The BBC is the first Eurovision broadcaster to confirm a replacement for the cancelled contest.

In a statement issued on Tuesday, the UK broadcaster confirmed a new show Eurovision: Come Together.

Details in the release are scant, but the BBC has confirmed it will show, “what would have been in 2020.”

Eurovision: Come Together to be hosted by Graham Norton

The new show will air on May 16, the same day planned for this year’s Grand Final.

It is set to feature “classic” Eurovision performances and showcase material from Eurovision 2020.

On both scores, the press release is vague, but it does specify UK Eurovision 2020 act James Newman will feature.

Veteran broadcaster and Eurovision commentator Graham Norton will host proceedings. Eurovision: Come Together will also feature “interviews”, although whether that means from this year’s acts or other kinds has not been confirmed.

The program is part of a major BBC entertainment push announced this morning. It is a response to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and the UK entering lockdown yesterday. Major televised events including Eurovision, the Olympic Games in Tokyo and Glastonbury Festival have all been postponed or cancelled, leaving gaps in the broadcaster’s schedule.

Come Together?

Eurofans are no strangers to the phrase “come together”.

It was chosen as the slogan for the Eurovision Song Contest 2016 in Sweden by SVT. At the time, the slogan was interpreted as a call for unity in Europe in response to the migrant crisis.

The term takes on new prescience in light of this year’s cancellation and the ongoing pandemic.

The EBU confirmed it was exploring “alternative programming” to offer with broadcasters. The news from the BBC suggests they’ve passed up on the offer.

As the EBU mentioned use of “online platforms” as part of their alternative, UK Eurofans may still be able to access that offer.

Are you excited to see Eurovision: Come Together? Which acts would you like to see return? Let us know in the comments below!


Photo Credit: BBC, SVT

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John Littlewood
John Littlewood
4 years ago

It’s far from ideal but come on let’s celebrate a programme that at least is eurovision related. If they show about one to one and a half minutes of each song at least it gives you a flavour of the songs. There’s no way they were ever going to show every song in full. Remember that it takes two shows to get through all the songs excluding the 6 automatic qualifiers. I’m in favour of a eurovision week which would show all songs from 2020 and also songs from yesteryear. I think this year is a great opportunity to go… Read more »

5 years ago

A better title could be used than “Come Together ” ESC 20 has been cancelled as we cannot all visit the host city and stay apart – United in Song may be more fitting

5 years ago

unfortunately it sounds like a boring show and time filler.

5 years ago

Much love to Spain thru your difficult time , love the uk. Xx

5 years ago
Reply to  Pabs

Keep strong Spain

My Tears Are Getting Sober
My Tears Are Getting Sober
5 years ago

Come together? BUT WE CAN’T

5 years ago

Is it just me that think the actual contest should go ahead just without a live audience?

Fun or ban?
Fun or ban?
5 years ago

The slogan should be Stay safe, not Come together! But what to expect from BBC?

5 years ago

Why does everyone say that it is going to be really cheep and rubbish. At least the BBC are putting on a show. How’s that not taking it seriously. Before everyone was saying they want a replacement show but the minute Britain put on a show everyone hates it. There is no pleasing some people. You wanted this. Stop moaning. The fact that are putting on a show and announced it this soon shows the BBC really wants to do something for Eurovision. And as for Graham he makes funny jokes for people I t he UK. Half the people… Read more »

5 years ago

As long as this gets streamed online so i can watch it with a VPN, than I’m not opposed

5 years ago

OK. I just want to say:
If BBC wants to air a replacement show,
maybe they should try featuring a 2-and-a-half marathon of the 41 songs that would’ve been performed in Rotterdam.
Seriously, I really don’t want quality songs to go to waste. (Some aren’t really “quality” though.)
But no song left behind, people!

5 years ago

I’m not sure if this was ever mentioned but YLE also has a Eurovision documentary set to air on April 13.

Kazakhstan is Europe
Kazakhstan is Europe
5 years ago

Come together? We literally CAN’T

5 years ago

Hi. I’m interested in the statement of your username. Where does Asia end, where does Europe begin?
Is this a cultural or geograpicial desire?

If we compare it to the concept of Middle East, both northern african countries and asian countries can be counted, but they still belong to different geographicial areas.

From what I know, it’s common to divide Russias European and Asian parts with the Ural Mountains. And in Turkey it’s the Bosporus. I don’t know if Caucasus or further regions usually are counted, but I’m interested to know your thoughts on this.

5 years ago

The least the BBC could do is actually put up their broadcasts of the past contests as part of what would be Eurovision week.

5 years ago
Reply to  Briekimchi

1997 would be a great start. Maybe some other contests where we’d won or even came second (92/93/98 in particular)

Fan From Texas
Fan From Texas
5 years ago

I want to see all damn 41 songs or I’ll be pissed. And no whittling it down somehow. If my favorites aren’t shown, I won’t be happy.

5 years ago
Reply to  Fan From Texas

I agree from Louisiana.

5 years ago
Reply to  Fan From Texas

only 26 randomly chosen since that is number for the final, big 6 and 20 from semi’s to be shown

5 years ago

> “Come Together”


An American ESC Fan
An American ESC Fan
5 years ago

I swear, Eurofans are truly one of a kind. When the contest got cancelled, everyone went, “We need a show to honor these 41 songs!!! We need solace in these great troubles!” (Which I totally agree with! Nothing wrong with that.) Now they’re all, “Ew, not the BBC!!! Give me the real ESC back! I’m not watching!!!!!!”

People. You WANTED this. Don’t be spoiled brats about it.

5 years ago

More importantly, when is Wiwi Jury starting? I really need to have closure on these 2020 songs!

5 years ago

My feeling is it will be a documentary-style programme. That means lots of clips of ABBA, Bucks Fizz, Brotherhood of Man and Katrina and the Waves. Then a funny section featuring Scooch and Daz Sampson, followed by a weird and wonderful section, followed by a dodgy voting section, followed by a James Newman recording (probably the one that is on iplayer) followed by about 10 seconds of the main 2020 acts – The ROOP, Dadi and Little Big because they are weird and then probably Bulgaria, Romania and Switzerland because they were the earnest favorites. It will throw out all… Read more »

5 years ago

I may be wrong here and no doubt get voted down but I can’t see the UK public wanting to sit through 41 unknown songs in one show. They may be little snippets of some of them but I doubt there be snippets of all of them either. The forecast will be on past dongs which are rememberable to the UK public. When the anniversary show with Graham Norton and Petra Mede was shown on BBC it was a ratings flop so I’m even surprised that the BBC are showing this programme but let’s face it, if the BBC didn’t… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Kim

Dongs maybe better but I did indeed mean songs

5 years ago
Reply to  Kim

Totally agree. A few days ago people were saying “lets hope they show something when the finals are supposed to be on” and people were saying “well the bbc wont because they wont spend the money and just treat the contest as a joke” and now they are doing something people are saying “i wont watch if i can have the proper contest i dont want anything”. Jeez there is no pleasing some people. Im very sad there wont be a contest this year but its time to move on and just accept that and be grateful that we have… Read more »

5 years ago

Towels at the ready….

5 years ago

Bring back Petra Mede to Co-host , like the BBC 60th Anniversary special, please! They worked really well together.

5 years ago
Reply to  Matt

Good idea, but she is in Sweden and graham in the UK. I dont think I need to state why that would be a problem these days 😉

5 years ago
Reply to  Merty

Yes and she is contracted by competing Chanel 4 in Sweden. So we cannot expect her to do much esc/melfest at the moment

Talentina Monetta
Talentina Monetta
5 years ago

How about showing the music videos for the 2020 entries with a short interview with the artists as the postcard?

And if 41 songs are too much, maybe they can do an online voting to choose the “finalists”.

Just an idea.

5 years ago

I’m not for a digital ESC but a Eurovision Songs Evening broadcast as the Eurovision would. Without interval act and voting it can feature all of the contestants on one evening

5 years ago

I guess I should in no way have my hopes for something close to ESC.

Maybe they could run the favourite opening act, interval act etc. Combine with hosts saying good evening Europe, start voting now etc. The SHOW. And then go to Grayham Norton, alone on a small stage. Europe you cannot vote… etc.

But I really want all competing acts. It will be hard to fit them into only one show

5 years ago

I hope the EBU does an official online version of Eurovision and the 2020 “winner” can be invited to be a direct finalist for the 2021 contest as consolation prize.

5 years ago
Reply to  BadWoolfGirl

Maybe not . Since the contest is canceled we should consider all the particepants winners for the job they had done all these months and we never see ! ?fter all we will have a chance to watch Duncan again in 2021 .

5 years ago

Umm issa NO. 😐 Can we have Blas Canto stripping and being hot for 3 hours straight on live instead?

5 years ago

You know Blas is a POPstar?

5 years ago

Since he won’t be able to leave house before May, maybe he can make performance from bedroom.

5 years ago

I think EBU might have something similar planned. Let’s hope it’s beer than just a clip show..

5 years ago

great idea,but ii dont like Graham,he ridicules every contestant,every year…get rid of hhim!

Pedro Paulo
Pedro Paulo
5 years ago
Reply to  johan

I love Graham…and I love when he jokes about the songs and spokespersons.. even from my own country . It’s just too funny sometimes.

5 years ago
Reply to  johan

He doesn’t really cross the line the way Terry Wogan does with his commentaries. At least from what I’ve noticed, he tries to keep it funny for UK viewers but is well aware he might overstep, from which Wogan has been able to run with it without consequence.

5 years ago
Reply to  johan

Well unfortunately for Graham is not going anywhere. He has become the face of Eurovision in the UK and most people watch for his commentary. And it is nothing more than pure dry British humour that isn’t intended to be rude towards the contestants, and that is why he is so successful 🙂

5 years ago
Reply to  Laburnum

They’ve won before.

5 years ago
Reply to  Laburnum

That’s exactly the problem. The BBC make it all about him and there is not much more than the humour. I like him a lot, but there is a but more to the contest than the things he laughs at. Even Wogan acknowledged that Céline Dion was a terrific singer in 1988, before she won. Norton’s priority would be to make a joke about her frock, and then read out tweets from people saying similar things.

5 years ago

I suppose something is better than nothing providing it’s well done. I share some reservations that other members are saying. Please don’t focus too much on the UK entry and exaggerate how good it is. I can see it now. We were heading for a top ten finish and then the contest was cancelled. As long as it’s done with impartially and genuine respect for the contest. I don’t want so called funny remarks about past novelty acts. I think it should focus heavily on this year’s songs to give them some well deserved air time. Last fear is that… Read more »

5 years ago

They should focus on getting a better song for Eurovision 2021 instead because Last Breath sucked

Adrian Trump
Adrian Trump
5 years ago
Reply to  Gabriel

My Last Breath didn’t suck. I ranked it the 23rd best song. Middle of the pack.

Liam Lindsay
Liam Lindsay
5 years ago
Reply to  Adrian Trump

If staged right My Last Breath could of placed in the Top 13

5 years ago
Reply to  Liam Lindsay

Hahaha good joke

Jimmy Smit
5 years ago
Reply to  Adrian Trump

“23rd best song” isn’t exactly a ringing endorsement though.

Milan S
Milan S
5 years ago
Reply to  Adrian Trump

I ranked it top 5.

5 years ago
Reply to  Milan S

no taste

5 years ago
Reply to  Gabriel

My last breath was my 12th place.. and I’m British..

5 years ago
Reply to  percy

makes sense, you always blame everyone and everything before your own awful songs

5 years ago
Reply to  Gabriel

It wasn’t that bad, but unfortunately “My Last Breath” is not a title be celebrated in these times. “Looking Back” is a much better fit.

5 years ago

I feel this will be more of a ridicule show from BBC based on their current portrayal of the contest .. I will pass .. Don’t need anything to remind me that Eurovision 2020 is not happening ..

5 years ago

Shouldn’t that be “Come Within 6 Feet of Each Other”?

5 years ago

Got to be honest, I’d much rather see the eBU alternative than the BBC and Mr Norton spending the evening ridiculing the contest. Hopefully I can tune into NRK.

5 years ago
Reply to  Annijo

This is probably it.

5 years ago
Reply to  Annijo

Why are you just assuming that it is going to be bad. For all you know it could be really good and shows all this years songs. People are saying that the show will be really cheap and rubbish yet the BBC is the only broadcaster that has put up an alternative show. Hows that not taking it seriously and ridiculing the contest.

5 years ago

Make digital contest with voting. You can use videos or live performances in national studios. This is not sport and we live in digital time. Where is problem with prerecorded performances and voting by mobile phones from your living rooms? Music competition can be create easily by this way.

5 years ago
Reply to  Heix

If that was the only way to have “eurovision”… then I’m glad that it’s cancelled.

Milo Epsilon
Milo Epsilon
5 years ago
Reply to  Heix

That’s from someone who clearly doesn’t know how ESC and EBU works and how you create a TV show. Broadcasters pay a lot to get 3 TV shows, not for a digital only presentation of videos. We already have that. You just have to create a playlist on youtube. Broadcasters won’t put energy on something they will hardly get money from. No ads there. If broadcasters don’t play the game. EBU can’t do nothing
And I also assume that artists wouldn’t agree that their effort would be reduce to that.

5 years ago

I’m just happy now I can add something to my calendar to look forward to, instead of taking another thing off 🙁

5 years ago

I don’t like it
They should focus only at the Eurovision 2020 songs

5 years ago
Reply to  Tom


Joseph Mendy
Joseph Mendy
5 years ago

This is exactly what we need!!!!

5 years ago

Tokyo 2020 wasn’t cancelled it was postponed.

5 years ago
Reply to  Alex

They say it’s heading to 2021.

Jack Pricefield
Jack Pricefield
5 years ago
Reply to  Alex

On positive sides it will give athletes and organizers another whole year to train whilst we all get our act together to contain this evil pandemic, that means the Tokyo opening ceremony could be more visually stunning and spectacular making Danny Boyle sh***ing sushi!

5 years ago

Yeah, it’s for the best. The athletes can’t even train and practice now.

5 years ago

Older ones just lost their last chance to take part in Olympics

5 years ago
Reply to  Alex

For lots of athletes it is cancelled.

5 years ago
Reply to  stommie

what do i care about irrelevant z-lister athletes

Jack Pricefield
Jack Pricefield
5 years ago

Grab your towels….