Ukraine loves Eurovision and Eurovision loves Ukraine. And today Kyiv delivered its latest love letter in the form of the ten songs competing to win Vidbir 2023 — its national selection.

We’ll have to wait until December 17 to hear the 10 acts perform their songs live. But the studio cuts make it clear how Russia’s ongoing war has compelled artists to contemplate loss and trauma, but also resilience and hope. These artists will not be silenced.

As Vidbir musical director Dmytro Shurov — aka Pianboy — said last month, these finalists have pushed through the most difficult circumstances of their lives to create their art. He said:

“I am very grateful to all the musicians that managed to do an important job in really difficult circumstances, both emotionally and physically, often under sirens and shellings, in basements and with no power supply. The task was complicated as, besides writing a good song that would touch people, recording it in a studio and performing it live at auditions, the participants had to comply with all the rules of the national selection.”

Below you can listen to each of the ten finalists. We’ve listed them in the running order, which the Ukrainian broadcaster Suspilne released earlier today.

Ukraine: All ten Vidbir 2023 songs revealed

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Moisei – “I’m Not Alone”

OY Sound System  – Ой, тужу (Oy, tuzhu)



FIINKA – Довбуш (Dovbush)

KRUTЬ – Колискова (Lullaby)

Tember Blanche – Я вдома (I’m home)

Angelina – Stronger

2TONE – Квітка (Flower)

TVORCHI – Heart Of Steel

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2 years ago

They gonna winn esc anyway

Por no estar
Por no estar
2 years ago

For me its 2tone with flower

2 years ago

OY sound system is such a trance. Would love to see that kind of edm at Eurovision

2 years ago
Reply to  DannyK

Jerry is also pretty fun. I think people are dramatic, this selection isn’t bad. Way better than Estonia

2 years ago

“Video unavailable” for KRUTb (from the U.S.)

2 years ago
Reply to  Essie

That’s weird. I am able to play that video fine. Then again, I went on YouTube, not here

2 years ago
Reply to  Essie

The video has been reuploaded

2 years ago

We have a winner! Yawn.

2 years ago

I do not want to be pessimistic, so here it goes: we have already listened to the winner of Eurovision 2023! The war in Ukraine is unlikely to end by May 2023; even less so, it is unbelievable for the country to be rebuilt by the time the contest will happen, just as millions of Ukrainians who fled to Europe will still be in Europe and will eagerly vote for Ukraine. Sympathy votes are on the way; deal with it. That is simply the fact, which is unfortunate given the ESC’s evolution into a quality competition over the last decade.… Read more »

Lassi Juhana
Lassi Juhana
2 years ago
Reply to  Devito

I think that comment is fair enough. Also, I still think that the best song won this year. And if Ukraine wins again it still might be the best song that wins. There are some really good songs in Vidbir 2023. The thing is that we don’t know if Ukraine won because of the war or if it still might have won. It would have placed high in any case.  Ultimately for me, it isn’t the most important thing who wins the contest – many times it hasn’t been my favorite song that has won in the end. For me,… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Devito

Ukraine are last in the junior poll. To me, that just shows there are more people wanting them to lose than wanting them to win. Sad.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

I disagree I just think they’ve got the worst song in junior eurovision not that people are hating on them.

Mr X
Mr X
2 years ago
Reply to  Devito

This time the juries could extremely downvote the entry from Ukraine…

2 years ago
Reply to  Devito

will be depend of other songs.

Lassi Juhana
Lassi Juhana
2 years ago

Hello all! Just started following comment threads for the first time here at Wiwibloggs this starting Eurovision season. I have been following the actual Eurovision Song Contest and news here and elsewhere for quite some time and I have also watched some of the National Selections in recent years. Now I have got the courage to comment for the first time, and I hope I get to do this in the future. I think my Eurovision fandom is now at the highest level for me, and I think that Eurovision has been the most amazing in the last few years.… Read more »

2 years ago

So one of these acts will be the winner of Eurovision 2023

2 years ago
Reply to  Karl


Lassi Juhana
Lassi Juhana
2 years ago
Reply to  Karl

Not necessarily. We have no way of knowing or even predicting that since there isn’t a single song selected yet for Eurovision 2023. Though I have to say there are a couple of songs in this bunch that may have winning potential. Maybe there’s not anything as good as “Stefania”, but then again that was one of the best winning songs there has been, if not the best. Can’t really say much about who’s gonna win before we know all the songs competing since this is a song contest.

2 years ago

Usually the one that won vidbir got a lot of views when they revealed the song. Except for hmn 2017

2 years ago

Alright, the Eurovision national final season has finally begun and I am so excited! What do I think about the ten songs competing for Ukraine? Overall, I think it’s a really good selection, considering it’s a miracle they even produced any songs for it due to the situation. I admit I don’t hear a winner contender among the bunch (which is probably a good thing for Ukraine, imagine winning again and you still can’t host), but there is nothing embarrassing in there. At worst, there might be a couple of merely average songs, but Ukraine is in good shape. Here… Read more »

2 years ago

Not a strong line up for Ukraine sadly, but to be expected with the circumstances.

Jerry Heil is the best choice by far.

2 years ago
Reply to  Azuro

This, Jerry Heil by far the best

2 years ago
Reply to  Aaljan

Her song is definitely the one with the most views, at 245K views as of the time of this post. The rest aren’t anywhere close to reaching the 100k mark, which only Fiinka being the second most viewed at 85K (as of the time of this post). It’s definitely Jerry Heil’s to lose and I wouldn’t be surprised if she does end winning on the 17th. And to think she’s the same singer who performed that awful vegan song in 2020. She’s definitely matured in the last two years.

2 years ago
Reply to  Azuro

I agree it’s not the greatest Vidbir pack we’ve ever had, but considering the situation, it’s a miracle we even have a selection period from Ukraine. I don’t hear anything that gives me winner vibes, but that’s probably for the best for Ukraine.

2 years ago

I like Moisei, it sounds like balkan balad

2 years ago

Dislike all of them except OY sound system

2 years ago

Krutb …. End of story

2 years ago

For me, it stands between; 2TONE – ?????? (Flower), and TVORCHI – Heart Of Steel.Jerry Heil just sounded like a (worse) copy version of Kalush Orchestra’s Stefania. And if there’s one thing that’s for sure, it’s when countries enter a song that sounds (too much) like the previous year’s winner, it’s gonna fail. People want something new. Otherwise, what’s the point of the contest if it’s always just the same old, same old songs?

2 years ago
Reply to  BetwixtTales

“Too much like last year” is how I feel about FIINKA, which otherwise I quite like.

2 years ago
Reply to  Zanoni

It’s not a good idea to send two songs with similar elements in a row. While Stefania and Dovbush are different songs, their mixed use of folk and rap/hip-hop might be seen as too similar to the worldwide audience. Better to send something different.

2 years ago

I wonder when wiwibloggs will post an article about Estonia. I am dying to put down my opinions about the songs.

Eurovision fan
Eurovision fan
2 years ago

Jerry Heil would be the best option, but it’s not winner material or anything close to entries like 1944 or Shum. It’s solid song and Ukrainians should be happy with it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Eurovision fan

It’s also the Vidbir song with the most views so far (over 116k as of the time of this post) and it is the only song to have reached over 100 K views. The rest of the songs aren’t even close to that, so I take it as a sign that this is probably the favorite most likely the one to go to eurovision. And I’m OK with that. I can’t believe that this is the same artist has sent that awful vegan song almost three years ago. I agree this probably isn’t going to get Ukraine a consecutive victory,… Read more »

Oy oy
Oy oy
2 years ago

KRUTb is the absolute best. It’s not a typical ESC-hit but I can easily see this win in Liverpool. Moisei is a good number two in this strong line up. It’s touching to see so much creativity and heart for music from a country in war. Slava Ukraina!

2 years ago

Good Line up (:
My favourites are moeisi and Jerry !! If it was one of them, they will be in my top 2. The other songs are good but not enough for me (:

Stian F
Stian F
2 years ago

Amazing selection of songs and at least 3 songs that would be deserving of a Eurovision win. Best chance is still KRUTb i think – such a magically beautiful song. But i LOVE “Heart of Steel” – such a well produced song. Though Jerry Heil is pretty good as well and the production is so interesting. FIINKA is like a perfect mix between Manizha and Konstrakta and would definitely bring an interesting visual performance, and Oy Sound System is very intense, and in my opinion in a good way! Love these 5 songs! Demchuk’s song is so good as well,… Read more »

2 years ago

pretty sure krut/????????? live will blow us all away. curious about oy sound system. although it seems to be people’s fave, the broken English in the jerry heil song makes it unbearable to me, I think it’s a little too camp for Ukraine this year (on the other hand, the instrumental is popping)

2 years ago
Reply to  brennan

I agree almost 100% I see KRUT’s song as one with incredible potential to connect with an audience with the right performance and staging. Nothing else here has that kind of upside. Glad somebody else here is put off by Jerry Heil’s lyrics 🙂

2 years ago

It really doesn’t matter which song is chosen, they are the winners of Eurovision 2024 anyway. Congratulations!

Mr X
Mr X
2 years ago
Reply to  Ritoli

Absolutely not, I´m sorry…. You can´t compare the actual politic situation with springtime 2022. Times have changed and the people have another problems and emotions.

Mr X
Mr X
2 years ago
Reply to  Ritoli

Why 2024 ???

2 years ago
Reply to  Mr X

They either meant to write 2023 or they think 2024 is when Ukraine will be able to host again.

2 years ago

Personally, I think it’s a pretty good selection. Nothing stands out to me as an absolute dud. Which is honestly unusual. Most selections end up with a few, even the smaller ones. Nothing stands out as a clear winner to me either, but when selections are obviously lopsided, it’s no fun. I’m curious what the live performances will be like, especially with this year’s venue being a subway station. The artists have their work cut out for them this year, and I’m interested to see how it goes.

2 years ago
Reply to  Elizabeth

I think at Worst there are a few songs that are just average, but there is no all out bomb.

Mr X
Mr X
2 years ago

My favourites are KRUT and FIINKA. OYSoundSystem is also interesting.

ESC Stan
ESC Stan
2 years ago

Okay, so… they all seem similar to me. Sure, I need to listen to them all again but that is first thoughts. All acoustic with some electronics. For me, this means some good songs but no stand out winner. Lasts years top three were so diverse, and I don’t get that this year. There is a lot of good songs but until I see the performances I don’t hear a clear favourite. It seems they are looking to the grand final with quality but not to win, which is totally fine. Also, no clear political ones but I’m sure people… Read more »

2 years ago

Another political victory is coming !

2 years ago
Reply to  Mati

How many more times will we read this over the next six months?

Sir Stevia
Sir Stevia
2 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

At least 42069 more times.

Polegend Godnova
2 years ago

i really like krutb’s song. it sounds nothing like anything ukraine has sent so far.

Go_A Stan
Go_A Stan
2 years ago

I’m hoping for Dovbush to win, it’s such a fun song with a lot of personality. Ukraine has already won and I think what we all need is just to have fun. But tbh I like all of them, a few fail to grab my attention but no stinkers overall. I can tell Vidbir’s gonna be fun.

2 years ago
Reply to  Go_A Stan

Political fun nice

2 years ago

Pretty OK songs all around, but nothing is true winner material. IMHO Jerry Heil’s song is overrated

2 years ago

I don’t see a winner here, but, definitely another top 10 for UA

Jessica Folcker
Jessica Folcker
2 years ago

I want to say that there’s no ESC winner here, but with what’s happening in Ukraine, they could send a recording of the farts from an inflatable mattress and they’d still win…

2 years ago

Based on what exactly?
The only prior you’ve got is last year where Ukraine sent a good song, and a good song won the contest.

2 years ago
Reply to  Briekimchi

Briekimchi, I think you’re counting years wrong. We are not in 2005 – actually, last year’s winner was pure cringe and crap.

Jessica Folcker
Jessica Folcker
2 years ago
Reply to  Briekimchi

That was a good song? Apologies, I wasn’t aware you were hard of hearing. 😛

2 years ago

Kalush Orchestra was definitely a good winner. I still listen to the song and their other songs aswell.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dane

Trololololol. Nice one, Dane.

2 years ago
Reply to  VivaLaDiva

Fortunately, most people agree with what I say 😉

2 years ago
Reply to  Dane

Haha, you truly crack me up! Keep it going, please.

2 years ago


2 years ago

And here we go again. As usual, a very professional and balanced line-up in Vidbir. I won’t lie, this time I haven’t instantly fallen in love with any entry, but I can see some growers in the mix. I suppose Jerry Heil is the frontrunner (popularity, message, contemporary but accessible sound) and I would be more than fine with that outcome. But at a first listen, FIINKA has the song who got more from my attention. I also like TVORCHI and KRUTb, even if I was more impacted by their previous efforts.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sabrina

I agree, the impact is perhaps not as immediate as it was over the last years and the production quality isn’t quite as high, but given the circumstances, it’s kind of a miracle that they managed to put together a qualification round at all.
I hope everything’s fine over at your place, I followed your presidential elections – as did the whole world, I assume – and that was an unexpected nailbiter. 🙂

2 years ago
Reply to  Tibor

Yeah, with the war going on, it’s actually surprising that they managed to make good songs at all. I wouldn’t expect the televised selection to be as visually high-quality as usual because they’re in a bomb shelter, so let’s be a little lenient there.

2 years ago
Reply to  Tibor

That’s true, having a national final under their circunstances is already an impressive move. And even if they’re not super immediate entries, I can see at least half of them working pretty well on the stage. Vidbir will keep its status as one of my favorite national finals (I would just appreciate a little less drama this time). About the elections, let’s say it took a month longer than it should (and my nails are still recovering from it), the task ahead of the new government is monumental, but it will be good to get into a new year finally… Read more »

2 years ago

I’d imagine Jerry Heil will win the televote without a single problem off a solid song with an anti war message. Not my winner here, in my top 3, but I won’t be mad about it.

2 years ago

I would so love for an act like OY Sound System to make it with its devotion to old-school electronica. Sadly, I doubt it will garner broad appeal.
Jerry Heil sticks out as the logical choice. Poignant, contemporary, accomplished and brimming with the jazz hands that Eurovision requires.

2 years ago

I’d say that it’s a weak selection for Ukraine for the simple fact that when they have what is a “good” selection for them, they have a potential Eurovision winner or top five song in there. They don’t this time around. It’s similar to their 2020 selection and not just because a lot of the same names are involved. I ranked the Jerry Heil song second in the selection and suspect that it may get chosen but honestly, I find the 2Tone song the best. It feels very much like a hybrid A Dal entry. The rock elements are definitely… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Briekimchi

I also don’t hear a potential Eurovision winner in this crop of vidbir entries, but that doesn’t mean there’s nothing good. It’s probably for the best that Ukraine be not so competitive for the crown, and just aim for a good result.

2 years ago

Clearly your hearing needs to be tested the songs are mostly s**t

2 years ago

Downvote me I don’t care but this is one of the worst selections for Ukraine, not one of these songs should be troubling a scoreboard come May 2023 but we all know that likely won’t be the case. If they win from sympathy again then things need to change and the EBU need to pull their finger out.

2 years ago
Reply to  Boozyfloozy69

I also don’t get winner vibes from these songs yet, but they are definitely songs that can do well. So stop talking about sympathy. That’s not why Ukraine won. I also don’t think Ukraine will aim for victory again, but they always deliver quality – also this year.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dane

Sympathy is why they won! It was Not the best song on the night so turn the blinkers off.

2 years ago
Reply to  Boozyfloozy69

It is a subjective opinion. In my opinion (and many others) it was one of the best songs of the night, so it was totally deserved.

Roy Moreno
Roy Moreno
2 years ago
Reply to  Dane

I agree it was a good song (still listening to it)
But 439 points from the televote is a statement, don’t you think?
No one has gotten such a high score and I don’t think this song was that popular and loved around Europe
They obviously won with a great song but it did come with a lot of sympathy votes at the same time

2 years ago
Reply to  Roy Moreno

I agree that some of the votes was sympathy votes, but it was not the main reason why it won.

2 years ago

Alina Pash was already the next Maruv, but I REALLY hope it doesn’t happen again.

2 years ago

I like 5 of 10 songs. Really good quality.

2 years ago

This is the reason why Ukraine is one of my favorites ESC countries. They never disappoint me 🙂

2 years ago
Reply to  Dane

Even when I don’t like the individual song, it’s hard not to respect the ambition.

2 years ago
Reply to  Zanoni

Exactly. They take it seriously. My country could learn from that …

2 years ago
Reply to  Dane

Which country are you from?

2 years ago
Reply to  BadWoolfGirl

Im from Denmark. I hope someday our broadcaster will take Eurovision serious 🙁

2 years ago
Reply to  Dane

I won’t lie, pickings for the Danish have a Selection have been very poor for the last couple of years. Denmark is the Germany of the Nordics the way I see it.

2 years ago
Reply to  BadWoolfGirl

Yeah we didnt have the best national selection the past couple of years. I still think those song we have send, was not that bad. They was okay, but nothing special. I still think we should have qualified in 2021. Stupid jury!

2 years ago
Reply to  Zanoni

It’s a miracle they put something together at all considering the violence Ukraine is facing.

2 years ago
Reply to  BadWoolfGirl

Totally agree. You can see that the situation has influenced the song’s lyrics. But that’s totally understandable

2 years ago

I think you confused Ukraine being similar to Sweden based on being guaranteed a very high placement, if not even a victory.

2 years ago

I’ve spent very lovely 28:30 minutes listening to the Ukranian national selection, the ineugural one of the 2023 season. It’s heartwarming to see how these artists are capable of creating interesting music even in the darkest of times. Much to my surprise, not everything sounds heavy and sorrowful. There’s a lot of diversity. No matter who wins, Ukraine will have at least an okay, if not even amazing song in the finals.

I hope that Vidbir goes well and that Ukraine finally sees happier days. Happy opening of the season, everyone!

2 years ago

This 10 songs are the biggest pile of trash I have ever seen.Like if they haven’t won last year none of them would be in the final.Ukrain should withdraw and focus on the war.

2 years ago

“Focus on the war”
What else do you think they’re doing?

2 years ago
Reply to  Jamie

Eurovision is a thing they should not do until they win the war.

2 years ago

Speaking is a thing you should not do until you educate yourself

2 years ago

EuroTrashKiller, you’re wrong. They are winning regardless of being automatically in Finals or not.

2 years ago
Reply to  VivaLaDiva

You wish they will not ever win again.

2 years ago

EuroTrashKiller, lol, of course not. I couldn’t care less about Ukraine’s success. I would just want Eurovision without politics. I guess I am asking for too much.
(It wouldn’t hurt to have genuine and unbiased/uncorrupted news reporters, as well. Too bad William promotes the opposite values.)

2 years ago

Agreed they are terrible and if it was another country people would agree, snowflakes everywhere I’m afraid!

Fact Speaker
Fact Speaker
2 years ago
Reply to  Boozyfloozy69

Absolutely delusional. Ukrainian songs are incredibly original and no other country could replicate it. This year there is an even wider range of quality.

2 years ago
Reply to  Fact Speaker

Wider range these songs are trash compared to last year.Next.

2 years ago
Reply to  Fact Speaker

Wide range of what? Mediocrity? Someone needs to get their ears tested the songs are utter trash but we all know they could send 3mins of white noise and they will win.

Esc addict
Esc addict
2 years ago

Ok! Good start of the season! The 3 that stand out to me are Fiinka, Jerry Heil and Tvorchi. And my choice would be Tvorchi absolutely.

2 years ago

DEMCHUK! I love it. I can hear it on the radio. And I can imagine great staging.

2 years ago

Jerry Heil has this in the bag. I’m curious though, The song is only 2:28 long which means Jerry is hiding 32 seconds from us. I wonder what the 32 seconds will entail?

OY Sound System’s song is very intriguing. It’s one of those songs that will either flourish or flop when performed live. Also, Ukraine can take a risk with their entry this year since they automatically qualify – I think OY Sound System are the perfect risk!

2 years ago
Reply to  Thallo

Finnish entry in 2015 was not even 1:50.

2 years ago

Personally, I’d choose either “Dovbush” or “When God shut the door”. Although you could say the latter is a little Eurovision box ticking – an upbeat song with a little folky chanting, a bridge in Ukrainian and a nice little coloratura flourish in the chorus – it still works very well and sits much better with me than her last attempt from 2020. This would certainly do well at Eurovision, as would “Dovbush” which is the right mixture between mainstream modernity and accessible quirkiness. Krut’ certainly has a sound, but I have to say that “99” was in my opinion… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Tibor

Welcome back, Tibor, we thought you had vanished. I like your choices here.

2 years ago
Reply to  Tibor

Welcome back, Tibor! I’m looking forward to our ESC 2023 conversations, and reading your opinions.

2 years ago
Reply to  Colin

You’re all very kind, thank you.

2 years ago

Jerry Heil’s entry is phenomenal! It almost sounds like a hybrid of 1944 and Stefania especially with the beat and instrumental sections. If she can win, she definitely going to be near the top in Liverpool. All the songs keep references to the war very classy and understated which was really appreciated

2 years ago
Reply to  Teddy

It is interesting that you make the comparison because in some ways when God shut the door is Jerry Heil’s 1944, in the both she and Jamala first entered with silly songs, and then their second songs are much more serious due to the current context. However, I think the song feels like a pale imitation of 1944 to me, but it’s not a terrible song. I just don’t think it’s a masterpiece. Still, I will be fine with Jerry going to eurovision, because it is the best song of this bunch, even if it’s not a masterpiece like previous… Read more »

2 years ago

Oh, I’m not the only one who enjoys Lullaby. It’s so pure and mesmerizing. I can just imagine how magical it would look on the Eurovision stage.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jamie

It has also probably the best lyrics of this Vidbir. After first time listening i was in between Lullaby and Whe God Shut The Door. After second round of listening Lullaby stole my heart. Even if Jerry Heil would win i would not be mad. I loved FIINKA as well but it sounds lil bit similar to Manizha’s Eurovision song.

2 years ago

hope Ukraine does badly next year the only won the contest due to Sympathy over the war

2 years ago
Reply to  Matthew

Listen to these songs. How can they do badly? In what world these can do badly. Are you suggesting we should throw the whole “song contest” thing out?

2 years ago
Reply to  Matthew

to win you need just be better than you concurrents. Not each winner is perfect. Not all perfect songs are winners

2 years ago
Reply to  Matthew

Awe, well I hope you die before the voting.

Sir Stevia
Sir Stevia
2 years ago
Reply to  Alfie28

WTH is wrong with you?!

2 years ago
Reply to  Alfie28

How dare you