right singer, right song, right moment in time. And at last the stars have aligned for The Netherlands. It is a well trodden cliche but goosebumps, shivers and tingles down the spine are all things you can say about “Arcade”. The song rises, the song falls and it truly explodes throughout the chorus. Duncan’s vocal transports you to another realm and in only three minutes “Arcade” wants you to say there forever. Properly excellent stuff from Amsterdam this year.
Score: 9.5/10
Barnabas: The Dutch haven’t let the quality of their songs drop throughout the years and have sent an amazing stallion to Israel! “Arcade” is a current ballad which is fragile, yet heavily packed with emotions. Duncan has both the looks and the voice to conquer, but will he? Personally I’m buying the package and wouldn’t mind a trip to Amsterdam next year!
Score: 9.5/10
Deban: There is beauty in fragility. The Dutch entry manages to court hype, and maintain credibility at the same time. Duncan Laurence’s vocal delivery evokes sensitivity whilst unveiling deep emotional maturity through the lyrics of Arcade. Not many Eurovision songs can make you cry, yet this one does.
Score: 9/10
Lucy: Haunting, beautiful, heart-breaking. Arcade grips you from the first listen, if you aren’t intrigued by the first verse, that power hit once the song picks up with the first “oh”s and “all i know, all i know…” will reel you in. There’s nobody with a voice similar to his this year, and it suits the pain of the song perfectly, both on the soft verses and the anthemic moments. With a mentor like Ilse DeLange on his side too, he has a team who knows how to succeed at Eurovision. I’d be very surprised if we weren’t headed to Amsterdam/Rotterdam next year.
Score: 9.5/10
Renske: The Netherlands don’t have any mountains, but they do have diamonds. Duncan’s “Arcade” is a rough one though. The big risk run is that the diamond appears to be of glass and cracks under the pressure. “Arcade” is a clear vocal challenge and is a song that requires to be delivered with full emotion in every single rendition, which proved to be a massive burden on Jamala in 2016 as well. Tel Aviv won’t be a radio studio and the song won’t be accompanied by a piano only. It’s not going to be an easy game, but the song is at least not a ‘losing game’ in any sense.
Score: 9/10
In the Wiwi Jury we have 29 jurors but only have room for six reviews. The remaining scores are below:
Anthony: 10/10
Antony: 9.5/10 Antranig: 8/10 Bernardo: 10/10 Calvin: 8.5/10 Chris: 10/10 Essi: 10/10 Florian: 10/10 Izhar: 8.5/10 Jack: 7.5/10 Jonathan: 7.5/10 Josh: 9.5/10 |
Julian: 9.5/10
Kristin: 8/10 Luis: 9/10 Lukas: 8.5/10 Mikhail: 10/10 Oliver: 8/10 Pablo: 9.5/10 Robyn: 8/10 Sebastian: 9/10 Tobias: 9.5/10 William: 10/10 |
We have removed the highest and lowest scores prior to calculating the average. This is to remove outliers and potential bias. We have removed a low of 7.5 and a high of 10.
Wiwi Jury verdict: 9.15/10
What do you think of this song? Share your own score and review below!
this is wiwi jury of 2017 ?
No, because they have put Portugal in 23rd and thus failed miserabily.
Ik think a lot of you are gonna hate me but those scores are really exaggerated. I still believe it’s a good song but thé more i hear it the more i get bored by it and for me that’s not a good sign. It will do well there is no question about that, but winning…i’m not that sure. I believe we’re gonna have an unexpected winner
Who do you think will win then?
No idea, but it won’t be The Netherlands
Yeah man. No argument here.
The vibe of “Arcade” reminds me of Lord Huron’s “The Night We Met”, Aquilo’s “Silhouette”, Ben Cocks’ “So Cold”, alt-J’s “Warm Foothills”, The Cinematic Orchestra’s “To Build a Home”, SYML’s “Where’s My Love”, etc., but it’s not nearly at the same level as those songs. In other words, it’s been done many times before and much better. Maybe that’s why I don’t connect with it as much as others do. Arcade is lovely, but a tad over scored in my opinion.
Excellent song! Duncan will surely deliver a magnificent performance on stage. 10 points from Italy.
Who gets your 12? 🙂
Albania 🙂
Imo, there is a about 85% chance The Netherlands or Italy will win this, I think Juries will ADORE and I think this will also take the televote by Storm, but again you never know what could happen…It’s Eurovision.
Am I the only one who doesn’t get the hype around it? Like ok it is an ok song but I don’t see it as a winner. And also as a gay teen I agree with those who say that he is getting so hyped because he was showing his ass on the music video, what a great way to win the gay community. I don’t see a clear winner this year but for me Katerine is my winner as for some people it is Mahmood and for others it is Duncan. (come on, be triggered and don’t forget to… Read more »
Believe me, you’re not the only one seeing the song being so hyped. Plenty of people out there who don’t see the depth of it (his fanbase is so sensitive that they get easily upset, you know, it must be the excess of sensitivity 😀 )
I really like this song and even though it’s not exactly one of my favourites, I’d still not be upset to see it winning, especially because the Netherlands just deserve it.
That being said an average of 9.15 and a 7.5 being the lowest score is just ridiculous. I’d expect a bit more diversity of opinion on such a huge panel. Both this and Italy should sit at an average of 8.5 max.
What do you think is better? Awful Switzerland or Malta? Italy and Netherlands are excellent songs, much above the general ESC avarage
I like Malta’s entry most. I will vote for her this year. I think the Netherlands deserves to be in top 5 though
Sorry Leo, but who are you to decide that? Wiwibloggs panel gave their scores and they are what they are, It’s obviously that they like this song a lot, you cannot decide others people’s tastes…
I like this song, however TO ME this song is overrated and not winning material. Y’all need to realise he will not show his ass on stage lol. There are better songs….
Are you saying that people only like the song because his ass. Crack is that what you smoke you smoke crack?
Nah, I’d be smoking crack if I wanted this song to win.
And again a “Duncan” article with more than 300 comments… Just like Netta last year… Do we have a winner??
i will add 1 more comment to you statistics: it is a phenomenon called hype. it can do much work, but doesn’t last too long 🙂
It wasn’t a statistic honey, i just noticed it.. Maybe you are right, maybe not.. but don’t be so envious dear, you don’t need that.
and why on earth you say i speak out of envy if i say that’s about hype?
Come on girl, don’t fool yourself. You are only here to be negative about Duncan’s song, Read your own comments below….. And we all know that you are doing that because NL is the big favorite to win and could be a threat for your favourite / country…
i don’t like the song, and yes, i really believe it’s hyped. that’s all, it can happen, and believe me, i’m not the only one 🙂
In my opinion, they shouldn’t even be comparing a song with the other songs of this year, when scoring it out of ten. The quality of one song does not depend on the quality of another one! Sometimes William justifies a relatively low score with “I can’t give all the songs a high grade”. Sure you can! If you think each and every song is worth a 7 or more, there’s nothing wrong with that. This isn’t a ranking from best to worst, and therefore ever song could, in theory, get equal grades.
This year has a couple of good songs that are in no sense similar to each other. It all comes down to a matter of taste. You cannot compare Switzerland with Italy nor The Netherlands with Iceland (which in my opinion might sneak alongside). Of the 4 above, I sincerely enjoy this song (Netherlands) and would love to see it win. Switzerland in my opinion is too much a copy paste (of any enrique iglesias summer song of the past 15 years), Italy is very strong and very well brought to market and Iceland… oh well Iceland. Europe loves a… Read more »
Before March 7, I actually didn’t have any song this year that really grabbed my attention. Then Arcade came along and that’s when I knew I was witnessing a masterpiece come to life. The pain and emotion Duncan delivers in his words and his vocals touched the very heart of me, as I’m sure that it has done to many people in Europe and around the world that have watched the video and listened to the song. It will surely touch many more when he hits the stage in Tel Aviv. My head and my heart have been telling me… Read more »
I just love how nobody in here respects other people’s opinions! Geez grow up please? I mean i listen to Metal and rock, and i like this song. Why can’t we just respect that we all have different opinions about songs. Why do we always have to fight over someone’s opinion? If people don’t like it, fine they don’t. It’s not like their opinion will become a fact. If you believe something is the best, then just believe in it for god sake. Just stop with this childish behaviour please!
What A Score!! One of the highest scores wiwibloggs has given. I personally and totally agree this score. This is a great song and one of the best that has ever entered the contest. In the end, this is the song with the most likely chance of winning, and everyone needs to notice that. This is one of the songs that does give winners vibes (one of three for me personally). Everything about this song is beautiful and it has the ability to make you cry. Netherlands 2020 is a real possibility…
My 2nd place of the year and 10/10
I think they compare score because Euphoria was something new, fresh. While also being a great song. While Arcade is great,does itoffer something new? Something not heard in the contest before.? It is not even new for the contest. Therefore the question is what merit does Arcade have to earn that rating? The song itself?
Euphoria isnt of course untouchable but if it’s going to get the same rating then it needs more than just being a great song. It needs to push boundaries
Eurphoria wasn’t something new and fresh at all… This music genre (Euro house / trance) was done many times before 2012.. did it offer something new? NO! it was a very good song in that particular genre and it had the full package on stage, that’s why it won dear Denis. It’s becoming a bit laughable to see how many people are coming up with so called reasons and facts to dissmiss “Arcade”…..
Euphoria was not so innovative musically as you lot want make believe and is starting to feel outdated not resting the test of time
Trh to understand Eurovision you need to see the whole package. The song, the artists ability to deliver on stage and the staging. Loreen and Euphoria had all three and it was magical. A stellar performance. No one has reached that yet. musically it was not something new. It was the whole package.
Helene, I agree the package was a very good one for that year. But firstly, I can not subscribe to this ESC-fan diktat that Euphoria is the best thing ever invented. Before and after Euphoria we had things of the same calibre if not better. For me Amar pelos Dois is one example of that. Arcade this year another, although I agree we have to wait and see for his life performance on a big stage. Second, I don’t think that Euphoria is all this masterpiece that people force you to believe it is, if you hear it in a… Read more »
I can actually agree somehow with most of you. And, funnily, I just had coffee in a café less then an hour ago and they had “Euphoria” playing. “Euphoria”, as a song, was really, really good but definitely not outstanding. However, the full package was superb. The staging was really effective and Loreen did an incredible job. That’s why it was a very deserved winner and really stood out, especially compared to the previous winner (arguably the worst one ever). Regarding the Wiwi jury, it is hard to compare Loreen’s 9.25 with Duncan’s 9.15. First, because the songs are so… Read more »
Trh well it is a matter of taste. I don’t like amor dos pelos. Loreens performance was out of the world. Dancing, singing perfect and great staging with the snow falling. Amor dos pelar is nice but not exceptional in any way. And I love ballads and portugese music. I prefer others in recent years but no one reached Loreen. Maybe Rise like a Fenix was as great.
Indeed a question of taste… And this is my issue. Many people, like Dennis boy, force you to adore Euphoria, as if it were a must to love that song unconditionaly and above all other past and current songs. I like Euphoria, but there is life before and after Euphoria.
Since we already know that The Netherlands will win this contest it’s contest over. And to me the suspense and real interest is now about the other songs and their outcome on second to 10th place in the Grand Final and about which countries will make it into the Final. I leave this song and the eradication of the people not favouring it to you, have fun.
Really strange here – who is Nicky91? –
What is your problem with my unemotional statement.
A song with lyrics so banal cannot have a higher rating than 6.5.
The definition of hype: we’ve been told the song has a wonderful and deep meaning, in blogs and interviews and so on, But then you listen the song and there’s nothing of that. Just a boy babbling of his love for the wrong person.
You are at the wrong article dear, this is about Duncan and not Mahmood.
Someone must tell you Duncan’s fans that hype will blow out sooner or later 😀
Exactly like that.
Delusional Wiwibloggs fan. Whats your favourite Switzerland ?
Oh get a grip, I bet you’re one of the people who think SWITZERLAND and CYPRUS have a shot of winning, just go back to your copied pop music and we’ll keep liking our faves OK Hun ,good.
switzerland and cyprus are averrated too. my favorite pop song of the year is malta. my two absolute tops are italy and iceland.
Unfortunately i think juries will like some polish, safe song like sweden or greece.
Of course, you’re totally right, but still… why should “Euphoria” be untouchable? I mean, it was (is) a really good song, was a huge hit and was a deserved winner that year but there have been many ESC entries since then that I liked more than “Euphoria”
This song is really magnificent. When I listen this, I get an ocean of emotions. Thanks for such a masterpiece, and of course I wish Duncan victory 🙂
I get a sort of Amy Winehouse. The lyrics at places I could swear were hers. I also get a vulberability. Amy’s was genuinely expressed in brilliant lyrics and a unique voice. Arcade is perfectly decent pop with no soul, no emotional depth and the vulnerability feels contrived. I’d still give it 7/10. I’d still give Amy 20/10 but the vulnerability was real, she is gone but always with us and was one more of an immense pool of European (or even English) talent that is simply too good for ESC. Well at least sice Sweden mturned the ESC into… Read more »
I like the song, but I wouldn’t play it voluntarily… But I guess it’s okay, since Amar pelois dos and 1944 are also this kind of a songs you don’t listen in your free time and over and over, but in Eurovision they worked very well and Netherlands is kinda same and might win. I hope tho that some other country wins, cause I support the underdogs usually. So Switzerland, Norway, Cyprus, Spain, Slovenia etc I would prefer 🙂
I just realized that this was already the last wiwjury review. This year I didn’t review all the songs. But I wanted to say that I thouroughly enjoy reading all your reviews and discussions even if sometimes heated. It is goood to know that out there are people that care as much for this contest as I do. Cheers to all.
It’s always great to read what you have to say, L’oiseau. By the way, I loved the “it has peaks and valleys” definition.
Hi Sabrina! Thank you so much. Needless to say I really enjoy to read your take on the songs.
I’ve been waiting for this! Let’s hope his rehearsals go well next week!
The highest score ever in wiwi jury!
Totally deserve the 1st place at this list and at the contest too. Even with a mediocre staging ,”Arcade” is a clear winner!
Yes off courses , even francesco gabbani thought like you .
Loreen had the highest score ever…
Loreen had 5-6 jurors. Duncan’s score created by much more people
The song with its story arrived just at the moment it completely describe my personnal life. It touched me and this is the reason Duncan is and will stay at the first place of my top. Lot of love for you Duncan!
Our official lists are here, but as I have some second thoughts. I might additionally rethink few of my ratings and then share my slightly revamped list in few days. Thoughts?
Maybe you could post your current list and, in a couple of days your revamped list, telling us what motivated the differences….
Wait a minute ! That allegation for Bloggers and vloggers being offered money to hype a song was for what song again?
Maximum a Runner up, Not Winner. Even though I love the song.
Boring and depressing. Next
But this post is not for talking about you, it’s for talking about the Dutch song!
YES! What a great score for a great song! This is the only song this year that has made me really emotional… and that isn’t easy! I have literally nothing negative whatsoever to say about this song it’s just well in my opinion the best Dutch entry of all time! 10/10
This is the only song of the season that makes me cry every time I hear it.
I hope it’s because it’s just that good!
I am not always in control of my emotions, so I cannot explain it. Maybe a scientist can explain. Ultimately it’s the vocal sound combined with some of the most moving chords in music. Also the way the full instrumentation waits until the end of the song to “get” you; that is very effective.
I like it, but I don’t really love it. Not that it’s not great, but I don’t feel myself repeating this on my playlist. Guess taste differ from people to people.
I’m with you on that.
But hey, when the people who don’t *love* your song, still like it…that’s a pretty good sign. 😉
9,15!!! YES!! 😀
I love to see all you banger-addicts buttheard over the obvious favoritism of Arcade. He will win and you will have to endure again a great ballad!
Thank you for getting my point. I don’t understand why ballads are in principle dismissed by many…
i like SOME very good ballads. But ballads have became just a safe place, they have their audience, and they sound repetitive. So i just say i don’t like ballads. And is true in the sense i’m not easily moved by ballads, not an absolute truth. if i list here the reasons why i don’t like this song in particolar i get tons of insults, then i just say is hyped, then get insults too 😀 (because you know, ballads are for sensitive people, and sensitives tend to be aggressive 😛 )
ESC is just a platform. Celine Dion was not successful because of ESC, but because of Rene Angelil (btw, she is so weird now without Rene as manager, just like Mariah without Tony Mottola). IMO ESC is a success because it brings more fame and money to the winner, than before winning. You can’t be above Beyonce because it’s another system, they will never let you take their money to your country (they never heard about) if you know what I mean.
Nobody lower than 7.5?? I mean, I don’t want to argue neither pro nor contra Duncan, but the fact, that in a diverse panel of 29 people, nobody disliked this or maybe gave a 5.5 or sth like that, is surprising…
Same reaction as me. Seems very homo genus
*homogenous I meant
Seems the typo fits perfectly though too
These guys in this blog are just in gay love with Duncan’s ass. That’s all.
Pretty good
Yeah! “Arcade” deserves all the love. Ethereal, emotional, unique and fragile. Duncan’s perfect and delicate vocals plus his impressive falsetto help to take you on a rollercoaster journey full of emotions. The lyrics are meaningful and the video really captures that drama too. It doesn’t need a show on stage, but they need to cleverly staged it in order to grab the audience and their votes. The jury will absolutely love it. That said, I must admit that it took two listens to fully get engaged, it could be because I preferred “I Miss You” (and it would have been… Read more »
Thank you for these wonderfull words spoken and a great top!! We are with you in love and respect!! Greetings!!
Well pleased to see Belgium up there – that song is criminally underrated.
Great top! By the way, ‘I miss you’ is called ‘Wake up love’ Duncan explained in an interview.
Big score, lots of comments, huzzah. Am surprised that the lowest this got was a 7.5. That’s an exceptional level of acceptance across what is supposed to be a diverse pool of jurors. Literally, nobody disliked it or even reacted indifferently to it? Amazing.
Having said that, if I rated songs on a 1-10 scale, this would be a 8/10. I like it but it doesn’t connect with me in the same way that the best songs do this year. It would be a decent winner for sure but as usual, it wouldn’t be my personal winner.
The melody of this song is indeed a masterpiece. It is very rare to have something like this in Eurovision. It has peaks, it has valleys, it has so much feeling… In some moments it sounds like a whisper in other like a cry out. The instrumentation at the beginning is to cry for with its sudden change from piano to guitars. His voice, though not the most powerful, is on point to deliver all this sensitivity and vulnarability, in my ears inspired by James Blake, which is more than kosher. But I have a problem with this song: The… Read more »
Wow, that’s so good reading such an exstensive discription what you experienced with this song!! It provokes things in the viewers, and thats a good thing!! Thank you
Wow. Thanks a lot for that! 😉
grossly overrated
Arcade is good, but compared to all the other songs we have this year…ones which push boundaries and bring different genres to the table…is a solidly good, yet unoriginal “could hear anyone else sing it on the radio” ballad *really* the song that deserves to win? This is probably the most over-hyped entry I’ve ever seen, and if it wins I will be incredibly disappointed. I mean really…is this the successor to Toy and Netta’s message of “choosing different?” I personally don’t think so.
If it wins, it’s because of Duncan Laurence, not because of the song.
I don’t think that’s true. It is still a good song after all. It just doesn’t offer anything special. Yes, it’s emotional, but so are many other songs this year. Those songs are more than just well-produced radio-friendly ballads, and I think it’s sad that this is the one people feel should win. I still respect their opinions, but it’s just kind of disheartening.
Maybe you can be explicit on which songs are more than just well-produced radio friendly and also emotional? Cause to be honest, I can’t name one that fits all those marks you name other than Arcade….
Ktheju tokës, Soldi, Az én apám, Hatrið mun sigra, Zero Gravity, and Sebi just to name a few. They aren’t just generic radio friendly songs. They have something more
Wake up by Eliot fits that description
How come? He wasn’t famous before eurovision.
They’re trying to imply Eurovision fans are only interested because he was naked in his video
Have you not seen the other contestants sing arcade and FAIL MISERABLY?! This song can only be sung by Duncan. He’s not Netta’s successor, but he is Salvador’s. Music is feeling, not fireworks.
Arcade is actually a very easy song to sing. Also, comparing this to Salvador is just a huge disservice to Salvador. I could hear plenty of other people sing Arcade on the radio and get the same feeling, but I could not hear anyone else sing Amar Pelos Dois and feel the same way as when Salvador sings it.
So I guess you haven’t seen the other contestants sing Arcade and fail miserably. It’s not easy to sing, since none of them can quite hit the spot, other than Duncan.
I heard Katerine singing Arcade and frankly it sounded better…….
She was definitely the one who sang it better then the other contestants, however her voice isn’t suited for the song. It was nice to hear, but with her the vulnerability and raw emotion weren’t there.
It’s not because you don’t like it that it’s not a potential wininng song. To be honest I hated (and still hate) Grande Amore in 2015… but still I understood why public voted for this song.
I second that. 🙂 Without this space I would be talking by myself about Eurovision. And without Robyn, some of my comments would be lost in Stranger Things’ void for the rest of eternity!
If I had an avatar, would be a tarsier.

I’m always shocked about esc bubble.
I really like the song, but I’m surprised by the 9+ score, especially with so many Wiwijury members. I remember Euphoria had a 9+ score, but that song is miles above Arcade.
Media and advertising… without them, this song wouldn’t even be seen as a favourite. I wonder how a Eurovision would look like without the song being made public before the contest.
In the old days, when we were young. We saw only the songs on the night itself!!
I know, and I think that we’re starting to loose that special feeling. To not know any favourite, to just wait for unexpected… I think there are still many people doing the same, but today the contest is much more influenced by what happens before the night show.
yah, that what is called the Internet of ALL things!! It is what it is nowadays!!
Maybe you should just accept that the world is changing. And that Arcade has a fan base based on the quality of the song and on nothing else.
Iyo. You can’t compare these songs with each other. Arcade is an uplifting balad, Euroforia was an uptempo posing. Simular: both songs are emotional dedicated songs imo.
Of course it couldn’t end with the filter holding my review for the very last time. Can you save me again, Robyn? Thanks in advance! Spoiler: 9.5
So, who is your winner – Duncan, Mahmood, Zala & Gašper or Conan? If I’m not mistaken, you’ve given a 9.5 rating to all of them. In which order are they?
9.25 to Slovenia, actually, so they’re an inch behind. For now, I would say Duncan would be my winner, because as I stated in my still filtered review, it was the Eurovision song that generated the best first reaction ever on me. Between Conan and Mahmood, my answer would change every time you ask me. Let’s see if staging makes things clearer. And if someone can surprise and join them on this battle.
OK I can see a pattern here. This is so hyped as the potential winner of ESC 2019, social pressure is on the Wiwis to give it high scores. How can not a single one of you give this song less than 7.5? I mean, don’t get me wrong, I like the song and I would give it 8.5/10, but I know many people who think it is nothing special. It just strikes me as odd that not one of those people are represented in your Wiwi gang…. :l
but we never mention Sweden isn’t it!! When they get hyped its quite deserved as its Sweden!!
I am one of those people. Heard it once studio version and that was it. Not a fan but look forward to his performance.
A: it’s a masterpiece
B: their staff is open minded (they’ll appreciate it even if Fuego knock offs are more their thing). They are also creative and critical thinkers. They understand every creative aspect of this song – the metaphors, the instrumental, the emotional draw, the art production, etc.
Its a good song but not that good. Its got the same score as Euphoria and it’s hardly Euphoria, is it.?
It feels common. Yes I know hardly any song this year would qualify as original but this is a generic radio song being hyped up to being something spectacular. This sounds like something from Coldplays back catalogue, from their X &Y album.
That said I love Coldplay and I like this. I wouldn’t mind if it won. It is good. But lets not pretend it’s unique..
I see what you mean and I love Arcade, but let’s not compare it with the early Coldplay masterpieces, please 😉
Now who is jelous? LOL You! Of such good quality that Sweden never brings to the the ESC. It is much better than Euphoria. Just stuff it, other nations can bring much better songs than your beloved Sweden.
And I see “lets’s hate Sweden for no reason” bandwagon is still strong!
Now go and listen to Euphoria, like the rest of us and pretend you’re hating it!
Next time before you open that pathetic little thing of yours that you call brain, know this: I don’t think Sweden is the best in everything. I didn¨t mention Sweden once, unlike yourself who seem to hold an unhealthy grudge and jealousy towards Sweden. Seeing how you can’t wait to post in just about everything how happy you re that Sweden flopped last year.. Me stating my opinion doesn’t mean I think Sweden is better. It’s called having an opinion. Seeing how often you use it without anyone wanting it I’m amazed you don’t know the meaning of it.. I’m… Read more »
LOL Thank you for illustrating my points so well on you and your other aliases and other so-called fans of ESC. Of course you mentioned Sweden by referring to Euphoria and holding a grunch over the fact that are other songs, like Arcade, that are just better. It also illustrates well how you lot are using constantly the jealousy argument. STOP that already. Nobody is jealous of you . This is sickening. I have nothing against Sweden in the ESC or in other things, quite the contrary. What I hate is people like you that think that Sweden and the… Read more »
Blah blah whatever. You sound like a broken record! I don’t give two cents about your “opinions”, nor does anybody else. Because they are useless and means nothing. Like your Life in general I would imagine..
Now go back to the sand box with the the other Children!
So nice… Now the real monster behind your alias is starting to show. Soon you will start swearing at everyone who his not Nordic and doesn’t love the Swedish song and whishing they were dead as you did last year
Now, I would agree with your opinion, but here’s an interesting thing: all of you are saying that this is a good song, that you would rate it high, but you’re surprised that everybody is rating it high. But from that the conclusion might be that everyone is rating it high. What I really find spectacular in this song is the following: not the song itself, but what Duncan is singing it. What’s unique in it is the fact that even though it looks like a 100% radio song that is perfect just as a studio version, the live interpretation… Read more »
We haven’t seen it live so we can’t know if it’s better or the same or worse. We will seen when rehearsal start. The thing is as some say I can¨t really see Duncan singing this in the way I could see Måns, Salvador or Netta singing their songs. It was their songs, I can’t say the same about Duncan. From this year I can more see Mahmood singing his song, or Bilal his song. Therefore those songs for me are more touching even though I don¨t get them. But I am sure Duncan will do well because songs that… Read more »
Stop pretending being so civil and embrace your ugliness: you hate the fact that Duncan is a great performer and that once again Sweden will not win.
It feels like another common pop song but pretending it is deep by being sentimental
you’re right, and i don’t even like coldplay, they’ve always sound cheesy in my ears
So, here’s my final ranking, based only on the official music videos. Might change after the contest, of course. Thank you, wiwi (and especially Robyn) for these weeks of fun and expectation with the Wiwi Jury! 1. NLD (10) 2. GRE (9.0) 3. ICE (9.0) 4. SWE (9.0) 5. AZE (9.0) 6. BEL (8.5) 7. SWI (8.0) 8. RUS (7.5) 9. NMC (7.5) 10. EST (7.0) 11. HUN (7.0) 12. ROM (7.0) 13. ITA (7.0) 14. AUS (7.0) 15. FRA (6.5) 16. IRE (6.5) 17. ARM (6.5) 18. ALB (6.0) 19. CYP (6.0) 20. AUT (6.0) 21. DEN (5.5) 22.… Read more »
Italy 13th place? France 15th place? Malta 24th? Cyprus 19th? Seriously? ITALIE, CYPRUS, MALTA and FRANCE should definitely all be in TOP 10 or even in TOP 5!! Sorry but I do not agree with your ratings
I’ll never understand why people are so shocked that others have different opinions. I wouldn’t even put Cyprus and France in my top 25, but hey, I understand that I’m in minority here, what’s the big deal?
France will definitely be out of top 15. Bad singer, average song –‘ But yeah I’m a bit shocked about Cyprus, Italy and Malta. Everyone has its own tastes and that’s great like this.
And thank you for Belgium <3
Well, Jean-Pierre, that is perfectly fine for me. You don’t agree with my list, I don’t agree with yours… what’s the point?
Per me i primi 3 paesi devono essere:
1. Italia
2. Malta
3. Spagna
Where did you get your diploma in music?