Two ethnic ballads and a banger from Belarus.
Another set of second rehearsals this time from Hungary, Belarus and Serbia. Here’s our thoughts:
Reactions to second rehearsals at Eurovision 2019: Hungary, Belarus and Serbia
Hungary: Joci Papai with “Az en apam”
Joci Papai gives you all the feels. His vocal sounds stunning and it has been paired with an absolutely stellar stageshow. As an overall package this has extreme emotional impact. There is a particularly fabulous shot where Joci walks out over a “tree of life” as lights fill the stage behind them. After that rehearsal, there can be little doubt Hungary is headed for qualification once again.
Joci Papai – “Az en apam”
Belarus: Zena with “Like It”
Glamour gal of the gas pedal! At Belarus’ second rehearsal at Eurovision 2019 Zena was pretty in pink. This felt so much tighter than the first rehearsal, with better camera angles and more purposeful choreography. The pink theme has been amped up in all elements and it adds a youthful quality the production was lacking before. At times it still has urban edge, but it also has touches that make the song accessible for a younger audience. Zena is doing everything she can to get Belarus into the grand final and it shows.
Zena – “Like It”
Serbia: Nevena Bozovic with “Kruna”
The main development in Serbia’s performance has been work on the whirlpool. There was a first run fumble were the effect was overlaid on a wide shot, but that was fixed in subsequent runs. Nevena now appears to cast the whirlpool into the sky and then take full control over it, banishing evil emotions. This is fierce. This alludes to Frozen. This is fabulous. The juries are going to eat it up and televoters will not be far behind.
Nevena Bozovic – “Kruna”
Check out all of our rehearsal news here
Photo Credit: EBU
Serbia staging great still can’t help wondering if the lack of quality in the song might cost qualification
Hungary looks like a qualifier, won’t do as well as 2017 though
Belarus won’t qualify – again poor song
Serbia is just amazing. Like, seriously. You guys were already my #1. Stop being so much better every time I see you!
Hungary was also a very moving performance. Starting to think it is a comfortable qualifier now.
Serbia! Winner!
Serbia slayed
Serbia is kicking ass – its a good song anyway but her vocal is phenomenal !
Serbia wow
I must say this is the first time Serbia has attracted my attention. The studio version didn’t really grab my attention but the staging looks gorgeous!
Hungary – nice vibe, good singer, decent staging, I certainly wouldn’t have any objection to this one going through
Belarus – still a bit hit and miss for me – she has talent and enthusiasm, it just still feels a bit disjointed
Hungary: I love it! Emotion, truth, good song and wonderful staging. He alone fills the whole stage.
Belorussia: better than the first try. I do not like it yet. Maybe it’s just too canned pop. The voice is very annoying.
Servia: I’m not a fan of these ballads with a powerful voice but it sounds good.
Hungary: Nice and solid but don’t think he will outdo his 2017 song!
Belarus: She is great. If only the had a good song..
Serbia. Decent and solid.
Quick review #3:
Hungary – golden tree once again, isn’t it? Joci sounds wonderful, but I’m afraid if the whole package won’t be too boring for the average viewer
Belarus – the performance’s just a one big mess, and what’s with showing the singers from far away this year? Still, damn, she’s got a fantastic voice
Serbia – it really creates an interesting whirlpool illusion, very nice ending to the song, tho I think they could tone down the smoke a bit. And Nevena’s vocals are… I have no words.
These three have all stepped it up, and that’s very nice to see. Well done all. 🙂
Serbia- you’re ready, gorgeous, everything on point Q
Hungary- very nice, one of the best male vocals this year Q
Belarus- could be surprise Q , like it or not, what can I say, it’s karma 😛
Hungary: much better than I was expecting. The black and golden scheme works and Joci’s presence is very endearing to me.
Belarus: If only the camerawork matched Zena’s energy… She’s really bringing her best. Not a fan of the staging or the song, but this seems entertaining.
Serbia: Nevena’s vocals are great, she looks stunning and the staging is also beautiful. The best camerawork I’ve seen on the snippets, the camera pans out when there’s something to show. I feel it’s been overlooked by the fandom.
I loved Hungary – I loved Joci in 2017 and love him now. I will be happy if he qualifies. I don’t like Serbia’s song but the effects were spectacular. Zena, I didn’t like it at all, and I find it the combo of the act and her youth quite disturbing.
I agree I love Hungary. It is spellbounding and feels real. About Serbia. I have a problem with screaming vocals. You don’t need do much to express emotions. Nevena is beautiful but the song makes me wanna leave the room. Zena is unfortenatly not a good dancer. It is a bit awkward to wach. However the outfits are kind of fun.
I am so happy you love Hungary! I think that Nevena tries to compensate her tiny frame with very loud vocals, Nothing against her, but that, and that kind of song are not my jam. True, Zena’s the outfits are fun, but I can’t unsee the fact that she is trying to look above her age and not in a tasteful way. #iwontlikeit. She has a lot of confidence for a 16 yo, I have to give that to her.
Yeah, there is a particular moment in Zena’s performance that I didn’t like at all. I won’t describe 😉
I really liked Joci in 2017 and I like him this year as well. He has great stage presence even if he appears on his own without any effects. And of course last year Hungary was fantastic! Well done Hungary!
vuna je tvoja ljubavi moja
Nevena has a so powerful stage performance…
Joci was fantastic and Nevena too. Love bout of them
Great vocals from all three of them! They look great on stage too!
Nevena slayed.
where is the official second rehearsal videos?? is so late with the uploads, they have one job to do…