Vesna My Sister's Crown Czech Republic Eurovision 2023

A week after ESCZ’s inaugural live show, we have the result. Representing the Czech Republic at Eurovision 2023…congratulations to VESNA!

The Czech-Slovene-Russian band have come out on top after a week of fans voting through the official Eurovision app.

VESNA beat out stiff competition from Pam Rabbit, Rodan, Markéta Irglová and Maella. This was after last weeks live event and Eurovision’s official YouTube channel. This is the first that Czech broadcaster Česká Televize has hosted after typically purely online voting.

Czech Republic Eurovision 2023: Vesna — “My Sister’s Crown”

VESNA were considered a huge fan favourite going into the selection, with the song released a few days prior. It is perhaps no surprise then, that they dominated both the Czech vote and international fan vote. In fact, they got more than double the points in both votes than the first runner up Pam Rabbit.

The vote was split 70-30, with the Czech voters having 30% of the say in the result. 

You can see the full final results below.

ESCZ 2023 results

Czech Public Vote

  1. Vesna — 3,501 votes
  2. Pam Rabbit — 1,417 votes
  3. Rodan — 501 votes
  4. Markéta Irglová — 184 votes
  5. Maella – 95 votes

International Public Vote

  1. Vesna — 7,083 votes
  2. Pam Rabbit — 2,799 votes
  3. Rodan — 1,494 votes
  4. Markéta Irglová — 825 votes
  5. Maella — 504 votes

Overall Result

  1. Vesna — 10,584 votes
  2. Pam Rabbit — 4,217 votes
  3. Rodan — 1,995 votes
  4. Markéta Irglová — 1,009 votes
  5. Maella — 599 votes


Who are VESNA?

VESNA are a group who merge folklore and pop, to create a stunning modern take on the genres. The group originate from the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Russia.

Their song “My Sister’s Crown” is sung in many languages, including Czech, English, a chorus sung in Ukrainian and even a dash of Bulgarian. It is powerful, empowering and already a fan-favourite across social media to succeed in Eurovision in May.

They follow in the steps of We Are Domi who opened the Grand Final in 2022 with “Lights Off'”and came 22nd place with 38 points.

What do you think of “My Sister’s Crown”? How will VESNA perform in Liverpool? Share your thoughts below.

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1 year ago

i am listening to this song pretty much every day and i must say, that i am more and more sure and confident that this is a potential winner.
good melody, strength in meaning and girlpower! ( i am specially liking the rap-part)
i just hope they are having a better perfomance. the live perfomance in czechia was a little bit too weak and i dont know if they will look lost on the big stage.

1 year ago

The song is very controversial. The authors of the song say that they wanted to support Ukraine and its struggle against Russia. Yet, Ukrainians are someone who are upset. Should you be more careful about feelings of those you want to support? In my opinion, the reference to ‘sister’s crown’ is a reference to the crown of the Russian Empire. Because of this historical parallel, this song is seen as a call for brotherhood, first of all, with Russia not with Ukraine . Do you know that the Kremlin is using the narrative of ‘brotherhood’/’sisterhood’ do deny the very existence… Read more »

Tom Patterson
Tom Patterson
1 year ago
Reply to  Alina

I figured it to be about Ukraine’s crown.

1 year ago

I think this songs is about sisters of slavic world which have been suffering since forever because of the stupid power. Dude take a look on how many centuries those beautiful ladies can’t have a peaceful life over something they don’t want to be part of! It is a call to unite every Slavic sister and don’t give up to the power! This song is so powerful and I don’t take any offence at all as a Ukrainian.

1 year ago

You go queen! Yaaaasss! Women power! We’re all here for you!
Doesn’t it sound like it’s already heard somewhere? Right…

1 year ago

Serious question: I interpreted as, through “Love over power” its a anti-war song. That along with the fact that there are Ukrainian lyrics in it, doesn’t really give me the impression that this is pro-Russian regardless of a Russian being in the group. I mean, there’s a Ukrainian in the group too, as well as Czech and Bulgarian. So I really need help understanding the propaganda or political nature of this song that wasn’t already featured in 1944, Stefania’s music video and the politics that always surround Vidbir or whenever Russia and Ukraine, or even Armenia and Azerbaijan have spats… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Evan

Its easy, the problem is just the “sisterhood” itself. It is a sensitive and triggering topic for all slavic countries, even for Czechs. Russia/SSSR used this and is still using this to justify all the invasions and wars… so as a Czech I can totally understand why so many Ukrainians are angry about this entry.

1 year ago
Reply to  mkrk

Seriously? In the Czech Republic, do we associate sisterhood with Russia? I guess I live somewhere else

1 year ago
Reply to  Luk

Exactly. Brotherly/Fraternal was used (bratrský) for example for the fraternal “help” in 1968 but sisterhood? No way.
Sestra in Czech is either a female sibling or a nurse. But definitely not the Soviet Union.

1 year ago
Reply to  Luk

If you want to support Ukraine (if it is an honest intention), listen to Ukrainians.
Just recently, Russian contestant had ‘Crown of the Russian Empire’ dress at Miss Universe 2022.Sister’s crown makes a direct association to Russia, not to Ukraine.

1 year ago
Reply to  mkrk

What? I’m Polish and I’ve never heard of sisterhood as a triggering topic ?

Vladimir P
Vladimir P
1 year ago

I like the song. Good luck, Czechia! Greetings from Serbia

1 year ago

I am in favor of changing the Ukrainian language to the Polish language. He completely left out the support of Ukraine and hopefully he will calm down

1 year ago
Reply to  Luk

With all due respect, I think if UA needs to be replaced, i would pick Czech. Which is almost the same as both languages are much less melodical than Ukrainian.

1 year ago
Reply to  Slabsson54

That’s true, but I like the combination of 4 languages

1 year ago
Reply to  Luk

It’s not about what YOU want

1 year ago
Reply to  Jess

I’m Czech and I’m thinking how to get rid of the hatred from Ukrainian fans. What’s wrong about it?

Thomas Sturley
1 year ago

What the controversy boils down to is the Russian Girl being in the group. If that girl was Ukrainian I doubt the vitriol would be this extreme.

1 year ago

The song is clearly political and tries to make a profit out of the ukraine war. The ebu should not accept that

1 year ago

Czech Republic: please withdraw from Eurovision before you embarrass yourselves further. This is a very rea and sensitive topic for us Ukrainians, not something for you to capitalize off of. If you don’t withdraw it will be a huge betrayal to Ukrainians like myself who are living in horror every day. I know I’m not the only Ukrainian that is deeply offended by the R*ssian propaganda in this song (even if unintentional).

Czech Republic can sit this year out. Come back next time with something less political and more authentic. Thank you.

ESC Stan
ESC Stan
1 year ago
Reply to  Dan

Please withdraw from wiwibloggs before you embarrass yourself further.

Vladimir P
Vladimir P
1 year ago
Reply to  ESC Stan


1 year ago
Reply to  Dan

u are done

1 year ago
Reply to  Dan

Dude stfu

1 year ago

“The Czech-Slovene-Russian band”

Ok, besides using a weird photo for the band´s promotion, i guess there is a partial misunderstanding, Wiwibloggs – the band is Czech and there is definitely no Slovene girl involved. Slovakia and Slovenia sound similar, but there are still two separate countries with different history.

1 year ago
Reply to  Slabsson54

Slovenka means Slovenian allrigt, but in Serbian/Croatian.
In Czech – Slovenka means Slovak.

1 year ago

I really want to know, if the Czech Republic is disqualified from Eurovision, will there only be 14 countries in the semi-final 1? Or will they move one country from Semi Final 2 to Semi Final 1?

1 year ago
Reply to  Ritoli

And why the hell should Czech Republic be DQ from Eurovision?

1 year ago
Reply to  Ritoli

It’s very unlikely that Czechia will be disqualified. If there really is some controversy with the song, they will likely be asked to either alter the lyrics, provide different song or provide another artist.

1 year ago

I didn’t like the song, their vocals and find the song a bit overhyped.

1 year ago

The message is good, the lyrics aren’t… sorry, really don’t like the song at all , but good luck to Czechia

1 year ago

Everyone here shouting about disqualifications like….

There is *NO* evidence of anything that this going on. Wild guesses based on nothing.

Don’t be part of a hysterical mob. Especially because guess what, a message like “ooohhh those terrible hysterical over-sensitive Ukrainians are forcing innocent artists to get cancelled and the EBU can’t do anything about it”… you know what that sounds like? Russian propaganda.

Just everything chill out and see what happens.

1 year ago
Reply to  zelenovi

I think what sparked off this rumor was that on the Eurovision official website, the Czech Republic section of the 2023 participants was still labeled as TBC and it looked like my sister’s crown wasn’t added yet despite winning the national final on Monday. In fact, it still says TBC as of now (hopefully that will change in the future). This got some people on Twitter worried that there might be something going on that’s preventing the Czech Republic from adding Vesna to the official site and that’s where it spiraled out of control. I think Czech Republic will be… Read more »

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
1 year ago
Reply to  zelenovi

Excellent point, thank you.
N.B. As far as I know thus far, Vesna will represent the Czech Republic in ESC 2023.

1 year ago

Why are you all complaining now we all know the Eurovision been fixed for years

1 year ago

The best song so far, of course after Spain, which is in another league.

1 year ago

I find it odd that someone can claim that “the CZR wants to benefit from Ukraine’s suffering” like please can you look again how many people voted and compare it with how many people live in CZR??? People MAJORLY don’t give a damn here and mostly just few people that are interested in Eurovision actually vote. It indicates nothing.

1 year ago

Well, I don’t think that Ukrainian broadcaster is really behind this controversy with announcement. At least, it published post on Instagram/Telegram today, in which counted new artists, including Czech Vesna.

Also, I have admit that in Ukraine, a lot of fans are ok with Vesna’s win and their song, even though they have russian member (I also voted for them, for instance). I hope, they will become officially representatives of Czech Republic this year ?

1 year ago
Reply to  Terracott

A lot of comments from Ukrainians are terrible. It’s disgusting

1 year ago

Here’s five things we know about the situation:

1. We don’t wanna put in the negative move
2. It’s killin’ the groove
3. I’m a-tryin’ to shoot in some disco tonight
4. Boogie with you

5. We don’t wanna put in

1 year ago

Personally I am not so fond of this entry. There were others of the same genre in the past much better. But I believe it will be a strong contender for the final (it will qualify for sure). All the controversy is just ridiculous…

1 year ago

On the video i like the video but on the performance It was “well ok”… What i cannot understand is why are people saying that this entry Will be DQ’ed just because one of the singers is Russian. If that IS really so, the world has gone crazy.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jonkonfui

*the song I meant

1 year ago
Reply to  Jonkonfui

The live national final performance doesn’t really do justice to my sister’s crown. In fact, I didn’t have the best first impression of the song because I saw the national final first not the music video. The music video is much more characteristic of what I think will get at Eurovision.

ESC Stan
ESC Stan
1 year ago
Reply to  Jonkonfui

I think people can be more political than a song ever could. People are just hungry for controversy.

1 year ago

Well, it is a catchy tune for Czechia. Ehh I’ll try to weigh in on the “controversies” as a Ukrainain person. Intellectually I understand the good intentions but, honestly, I can’t help but get triggered, for the lack of a better word, at mentions of “Slavic sisterhood”. I guess, in a way it is sort of like blackface for many of us, something just too steeped in its history of continuous abuse and also cultural appropriation. Ukrainians have been seen almost exclusively through other peoples’ (specifically Russian) eyes as being a derivative of something larger Slavic/Russian/Soviet/Eastern/Orthodox/whatever, our self-perception was routinely… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Ant

That said, do I care a lot about all of this? No, just a fan of the show 🙂

Vladimir P
Vladimir P
1 year ago
Reply to  Ant

That’s an interesting point of view, thank you for sharing

1 year ago

Hello, just here to clarify a few things about the toxic DISC HORSE the twitter hellsite created around this entry: While the song clearly is metaphorically about supporting Ukraine, it was not created to rip-off Kalush. Vesna has been active since 2016, they played this style of music (a modern take on slavic folklore) since the very first day and since the very first day their main themes were femininity, sisterhood and slavic mythology. The omnipresent claim that Russian propaganda has always used the idea of Slavic “sisterhood” as a justification for expansion is false. They do use an image… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  FifiSch

In that family, it’s clear who the annoying child is.

1 year ago
Reply to  FifiSch

Tell me disc horse is a joke

1 year ago
Reply to  Evelyn

I think ultimately things will be fine in the end. If the worst that happens is they have to slightly alter the lyrics, then we’re in good shape.

ESC Stan
ESC Stan
1 year ago
Reply to  BadWoolfGirl

They shouldn’t because the song is about solidarity. If that is political I’m here for it. Contrast that with the last from Belarus, THAT was political at its worst.

1 year ago
Reply to  Evelyn

Indeed it is.

1 year ago
Reply to  FifiSch

Hahah, I thought Slavic Folklore music remixes have existed waaaay longer than this. If we rewind back in time from Elitsa Todorova 2007, Slobodan Trkulja, Balkanika, all the way back to Madame Piano (from Serbia) who mixed pop and Slavic music in the 90s even…I’d probably remember musicians even before that, not a big deal. xD

ESC Stan
ESC Stan
1 year ago
Reply to  Nathalie

We were talking about a song that may be seen as political but in a way that brings people together. Not quite sure what your point is?

1 year ago

I like this song. Best so far. 5/10

1 year ago

Interesting song but personally I didn’t like the song.

1 year ago

I’m really afraid that Vesna and the Czech Republic won’t participate, all because politics is still strongly present in the competition. indeed, many Ukrainians do not find themselves there with this song, especially with a Russian singer… It must be said that this singer is against Putin, supports Ukraine and sings in Ukrainian it is therefore symbolic !!! Frankly, this contest is getting more and more politicized… I really hope the EBU will keep Vesna and this beautiful song!!! I don’t want it to go by the wayside when the singer is no longer Russian at all and she supports… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Roro31

The problem is one country.

1 year ago
Reply to  Karen

Yes … But Ukraine this year it’s an an organizer with the United Kingdom, after that it is up to the EBU to decide, they are the leaders

1 year ago
Reply to  Roro31

you do realize the song itself is political… everyone here are hypocrites saying Ukraine’s shouldn’t send a political song and that it only wins because of politics and then here comes Czech Republic trying to benefit from their war and suffering and getting praised for it… and to top it off singing about “sisterhood” with Russia as they actively try to destroy Ukraine. doesn’t sit right with me at all

1 year ago
Reply to  lol

Noone is singing about sisterhood with Russia. That is only a widespread yet false interpretation used to smear the song. For sure the song despite the tropes used has political connotion. At the same time this can also backfire. Let the public decide this one.

1 year ago
Reply to  Slabsson54

If it was about a sisterhood with Russia, wouldn’t the chorus be in Russian!? Is it possible that ANYONE could read this as being pro-Russian!?

1 year ago
Reply to  lol

but you have washed your ears and seen an optician? Because the song is in full support for Ukraine! One of the singers is of Russian origin but she left the country a long time ago and is fiercely opposed to Putin! She is for Ukraine and this song is simply support. Either way, the EBU will decide the fate of this song. In the meantime, you are all toxic eurofans and it’s amazing to see this every year. I’m very happy to watch Eurovision alone without anyone, at least I’m calm.

1 year ago
Reply to  Roro31

well..Jamala won with a political song, so…xD

1 year ago
Reply to  Nathalie

Yes but its not robbed. Its deserved. The song is fantastic.

1 year ago
Reply to  Roro31

That is very much debatable.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ari

For me in 2016, Jamala deserved the victory !

1 year ago
Reply to  Roro31

Today Czech delegation once again posted on their Facebook that Vesna will represent Czech Republic in Liverpool. However they didn’t say anything about the song – so it’s possible that that’s their way of hinting at some troubles with that. Maybe Vesna was ordered to do some changes to the song? Change the song entirely? Who knows.

1 year ago
Reply to  West

I don’t understand why Ukrainians are offended by this song when it’s a SONG that supports them…

Vladimir P.
Vladimir P.
1 year ago
Reply to  Roro31

Probably because the lead singer is Russian

1 year ago
Reply to  Vladimir P.

Russia doesn’t sing at all, why are you lying?

1 year ago
Reply to  Luk

Its an Eurofan Toxic…

1 year ago
Reply to  Vladimir P.

of 1. it’s not because she is Russian that she is a bad person who is for Putin
of 2. She is AGAINST this dictator and she said clearly
of 3. She supports Ukraine strongly, she also said and in addition she sings in Ukrainian so it is clearly symbolic

You have to stop at some point always looking for the little beast, it is NO LONGER Russian.

your name is ‘Vladimir P’ we see where you stand, send a message to your very warm and superb friend that we will fight until the end.

1 year ago
Reply to  Vladimir P.

The lead singer is Czech. Olesya is on the keyboards actually.

1 year ago

As the Karen of the forum, I need to speak to the manager of the EBU. Let the girls sing their song!!

1 year ago

For me…The best song so far…

1 year ago

Musical quality should come first over sending trash songs for the sake of getting some political votes :/ Find this song a bit overhyped and disorganized.

1 year ago

It is a scandal the the EBU has not announced them as the Czech representatives. Ukraine does not dictate which representatives other choose. They did it once, the EBU allowed them, but this is an entire different situation and the EBU should make its voice clear.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ethan

I do not really think Ukraíne would do herself a favour with such attempts and I cannot believe they are even trying.

1 year ago
Reply to  Slabsson54

I’d say it is time for the Big Five to step in and make a statement but seeing how the BBC agreed with everything the Ukrainian broadcaster has been asking, I do not rule out them even complying with this mess

1 year ago

The Bulgarian part sounds so good!

1 year ago

Wiwibloggs, wouldn´t it be more appropriate to use a picture of the entire band? The pic shows only one member. But VESNA it is not in their entirety. Feels a bit awkward.

1 year ago

Is there a reason why the Eurovision socials haven’t announced Vesna as the winner and that they’ll go to Liverpool? It’s always done right after the results.

I fear there may be something we don’t know about going on behind the scenes at the EBU. I hope it’s not down to the Russian band member or that the song is too political, etc. Let’s wait and see!

1 year ago
Reply to  Thallo

I’m also getting more and more worried. It would be better if they just stated that they need to review the song for possible political message or something. Be clear about why are they waiting, not just be silent.

1 year ago
Reply to  West

If they release a statement that they’re investigating the act, it’ll cause uproar, I doubt the EBU wants that.

Perhaps they’re currently negotiating privately with VESNA to remove the Russian member (which is totally unfair). I have a feeling the Ukranian broadcaster is causing some difficulty here…

1 year ago
Reply to  Thallo

It’s not like people are happy or calm by them not releasing any statement. I would say it’s equally bad or even worse, because all the rumours that are being told and shared.

1 year ago
Reply to  Thallo

I think it’s safe but yeah I expect that it’s been examined by the reference group- and for people saying “why didn’t they do this with Belarus 2021” they probably had the same concerns than, it’s just that this time they don’t want to repeat the mistake of prematurely announcing an entrant

1 year ago

I hate to be that person, but I kinda see why this entry is so controversial. I will start by saying that I do genuinely believe that the girls from Vesna had good intentions and wanted to share a message of unity and peace. I also believe that the Russian member is against the war. I can see why some people might think that them singing about the war in Ukraine is a bit problematic. Kalush was dragged last year for winning because of “sympathy” and “political message”, even though the song was written before the war and chosen before… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Safiya

I understand if people are annoyed by its message (although its not explicitly about war but it can be inferred absolutely) but I still think that if the reason some are asking for its disqualification because of someone’s nationality, regardless of them not supporting the atrocities taking place, thats kinda messed up.

I dont think any esc fan would support an artist who supports the war, but calling for DQ of an act for someone’s nationality, even after theyve said they dont support the war, isn’t right.

1 year ago
Reply to  Escfan

I can definitely see though how having a message like this with all that’s going on, and having Ukrainian lyrics, I can see how people would be pissed at that.

1 year ago
Reply to  Escfan

I agree, if the nationality of a band member is the reason for DQ, it is unfair. I am just wondering what is going on behind the scenes and if Ukraine really objected their participation, what is the exact reason that they stated.

1 year ago
Reply to  Safiya

I apologize for my English: It is not true that this does not apply to the Czech Republic at all. We have a bad past with Russia, they destroyed my country. In terms of population, we take care of the most refugees from Ukraine in the world, we send money and weapons. The economic impacts are huge and every Czech feels it. Giving the message that we are still here and will continue to give support is not bad after all

1 year ago
Reply to  Safiya

after reading more and more about the situation i have to agree. the sisterhood message in the song is very similar to putins brotherhood message which he used to justify his invasion of ukraine. I’m just saying i see why it’s controversial and Ukrainians feel some type of way about it

1 year ago
Reply to  Safiya

The war in Ukraine is not “someone else’s problem” bro! It affects the whole continent in many ways (political, financial, humanitarian crisis). The “ghost of war” is above Europe after many many years and it is serious af for all of us!

1 year ago
Reply to  vetrina

Of course it is serious for us all but in the end it’s about Ukraine, so they are the ones who should speak out and decide how we should speak about the conflict in general. If they say that something isn’t really helpful, then maybe it isn’t. They should be able to speak for themselves. It seem that the girls from Vesna just didn’t do their research, because “Slavic brotherhood/sisterhood” theme isn’t really the best idea in this context.

1 year ago
Reply to  Safiya

Hold your breath, Polina Gagarina was also singing about peace, love, and unity. But when the war broke out, she chose the side of an aggressor’s peace, love, and unity. I’m not trying to say that every Russian is a two-faced d*ck, but history has a tendency to repeat itself.

1 year ago
Reply to  Devito

Polina Gagarina got a Swedish (and I think there were also like Australian or British songwriters or whatever) product handed to her. It was never anything genuine. Never ever. Not to mention the song sucked anyway, Russian or not.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ari

But she didn’t live half her life in another nationality, this is an awkward comparison

Lawrence Gibb
Lawrence Gibb
1 year ago

I am the only one thinking the song seems modelled on Stefania. Btw good people it’s a lot, two words. One of my little bug bears.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lawrence Gibb

Its a female version

1 year ago

Such a great choice for the Czech Republic this year, top 10 potential at Eurovision! All the good luck!
1 year ago

Great song, great vibe, great visuals. If they do a solid staging and performance they will do well. It has a message (but not to the point it dictates), and the music and orchestration is amazing. I will definitely vote for it. So far, it tops my ESC2023 list. Good luck, Czechia!

Euro Twnk
Euro Twnk
1 year ago

I really have to disagree with those who chastise this as being “too political”. What is and is not political is often a matter of degree and nuance. I mean, Eurovision’s very premise of promoting European unity falls somewhere on that political spectrum. To then expect every entry to be completely apolitical, I argue is not only hypocritical, but would get very boring. We would have forty songs about love kittens and rainbows, when music, like all art, often draws from one’s experience to deliver something compelling, and make its audience feel something (be that melancholy or joy, like a… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Euro Twnk

I stopped after “I really have to” but I gave +1 because of your effort to write such a long text

1 year ago
Reply to  Euro Twnk

Joke aside, I also think ESC is political in many ways. And I agree with most of what you wrote.

1 year ago

Didn’t mind it on first listen and it has already grown on me, but it’s not an entry I will be particularly hyped for since it still feels a bit try-hard in a typical ESC kind of way and also a bit disjointed, some segments I really like while some others not as much. Despite all of that, have to admit that it actually seems like the most interesting entry the Czechs have sent so far, nice to see them improving their track record overall.

Sol Stevia
Sol Stevia
1 year ago

You mean to tell me this may get DQ’ed???

But Belarus 2021 wasn’t??? The entire fandom had to dogpile the EBU to DQ Belarus in 2021 and Russia in 2022 but this is something the EBU wanna go over!? Seriously?

I am not a fan of this entry but in no means is this DQ’able.

1 year ago
Reply to  Sol Stevia

I think they’re trying to avoid the mistake made with Belarus 2021 by not prematurely announcing a winner

1 year ago

Wow. The abuse and harassment Vesna are getting on Twitter is insane. So called “Eurovision fans” can be really disgusting people.

1 year ago
Reply to  Karl

they don’t matter. The EBU not immediately declaring this the winner is the scandal.

1 year ago
Reply to  Karl

Ah pay no heed to Twitter, just a platform with a very small splash and very loud opinions.

1 year ago

The EBU better comply with the Czech results right now. It didn’t take them a second to declare that Ukrainian thing eligible to participate in 2016. They uploaded the Belorussian song in 2021 but this one is under review? The Czech Republic better not take any abuse and stand up to these bullies.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ari

They did take the Belarusian video down after a major outcry.

Benito Camelo
Benito Camelo
1 year ago
Reply to  BadWoolfGirl

But it was after there was an outcry

Sol Stevia
Sol Stevia
1 year ago
Reply to  BadWoolfGirl

The fact it took a major outcry to DQ it was outrageous.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ari

Clearly some countries has a name in the Contest and Czech Rep doesnt 🙁 Not fair at all

Roelof M
Roelof M
1 year ago

Great song Czechia! Very glad to see them be quite consistent and competitive since their 2015 return. If they polish their live performance (and judging by their music video they know a thing or two about visuals) this is a true contender for a top 10 result! I don’t see this winning, but it’s a great step in the right direction.

1 year ago

So apparently (according to Twitter), Vesna are getting disqualified because there is a member of the group who is from Russia, and Ukrainians don’t like that. So much for “united by music”, I see.
Ukraine does not get to dictate which act a country sends. I’m getting really sick of them acting like they own the contest and expecting everyone to bow down to their demands. The truth is that Ukraine should have not participated in the contest last year or this year.

1 year ago
Reply to  Karl

Is Twitter really the most accurate source for verification? I think the Czech Republic will be fine.

Benito Camelo
Benito Camelo
1 year ago
Reply to  Karl

I’d take what’s seen on Twitter with a pinch of salt, but it’s a ludicrous demand if true

1 year ago
Reply to  Karl

this was speculation, the vast majority of Ukranians have no problem with the russian member but I can understand the concern they have with some of the lyrics. Plus why should they not have participated last year when they broke no rules? Should the EBU ban all countries that are invaded?

1 year ago

Probs the biggest pro-Ukriane song this year.
From the Czechs, of all countries.

1 year ago

So Ukraine can send political songs but the Czech Republic can’t. Got it.

1 year ago
Reply to  Karen

“Stefania” is about the singer’s mom.

1 year ago
Reply to  James

Yes I could see that in the official video for sure…

1 year ago
Reply to  Ressay

that was released after the contest- it was clearly written in the first place as a tribute to Oleh’s mother

1 year ago
Reply to  Ressay

the video was released after Eurovision

1 year ago

So Ukraine can send political songs but the Czech Republic can’t. Got it.

1 year ago

Eurovision haven’t confirmed the Czechia entry yet and rumours on Twitter they may be disqualified

1 year ago
Reply to  Maybush

They literally broadcast the Czech selection process on the official Eurovision channel on YouTube where they declare Vesna the winner.

1 year ago
Reply to  Karl

So what? Now they have to make dure if the song follows the rules. Apparently they are reviewing the content because it could be “too politic” (I do not have an opinion as I don’t understand the lyrics).

1 year ago
Reply to  Karl

Yes but Eurovision haven’t announced the winner on social media yet which they usually do straight away and their website shows Czech representative TBC. Something is going on behind the scenes

1 year ago

What sort of rubbish is this? ?????