With Eurovision: Australia Decides just over one week away, the last three entrants to release their entries have dropped their tracks officially overnight, in preparation for performing on the Gold Coast on February 7 and 8.

Among the three final released songs include Didirri’s softly sung “Raw Stuff”, Montaigne’s haunting “Don’t Break Me” and Jaguar Jonze’s eclectic “Rabbit Hole”.

Didirri – “Raw Stuff”

Singer-songwriter Didirri has created a mood with his entry “Raw Stuff”, keeping it just as that. Emotional, simple and personal, he posted on his social media how “Raw Stuff” came to be:

“I wrote most of this song at a friend’s holiday house in Johanna. It’s a beautiful part of Victoria. I wrote lyrics in the windows, processing things very close to home. A few months later I felt the need to return there again so we set up in the house to record. I wanted to make something delicate and important to me”.

Speaking about what “Raw Stuff” means to him:

“Songwriting really helps me express things that I may otherwise be without words to explain. ‘Raw Stuff’ is one of those songs that just stood out when I was writing. Sometimes a song just speaks to me more than others. I wrote this song as a dedication to a dear person in my life. In performance, ‘Raw Stuff’ cuts close to the bone for me. It’s a difficult song to sing, both emotionally taxing and physically. It is a moment for reflection. I find now, I’m sharing this song for anyone else who is trying to process what’s happening in their life.”

Montaigne – “Don’t Break Me”

Indie-pop artist Montaigne has channelled her haunting vocals for her track “Don’t Break Me”, showcasing her artistic flair. With an element of melodrama in the lyrics, Montaigne has created a pop-friendly sound through strong production and simple, effective lyrics. It’s contemporary, relatable and reflective of Montaigne as a 24 year old navigating life and relationships.

Upon announcing her entry to Australia Decides, Montaigne said:

“I’m excited to participate in Eurovision – Australia Decides for the opportunity to release the part of me that is dramatic and extreme. I manage to do it without a massive international music event as impetus, but on the big stage in Europe in front of millions would be everything the drama queen egomaniac inside me could want and more.”

Jaguar Jonze – “Rabbit Hole”

Serving one of the most unique takes on music, breakthrough artist Jaguar Jonze’s “Rabbit Hole” is frenetic, jarring and out-there. “Rabbit Hole” wouldn’t sound out of place on any Tarantino film, and is born from a traumatic place in Jonze’s past, in dealing with her complex post-traumatic stress disorder:

“’Rabbit Hole’ is about exploring the intricacies of the defence mechanisms we unknowingly construct in our minds as we go through life’s inevitable adversities. It’s about the complicated relationship we have with trauma and the way we react in the face of it.”

The film clip, starring Jaguar on her own, is jarring and experimental in nature, with sharp cuts and a general unease symptomatic of Jaguar’s mental health muse. She brings awareness to her struggles, both proudly and artistically.

Upon her announcement into Australia Decides, Jaguar said:

“For me, Eurovision – Australia Decides is a massive opportunity to show Australia who I am as an artist and what I’m passionate about. The selected 10 artists are all so talented and I’d be so happy for any one of us to represent Australia in Eurovision. I think it shows the diverse pool of creativity and talent in this nation and I’m honoured to be a part of it.”

The three songs announced today complete the lineup for next year’s national selection. Other entrants include songs from Casey Donovan, Diana Rouvas, Mitch Tambo, iOTA, Jordan-Ravi and Jack Vidgen. Entrant Vanessa Amorosi recently slightly revamped her track, confirmed earlier this week titled “Lessons of Love”.

Eurovision – Australia Decides will take place next week on the Gold Coast on February 7 (preview show) and February 8 (Grand Final).

What do you think of Montaigne, Didirri, Jaguar Jonze’s entries to Eurovision this year?  Let us know in the comments below.

Read more Australia Eurovision news here


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5 years ago

Rabbit Hole is totally my style and I’d love to see Jaguar win, but I also can’t imagine it at Eurovision

5 years ago
Reply to  Apple

I can.

5 years ago

Loving Didirri and Montaigne’s songs.

However, my money is still with Casey Donovan. I’m just waiting for the live performance, she will rip the stage and take it to another world!

Ernest Chelmsford
Ernest Chelmsford
5 years ago
Reply to  Jay

You’re joking right? LMAO ?

5 years ago

There’s good reason she’s 3rd favourite with the bookies.

5 years ago

The overall quality is fine, but can’t say I’m really feeling any of the songs from Australia Decides this year. Hopefully the live performances will change that.

Montaigne’s song reminds me a little too much of Sigrid’s ‘Don’t Kill My Vibe’.

I think if Jack Vidgens hits the high notes towards the end of his song in his live performance then he might be the winner. Never thought I would have said that when I first heard the song, as it is a bit generic.

5 years ago

Figures. Montaigne’s the act I’m most looking forward to and her song isn’t even available.

Ashton Schier
Ashton Schier
5 years ago
Reply to  Joe

don’t worry the song is amazing and my winner, I hope she represents my country

5 years ago
Reply to  Joe

It’s on Spotify – free

Janine Ofsoski
Janine Ofsoski
5 years ago

All about Montaigne , jaguar and then Vanessa bit yea no Kate’s or Dami’s yet. Either way I will get to see at Australia decides AND semi 1 live show! So exciting – one of these 3 have to pull something out of the bag on stage. Good luck girls!

5 years ago

All three of these songs are great, but Australia is known for their live performances – all three of these are mysteries in this regard, whereas Casey Donovan, Vanessa Amorosi and Diana Rouvas are all known for being able to elevate a middling song to greatness live. It will be an unbelievably tough final come 8th Feb when Australia has to make a tough choice and Decide….

5 years ago

Oh lovely, Jaguar welcome to my 2020 playlist! Now I’m wondering can Australia be really that bold in their ESC selection?

5 years ago

Diana Rouvas !!!??

5 years ago

Let’s do some raw stuff in the rabbit hole!

5 years ago

I love these songs!!! Raw stuff and Rabbit hole are potential winners for me. So modern, so authentic, full of emotion. Just my cup of tea.

5 years ago

Jaguar Jonze is the only really good one, but not fit for ESC. I expect Vanessa Amorosi to win.

5 years ago

I can’t listen “Don’t Break Me”, it’s not available in my country… 🙁

Janine Ofsoski
Janine Ofsoski
5 years ago
Reply to  ...

Try you tube!

5 years ago

Bleh, all Australia’s songs this year are pathetic jury bait, how did we come to this from Kate.

5 years ago

I love Jaguar’s style and my first impression of her song was very positive. Can’t see any country sending someone like her, which is a big plus to me. She became my new personal frontrunner. Also liked Didirri’s track a lot, his voice is beautiful and the whole thing sounds sincere and organic. Montaigne’s song is still not available to me, I’m here hoping for some kind soul to put in Youtube.

5 years ago
Reply to  Sabrina

“Rabbit Hole” is good, but at the same time a bit repetitive and to me the chorus feels slightly undeveloped, almost like a draft. How I wish she were competing with a trimmed down version of “Kill Me With Your Love”, which was honestly one of the best songs I heard in 2019.

5 years ago
Reply to  Skiwalko

I agree that “Kill Me With Your Love” would be a better entry, because “Rabbit Hole” doesn’t have its powerful chorus. But both share a similar vibe, I hope we can see some of the aesthetics used in her videos applied to her staging.

Janine Ofsoski
Janine Ofsoski
5 years ago
Reply to  Sabrina

It’s on YouTube now

5 years ago

Very weak selection of songs for Australia this year, but hey… Australia is the new Sweden, it will qualify anyway… The only listenable song is Vanessa Amorossi, but it’s not a masterpiece, either…

5 years ago
Reply to  Geo

I beg to differ. Montaigne’s song is miles better than Vanessa’s song and can be top 10 for Australia again, imo.

5 years ago
Reply to  Geo

Where are you from? If you are from an african country with no radio at all. Then these songs would be exotic to you. Its where you from that decides whats generic to you. I bet you will NEVER undersrand that so its no point that im telling you. Next year you will say the same

5 years ago
Reply to  Rasmus

This comment is so inherently racist it should be called out beyond simply pressing a minus sign.

5 years ago
Reply to  Rasmus

Wow! That’s a new low for you, Rasmus! As an African myself, I can tell you that that is beyond offensive. I just find it so mind-boggling how you keep on preaching about people being negative here, yet you are the biggest bigot and most condescending person here. Your comments are always among the most down-voted (I am pretty sure you hold the Wiwibloggs record for that!), and multiple commenters have explained to you many times why the things you say are so wrong, yet you just don’t comprehend it, or choose to ignore it. My comment here probably will… Read more »

Ashton Schier
Ashton Schier
5 years ago
Reply to  Africavision

Thank you so much for speaking up about this. Someone had to.

5 years ago

Montaigne or Jaguar for me please ? Jaguar is something different and Montaigne is Montaigne ???

5 years ago

None of them screams winner for me but damn I love Jaguar her style and attitude!

5 years ago

Good songs but for me no great songs, not really feeling Australia this year sad to say.. Usually a big fan of their entry and their national final songs..

5 years ago

Raw stuff is spectacular. It will win.

5 years ago
Reply to  ICentrelov


Stian F
Stian F
5 years ago

Jaguar Jonez for Eurovision please!!!

The only proper choice for Australia this year.

5 years ago

Montaigne’s song is soooooooo good! Gosh! Australia, send her! Didirri is my second choice! This can have a moment.

Ashton Schier
Ashton Schier
5 years ago
Reply to  Polliu

I have the exact same top 2!!! 🙂

5 years ago

Jaguar all the way, nothing like it so far in Eurovision qualifying

5 years ago

Didirri and Jaguar Jonze instantly became my top 2 of Australian NF. Finally some breath of fresh air.
“Rabbit Hole” might not be as good as “Kill Me With Your Love”, but its craziness and uniqueness make it a standout anyways. And we can be sure that live performance will be anything but normal.
However “Raw Stuff’ is the song I resonate with the most. The amount of warmth, sincerity and emotions accumulated in that track is astonishing. Sometimes less is more, and Didirri’s entry is an excellent proof that it’s true.

5 years ago

Montaigne’s song is amazing! It’s really down to Mitch and Montaigne for me.

5 years ago

I am team Vanessa Amorosi and Jaguar Jonze!

5 years ago

Oh oh oh Jaguar all the way! I love the verses, the composition

5 years ago

Jaguar. Jonze BROUGHT IT

5 years ago

Very interesting…
Half of Ukrainian songs have been released but Wiwibloggs is not reporting on it… ?
There is plenty of articles on Australia’s songs and Finland gets a ton for a single release. What’s up with that?
PS still a fan of your blog ?

5 years ago
Reply to  Dima

yeah more Ukraine and less Sweden. i am a swede:) to much swedish articles

5 years ago
Reply to  Dima

Ukraine’s again having some hot stuff in Vidbir.

5 years ago

I don’t have Montaigne’s available yet.
Still, nothing’s quite clicking. I’m still with Jordan I think.

5 years ago
Reply to  Briekimchi

Must be geographically blocked I think

Åri Agam
5 years ago
Reply to  Briekimchi

Montaigne’s song will be out midnight in every timezone 🙂

5 years ago
Reply to  Åri Agam

Why being so cruel to someone who’s two oceans away? 😀

5 years ago
Reply to  Briekimchi

We get this all the time in Australia. Quite frankly no one lives in Narnia so I don’t understand how this happens I know it’s not censorship in my country so I have no idea but if you can’t access it on Spotify head to YouTube or even try SBS Australia it may have links ( I’m sorry I’ve not looked On the SBS site because I only saw it on Spotify And I’m too lazy to look for you.)

5 years ago

Best for last.. Raw stuff is the best song of the selection!

5 years ago

Didirri should win

5 years ago
Reply to  Tom

No, a sad man on a piano won last year, it won’t happen two years in a row