The Nordics are tipped to do very well at Eurovision 2023, with a number of strong contenders coming from this region of Europe.
We asked our readers to vote for their favourites of the five Nordic countries. Many people wanted to make their voice heard and we received a massive 12,037 votes.
Now it’s time to reveal the results.
Finland’s Käärijä a favourite of the Eurovision 2023 Nordic acts
Coming out on top is Käärijä. The Finnish star has spread his crazy party energy to all areas of Europe and beyond, making him one to watch out for in Liverpool. His entry “Cha Cha Cha” picked up a commanding 46.20% of the vote, which is 5,561 votes specifically.
In second place is Sweden’s Loreen. The Eurovision 2012 champion is back for a second crown and she is the bookies’ clear favourite to take the trophy. In our poll, though, Loreen has to settle for silver. “Tattoo” earned 3,856 votes — 32.03% of the total.
The bronze medal is to be hung around the neck of Alessandra. Norway’s “Queen of Kings” will open semi-final one with a bang and is aiming for another podium spot in the grand final. Here, Alessandra received 1,732 votes (14.39%).
Iceland’s Diljá lands in fourth place, whilst Denmark’s Reiley was your number five.
Full results
- Finland: Käärijä with “Cha Cha Cha” | 46.20%, 5,561 votes
- Sweden: Loreen with “Tattoo” | 32.03%, 3,856 votes
- Norway: Alessandra with “Queen of the Kings” | 14.39%, 1,732 votes
- Iceland: Diljá with “Power” | 4.25%, 511 votes
- Denmark: Reiley with “Breaking My Heart” | 3.13%, 377 votes
Total Votes: 12,037
Do you agree with the results? Do you think Käärijä will be top of the Nordic acts at Eurovision 2023? Will we get a Nordic one, two, three in the grand final? Shout out in the comments below.
Feels like Käärijä is on to something special and iconic this year. I can’t believe the contest starts in less than two weeks! 😀
1- Finland
2- Norway
3- Iceland
4- Sweden
5- Denmark
No just NO! Loreen all the way… I love her but the song is meh… Finland is awful this year, I am sorry! I wanted “Hoida Mut” to win.. but he can’t sing live… SHAME!
And please can someone tell him to stop playing with his tongue all the time? It’s Horrible!
I would not be surprised if Finland, Norway, and Sweden end up as the top three in both semifinal one and the grand final (in any particular order— I was just listening them in alphabetical order).
Finland is my least favorite Nordic country this year.
ew, if Kaarija wins then i’m really done with ESC, at least Germany had the courage to reject trash music last year like Electric Callboy unlike this trash from Finland
Winner ?
Won’t win ESC23. Reason: Juries. Thank God for Juries.
It feels like some people are starting to get burned out by the Loreen hype. She seems to do worse and worse in polls. That won’t be a thing for the voters in May, of course.
?? tattoo has 45 million streama on Spotify and cha cha poor 17 million. Ni doupt what song is most popular there same as the odds!
Streams don’t matter that much before ESC tho. And even then, Cha Cha Cha has an impressive amount if we take into account that the song’s in Finnish and songs that aren’t in Spanish or English rarely get attention on Spotify
polls don’t mean a thing lmao
and thankfully juries will rank Kaarija bottom 3 to rightfully sabotage his chances (if he has any chances of winning to begin with lol)
Loreen has more global star power, ABBA who???? Loreen is the real deal, the new global superstar ESC delivered since Celine Dion
Polls on Wiwibloggs are easily manipulated though (as in the “only vote once” isn’t actually true) and have nothing to do with actual general popularity, more to do with a few individuals being very… passionate about a certain act/song/country and therefore votes like crazy to have it get good results. No idea why anyone actually cares about the results on these polls to the point they spend a lot of time on spamming votes but whatever works for them. You should always take polls on here with a huge grain salt.
Maybe you are just jealous of this result, because Käärijä is the fan favourtite around the Earth and is popular on Jupiter, Mars and Uranus too.
Lol my comment wasn’t specifically about Käärijä it was about the poll results in general (Sweden included). The polls are manipulated simple as that – which is why I commented that people shouldn’t read into/analyse them.. if you want to try it yourself just vote through an incognito tab and then close it down open a new on, vote again and you’re good to go.. just through that method, if one person has the time and energy, they could literally vote thousands of times.
But her odds been better and better
average eurofan : ”loreen overrated”
Kaarija : ”It’s KrAyZaH iT’s PoRtaH”
Finland is awful. I dont understand the hype for hes song. For me its on place 36.
And that’s what makes Eurovision wonderful. You have it at 36, someone has it at 18, a lot of us have it at number 1. But it would be so bad if everyone had it at number 1. That’s why I want to thank you for making this whole Eurovision experience great for everyone. It would be stupid if Finland won every vote in the televote and have 100% of all the votes except from Finland. I guess that would not work. And the contest would just not make sense. SO having 37 options is great. And I hope whoever… Read more »
I would have put Denmark third Norway fourth Iceland fifth. However i do think Norway will finish third of these Countries on finals night (don’t think Iceland will qualify)
Agreed, don’t get the hype around Iceland, her live vocals are akin to a cat drowning and pitch AF. Personally I would put 1. Finland 2. Norway 3. Sweden 4. Denmark 5. Iceland
YAAASSS!! I love me my Käärijä while I’m sipping on my piña colada! Go get it, baby!