Damir Kedzo Croatia Eurovision 2020 Divlji Vjetre

Earlier this week, Croatia‘s broadcaster HRT confirmed that they would use their national final Dora to select their act for Eurovision 2021. But this also meant that 2020 winner Damir Kedžo would also not get a return ticket to Rotterdam. Now the “Divlji vjetre” singer has spoken out about the “rollercoaster of emotion” he’s been through.

Damir Kedžo spoke to the Croatian newspaper Jutarnji List, and talked about how he’s been affected by HRT not internally selecting him for Eurovision 2021.

Damir was honest with his emotions, saying he was “disappointed and sad” when he discovered he wouldn’t be heading to Rotterdam in May. He explained, “I am sorry that the people at HRT who decided who will represent Croatia at Eurovision 2021 in Rotterdam decided that it will not be me.”

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Cijelo ovo DORA 2020. iskustvo je bilo puni krug. Od sre?e do tuge, od pobjede do otkazivanja Eurovisona zbog Covida 19 , pa do otkazivanja mene kao izravnog predstavnika za Rotterdam 2021. Hvala svima, mom bendu, curama koje su sa mnom dijelile pozornicu u Opatiji i ovu virtualnu dok smo ljudima diljem Europe i svijeta pjevali “Divlji vjetre” online. Hvala svim ljudima iz mog tima i svima koji su dali srce i dušu u ovih par mjeseci da se za našu glazbu i našu zemlju ?uje u najboljem mogu?em svjetlu. Hvala svima na podršci i potpori sada kada znamo da je HRT odlu?io da ima novo natjecanje i da nas u Rotterdamu 2021. izravno ne predstavljam ja. Nije jednostavan ovaj roller coaster emocija i promjena izdržati, zato hvala još jednom svima i jedva ?ekam s vama prolaziti sve ono što ?e nam donijeti budu?nost. Ra?unajte na mene i najbolju mogu?u glazbu i emocije koje ?u vam donijeti, a ja ra?unam na vas. Ništa mi drugo ne treba. Volim vas ljudi. The whole DORA 2020 experience was a full circle. From happiness to sadness, from winning Dora to cancellation of Eurovision because of Covid 19 and at the end canceling me as a direct representative for Rotterdam 2021. Thank you everyone, my band, my girls who shared the stage with me in Opatija and a virtual one while we sang “Divlji vjetre” online to people all over Europe and the world. Huge thank you to all the people from my team and all of those who gave their hearts and souls in these few months with the intention that our song and performance is seen and heard in the best possible light. We solely wanted to represent our music and country the best way we knew. Thank you all for your support and support in the last 24 hours since we know that HRT decided to have a new competition and that i will not directly represented Croatia in Rotterdam in 2021. This roller coaster of emotions and change is not easy to survive, so thank you all once again. I'm happily waiting to go with you through everything that the future will bring us. You can expect the best possible music and emotions that I will bring to you, and I belive you will be with me. I don't need anything else. I love you people."

A post shared by DAMIR KEDZO (@damirkedzo) on

He notes that with many countries having confirmed their 2020 artists would return to Eurovision, it seemed reasonable to expect Croatia would do the same. As Damir noted, Croatia’s regional neighbours Slovenia and Bulgaria have invited back their 2020 acts, while Serbia’s Hurricane is strongly thought to be also returning.

To Damir, it seemed like a no-brainer that HRT would invite him back for 2021, especially with the work already done by him and his team.

Sadly, Damir didn’t get invited back by HRT. But he’s philosophical about it, explaining, “As difficult as all this may be, I believe it is my school of life. But what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger and I want to make my dreams come true more than ever.”

Croatian broadcaster HRT responds

Damir claims that HRT gave him a “red card” by not automatically letting him return to Eurovision. However, the broadcaster disputes this, saying he is still welcome to enter Dora 2021.

In a statement published by Croatian Eurovision portal Eurosong.hr, Croatia’s Head of Delegation Uršula Tolj explained, “Eurovision is primarily a song contest, not a performer contest”. She notes that many other participating broadcasters — such as Sweden, Lithuania and Estonia — will be holding their usual national final again.

But despite the disappointing news, Damir is still focused on the future. He has been working on his new album, which he describes as a mix of pop songs, a live session, and remixes “which you can party until dawn at a private party or at any club.”

But the most important question fans have is whether Damir will enter Dora 2021. While he isn’t confirming anything at this early stage, Damir does say, “Dreams are not given up, and I will never give up on going to Eurovision.”

What do you think? Should HRT have given Damir the ticket to Rotterdam? Should he enter a new song into Dora 2021? Tell us your thoughts below!

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david mckean
david mckean
4 years ago

I think this is a bad decision. He earned the right to go in 2020 and for circumstances outside everyones control this didn’t happen but he still deserves to fulfil that right. I love the song its brilliant and its a very worthy entry. Don’t give up Damir – we love your music and energy.

4 years ago
4 years ago

If I’m not mistaking anything, he said on the interview to Nikkie Tutorials, he considers entering Dora once again next year if he will have a right song.

4 years ago

“Eurovision is primarily a song contest, not a performer contest” so why the songs are being performed and not just being sent as audio recorded? These performers have emotions and some broadcasters don’t understand that their dream of performing on the eurovision stage is being crashed. (Not including tom becuase he decided to not partipicate becuase of a busy calendar for next year)

Last edited 4 years ago by Esc2021rotterdam
4 years ago

so sad for Damir, he deserves better

Roy Moreno
Roy Moreno
4 years ago

I think he’s popular in Croatia and as the winner of 2020, I think he can easily win Dora again if he wants to
He deserves to go

4 years ago

All national finals in 2021 have to be done like Israel and Romania’s this year, because you’ve got an artist already. That one you were gonna send this year. ?

4 years ago

If he is so loved, he should easily win Dora, shouldn’t he? 😉 But with a memorable song next time, please (it remains the only entry of this year’s class I cannot remember at all after listening ^^).

4 years ago

He has to be in Rotterdam 2021! His song is underrated.

4 years ago

He is so annoying lmao

4 years ago
Reply to  Tom

No he’s not.

4 years ago
Reply to  Tom

Your annoying

4 years ago

the drama came out, but I hope that Kedzo will try, next year has the potential to be successful, but on the other hand, I hope that hod ursula will change the reputation of Eurovision in Croatia, it is possible that the SDP will win the election on July 5, and this means changes in HRT and a possible change in the method of selecting a representative in the future

4 years ago

Croatia have to look at Romanian selection 2020, one singer and 5/6 songs . Damir must have an opportunity.

4 years ago

A strange situation has arisen, I hope that Kedzo will try again in 2021, and if not in the future, because it has great potential, by the way that the SDP can win the parliamentary election on July 5, I feel that there will be changes in HRT how to choose in the future of the representative, because now finances play an important role

4 years ago

He deserves to be on the Eurovision stage in 2021

Lucie Zapotocna
Lucie Zapotocna
4 years ago
Reply to  Guest


4 years ago
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