It is the news Eurofans have been dreading.
And now EBU has confirmed the Eurovision Song Contest 2020 has been cancelled for the first time in history.
As with other world events, the move is a response to the coronavirus pandemic and a measure to protect public health.
An official statement from the European Broadcasting Union on the #Eurovision Song Contest 2020.
— Eurovision Song Contest (@Eurovision) March 18, 2020
Eurovision 2020 cancelled
The news had been anticipated for some time.
The decision comes after a meeting of the Reference Group also held on Tuesday. The group brings together each Head of Delegation and acts as the Contest’s executive committee.
Alternative options were considered. They included postponing the contest and hosting it without an audience. Regrettably with public health in mind, the contest cannot proceed this year.
In the statement, the EBU notes that they are will continue a conversation with Dutch broadcasters NPO, NOS and AVOTROS about hosting the contest in Rotterdam next year.
Eurovision Executive Supervisor Jon Ola Sand also spoke out about the cancellation. In a video posted to the official Eurovision YouTube channel, Sand says that he is deeply disappointed by this decision.
He notes that the escalating spread of coronavirus and the restrictions put in place by the Dutch government mean that the live competition can no longer go ahead.
However, Jon Ola finished by saying: “The Eurovision Song Contest will come back stronger than ever”.
For detailed information about the coronavirus/COVID-19 and how to stay healthy, please visit The World Health Organisation web site.
can I just say that the fact that this article has less comments than the mamas winning in Sweden is very upsetting. y’all care more about your fav not winning than the entire thing being cancelled. smh
Why EBU leaves people with nothing? People spend money.. artists on songs and production… fans on tickets… Rotterdam on production, broadcasters on fees and promotion, and national finals…. and left with NOTHING!????
Seriously? EBU? You’re a virus.
The fan outrage for cancelling ESC will be massive once the ESC dates approaches and summer is close. As it should be. And yes we have every right to feel angry, upset and betrayed over the choice so don’t call us stupid!
EBU will have to work a lot to gain our trust back..
Why, WE the fans do this? Why do we care about the preselection season? Why do we care about the artists, the songs? Why are we interested in hosting, production? Why? BECAUSE IT’S IMPORTANT FOR US, AND BECAUSE IT’S A TRADITION. Whoever takes it from Us, for whatever reason, takes our love, our passion, our interest and OUR MONEY away… I will sue EBU for my own losses and every one who invested any coin for this contest should do the same. It’s just ESC? Yeah. But for some it’s a part of life that now has been put in… Read more »
Massive over reaction by all these organizations to be cancelling all these events. We didn’t react like this for Sars or Swine Flu or all the others. But we live in cancel culture 2020 now, and once one organisation cancels its dominos cos the rest are scared they will be sued or hashtag viral shamed by comparison to how others handled.
Are you serious right now??? Have you been watching the news? 774 people died of SARS. More than a hundred times more have died SO FAR of COVID-19. do you want the EBU to take resposibility of infecting hundreds if not thousands during the two weeks of Eurovision, nevermind the two weeks of rehearsals? who would take responsibility for the deaths? also the web broadcast from the studios is not an option because not all broadcasters have the technical capabilities to put on a great show, look at Moldova’s NF for instance. it wouldn’t be fair for Moldova to compete… Read more »
There’s no point to explain this to little brats, don’t mind their sobbing.
i agree but 774*100 is 774,000 which is definitely no where near the death toll for COVID-19
Oh wow…
Why don’t we just have an online contest for Eurovision 2020? All they need to is get a Youtuber to host it (Like Wiwibloggs or NikkiTutorials) and instead of the participants performing theirs songs live, we just watch their music videos live from start to end instead. But what about the songs that don’t have a music video? Just take their national final performance and replace the performance audio with the audio of the song (Definitely works with Montaigne because her vocals were honestly not fully on point). And instead of an international jury, we should have a “Youtuber Jury”.… Read more »
That is how I do my evaluations every April, by grading the audios first, then the music videos or national contest performances (for artists without a video).
Will Wiwi still conduct their jury evaluations for each of the songs this spring?
I think considering the cancellation, probably not…
How fun would it be if in 2021 every country would send a second song. 82 songs, 41 countries. I’m here for it!!
I think having all 41 countries send two songs to Eurovision would be extremely complicated. Especially in the semifinals. Not to mention there can only be 46 countries maximum at Eurovision (Song included). But I do appreciate your idea and I personally wish that the Netherlands were capable of doing that.
So far, it looks like Blas Cantó (SPA), Damir Kedžo (CRO), Stefania (GRE), Go_A (UKR) and Jeangu Macrooy (NED) will be carried over to 2021.
Uku Suviste (EST) and the Mamas (SWE) will have to once again compete for spots in the 2021 contest.
For ME, ESC is over forever. I hope no country will participate further… Goodbye ESC! I HATE YOU and I hope, your time is come that you will be cancelled FOREVER!
spoken like a true fan. bye felicia
I read somewhere that artists are not allowed to compete in Melodifestivalen more than 2 years in a row-after 2 consecutive entries, they must take a break for a year before they can enter again. Does that mean that the Mamas won’t be eligible for 2021, since they participated in both the 2019 and 2020 editions?
They were backups for John Lundvik, and he was the primary artist in 2019. Even so, given the extraordinary circumstances that led to Eurovision’s cancellation (for which, they never got to compete as a primary artist), they might make an exception here. Nonetheless, they will have to go through the process again, to try and win that spot.
I guess we’ll have to wait till 2022 for Dami Im to come back and perform for Australia…
Devastating, but very understandable news. But even though Esc 2020 is cancelled now, I’ll always remember it as the year where Italy’s song captured my heart and was my personal winner. It breaks my heart to see the difficult situation this country and the whole world is going through right now and my heart, thoughts and prayers go to everyone fighting for their lives and to everyone else who is going through an unprecedented situation that has disrupted their normal life routine. We’re in this together! #FaiRumore
At least we have all the songs for this year’s contest. Eurovision 2020, The Eurovision That Never Was.
This is a sad, but fair decision! Dear kings and queens, stay safe and get ready for next year! God bless, and protect us all! #love
This is a serious health and economic crisis. We all need Eurovision more than ever, but I don’t think anyone would want a decaf-ESC. It’s the best solution until we see how it develops.
#quedateencasa #porti #portodos
#stayhome #foryou #foreveryone
#restecheztoi #pourtoi #pourtous
#bleibzuHause #fürdich #füralle
Couldnt EBU asked fans and broadcasters before taking this crap decision? Cause you know broadcasters are the one paying for this and the fans the ones caring for it. Great way to show how much they care about fans…
Simple answer: no.
Well they should have. Maybe it would have been a better solution
It’d be great if they managed to make ESC2020 happen, but social distancing is a priority now. Even the artists need to stay at home.
So your pleasure is more important. Than the health of so many people
Sigh, there is Always the party pooper
There’s also always the ignorant one…
I wish they could find other options. Eurovision is the highlight of the year for me. And I feel bad for those artists who will not be able to represent their countries
its a bit of a shame for Jon Ola Sand for his reign to end like this…
No, he deserved it. And he will be remembered for cancelling ESC. He should be remembered as a dream destroyer.
We could have voted on videos and minimize costs for broadcasters. I’m really disappointed that no alternative options were considered. People are locked in their houses, what else to do apart from watching TV and Eurovision?
Videos? Come on. ESC is and should be a live event. Not a sterile contest without audience. What’s another year? See you in 2021.
I agree, Maclaren. Online contest based on official videos was my idea, but as you can see, a lot of people here are of ”all or nothing” mentality, so here we are… or aren’t…
Also that would mean ticket refunds. Huge financial loss.
I understand this but i’m really sad. For all of us, for the artists and for the Dutch. I hope it will be Rotterdam2021 and i do hope all of the artists will return. They were dreaming of this and have worked for months to shine on that stage.
They should change the slogan from “Open up” to “Hide away”
Sad. All those great song entries that were submitted, one could’ve potentially won. I wish they’d reschedule the contest towards later in the year instead…
Postpone it to the winter maybe November. Eurovision is more important that junio eurovision anywhere and Poland already hosted so……
Can’t stand many of this songs one more year, specially my own country ….Portugal, such a dull song.
Probably some countries will change their entries if they wish ? ?
I wish Switzerland, Italy, Iceland and Lithuania would keep their excelent entries for next year…let’s see what happens.
all countries will have to change their songs. remember the 1september rule? plus the songs will be old in one year’s time
This is tough to hear, of course, but hardly surprising. I hope that, if Rotterdam wishes, they can host a great show next year.
I also hope they will keep the existing lineup. It’s only fair to the artists, and I really see no obvious downside to it.
Looking forward to Rotterdam 2021!
Word has it that Spain will keep Blas Cantó and the Netherlands will keep Jeangu Macrooy for 2021, and Ukraine might keep Go_A as well. How many others will send the same people, albeit with new songs?
Eesti Laul (EST) is planned for 2021; and therefore Uku Suviste will have to go through the process if he wants to represent again.
That might a silver lining, if Uku wants to compete again, he could come with a better song. But then he would win by pity voting and that wouldn’t be fair to the other estonian participants.
I’m so confused and disheartened. They need to allow the songs to be valid until next year otherwise this is just the EBU spitting in the face of the artists and broadcasters.
Okay but how many artists do you think will want to compete with a year-old song that won’t be nearly as fresh anymore? Being realistic I see any artists coming back in 2021 wanting to do so with a new song.
I know that but still doesn’t seem fair.
Will the OGAE still have their online survey next month?
Just an idea. What if Wiwibloggs partners with other well known Fan websites and OGAE and organize a Big Youtube party so we viewers can vote and have our own Celebration? This would never be official but at least we could have closure. A youtube party hosted by William and other people and a website to vote. OGAE “votes” could count as International Jury and we could vote.
That would be a cool idea.
This would be fun
I would say to all artists.
This is such terrible news not only for the fans but also for the artists who have worked sooo hard over the coming months. Eurovision is watched by 10,000-15,000 fans in the arena but 200 million people who are at home, so I don’t understand why they couldn’t do a contest with minimum viewers allowed and certain precautionary measures like: 1. No one over the age of 60 is allowed to be involved in the planning or attending of the contest unless they sign a waiver; 2. All attendees wear face masks, gloves, show no symptoms of illness and get… Read more »
Sure we can’t have a contest, but aren’t there at least a couple things that the EBU can still have happen? For example, I’m American so me not all of the songs are on spotify or itunes. I’m hoping they’ll at least release an album of all the songs like they normally do so I could hopefully order the CD. I’ve ordered a CD every year since I started watching so It’d be a shame not to have a 2020 one. Also, I’m sure that for now at least all the 41 broadcasters have empty slot on their channel programs… Read more »
The only thing I can say after this terrible news is that for the sake of eurovision, the uefa euro, the olympic games or any other event you were looking forward to in 2020, PLEASE STAY AT HOME and make it easier for your respective health systems to do their jobs. This is a very serious situation and we won’t be able to overcome it unless we all help.
RIP Switzerland, Iceland, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Russia and Romania. I hope the same artists will be allowed to return and once again be the contenders to win 2021.
For some reason I literally started playing My Heart is Refusing Me by Loreen right after watching the video idk why.
I haven’t heard it in many years, totally fits my mood rn
Countries like Lithuania, Bulgaria, Switzerland, Iceland and Italy that were contenders to win won’t happen 🙁 what a waste
Eden Alene interviewed in KAN’s live daily culture magazine minutes after hearing about the cancellation of the contest. Around 5:45 into the interview she breaks down and cries, as the hosts try to encourage her, saying it’s just a bump in the road and she’ll get to represent her country in the next edition of the contest and show her talent to the world.
Surely they could organise an online contest, based on the studio cuts. I know that this wouldn’t seen as a proper legitimate contest, but I feel sorry for the artists that don’t get a chance to share their music. 🙁
EBU went for the easiest decision in this right moment. To not face problems. I can understand but still. They will have to face some upcoming issues later cause Esc 2021 might not be easy.
I feel that the broadcasters should have the choice to keep their 2020 song or to choose a different one whether it be with the same artist or another one.
Bulgaria has expressed disaggrement over the desicion and want to keep the same entery for next year.
GOOD! It’s an incredible song and I’m very glad EBU have kept the option to keep the same song open! =)
Excellent. I want us to win! ????
Tried to convince myself that they wouldn’t cancel it, but it’s pretty clear there wasn’t going to be another option. I’m sure it’ll all be even better in 2021, but it is a real blow.
It can’t end this way
The worst news ever this has ruined my year no joke
Why to directly cancel it and not wait for a better time?
Because the virus isn’t going anywhere this year, it’s already been confirmed.
I’m sad, but not surprised. I think the only right thing to do regarding hosting is to let the Netherlands host in 2021 (Rotterdam, if at all possible, but just in case of scheduling conflicts or anything like that, they should keep a backup city in mind). As for the songs, this year’s songs would technically be breaking the “no release before September 1st” rule, so I imagine there would be all new songs selected for 2021. I say let’s have some fun with the songs that were selected. Wiwibloggs already does a ton of polls on here. Why not… Read more »
I’m sure they can change this rule if they wanted…
Good, Poland will win next year
I am sad and angry over this decision! Disheartening and feels like the last four months have been all in vain! Every NF we followed, every one of the hundreds of songs we listened to, every list, every review – nothing matters anymore…
I am not looking forward to the 2021 contest!
No, it hasn’t been in vain. We’ve had wonderful evenings watching exciting NFs; rooting for our favourites; singing along to the good ones, and staring aghast at the not-so-good; discovering new artists who we’ll follow for years to come; commenting and arguing here and elsewhere.
It’s disappointing that it ends like this, but it doesn’t mean we haven’t had three months of ***enormous fun***.
I AM looking forward for the 2021 contest!
Yes, we had a lot of fun, but now it all seems like a journey without a destination. It’s like watching 7 of the Harry Potter films and the last one being cancelled. It doesn’t negate that the first 7 were well done and enjoyable, but it still leaves the whole story unfinished and without a punchline. That’s how I feel right now about ESC 2020. I *kind of* look forward to the next contest, but I see a lot of controversial and questionable decisions being made in this whole chaos. Of course that our health and well being should… Read more »
People’s health seems more important to me in this moment, than the contest in may. Let’s happily look forward to 2021!
OF COURSE that people’s health should come first and foremost, but online contest based on already existing videos wouldn’t jeopardize anyone’s health. That might not have been a perfect solution, but a better one than total cancellation.
I recommend looking at this: and then think if this is proportional
This is obviously very sad news for the fans, the broadcasters, and the artists.
But here’s an idea: Me and my mates are going to arrange our own version of the contest. On the evenings when the semis and final should have taken place, we’ll meet up — by Skype, of course — and watch the videos together. We’ll each mark the songs, work out who gets our “douze points” and so on, then take it turns to announce the results of our individual “juries”.
I’ll let you know who wins!