Duncan Laurence made history when he gave The Netherlands its first Eurovision win in more than four decades. And now he’s doing something different to celebrate the success of “Arcade”. Duncan’s Eurovision-winning song will be released on a limited edition 7-inch vinyl single.

The A-side of the single will be the familiar studio version of “Arcade”, while flipping over to the B-side will reveal and acoustic version of the song.

The “Arcade” vinyl single will be released later this month, on 26 July. It is currently available on pre-order from various Dutch music stores.

Vinyl used to be the standard format for Eurovision songs to be released on. Indeed, the previous Dutch Eurovision winner Teach-In released their winning single “Ding-a-Dong” on 7-inch vinyl back in 1975.

But times have changed and music technology has moved on. Now Eurovision songs are more likely to be streamed on services like Spotify or Apple Music, or purchased in digital download format.

In previous years, delegations have used CD singles as a means to promote their country’s song. However more recently many delegations have moved to online downloads and electronic press kits. This was combined with the 2019 press centre no longer using pigeonholes to distribute promotional material, in order to cut down on waste.

Buy for those who like physical media, the annual Eurovision compilation album is still available on a two-disc CD release. In 2017, the songs from Kyiv were released in a special edition boxset, including four vinyls, a 56-page book, the usual CD release and digital download codes for the songs. However, there was no vinyl release of the 2018 album and there appears to be no vinyl plans for 2019.

But depending on the success of the “Arcade” 7-inch single, could we see more Eurovision stars who release their songs on vinyl?

What do you think? Will you buy the 7-inch of “Arcade”? Should more Eurovision singles be  released on vinyl? Or is digital the way to go? Tell us your thoughts below!

Read more Netherlands Eurovision news here

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Daniel Rollason
Daniel Rollason
5 years ago

I am a vinyl collector generally and we have collected loads of Eurovision vinyl singles in the past. I have always said that vinyl sounds way better than any other format so therefore I am in awe of the Eurovision 7 inch vinyl comeback.

5 years ago

More news: Arcade has now logged over 60 million streams on Spotify and has gone gold in both Belgium and Norway!

5 years ago

And the fact that of Robyn is not corresponding any of these comments obstinately?

An American ESC Fan
An American ESC Fan
5 years ago

Jesus Chri$t that byline tho

5 years ago

I love how “Ding-a-Dong” gets a whole new dimension after this article. 😀

Mr. Vanilla Bean
Mr. Vanilla Bean
5 years ago

That is top notch journalism. Making me enjoy an article on a topic I don’t even care for.

5 years ago

You mean top notch blogging

5 years ago

A sexual innuendo for something not sexual at all to appeal to gay masses. How clever.

5 years ago

For anyone interested, Duncan Laurence is gonna perform at Sopot Festival (one of major Polish music events, in the past a sort of an Eastern version of Eurovision) together with Lake Malawi, Luca Hanni and a couple of other ESC stars.

5 years ago

Can you get them in Ireland?

5 years ago

I don’t think his vinyl is that long , just saying …..

5 years ago

The headline though 😛

5 years ago

if it would be possible to get from outside the Netherlands, I would love to buy the 7-inch of “Arcade”

5 years ago
Reply to  SIN

In the link above while ordering there was an option for country choice, so it should be possible to ship abroad. Shipping within the Netherlands was 4.45 EUR.
If you can’t sort it out, I could assist you on that.

5 years ago


5 years ago

Byline is a byline.


5 years ago

Phrasing is obviously important but that byline is hilarious!

Loin dici
Loin dici
5 years ago

Yeah, Duncan’s 7-inch must be interesting.

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
5 years ago

the 7-inch pun i-
the world does not deserve robyn gallagher

5 years ago

Hahahaha Robyn! That explanation line under the title…It must be mischief mind of me…