Heat 5 of Melodifestivalen 2025 was BUSY. As ever, six acts battled for two spots in the final. Tonight’s winner was Saga Ludvigsson with her number “Hate You So Much.” The other qualifier was SCARLET with their edgy rock number “Sweet ‘N Psycho.”
Arwin, who finished third with “This Dream of Mine,” advanced to the Final Qualification round, where he battled with the other third-place finishers from the earlier heats.
And he didn’t have to wait long. The Final Qualification round took place immediately after the Heat 5 results were concluded. More on that below…
Running order of Melodifestivalen heat 5
- Arvingarna – “Ring baby ring”
- Arwin – “This Dream of Mine”
- Saga Ludvigsson – “Hate You So Much”
- Victoria Silvstedt – “Love It”
- Vilhelm Buchaus – “I’m Yours”
- SCARLET – “Sweet N’ Psycho”
Final Qualification
After heat 5 ended, the third place entries from each of the five heats competed for the last two spots in the Grand Final on 8 March. These entries were:
- Meira Omar – “Hush Hush” (heat 1)
- Kaliffa – “Salute” (heat 2)
- Dolly Style – “YIHAA” (heat 3)
- Ella Tiritiello – “Bara du är där” (heat 4)
- Arwin – “This Dream of Mine” (heat 5)
In the first round 1000 points were distributed between the five entries, where the amount of votes each entry have gotten in their respective heats decided the amount out of 1000 points they got. Dolly Style came out on top to book their spot in the final.
Then a second round of voting opened, where 800 points were distributed between the four remaining heats. Meira Omar managed to go through with her song “Hush Hush.”
Who is your favourite tonight? And who can qualify from Final Qualification? Join the live discussion in the comments below.
Yay, Meira is back!
Anybody know if there will be a guest performer? I bought tickets!
I’m devastated that Vilhelm didn’t get through. Such a shame, great performance and a really likable and cute song, definitely something fresh in comparison to the usual pop songs.
I am not really confident about Kaj winning because if the charts, spotify favorite is an indication, then we would have Medina winning last year etc etc. It is very unlikely that Måns won’t win, especially in the juries. Hopefully one day we will see an entry like that going to eurovision. In the scenario, though, that Kaj are winning, it is not necessarily bad for Sweden. On the one hand, yes we have many camp songs this year to a point where this will be a bit tiring for the audience. On the other hand, in contrast to the… Read more »
Except Finland’s entry is not a joke or even a funny entry It’s more like rockish woman power entry.
I also think some will find Finland tasteless and tacky regardless of message. It will divide people. So not sure if it will get most votes either
Spotify and Youtube is too narrow when it comes to age. There are mostly younger people on those platforms. Therefore I believe Måns will get advantage of the age groups in our voting system. And how many Finnish people visit Kaj’s video on Youtube? It’s like two countries on one entry. And no one from Finland will be able to vote for Kaj.. I really don’t know how juries will vote. But why wouldn’t juries be charmed with Kaj as well? It seems like a pretty universal fun entry. The odds for Måns to win are huge. But I don’t… Read more »
They are not as huge as they were for Loreen though. She had like 84%. Måns has now 57%. So there is some competition. Måns is not a certain winner.
KAJ could be the televote winner seeing the response they have. But juries could like it too, it stands out. No one thought juries would like Medina but they loved them both times
Expected more from SCARLET, I understand why they didn’t get the first spot through. The staging, the song and surprisingly their vocal was worse this year. Its between Måns and KAJ but I really hope Måns takes it. I know many here love KAJ but in this year, with so many “look at me I’m doing a funny or scandalous thing!” songs a good clean pop song could work wonders compered to yet another funny song.
Måns would stand out more probably. Too many camp songs can cancel each other out.
But I think KAJ and Klara Hammarström and even Scarlett have better songs
There are countries that run shorter presidential election campaigns than Sweden picking a song for Eurovision.
I so much want Kaj or Scarlett to win but I’m almost sure that Swedes will send Måns again. Shame.
Watching live in arena first time really made difference. Scarlett brought the house down, Saga not so much. But that’s the difference between arena and TV. She probably reached more people through the screen.
But I liked watching all the preparing for acts. Glass cleaning, floor sweeping. Watching Edward af Sillèn changing script. Very fascinating. As for final team Hammarström or Scarlett but they wont win..
Kan jag säga att jag förväntade mig mer av Scarletts sång? ( May I say I expected a bit more of Scarletts song?)
I did not. It was great.
Vilhelm was great. Okey now when we know all the songs. KAJ for the win. Måns will probably win but he should resign if he does. ?
Uffe in person! This is what I’ve been hoping for all along!
Backing dancers wearing his original1989 outfit, nice.
Worth waiting for
Hush Hush, nice. By a mile. Deserved, it’s grown on me with all these recaps.
Let’s go Meira!
Common Meira
Yay! Not that there was much question Hush Hush and Yihaa were the only second chance songs that belonged in the final.
I read that Arwin is Eric Saade’s grandson. I believe it.
Eric Saade isn’t that old is he? Are you sre it wasn’t godson?
I was joking, sorry. I forget some people still take me seriously!
I love Arwin’ s song. I think about the movie A Never Ending Story for some reason. I’m not a teen btw..
If he flew away on Falkor instead of those wires, I’d give him a vote.
Not sure what people find in Hush Hush that’s so different, but I’m sure it’ll be the other one to go through.
I keep forgetting there’s a 4th member of Dolly Style now. I get that she’s the yellow one, but Yolly? Lolly was RIGHT there!
Salute is quite fun. Wouldn’t mind that going through.
Congrats Dolly Style! It’s a cute and fun song to have in the final.
I think this is actually the first time Dolly Style made it to the Melfest final. Prior efforts got them Andra Chansen at best.
Its different singers every time. DOLLY FARSE
Giddy up. I’m just glad it wasn’t Arwin based on recency bias
I’m glad that andra chansen has been reduced to this. A whole week was too much. It felt like a long gap between the last heat and the final.
Are they actually singing ANY of this chorus?
Casper Janebrink was the best vocalist of the night by far. As usual.
Goodbye, Arvingarna. Life is not fair.
I want every hormonal tween who voted for Arwin to be arrested and tried
Surprised Arvingarna are out, but so happy for Scarlet! Interesting voting once again
Would not be surprised if Vilhelm made it through next
He was not good enough and no, his pleading did not work
what do you mean? Vilhelm was absolutely amazing – the best song and performance of the evening – and he actually sings his song. the staging was great… but Swedes only want cheap shows and lyrics with no meanings… so of course thats why the best songs havent even progressed to the final. “Im Yours” could have become the Snap of the year.
The intervals and openers have been the best part for most of this year. I still love Melodifestivalen, even if it hasn’t been a vintage year.
What third placers are you guys rooting for?
I don’t really care, to be truthful.
Meira would be my choice
dolly style or no one
I think it’s gonna be Meira and Dolly Style, but I’m personally unbothered
Arja deserves the hall of fame, not sure about Hans.
Dansa i neon, the best Melodifestivalen song that did not win. Ever.
I just came to write that this is the weakest Mello heat I saw in many years.
…and that in the final, oficially, I AM TEAM KLARA.
Me too.
Mans if not him then Klara for BASEL
In what world does this songs wins a semifinal? I really don’t understand how Swedes are voting this year
I don’t understand in this semifinal any way..
So the country song goes through first. I suppose I’m not entirely surprised.
Really? Saga won the heat?
A feminist anthem! 2010s Taylor Swift vibes. I get it. Kinda.
Yeah, but Taylor has good songs, this one isn’t that good. Also, I’m really surprised Scarlet didn’t win the heat
Well she at least sings what i feel about her song, I hate it very much
Sara. Good for her. I was not expecting that.
Neither was she, judging by her reaction.
I don’t know why I keep calling her Sara
Here is my bf, how are you preexcellent Jonas?
Good genes
Fame reunion, nice, if only for 25 seconds.
SCARLET and Arvingarna to the final imo. Im somewhat ambivalent to the 3rd place.
Arwin should join Arvingarna. Arwingarna.
That’s clever marketing. (Bit of an age gap though.)
My personal scoreboard.
If SCARLET dont go through on the first place, idk what is wrong in Sweden
I like the look and staging more than I like the song. A little TOO repetitive.
Also a little too reliant on pre-recorded vocals, I think…
That’s pretty much my problem with it. I love the gals but it’s not nearly as heavy as I hoped it’d be. Quite repetitive indeed :/
Oh criticisms are earned, I just thought this semi was a bit boring.
I haven’t really bothered with Melfest until tonight, and even then it’s only because I’m curious to see what Scarlet were like. It’s all been a bit blah for me.
I don’t really like this song compared to Circus X but it’s still great. Scarlet herself has such a great voice, especially right at the end there!
sorry, that should’ve been “I don’t like this song nearly as much as Circus X”. I’m so out of it (also, I still never got over them not being in the final last year, either)
Vilhelm Buchaus – kinda cute and sweet, clearly very talented, but song could be better
I see the good in you, Wilhelm, but no… this is not strong enough. You are a likeable and talented performer, though. This is NOT enough for me. Sorry.
I’m Yours is sweet and the apartment set piece does differentiate it from the rest, but this song kinda sounds like it belongs in DMGP
This looks like the Friends apartment.
Victoria. I don’t love it.
I’d like it more if After Dark were performing it. It really should be drag. Although I guess it already is.
Victoria seems a bit off with the live vocal. Not egregiously, but it is a bit unfortunate.
What’s with that American vibe?
American pop culture has infiltrated the whole world, you must know this.
Also the US buys a lot of Swedish written music. So the industry overlap is significant.
yepp soon there will be tariffs on the songs though…we’ll see
Yeah, but it’s not related to the song in any way. If that was country music I would just ignore it
Sara channeling the Geri Halliwell look?
Off to Germany. Enjoy SVT. I’ll save it for the final next week 🙂
Safe flight.
“Ring Baby Ring” is a cheap knock off of The Trammps “Disco Inferno”..
Very weak last heat….. Man will win mello this year, nothing else standuot….