Dobro jutro Evropa! In recent days JESC entries have been revealed thick and fast, and today it was Serbia’s turn to unveil Lena Stamenkovic‘s song “Lenina pesma”. We’re pleased to say that she is in it to win it!

RTS internally selected 11-year-old Lena, who rose to fame after placing fourth on the children’s talent show Pinkove Zvezdice. Her JESC song is a ballad sung entirely in Serbian and Lena does an amazing job hitting the high notes. We’re talking mini Bojana Stamenov, y’all! The video features Lena singing on stage while background dancers deliver an elaborate dance routine (wearing tutus and earth-colored tops). Could this be the final stage presentation for Sofia?

Lena co-wrote the song with the help of Leontino Vukomanovic, who also served as producer. The song has a similar sound to Krisia Todorova’s “Planet of the Children” from last year’s contest. We can totally see Lena following in Krisia’s footsteps and climbing the scoreboard.

Lena Stamenkovic — Lenina pesma

“Lenina pesma” lyrics in English

This is a song about the world
Where the Sun is darkness
Where flowers do not blossom
Where kids are alone

This is a story about a tear
That lies in my heart
About the room that is cold
Where the light escapes the day

And when the day is over
I just want it to be better
That once we can
Good to repel the evil

And when we dream a dream
Let it be a thousand of different colours
Of laugh joyous flight
Of luck the most beautiful flower
The world remains on us

And when the day is over
I just want it to be better
That once we can
Good to repel the evil

And when we dream a dream
Let it be a thousand of different colours
Of laugh joyous flight
Of luck the most beautiful flower
The world remains on us

So, what do you think of Lena’s song? Can she give Serbia its first win in the Junior Eurovision Song Contest? Let us know in the comments section below!


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9 years ago

This is the Junior ‘Molitva’ moment…this is a solemn prayer for the children whose childhood has been taken away from them, but their dreams can’t be crushed. People’s hearts will melt when they hear and see Lena – she’s so angelic and has this innocent baby face with those apricot cheeks and almond eyes that these alone will guarantee many points. This is top 3 material.

9 years ago

It’s nice but didnt captivate me. Got to the end of the song and I have no idea which bit was the chorus. Listened again and still meh. Doesn’t make it into my top 5

1. Australia
2. Ukraine
3. Slovenia
4. Armenia
5. Netherlands

And I can’t remember most of the others :p

9 years ago

Shockingly good. Beautiful lyrics, big voice, and she really delivers the song and the emotions. Simply perfect. My top 11: (rethought others too) 1. Serbia 9.7/10 2. Ukraine 9.3/10 3. Slovenia 9.1/10 4. Australia 8.8/10 5. Armenia 7.3/10 6. The Netherlands 7.2/10 7. Belarus 6.8/10 8. Russia 6.8/10 9. FYROM 5.5/10 10. Georgia 4.8/10 11. Albania 4.5/10 Nice level of songs till now, I can say that no one is really bad and I can pleasantly listen almost all of them. 10-11 are mediocre and a bit annoying at times , 9 is harmless 7-8 are good but lack something… Read more »

9 years ago

Not what I was expecting. Brilliant. 8/10

Padraig Muldoon
9 years ago

Definitely the best JESC ballad so far this year.

Mario esc fan
Mario esc fan
9 years ago

Serbia’s song its ok…But im not really impressed though..

Here is my new top11 ranking..

1) Belarus 8/10
2) Slovenia 7/10
3) Armenia 6,5/10
4) Russia 6/10
5) Albania 6/10
6) Australia 6/10
7) FYR 5/10
8) Netherland 4,5/10
9) Serbia 4/10
10) Ukraine 4/10
11) Georgia 4/10

9 years ago

My top:
1. Slovenia
2. Serbia
3. Australia
4. Armenia
5. Netherlands
6. Russia
7. Belarus
8. Macedonia
9. Ukraine
10. Georgia
11. Albania

ESC 4ever
ESC 4ever
9 years ago

Just like Bulgaria 2014,it will be overrated in every top.
My top changed a lot:
1)Slovenia (Its stil growing on me !! ? Best Ballad so far)
2)Albania (Lovely can’t wait to hear to audio-version)
3)Australia (Her voice is so beautiful)
4)The Netherlands (Lovely & Magical song but a bit boring)
5)Armenia (This song makes me so happy 🙂 )
6)FYR Macedonia (One of the better songs this year)
7)Serbia *NEW* (Ok song but back again a ballad (Great Message))
8)Russia (Magical but boring)
9)Ukraine (Nothing Special so overrated)
10)Belarus (Good voice but boring)
11)Georgia (No Comment…)

9 years ago

WINNER! 😀 Bravo Leno, Crna Gora je uz tebe 🙂

9 years ago

I love it.

9 years ago

Well, her date of birth is same as Krisia’s 1 June 2004 😀
Mistakes in text: Dobar dan Evropo! and Leontina Vukomanovic no LEONTINO
I think that Lena could win this edition. Juast look how many views she has, and how likes.

9 years ago

Just like Australia: wonderful singer with a bad song. At least australian song has rhythm, this is weak and anonymous

Roelof Meesters
Roelof Meesters
9 years ago

I cannot remember this, it is okay, butt it will be overrrated. What is it about?

Top 11:
1. Australia
2. Slovenia
3. The Netherlands
4. Ukraine
5. Albania
6. F.Y.R. Macedonia
7. Russia
8. Belarus
9. Serbia
10. Armenia
11. Georgia

9 years ago

This is truly beautiful and I think the lyrics are great. My New Top:
1: Ukraine (-)
2: Georgia (-)
3: Slovenia (-)
4: SERBIA (New)
5: Armenia (-)
6: Australia (-2)
7: Netherlands (-)
8: Albania (-2)
9: Belarus (-1)
10: Macedonia (-)
11: Russia (-2)

9 years ago

1. Ukraine
2. Slovenia
3. Albania (sns)
4. Australia
5. Macedonia
It’s ok! I expected an uptempo like everyone else. I find her voice quite weak at the beginning of the first chorus.
7. Netherlands
8. Belarus
9. Armenia
10. Russia
11. Georgia

9 years ago

7.The Netherlands
9.F.Y.R. Macedonia

9 years ago

I expected it to be Uptempo, but still okay.

9 years ago

My new number-one.
1) Serbia
2) Australia
3) Georgia
4) Armenia
5) Slovenia
6) Netherlands
7) Ukraine
8) Russia
9) Belarus
10) Macedonia
11) Albania