The Wiwi Jury — our in-house team of music unprofessionals — is reviewing and rating the 37 competing songs in Eurovision 2023. Next we review Greece, who have chosen Victor Vernicos with “What They Say”.
Are we saying good things? Read on to find out!
Victor Vernicos – “What They Say” (Greece Eurovision 2023)
Review: Victor Vernicos – “What They Say”
Oliver: A pleasant easy listening jam is always welcome at Eurovision, and Victor Vernicos delivers just that. “What They Say” is nothing new, but the wheel needn’t be reinvented. Warm guitar strums and gentle piano chords invoke comfort while the teenager’s smooth vocal emulates a maturity far beyond his years. Lyrically however, the Greek entry needs some work. Much of the sentiment is lost through the haze of clunky word painting and weak diction, which distracts from the otherwise strong foundation. Nevertheless, Victor deserves a spot in the final. His talent is something to be marvelled, and will only grow beyond his time at Eurovision.
Score: 6
Renske: The great thing about Greece is that they are using Eurovision as a platform for young talent. The song, though current and poppy, unfortunately feels like one in a dozen. It feels too much like a demo in a way, but that’s generally the same with a lot of tracks in the genre. These types of song are generally appreciated among casual viewers of the contest, but are not remembered for an eternity sadly.
Score: 5
Dayana: First of all, it’s great to see such young artists on the Eurovision stage. Victor delivers both professionalism and freshness. While I’d love to see a traditional ethnic song from Greece, “What They Say” is a great high-quality pop song. Somehow it reminds me of Ed Sheeran’s latest releases, so I believe Victor’s song has a great potential for post-Eurovision life – radios, TikToks and so on.
Score: 8
Pablo: If there’s a word to describe “What They Say” it’s… shapeless. Victor has a deep, smooth voice, and there are musically interesting elements, but there is no distinction between verse, chorus, and bridge. Instead, we get just three minutes of an amorphous wall of sound that has no standout factor. “What They Say” is just a messy affair of barely-discernible lyrics and beats that don’t pop at the places they should. This fades into the background in a way that could spell trouble in the semi-final, and it’s just overall lacklustre from what we usually get from Greece. Victor deserves more.
Score: 2.5
Tom: What worries me a little about this year’s Eurovision is some of the country’s tracks could be from anywhere. “What They Say” is exactly that. If I only heard the song without knowing who sings it and you gave me 10 guesses, I would never had said this song was from Greece. Make no mistake, I don’t want a Eurovison full of stereotypes but this feels so far away from Greece it’s untrue. The song is fine, it could be an album track from James Arthur’s new album. Nothing wrong with that. Mr Arthur is very talented, as is Victor Vernicos. There is just nothing special about it. It’s good, just not great.
Score: 6.5
Greece Eurovision 2023 ranking
In the Eurovision 2023 Wiwi Jury, we have 20 jurors but only have room for five reviews. The remaining scores are below:
Antranig: 5.5 Cinan: 4 Deban: 6 Diego: 7.5 Forrest: 7 Jonathan: 6 Kristín: 6 Lucy: 7.5 |
Luis: 5 Rick: 6.5 Ron: 4 Ruxandra: 5 Samuel: 6.5 Simon: 7 William: 7.5 |
We have removed the highest and lowest scores prior to calculating the average. This is to remove outliers and potential bias. We have removed a low of 2.5 and a high of 8.
Wiwi Jury verdict: 6.03/10
What do you think of Greece’s Eurovision 2023 entry? Share your own score and review for Victor Vernicos’ “What They Say” below!
The studio version is fine, the live performance at the semi final was so out of tune it was unreal. Maybe nerves, maybe just not an easy song to sing live.
As always the Wiwibloggs fan comments are wildly terrible and rude… considering this is a 16year old who wrote one of the most lyrically deep songs I’ve personally heard in a long time. You can dislike a song if it’s not your taste but don’t be rude and don’t belittle an artist if something isn’t your style of music.
Greece can be either very good at Eurovision or very bad, but they were never indifferent. Either for ethnic bops, or great songs ( die together ) or hilarious staging ( last dance ) they never go unnoticed. This year they are indifferent and thats the worst thing ever, nothing to talk about.
This song explores all the usual angles of C major and reminds me of one of the first songs I ever wrote myself. There’s definitely a combined feeling of birth and nostalgia running throughout this song. Victor himself is reminiscent of James Arthur, but with a lot less of James’s edges; this could work well for Victor. However… The track comes across as being overly produced for ESC purposes, so it seems to drop its innocent angst-on-guitar in favour of real thumping anger. It’s clunky and awkward to listen to, in my opinion. The slight-of-hand melodies in the Chorus, which… Read more »
Hey, Victor said in his interviews that the song is about a time in his life where he felt overwhelmed. He has also stated that it’s not too late for anyone. He said that he wants people to express themselves through the song and get rid of their angst. He is basically motivating people to express themselves 🙂
Can’t stand this one.
Despite having Albania, Armenia,and Cyprus, I think Greece will struggle this year. It would all depend on the live performance. He’s inexperienced so I wonder if he can cope with the pressure and the nerves on stage (he’s gonna be alone on stage).
I’d love to see him in the final though.
His enunciation is really not my cup of team and will put off many people
It’s hard for Victor to qualify (personally, I would love to see it in the final) but so what?
It’s a decent song with amazing lyrics. It’s a thumbs up for Greece, something new and fresh.
There is no written rule that they should send a bop with a female artist every year.
I love when countries experiment, like Latvia, Lithuania, Iceland.
Good luck to Victor and all the youngsters of this Eurovision!
GREECE – After years of mostly ethno-pop songs, they started sending more international and polished songs since 2019. While this certainly goes under the first category, I’m not so sure about the second. The production feels a bit thin, and some instrumentation choices clash in a way that it stops them from shining individually. The core melody is nice, but it needs an additional oomph to be competitive. That said, the lyrics are very strong, and Victor earned my respect for writing them. At 16, he wrote much better lyrics than so many professional songwriters, with the sincere message about… Read more »
Fair review Colin! We might not have ranked this similarly but I agree about the need for a better instrumentation and production. Nevertheless, I like the simplicity and melody of ‘What they say’. As of now, it is borderline, but personally I don’t think that this song should be our third NQ.
I wish I grew more on this, as there are some positives here, mostly in the lyrical department. Amanda was in my top 10 last year, and Stefania nearby in 2021. This is a fine effort, and even though I kinda forget about it (so far), I don’t think it should be your third NQ either. There are six songs in this semi I’d rather see NQing instead, five of them certainly. My borderline qualifier is between Poland and Greece, and while so far I am a bit more entertained by Poland, objectively I think that Greece should qualify.
I agree. You should make it through. My impression of the whole song package might be lukewarm so far, but I see the effort from Victor (especially in the lyrical department) and it should be rewarded. In semi 2, I have 5 songs rated under a 5/10. Poland and Greece are options to be my borderline qualifier, and while so far, I found Poland slightly more entertaining (I’m embarrassed to actually like bejba memes), objectively, I think that spot should go to Greece. Now that all semi 2 songs are out, I can say that IMHO qualifiers should be Armenia,… Read more »
My qualifiers from semi-final 2 are (in order of preference as of now according to my top) : Armenia, Australia, Greece, Cyprus, Georgia, Lithuania, Estonia, Austria, Slovenia and Iceland/Albania (they are my borderlines although I am not fully a fan of either song) . So we actually agree on 9/10 qualifiers!
I’d be okay with Albania going through instead of Romania.
Sorry, but one of the worst and definitely among the most boring songs of the year. The definition of a bathroom break, hopefully only in the semis.
Man, you guys are tough in the comment section.
While it’s not my absolute favourite song this year, I do like it. My biggest complaint is the diction, he needs to work on that (I still hear “a**holes” instead of “lost souls”).
It’s a good pop song though, and if delivered well it could surprise.
He has reacted to Honest Vocal Coach’s reaction video, who points out his diction and agreed that he needs to work on his diction. Our boy is open to criticism when it has the form of advice, something that most participants wouldn’t be. He has a huge heart and is sooo underestimated by the community.
Oh, I’m familar with her! And that’s good, that would be less distracting.
There’s something earnest about the song and him that I respond to – and I still think enough people at home might vote for this if presented well. I could especially see more mature audience liking this.
Okay, I appreciate the fact he wrote his own song and the sentiment in the lyrics, but it just sounds unfinished, definitely on the amateurish side of things, which is totally undersandable given his age, tho this is simply not a pleasant nor interesting listening experience. Obviously a massive downgrade from 2022, ERT look like they really don’t know what they’re doing at this point, seems like they just got fortunate with Amanda last year.
Greece have managed to accomplish something quite amazing with this year’s entry. Last year, they were my winner and one of the things that I noted about their entry was that it contained possibly the best level of production I had ever heard on an ESC track. Everything about it was worthy of what you’d hear from music at the very top-end of the mainstream charts. Amazingly, in every way that “Die Together” floored me in its execution, “What They Say” is the absolute opposite. If good production and bad production were staircases next to each other, I think Greece… Read more »
If Victor qualifies for the final (cannot be sure with the televote), I will come back to your comment on May 14th, when he will have probably finished around 7th in the jury vote in the final.
When will the rehearsals start this year please?
30th april
Greece, you used to be the birthplace of civilization. Now you’re just sending a sweet nice song to fight against bops and bangers that will simply destroy anyone on their way.
Can we just get real for a second without sympathy or political correctness? What are people thinking when they send (or go) to the Eurovision with songs like this?
Are you unbothered now by the nepotism you called out in regards to the dutch entry?
“What They Say” is funny to me in that it’s starts as an intimate, understated song about protecting others from the hurt one’s experienced, and then suddenly it’s like Victor thought to himself “man, I forgot this is for Eurovision. Quick, we need drums, some clapping, maybe a bit of rock concert chant. Oh, and could someone please fetch me my flags?”. I get why (relatability, universality, etc., etc.), but I also can’t help feeling that the song would have been far more impactful without the tagged on finale. Lyrically, “What They Say” is similarly uneven. The chorus is slick,… Read more »
Let me start by saying that this song is quite an accomplishment for someone as young as Victor. There’s a certain maturity on his voice and the feelings behind the lyrics that makes me feel he has a bright future ahead of him. Sure, there are some improvements needed. His diction is an obvious flaw, but also the way the words are displayed through the verses. Though what actually stops the song from taking off is how unimaginative the production of the track is. Another concern is how the delegation will present this entry. It’ll be hard to do it… Read more »
Having listened to the recap (or roundup) thousand times, I still have no idea who sings for Greece, so I guess it just flew past my ears without any effect. We are all different, some of us like female bops like Unicorn, some others prefer deep stuff like Czechia, Italy and Latvia, or even Cyprus, but NONE OF US is into the songs that can be heard hundreds of times but never leave any impression. Greece is a no-name this year sadly.
24. Victor Vernicos – What They Say (Greece) – 6/10 – a very interesting opening descends into something much more predictable, I really wish it had held its nerve and maintained its promising, alternative vibe. Instead, it ends up being a bit of an inaccessible jumble of lots of different ideas that don’t really stick.
Let’s give the boy soms crédit. För someone so young he has an incredible voice. And okay maybe the song isn’t really your taste, it’s certainly not the worst…Besides the boy is 16 his musical journey just begins!
I don’t know I won’t rule Greece out just yes. His voice is very interesting. This could have the Tom Dice effect, plus the song is very Ed Sheeran-ish. If he’s able to pull it out live I think we might be having a qualifier (bottom 5 finalist). Or it may have the Switzerland 2022 effect and go unnoticed by the audience. Greece is placed in my 26th place: 1. Latvia (9) 6. Germany (7.5) 7. Austria (7.5) 8. San Marino (7.25) 9. Azerbaijan (7) 10. Ireland (7) 11. Armenia (7) 12. Georgia (7) 13. Serbia (7) 14. Moldova (7) 15.… Read more »
I’m gonna be honest about this one: it’s okay, but I won’t be surprised if it stays in the SF. I said it before and I’ll say it again: they should’ve picked Melissa with her banger…
Interesting…. If diction is important to some reviewers then I am looking forward to seeing their low scores for Loreen and Sweden this year… But I have a feeling their opinions will be contradictory…
PERIODT. I’m done with the double standards this year. Victor’s pronunciation is off-putting, but Loreen’s it is not, just because it’s Loreen and who cares what Loreen is saying, she’s a queen, we stan her regardless. Greece’s song is boring and generic, but Italy’s song is a masterpiece even though there are a trillion Italian ballads sounding just like it, but hey, it’s Marco Mengoni, don’t forget about that!
No one said that lmao
Also how is Victor’s song generic while for example Lorene’s isn’t ? I point this out cause I’ve seen people saying that what they say is generic and something they’ve heard before and at the same time have tattoo as No.1 (tatto is just an example I like the song don’t get me wrong)
Back in the day, I said Loreen took inspiration from the likes of XXXTENTACION because parts of her song sounded mumbled lol
Just in, I’ve read in the news, that he is going to be alone on stage, no dancers, props, not even a guitar. He will perform all alone because it is an emotional song. The theme will be (ahem) Greek summer, which sounds a bit of a cliche. but again, it’s the execution that matters.
The Greek summer part is the only worrying part for me. I mean all the other details I read seem suitable for the track, but I don’t know what Greek summer has to do with ‘What they say’.
We just have to wait and see. It sounds odd to me, too.As I wrote, execution matters. But indeed I find it hard to find a connection at this point.
The director said that there’ll be a minimal greek element. However if greek summer is what they’re really going for, then it’s related to the song, as the song and Victor are fresh and the music gives off a positive vibe (to me at least). But I really don’t think that we’ll see a beach bar or anything like that ?.
It’s all a matter of perspective. For example Greek summer may be an isolated digital led screen island, surrounded by waves, in the middle of which Victor would sing…
I support young artists and their music, even if they are not that great as a final result. Personally, I kind of like the song since the first listen. It’s very emotional, lyrics are really good and deep, it has certain elements that can elevate the song. So, well done, kiddo! Now, the result on the ESC stage is another thing. I feel this is a song for juries. If juries voted in the semis, it would easily qualify. Now, with only televote, things get tricky. Compared to other songs of the semi, it stands a chance to qualify. Don’t… Read more »
What I love most about the song is the fact that even tho the lyrics are deep and emotional the music gives off a positive and hopeful vibe. It’s a great contrast. Also I think that the violin is genius as it resembles perfectly the emotion of anxiety imo. Bravo to Victor for creating such an interesting piece. 10/10
I don’t know what it is about this song but it really sounds authentic raw and soo honest to me, not generic at all. I can’t accept that this song is considered generic whereas other top 10 songs (based on the bookies) aren’t called generic. I HOPE THAT HE’S GONNA REPRESENT AGAIN GREECE (OR EVEN DENMARK) IN THE FUTURE.
Greece’s entry is always going under my radar for 2023. This entry to me is like the definition of “it exists”. I feel like I could try to write something about it… but all I can say is that this sounds painfully like any other male pop song we hear on the radio all the time, even its message is really nothing interesting. This is so generic and dull that it just leaves me questioning how bad the other songs were that Greece could’ve selected in their committee or whatever. This is a 4/10 for me. I’d be sad if… Read more »
I really like when songs feel unprentecious and honest. Victor and his song does it for me.
Greece have become one of those songs I like to fight for. I can’t help. I hope locals and juries will appreciate it.
This is a great pop song, feels very British and would not be misplaced in the Uk charts. Really love his voice too. I have no doubt this will qualify and will be a jury pleaser in the final
Unpopular opinion! This song is my fave Greek entry for the past few years. I LOVE his voice and the song as well. Definitely my most streamed song of 2023 . What surprises me the most is the fact that I’m not bored of the song even tho I’ve been streaming it plenty times every day since it came out. Instead I’m more and more into it every time. He is a true artist.
Putting his diction, the controversy around its selection and the random production choices aside, I think that What They Say is an easy to listen, relatable and fresh song.
The best part of it are its rich lyrics, which is an impressive (and admirable) work for a 16 yo kid. I think this should safely sail through to the final 🙂
Ps: This is way better than most (if not all) of the stereotypical ethnic bops Greece used to send in the 2000s
“What they say” has two rather obvious weaknesses: Victors pronunciation issues and the rather random production choices. It’s as if he couldn’t decide on what to go with, so the first verse starts intriguingly minimalistic, until a piano sets in and then the beat dominates the soundscape until the second chorus, where a new approach with plucked violins is tested before all of this leads into the questionable “We will rock you”-style clap along chorus, on which the whole song ends rather abruptly. Melodically, I quite like the song, and Victor’s voice is really something. Had he opted for a… Read more »
I agree so much, the production of the track isn’t helping the song to reach its full potential. It’s like the people behind it just went with the first idea they had for it and avoided the trouble of testing things and getting creative.
Exactly, and it is not a slander against the song, on the contrary. I will never understand how people can get upset if you point out such obvious – and easy to fix – shortcomings.
9th place: GREECE: I expected less and got more by my country. Victor has a very nice deep voice and has written for me among the best lyrics of the year (and at such a young age!). Musically speaking, the song could have been better: I find some parts of the instrumental to lack musical depth and some of the different ways he sings the chorus throughout the song can be confusing and they don’t let the song hit a proper climax. Thus, the first time I finished hearing it, it left me wanting more and feeling like the song… Read more »
P. S. 1: I know that there sure exist some issues that need to be investigated around the song selection this year. Nevertheless l, I found them to be irrelevant with the song itself, which I chose to judge as a song and only that. Of course the allegations around the selection need to be investigated. That though doesn’t change the fact that I like the song. P. S. 2: I usually am way stricter when evaluating the songs my country sends to ESC and this year I am perhaps more generous than most people in the comments regarding Greece… Read more »
I agree. I never watch Eurovision with the immediate mindset that I MUST like what my country sends. And I always judge all songs regardless of who sends them. Eurovision after all is above all about music.
I’m in agreement that at this stage of the Eurovision season, we as fans, need to get over the issues of the selection process itself and focus on the music. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for so many of these young artists and there has to be a moment where we just need to draw a line under what’s come before and let them enjoy their experience.
This is the first time since 2016 that i don’t get excited for our entry.. We should have continued the success we had for 2 consecutive years, but we couldn’t
Greece 4,5/12
Pablo so true
Life of Pablo was a great album ngl
‘Feet start to shake , Hoyt starts to ache’ …. ‘
‘Can’t stop to make my mind oyp’…… like nails on a chalkboard…. this song is ruined with distorted and highly irritating diction. I know this is a ‘thing’ in music these days…. but that does not make it any less infuriating. Sorry Greece – this could have been so much better.
Ever heard of British accent? You know, the people who invented and spoke the ORIGINAL accent for English?
This is not a British accent.
Never said it was,I just asked a question. You may suggest that I implied that but It definitely sounds close to it though, James Arthur-like.
It is a real shame because the lyrics of the song itself are beautiful and the tone of his voice is like velvet. If he had just stuck with that style and resisted the need to ‘step into the James Arthur’ style- I think this would have been a very very strong entry. His spoken English is beautiful.
There are probably a hundred or more different British accents. No official “correct” one. Elocution lessons are a thing of the past.
I think that people are exaggerating a bit. The only phrase you can say he sings in a cursive way is heart starts to ache, but still I don’t find it irritating. His pronunciation is pretty good yall.
Even then, I think it’s not that they try to imitate the accent, but rather that that’s the way to speak the language they’re the most acquainted with
Overall, the average score I expected from you guys about our entry this year so I won’t complain about that. To be honest, ever since the controversies that occured behind our artist’s selection, I wasn’t feeling anywhere near positive about our entry. That changed instantly when the song came out. I was really pleasantly surprised. Victor has crafted a unique, alternate pop song with fresh melody, original and GENUINELY good and deep lyrics and I’m absolutely in love by the verses of our entry, simoky because they follow the same recipe that Latvia does, meaning the rhythm is unpredictable and… Read more »
28) Greece – This isn’t really the sort of thing I listen to and it’s probably why I find it forgettable. Victor seems like a talented young artist and it’s great to see someone young writing their own stuff. The song’s pleasant enough and Victor’s vocals are nice, but I just don’t know if it’s enough to be a qualifier. I have my reservations, but best of luck to him. 5/10
Looks like Wiwibloggs has been bribed by Victor Vernicos and his rich father.
don’t think they go that low though, otherwise last year they would’ve been more positive about Emma Muscat’s I Am What I Am as well, and also to quote Emma once again, ”don’t judge a book by its cover”
hahaha yes true
Broo as if the other contestants are poor. He worked hard to be were he is now, don’t be jealous and try to make yourself some money instead of bashing others
I personally really like this song, he is among my favs, as for Slovenia I’d love to be able to vote for this song and I could only if he qualifies in the Grand Final, Europe you know what you have to do.
I think people’s perceptions of this song, like with some other songs this year may be somewhat influenced by the manner in which it was chosen. Like ive done with those other songs, I will be reviewing this song as a song in its own right. My initial thoughts: I think this song is one of the more underrated songs we have this year. From my initial listen I think this has a few merits. Firstly it was written by Victor himself, I think thats quite a bravething to do,especially given his age, to have him perform a self penned… Read more »
their meaning the UK.
He deserves better production, I think.
He’s so young that I doubt he’s calling all the shots.
Well, this thread has been illuminating.
i agree with you
his style of vocals is also very current, if we look at the likes of James Arthur, Lewis Capaldi, Dean Lewis all current artists who have recently had good hits in the charts
comparing him to Cyprus their choice Andrew Lambrou (who has a decent voice, his covers on youtube are very impressive, especially dusk till dawn) this feels way more authentic
Dude, he’s a kid and you’re a grown ass adult, chill
This song is not as bad as people judge it. The lyrics are much more complex and deep than any of the other songs in the competition (not to mention the simplicity of some of the favourites, which basically say nothing and just repeat a couple of lines or even just one word “cha” “ea” over and over). Also, let’s not forget his age and the fact that he wrote the song himself. To me, this song deserves a spot in the final.
Cha Cha Cha is deeper than you think. I mean, I agree that this is deeper tho, but what I mean is that Cha Cha Cha isn’t as shallow as most ppl seem to think
Your “analysis” of the Spanish entry is extremely superficial and you even went ahead comparing it to this quite amateurish Greek one, well done!
No children in the adult Eurovision, please!! Stay in the semi!
Ageist much?
The way it was phrased wasn’t the best but there is a genuine discussion to be had about the proper age that one should be when competing in the adult Eurovision and the intense pressure and social media scrutiny these artists are put under. I remember in 2017, being slightly uncomfortable with some of Kristian Kostov’s comments and interviews after competing and genuinely wondering whether a 17 year old should be competing at Eurovision and what the long-term effects could be on their well-being. I’m not saying they should or shouldn’t, I’m just not going to dismiss the concerns as… Read more »
This one I feel really bad about, because Victor feels like a thoughtful singer-songwriter and he’s so young, but I find this totally unlistenable. The sonics are murky and uninteresting and the lyrics are unintelligible for long stretches (just looking at a transcription– I have always heard “lassos” for what is supposedly “lost souls,” and I’ve seen a meme suggesting a more vulgar word here). In this case, I don’t feel like wrestling with the song to understand it. I wish him well, but this is my last place. 1/10
I’m not one to be bothered by production usually (especially given some music styles I listen to) but yeah, it really didn’t help with this one. The song sadly sounds more like a demo to me and as much as I want to like it, this is also my last place.
Well time for my country… First of all, nice that we have a 6 score, even barely. Would say the song deserves a mark around there. I only judge the song and won’t judge the way ERT juries made this win with maths and process that noone ever understood. Anyways, it’s really pleasant to listen to. We’re talking about maybe one of the best, if not the best, set of lyrics in the competition. I really like Victor’s voice as well. But it stops there. The song isn’t quite memorable and the staging plans that were revealed today (something about… Read more »
This, along with the Netherlands and Latvia are the trifecta of pretentiousness of 2023.
most pretentious songs this year Switzerland: a neutral country with a rich kid bringing a anti-war song Cyprus: a 1/2 australian singer, song composed by swedes and stengaard, no authenticness whatsoever in it towards the cypriot or greek music scene – very generic melfest reject vibe song ———— most authentic songs: Croatia: those guys have been leftists for quite a while, they know what they sing about and they clearly also know how to bring it without going too political and too serious Moldova: even if a bit similar to France last year, this tribal sound fits better with romanian… Read more »
A dead corpse was once found in a gallery. Someone thought: why not put a $10000 tag on it and see what happens. It outsold everything because it was authentic. Same thing happened with a banana
Bruh, this is bad even if it’s bait