Sergey Lazarev Scream Russian

He is one of Russia’s biggest male pop stars. Through both his songs and music, Sergey Lazarev has melted hundreds of thousands of hearts across the country and beyond.

Outside of his homeland, he is perhaps best known for competing at Eurovision in 2016 and 2019. And now the “You Are The Only One” hitmaker has revealed that he’s up for giving the song contest yet another try.

Russia’s Sergey Lazarev would do Eurovision again

Speaking to at a recent red carpet event, Sergey says:

I can still surprise you, I have something to show. I have many qualities, including musical ones, which I maybe did not demonstrate at competitions in 2016 and 2019.

He has already showcased both his voice and stage talent at the song contest. In 2016, Sergey sang “You Are The Only One” — a pop song that melds schlager and electronic dance. Then in 2019 he surprised with the theatrical “Scream”.

He finished third on both occasions.

If you take a listen to his non-Eurovision back catalogue, you’ll hear that he’s a dab hand at multiple musical genres. He certainly has more to offer the ESC fandom.

Sergey Lazarev will not sing at Eurovision 2020

However, the Russian superstar added, that fresh talent would be better for now. Sergey Lazarev won’t be representing Russia at Eurovision in Rotterdam.

I do not exclude the possibility of going to Eurovision once again, but I declare with all responsibility: this will definitely not happen in 2020. In my opinion, some new names, a new artist should go. I wouldn’t want to single out someone so that they wouldn’t accuse me of partiality later.

Dima Bilan talks a Eurovision comeback

Sergey is not the only Russian legend contemplating a return to the contest.

In October, Eurovision 2008 winner Dima Bilan said that he supports a national final system, whereby the public has a say in choosing the country’s Eurovision act, rather than just handing all the power to the heads of the big television channels.

He said: “If we take the popular vote, then I wonder what the limit is if I go for the third time.”

Would you like to see Sergey Lazarev back at Eurovision? Could he finally win the contest? Let us know in the comments.

Follow all of our Russia Eurovision 2020 news.

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5 years ago

Zivert, please!!

5 years ago

If Sergey goes back, he and Bilan should go back together as a duet, like how they sang Prosti Menya and how both went to Eurovision twice.

But, Sergey, with all of my love, please DO NOT go back to Eurovision!!! Europe already knows you are great, as in #3 great.

Henrikh Mugosa
Henrikh Mugosa
5 years ago

Please, don’t do this to us! Please, NO! 2 x Basta!

5 years ago

Oh please! Enough is enough

Gábor Mizák
Gábor Mizák
5 years ago

Artur Pirozhkov at the Eurovision and 2021 Sergey Lazarev and Dima Bilan return.

Charli Cheer Up
Charli Cheer Up
5 years ago

Scream was too serious..I want something fresh out of Sergey on his 3rd attempt.

5 years ago

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Phoenix has risen
Phoenix has risen
5 years ago
Reply to  Natha

This really isn’t the place to write this

5 years ago

I saw him yesterday at the grote songfestival feest and this man really can sing like everyone was shocked and thinking that it was playback

5 years ago

Shirtless or go home

5 years ago
Reply to  1TruSeer

You want Sergey shirtless like Dima Bilan was in 2008 Eurovision?
Sergey isn’t young as Bilan was in 2008…are you sure you want to see that at all?

5 years ago

There are other singing competitions he can enter if he want’s to generate buzz for his career….. let someone else have a turn at Eurovision.

5 years ago


5 years ago

“You’re the only one” is an outdated cheesy song that did well only because of the staging which being cool, didn’t really tell any story or had anything to do with the song itself (and was a rip off on steroids of the last years winner). “Scream” was a weird entry. Somehow reminded “Home” from Israel, an over dramatic movie soundtrack song, with a staging that went from ok to laughable when he enters that shower booth. He’s a good singer, but damn you Russians, send a decent song. You are the biggest country in the competition, but almost every… Read more »

5 years ago

Now I actually think «YATOO» and «Scream» were really good entries that deserved to do well, especially «YATOO» but it’s too soon. He will surely do well, given the public vote and his name in eastern europe but I want Russia to bring new talent to Eurovision before an eventual Lazarev return for the third time…

5 years ago

So only two performers in the space of 5 years? Not even San Marino pulled that – and they’re normally limited on the number of performers they have.

5 years ago
Reply to  Magpie

Good point!

5 years ago

Enough is enough !!!!! Russia is a big country and we want discover another artists ! Adios amigos !

5 years ago

please someone collect your uncle

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
5 years ago

both his entries sounded dated tbh he had his chance(s)

5 years ago

No pl-ease!

5 years ago

Wow! Why not! Mr Logan kept at it! Logan takes himself far too seriously, though (he doesn’t want the audience to sing along when it’s his moment – what kind of artist is that? Believe Mr Lazarev sees it differently and for what it is – a bit of fun and tv-show going live once a year!

5 years ago

I like him ? but , it’s over with generic songs… hidden behind flashy stage acts.
Stop it
your time is over

tira 5291
tira 5291
5 years ago
Reply to  Kyrenna

I’m sure you would be happy with Carola and 10 meters fabric of dress to cover the stage.

Ashton Schier
Ashton Schier
5 years ago

If he brings something like his song ‘Lovi’ then I AM DOWN. But Sergey is notorious for cheap pop with dazzling staging, as we all know by now, so I wouldn’t be happy if he did that.

5 years ago
Reply to  Ashton Schier

Yes for LOVI!!!!

5 years ago

Yes yes yes! Any time he wants!

5 years ago

Jesus, you will never win with that nasal voice. Jury will never love a cheesy and dated song.

5 years ago

NOOO! Please no more generic songs and vocals hidden behind flashy performances

5 years ago

And people complain on Sweden for sending the same s**t, well Russia is considering sending literally the same thing…AGAIN…

5 years ago
Reply to  Ash

And so generic songs… hidden behind flashy stage acts

5 years ago

Give it more time and not make it quick. Why join again when you have performed this 2019 already? People will only get bored of Sergey.

5 years ago

No no and no

tira 5291
tira 5291
5 years ago

He needs a song about a friend who died and came back on earth in form of a lamp. With Scream he tryed to fit in Cryvision, but it’s always somebody who can cry more than you.

5 years ago
Reply to  tira 5291

Sure… in 2 weeks we’re in 2020 so I hope you’ll get over it 😉 7 months since the victory of Duncan, it must feel long for you

5 years ago

I love Sergey very much,but I don’t want this happen again .

5 years ago

Omg STOP!! Nooooooooo!! Russia has so many good artists at their disposal. Enough!

Mr Vanilla Bean
5 years ago

I don’t see it happening. The first time was due to the uncomfortable woman but the second time, it was already never going to happen. A dreamier team might help. A song with merit.
Mr Bilan seems to have forgotten the limits of 2012 when the public buried him behind the grandmas.

Fast Food Music Lover
Fast Food Music Lover
5 years ago

Sergey and Dima duet please. (Because I know they are involved in some drama right now)

5 years ago

I would like to see ”Lucky stranger/In my lonely life” more laid-back and fun Sergey on ESC stage.

5 years ago

No, bring someone new

5 years ago

Unrelated to this, this year I decided to refrain myself from listening to all of the songs early so I could have a unique expirience when listening to the songs for the first time when the contest begins (any thoughts by you for this kind of viewing xD) … Hope it makes it more exiciting… Love you guys and see you in May.. < 3

5 years ago
Reply to  Gigii

Now that’s a willpower. It would be a straight up torture for me, but if you can pull it off, go for it! Knowing all the songs by heart beforehand certainly takes a lot of magic away when you finally get to see the Grand Final, so the experience of constant surprise and the freedom from any bias must be the greatest gift one can think of. Do you plan to refrain from listening to all the NF entries as well? Anyway, have a pleasant viewing in May and see you till then! 🙂

5 years ago
Reply to  Skiwalko

Yes I do… I plan to pause eurovision and the national finals till May and after the contest I’ll do the homework.. Hope I will previal. 😀

5 years ago
Reply to  Gigii

Hey Gigii. You won’t be disappointed. I did this in 2015, and honestly it was the only year in recent memory where I cried for so many songs (e.g., Russia, Hungary, Ireland, Serbia, etc… Yes, even a song like ‘beauty never lies’ (which let’s face it, is pretty disposable) made me cry, which goes to show that hearing and seeing it for the first time at Eurovision really heightens the impact). I look back at 2015 as probably my favorite Eurovision year for that same reason. Since 2016, I allow myself to listen to all the entries in their entirety… Read more »

Roy Moreno
Roy Moreno
5 years ago
Reply to  Gigii

I really wanna try that too but I always feel like I’ll lose so much time of Eurovision and great videos
Good luck! Stay strong 🙂

5 years ago
Reply to  Gigii

I had the same idea, Gigii. Let’s try it together. ?

Sergey can be back. You wouldn’t mind Valentina or Serhat again, right? If he’s gonna have the song, he can try again but I don’t believe in juries ever putting him first.

5 years ago
Reply to  Gigii

I tried to do this for Tel Aviv. I intended to wait until at least the start of May, not until the broadcast, but maybe try to re-create the old previews. I failed. At first, I said “I’ll just listen to one” then I said “I’ll just listen to the Big 5” then I said “okay, just Scandinavia” then “maybe Australia” and so on until I’d listened to every last song there was.

5 years ago
Reply to  Gigii

I did that for a long time, I only started watching national finals a few years ago. It makes it a very different experience. On my first Eurovisions, I only watched the final without getting to know the songs, and first impact played a huge part on it. Nowadays I rewatch some entries and find out I liked they much more or much less than on that night. Then, I started listening to the songs when they were already selected, a week before the contest. It already changed a lot. Following the national finals have good and bad effects on… Read more »

5 years ago

I can understand San Marino reinviting the same artists over and over again. Yet in case of Russia, country with the 9th biggest population as well as a giant music industry, doing the same thing seems kinda bizarre, doesn’t it?

5 years ago

I can understand San Marino reinviting the same artists over and over again. Yet in case of Russia, country with the 9th biggest population in the world as well as a giant music industry, doing the same thing seems kinda bizarre, doesn’t it?

Loin dici
5 years ago

Yes, but actually no.

5 years ago

No. Go away. Russia has so many amazing talented artists, let them shine.

5 years ago

He’s won the public vote and come third twice so he’s got nothing to prove. But if he wanted to do it again then why not!?

5 years ago

I’m sure he won’t win. Eurovision gets stronger and I dint think he can find the right song to wow the public

5 years ago

Sergey is insanely talented and charming but sticking to the dream team and especially Kontopoulos who cant write a descent song anymore, it wont work for him. He needs another songwriter

5 years ago
Reply to  jack

Well the results he had in both his Eurovision attempts prove you wrong.
“You are the only one” is one of the biggest hit in Eastern Europe the last 3 years.

5 years ago
Reply to  VlaD

Europe od not just eastern Europe. How huge of a hit “scream” was?

5 years ago
Reply to  Dawid

Scream was not supposed to be a “hit”. It was a cinematic song that showed a different side of Sergey. He explained that several times and he came 3rd.
None of the Eurovision songs became hits all over Europe. Where did Duncan song become a hit? Or Netta? Because in Eastern Europe no one knows these songs. So the fact that “You are the only one” is so massive here shows that what you said is wrong.

K/DA True Damage
K/DA True Damage
5 years ago
Reply to  VlaD

“Toy” was a worldwide hit, even here in the US it charted on the dance charts and actually placed in the top 10 there, so was her follow up “Bassa Sababa” on the dance charts.

5 years ago

Fuego and Soldi more people listen then Toy and Arcade

5 years ago
Reply to  PP77

Arcade has 86.480.309 Spotify streams.
Fuego has 71.019.498 Spotify streams.

5 years ago

Toy was not a worldwide hit, and it definitely didn’t place in the regular charts in the US.

5 years ago
Reply to  VlaD

Arcade has done really well for itself, going quadruple platinum in the Netherlands, platinum in Belgium and gold in Norway. It even peaked in the top 5 on different Spotify Viral 50 charts outside of Europe including my country of Canada, the United States, Mexico, Indonesia, Vietnam among others. Duncan finished his European tour in Oslo yesterday which got great crowds, now he’s off to write more music, hopefully release an album soon and prepare for his big concert at the Ziggo Dome in March

5 years ago
Reply to  Stephanie

You made my point. Arcade didn’t become a European hit. It charted in some countries , as did you are the only one

5 years ago
Reply to  VlaD

Arcade charted in more then 20 countries.

5 years ago
Reply to  VlaD

Which I only hear in ESC bubble. Never outside it.

5 years ago
Reply to  VlaD

Are you sure about that?

5 years ago
Reply to  jack

Lazarev was extremely successful with the songs he performed, for a country that will never win. He won the televoting and came 3rd twice. Also he had the best stage performance in the history of Eurovision. So he should only thank Kondopoulos and his team.