In February she won Depi Evratesil with her urban track “Chains On You” — a call for all people to unleash their potential and let their gifts shine. And on March 13 Athena Manoukian was most definitely shining as she released the final edit and revamp of her song, along with the music video.

Her time away from the spotlight has been put to very good use. The song — which nods to Cardi B, Drake and other icons of our time — is more polished and fine-tuned. And it comes with a cinematic masterpiece that sizzles like curry in hot oil. Give me that spice!

Athena Manoukian: “Chains On You” revamp

Some had complained that the original was monotonous. Well not anymore. Subtle production tweaks mean there are frequent changes in sounds and texture. New additions include a deep synth reverb, more prominent percussion taps and intense clapping. The presence of the claps adds to the fire and gives the electronic production a very human touch.

About 1:20 in we hear vocal breaths — a deep huh, huh, huh — and at 1:40 sci-fi space sounds take us to a new realm. The bridge at 2:15 now comes with major bass. Amid the instrumental Athena adds the lyrics “hurt me”, cutting through the vocal silence and creating a moment of intense connection. The final 20 seconds crank up the heat and when the song stops you want to hit replay. Just wow.

Athena Manoukian: “Chains On You” music video

The sonic changes aren’t the only thing to cheer about. Athena has delivered a breath-taking music video that features on-point choreography and plenty of looks.

The video shows off Athena’s ability to move and steal the spotlight. Despite the presence of what feels like an army of dancers, all eyes go to her. At moments she stands on a massive diamond platform — helping to convey the new heights this song has reached. At other moments she serves face bathed in a purple light. Even when things go dim she shines bright like a diamond — teasing the beauty that will come in Rotterdam.

“I’m very happy to present my music video to everyone and I really hope that fans all around the world will love it!” Athena says in a statement sent to Wiwibloggs. “We had only 2 weeks after Depi Evratesil to revamp the song and shoot the music video, and after days and nights of rehearsals and preparations I’m very excited to share the result of our work. It is truly a joy working alongside such a professional team and believe me, we have a lot more surprises coming up!”

“Chains On You” is composed by Athena Manoukian and DJ Paco, and written by Athena Manoukian. The revamp of the song was done by Armenian singer/songwriter Artem Valter. The music video was directed by Arthur Manukyan — Armenia’s top director.

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La la love
La la love
5 years ago

Much better. Has a good chance of qualifying now, as it is in Semi 2

5 years ago

I love everything about this expect the music production on the “chains on you” part, that’s a bit messy, but this is definitely the best revamp we got so far. This already got stuck in my ears before and slowly climbed up to mid-tear, now its in my top third.

5 years ago

This is how you revamp a song

5 years ago

What a revamp. Excellent

5 years ago

Loveeeeee it!!!!

5 years ago

It’s not bad but I liked the original version already so I didn’t see the point of doing a revamp. In general I hate revamps because more often than not they make the song worse,

5 years ago

It just jumped around 10 places on my list. It was close to bottom so it’s not much, but it’s still amazing revamp.

To be fair, don’t be too harsh on Albania or Czech Republic. They had good songs so it’s easier to screw up revamp. Chains on you was nowhere close to being “fan favourite” so any change would welcome. Anyway, like I said – it’s good revamp. Also, I really like music video. even though it gives me headache (I mean visuals).

Ian McDonagh
Ian McDonagh
5 years ago

This was somewhere outside my top 15 when I first heard it but that video and revamp has reeled my in and I’m a fan , if they can replicate some of the video then this might qualify for Armenia

5 years ago

This gives me some Ariana Grande, Break Up With Your Girlfriend, thank u, next vibes and it’s genuinely so amazing. So impressed with this revamp. Was my 12th before the revamp and has shot to my 6th will probably move up higher.

5 years ago
Reply to  Aaron

Strange taste you have, Aaron 😀

5 years ago

Azerbaijan 1 Armenia 0 in this battle.

Yerevan is calling
Yerevan is calling
5 years ago
Reply to  LinusESCfan

Well we found out that your taste is not shining but could I ask not to compare Armenia with a state in neighborhood? In this contest there are 40 songs.

5 years ago

it was just a joke beacuse of all the comments below. Its kind of a battle in here. I dont like Armenias song. the revamp made it even more american

Ashton Schier
Ashton Schier
5 years ago
Reply to  LinusESCfan

“more American” and what is Sweden, with their American songwriters and distinctly American-style pop, Rasmus?

5 years ago

it is a good revamp but lets be honest.. she can’t sing live

5 years ago

I gotta say that, even though I hate this song, they have done a really good work with the revamp. It has gone from dreadful to just annoying. But I already see some people losing their s**t with this. Divas suckers I call them. I can see this qualifyig now though.

5 years ago

The only real problem with this song is a part when she start reciting “chains on you”, it is such a huge let down. She changed so many things in the song that didn’t need much of a change to begin with, but the part that she HAD to fix is still out there, untouched lol

5 years ago

Believed in you since the first day, girl 😉
Very glad rewamp didn’t ruin vibe of the song, good job.

5 years ago

Now it’s my 12. It was my 30-something. And I think she will be in my Top 10 soon. The revamp is beyond good, Armenia level!

5 years ago

Not a fan of the video but the song is awesome. One of my faves this year with or without the revamp.

Ashton Schier
Ashton Schier
5 years ago

this is actually a rly good revamp, France and Czech rep should take note

5 years ago

Best revamp this year

5 years ago

I think it’s slightly better then before, they’ve gone up a few places in my personal top 41

5 years ago

the song was never called diamonds

5 years ago

This probably moves it into my top ten. It’s a really good revamp.

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
5 years ago

Wow, there are some dark musical vibes going on with the added bass lines and the extra percussion. I also really like the instrumental section with no lyrics towards the end; it really adds to the variation of the song. As for the choreography of the video; it’s literally quite dark, but at least it’s not on the Iceland 2019 level of disturbing. It’s good. It’s not my favourite entry from Armenia, but it’s not my least favourite either.

Princess Diana
Princess Diana
5 years ago
Reply to  Purple Mask

You know, I like the way you are always optimistic about everything. I’ve literally never seen you saying something bad.

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
5 years ago
Reply to  Princess Diana

Thanks so much. I admit I am struggling recently to remain hopeful, especially when watching the news. I am very frightened about what is happening, but music always gives me joy and hope.

Princess Diana
Princess Diana
5 years ago
Reply to  Purple Mask

Yea, we’re going through hard times. At least we have eurovision (i hope). Stay like this, we need some postive vibes in here.

5 years ago
Reply to  Purple Mask

I’m sending positive vibes to you and all of people out there. Everyone is in this together and we should concentrate to good things, like art, to get through this. 🙂

5 years ago

One of the better tracks this ESC season, that’s for sure, though she still raps “nutty” instead of “naughty” which drives me insane.

The Roop is On Fire
The Roop is On Fire
5 years ago
Reply to  Teddie

You mean it drives you “nutty”

5 years ago

At first I liked the song but after all the songs have come out I don’t think it will qualify.. I do like it a lot but falls short compared to other songs..

5 years ago
Reply to  Robert

It will easily qualify now in Semi 2

David Lindström
David Lindström
5 years ago


5 years ago

Here we are again discussing about Azerbaijan and Armenia. And in fact neither one nor the other have under my opinion musical quality to go to the final. I can now gather the downvotes from both countries, happy me.

5 years ago
Reply to  Karworld

These idiots in here dont understand that all children and teens in this countries should not get any hate. They are just born there. Grow up people !

5 years ago

Is it more ethnic like they promised? NO!

5 years ago

And Russians are still hijacking the comment section and left bad comments…

5 years ago

Sounds as bad as before. This song is just horrible in general no revamp will save it.

5 years ago

5th time.. i am possessed, absorbed, obsessed, arrested, sucked in.. the only bad thing about this entry is that my gym closed today and will stay that way for the next 2 weeks.. and i could have lifted some heavy sh*it listening to this…

5 years ago

why am i watching this for 4th time in about 15 minutes.. including leaving comments about it.. what’s happening to me?!

5 years ago

Off topic but
Ireland is now on Spotify, but I think it sounds a bit different …could be the fact that I got new headphones but does anyone know if that got a revamp too?
Feels more poppy in parts

5 years ago

Great revamp, though the song is still not for me. Cool video as well, slightly epilepsy-inducing but cool nonetheless.

5 years ago

I can’t believe this actually lasted for 3 minutes.. okay, much, much, MUCH better.. finally a good revamp for this year.

5 years ago

well they had to do a video to forget those awful vocals in the National Final…I love that people are super-impressed she wrote the song herself—it’s basically 2 lines repeated over and over

5 years ago

me not like it, sorray

Mr Vanilla Bean
Mr Vanilla Bean
5 years ago
Reply to  Jo.

Clearly, you are just another Azerbaijani bot like myself lol 😛

Princess Diana
Princess Diana
5 years ago

I’m Azerbaijani, but I did not say anything negative about the entry….:/

5 years ago

yeah, but you’re not supposed to tell people that… :S

5 years ago

One of my favorites this year – dark, a bit urban, moody vocals… I am living for those horns and the steel drum backing track.

5 years ago

Love it. “Hurt me”. The US of A (rmenia) are in the house.

5 years ago

Hopefully this will change some Hater’s minds!
This song is stuck in my head even though I am not even actively listening to it ^^

She needs to improve her vocals tho and give us a decent staging, cause her national final performance was meh …

5 years ago
Reply to  Aza

Most haters are from Azerbaijan. I was watching the pre-premier of the song and vast majority of the people on the live chat were from Azerbaijan writing garbage comments. I wouldn’t even bother.

5 years ago
Reply to  Ron

Just like most haters in Azerbaijan’s video are are from Armenia. It’s really funny how some of you try to show yourself as innocent. Look at Azerbaijan’s dislike ratio.
Also, just scroll down here and look at the comments: there are literally some comparing Athena to Efendi by saying that she destroyed the Cleopatra etc
Is there any connection to Efendi here? I don’t understand the necessity to do so.

So as you see, good and bad people are everywhere. Stop blaming Azeris for everything! Or even if you do, don’t act like Armenians don’t do anything

5 years ago
Reply to  Ron

I really like Azerbaijan’s entry as well. It’s very addictive. Considering the (few and loud) Azeri Hater’s: At least she wrote the song on her own and did not have to outbid San Marino xD

5 years ago
Reply to  Ron

Ohh God that live chat comments were disaster ><
Literally every second was an Azerbaijani flag lmaooo. They be wildin but i'm lowkey stanning their patriotism 😀

Rashad Guliyev
Rashad Guliyev
5 years ago

Either someone someone is using several accounts to comment under this song, or we are not listening to the same song. Also not really cool to downvote any slightly negative comments. I know you guys love your country, but we don’t all have to like this song.

5 years ago
Reply to  Rashad Guliyev

Right, because you are shocked that Azeris haven’t invaded this forum as well to write garbage comments.

Rashad Guliyev
Rashad Guliyev
5 years ago
Reply to  Ron

Aww, someone is angwy at Azerbaijan again. I’m sorry but Azerbaijan is not responsible for all of your failures.

The Roop is On Fire
The Roop is On Fire
5 years ago
Reply to  Rashad Guliyev

Delusion, convince yourself.

5 years ago
Reply to  Rashad Guliyev

As if you didn’t use a bot to upvote all the positive comments on the Azerbaijani article the other day. 😀
Dude we know where you coming from, don’t be overly too passive agressive 🙂

Watch his comment go from 1 like to 25 likes in a minute lmao chillay

Rashad Guliyev
Rashad Guliyev
5 years ago

Dear Sluuuutty, I have my full name and my personal photo here. I don’t really think I’m hiding anything anyway you little investigator. And yeah, lol, I’ve hired a bot to upvote comments. Do you guys really take these wiwi comments so seriously? Yeah, I’ve also hacked into bookings and placed Armenia out of top 20. Also what kind of mindset do you have? Anything negative about Armenia and anything positive about Azerbaijan are fake. It’s not healthy at all.

5 years ago
Reply to  Rashad Guliyev

You lowkey teasing the gays here to follow you on the gram. lmfao… You think you slick 😛 but you do you boo <3
Athena Grande totally outsold Cleopatra and that's on periodT. Now keep putting dirt on Armenia's entry lmaoo.

5 years ago

Did this song get even worse with the revamp? lol

5 years ago

I want to see much more of the red Athena, I’m not too bothered with the black or white Athena.
This song needs to be real bad, to feel wrong.

5 years ago

This revamp is ah-mazing!!! Awesome!!! I’m gonna listen to it not as just a Erovision song, but as a song worthy Grammy!

5 years ago

Armenia suddenly jumped from a song I was not so keen about to the song I re-listened many times. This year has a few growers. As Athena was amazing in live even in that way less polished version, now I believe this will most probably sail to the finals. The only revamp that actually served a purpose to strengthen the song!

Charli Cheer Up
Charli Cheer Up
5 years ago

Sounds incredible. The fact that she produced and wrote it is a plus. I have a feeling that this will be like Iveta’s Lovewave where ppl didn’t warm up to it till ESC started.

5 years ago

I get Eurofans this isn’t the type of music for a lot of you but I think a lot people nowadays are exposed to this type of music many would call “cheap” but it has actually been quite successful. While I do not think this is an amazing song I think this something fresh that televoters (regular watchers) will come to appreciate.

5 years ago

Amazing revamp, great visuals,gorgeous video

I want that giant diamond on stayge , she will slay

5 years ago

The song grew on me so much over the past few weeks and I like it even more with the revamp! Well done Armenia!

Icy Box
Icy Box
5 years ago

Seeing Russia craziness, Armenia is now regretting for not having send Puerto Rico in 2018.

5 years ago

She slayed, this is PERFECT!