The Russian military’s plans to hold a Eurovision-style competition are progressing, with a spokesman saying that the competition was being finalised and that “the first qualifying round could probably be held this year.”

Last year we reported on the Russian Ministry of Defence’s plans to stage a song contest for the military. Back then, Anton Gubankov, the head of the defence ministry’s culture department, told media, “We want to unite the Moscow stage leading military song and dance from around the world.”

Polina Gagarina: the non-military option.
Polina Gagarina: star of the civilian song contest

Gubankov has now revealed the latest status of the competition. He says the idea for the competition originally came from the Minister of Defence, Sergei Shoigu. The contest will be run in conjunction with the military television channel Zvezda.

The contest will have a focus on Russian culture, with Gubankov saying “Eurovision may be okay, but, with so many nationalities and ethnicities in Russia, as well as specific regions, our motherland is an entirely self-sufficient world.” There’s no word whether it will be open to other countries, though it’s thought that former Soviet nations will be welcome.

While a military song contest might be at odds with the peaceful message of Polina Gagarina’s song “A Million Voices”, there is a long history of military bands. The Russian military has also hosted a smaller song contest for children and youth.

And if they’re looking for their first contestant, there’s a good candidate right in front of them. As well as being the head of the military’s culture department, Anton Gubankov is also a skilled rapper. In 2013 he starred in an army promotion video, rapping about the benefits of the army while seated at his desk. 12 points, Anton!

What do you think of the Russian military’s plans to hold a song competition? Is there another Polina Gagarina waiting to be discovered in the military? Share your comments below!

You can follow all of our Russia Eurovision news here.

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8 years ago

@Donna you’re right of course. No one wants to insult the artists or destroy the songs from any country due to political reasons or nationalism. But you can’t escape the sense that something is wrong with Russia participating, a feeling of awkwardness and a strong suspicion of dishonesty. My point is I think Putin is using the contest to show Europe normality and he is powerful enough to do anything and getting away with it. He is saying: We carry on as usual and there’s nothing you can do about it. That image of normality is effectively destroyed by the… Read more »

8 years ago

@Laleh you do have a point but remember that booing Russia in the Eurovision won’t bring the dead in the war-torn parts of Ukraine back to life nor it will stop the persecution of gays in Russia. Booing Russia won’t kick the existing presidential administration of Russia either. In doing the booing, people are feeding the “we’d rather be isolated from the rest of the world than be open minded to you guys” propaganda of the Russian government. Plus, doesn’t the Russian govt actually hate the Eurovision since Conchita happened? It’s just a miracle that they didn’t want to withdraw… Read more »

8 years ago

Solo se odia a lo mas querido…O como dijo la gran Rita Haywort,en la pelicula GILDA el odio es el sentimiento que mas se parece al amor,es igual de intenso.Donde esta la Rusia aperturista de la Perestroika,esa que me hiso sentir orgulloso de ser Europreo,crei soñar que el mundo estaba cambiando…pobre iluso de mi.Putin no cae bien se presenta como un señor prepotente y sobervio y este sentimiento es el que se le hace saber en nuetro ESC.Ya se que ESC es sobre la musica y que la politica no tiene cabida en el concurso.Pero el publico Europeo aprobecha año… Read more »

8 years ago

Also imagine the shock when this mocking of Swedish stereotypes of Russians actually turn out true – LOL (including the aftermath with diplomatic protests and the terrible response in Moscow)

Tingaling Russia Remix (interval act Melodifestivalen 2009)

8 years ago

@Leon – “keep politics out of Eurovision”

Sure, couldn’t agree more. I think you didn’t understand me fully. The thing is Russia insists on normality and pretend nothing is out of the ordinary while the reality is completely different (war with Georgia and Ukraine, provocative in the Baltics, shoot down of civilian airplane etc etc) and thereby showing utter disrespect for its international commitments and actually shoving its awful politics in our faces at ESC. The audience in Vienna did the right thing to boo.

8 years ago

So, what’s up with Intervision? Remember, didn’t Russia actually already pick someone for Intervision but yet nothing progressed. Oh well.

EUrovision fan
EUrovision fan
8 years ago

Great idea! I don’t know why this should be posted here, whatever.

8 years ago

@LalehforWD – I think we should keep politics out of Eurovision. This contest was created to bring Europe together and we are going to extract countries because their governments are involved in a war, that would set a bad precedent.

8 years ago

It is really very simple:
A country at war should obviously NOT participate in international friendly exchange events in culture such as music or at sports. Russia should take a break from ESC to avoid further humiliation and show at least a minimum of respect for the world around them.Russia would of course be welcomed back when they’ve come to their senses. As for the spectacle above I take it as a sick joke.

8 years ago


8 years ago

V – I don’t think it’s this site that’s biased against Russia, I think it’s Russia who puts itself in embarrassing situations that result in these kinds of articles. Seriously, Russia is losing it.

8 years ago

Such a crazy country….

8 years ago

I have no problem with Russia doing this. BUT – please don’t leave ESC! I hope they come with some good songs / national finals again thoiugh…2000-10 was great!

8 years ago

russia is a big mess

8 years ago

Oh Russia.. go out of ESC

8 years ago

In Russia, as the Belgian Eva Jacobs says, “nothing is impossible”… 😀

8 years ago

Millitary choirs are a part of their culture I think and it sounds beautiful.
So why not? And why hate on this? Get a life.

8 years ago

Oh, Russia…

8 years ago

Russia does have potential to pull this off, would be interesting to see the far eastern areas compete with Moscow and the caucuses.
More promising than Turkvision at least.

8 years ago

Well ok…If they want to do this why not…

8 years ago

This site is so biased against Russia.

8 years ago

Werk it Russia lolz

8 years ago

I love to hate Russia.

8 years ago

Lol, that russian rapper has swag!