Not every country competing at Eurovision is big enough, rich enough, and talented enough to stage a national selection. But this year 26 of the 37 state broadcasters took the effort. We were please to see the return of national selections in France, Spain, Slovenia and Belgium.

But which of this year’s shows were actually worth watching? Was Malta’s national selection worth sitting through all those commercials for that Maltese bank? Did the pain of Lithuania’s 12-part marathon selection justify the result? And can you still see after all the pyrotechnics of Sweden’s Melodifestivalen?

Go back a couple of weeks ago and take a closer look at this year’s national offerings, and then vote in our poll. Consider the quality of the songs competing, the hosts, the quality of the graphics, the interval acts, and, of course, the winner. You can vote for as many national selections as you would like, but you can only vote ONE time.

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You can vote in all of our Eurovision 2014 polls by clicking here.

Mario Saucedo contributed this report from Croatia. Follow the team from on Twitter @wiwibloggs. And while you’re at it, like our Facebook page to stay up-to-date with the latest Eurovision news and gossip.

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10 years ago

I’m proud to say I watched all the National finals (obviously thanks to online stream jeje), this critics are very independent of the results, I’m criticizing the event itself not the winner. Festivali i Këngës 52 – Albania: I just love the classical feeling of this Festival, it is one of my favorite, but there’s always so much negative points with it like the voting part which was slow and tedious and also that there’s never mp3 versions of the songs available, I liked a lot of them and I wanted to listen to them in my ipod, also I… Read more »

10 years ago

I agree with you Dziesma was the best they did awesome with little, the artist were awesome too but the result was horrible

10 years ago

The national selections in Burundi or North Korea were special this year.

10 years ago

Lithuania competition was a big big joke!

10 years ago

I only saw Melodifestivalen and the production wasn’t very good this year. Most Swedes thought it was the worst one since semifinals were introduced. Something has to be done there.

10 years ago

I haven’t really watched any of the national selections this year except for Boyuk Sehne. But the MF is usually the best.

10 years ago

I’ll say that Dziesma was my favorite. It had the best setlist but the worst result. So many artists in Dziesma, like Markus Riva, Niko, Dons, the Smurf one whose name I don’t remember, Olga Rajecka, and Samanta Tina could have brought Latvia back to the final. Maybe Latvia needs to switch to a 100% televote NF, because the juries keep screwing it up. UMK was another favorite, mainly for Hukka ja Mama and Jasmin Michaela, two tragically underrated acts. However, I don’t mind the result, especially Hukka ja Mama would have bombed and Jasmin would have sung a crappy… Read more »

Deven O'Kearney
10 years ago

My favourite this year was Melodifestivalen. Simply because of how entertaining the show is every year. It makes the Irish selection look like a kick in the teeth. 🙂

10 years ago

Eesti Laul, Melodifestivalen, and Uuden Musiikin Kilpailu were easily my favourites. Both MGPs were let-downs for me.

10 years ago

Spain: Brequette
Sweden: Helena Paparizou
Malta: Pamela, De Bee…
Norway: Mo, Elisabeth C…
Romania: Vaida

10 years ago

who gives a crap to wiwibloggs blahs or polls phew!

Armenian guy
Armenian guy
10 years ago

@Marcelo N Well sure I will stop it .I thought Wiwiblog blocks trolls but not .I guess they like this situation…

But whatever .Peace out.I will better stop visiting this site .It’s disgusting already 😉 Good luck to all !

Marcelo N
10 years ago

@ Armenian guy – Please stop. Show who YOU are; stand it, write nothing to them. This goes to all good-hearted Azeris as well. It is a crying shame we all world readers in this here blog have had to put up with all this for weeks now. You know I mean well, for you’ve read me extensively… listen: stop.
A warm hug to you!

10 years ago

@ Armenian guy i am not here new 😀 many armenians say bad words for us look at youtube they say unpolite words and i am azeri and proud this hahah you think he is azeri really no

Armenian guy
Armenian guy
10 years ago

Correction-> I meant HE * can not speak Armenian and I proved that.His language is Azerbaijani.

Armenian guy
Armenian guy
10 years ago

Hi @Fira^^ I guess you are new here : ) Actually some people from your country trolling around and insulting people under our names.

I personally have Azeri friends and I know there are some good people among you .But this behavior is way to low. That’s why I said if it’s not hard you better talk to @Armenian star in Azerbaijani.I can not speak Armenian and I proved that .Azeribaijani is his language. 😉

10 years ago

@ Armenian guy Azeri troll i can get this really why this hates ? Azeri are very kind people really why many hates to Azerbaijan o.o we dont write bad words like others

Armenian guy
Armenian guy
10 years ago

@Fira^^ @Armenian star is actually Azeri troll .Would you please say some really “good” thing to him in your language so he will stop trolling around ?

Thanks in advance .??? ?? ; )

10 years ago

Armenian star if i am asian then you too 😀 hahah are you ok ? then good luck with your idea this is wiwibloggs (Wiwi Bloggs | Eurovision News with Attitude) i want to say you that enjoy this is eurovision lol i dont say anything bad for you or your nation because i am polite azeri girl

10 years ago

@Armenian star Azerbaijan jealous Armenia hahaha idk what are you talking ? hahaha thanks you make me laugh hahah really thanks people why you dont enjoy ? this is eurovision 🙂

Armenian guy
Armenian guy
10 years ago

ROFL Azeri star let’s compare our Armenian .I am sure you will lose it xD Let’s start from question one -> Dzer Nakhagahi glukh@ inchiya etqan erkar ?

Armenian guy
Armenian guy
10 years ago

@Timselvision do not pay attention to @Armenian star ..he is just another troll from Azerbaijan 😉 he has several name included (Armenian gay ,Armenian king ,Armenian Diaspora ,dw etc .) He is just another loser 😉

10 years ago

@Armenian Star: uuuh… so you say all the countries who didn´t have a NF are corrupt? 😛

Marcelo N
10 years ago

Although I voted for a different one right now, I usually prefer Eesti Laul -so full of interesting songs; there’s usually half a dozen I wouldn’t mind listening to on various settings and moods. I’ve been compiling a list of “outtakes” from the last 3-4 years and it is a pleasure to listen to while going to work or cycling around. That said, there’s definitely no national final who could stand up to the Melodifestivalen in terms of overall show and production (even when there’ve been years I would’ve set on fire most of the participants -I’m not into schlager… Read more »

10 years ago

Melodifestivalen will always be my favourite, is the only one I wait for almost as much as Eurovision itself. A special mention this year would be Mira quien va a Eurovision, probably because it has been quite some time wince there was a NF in Spain. It was rather modest but we know the controversy surrounding it, and I loved every minute 😛 I also followed UMK, Esti Laul and A Dal with great interest, those were good too.

10 years ago

Why can’t this website block hate speech from anonymis posters like eric se? It doesn’t take that much.

Melissa J
10 years ago

Melodifestivalen really dropped the ball this year. Terrible hosting, awful interval acts, and terrible packaging. The only redeeming thing were the songs. Out of the ashes of this travesty rose up the reborn Melodi Grand Prix in Norway. Having the semi finals in one weekend worked out great, the use of a theater as a venue added a touch of class, the minimalistic new logo is super cool, and the hosts were fantastic and professional. Everything was kept moving as well. Great stuff. It’s a shame how underappriciated it is.

10 years ago

Melodienfestivalen, obviously. I liked every song, so. (Even Undo was good.)

Ian Charlton
Ian Charlton
10 years ago

Melodifestivalen for me is the best lead up competition and has been for years and I think the results reflect that. I have liked the Maltese competition in recent years too – great acts and good songs – but I still feel the voting is flawed because the peoples vote is so insignificant. That needs to be looked at.

10 years ago

The drama at the Irish selection was a nice change!

10 years ago

I’m from Belgium and I liked our national selection show but I have to say that the judges gave the most ridiculous commentary.
And @eric SE those trolls are NOT Armenian and you know that.


10 years ago

The polls here are all so obivously being exploited by some Irish people.. lol

10 years ago

DMGP. The Danes know what they are doing. This year’s MF was not as good as last year, but it’s close second. Very close.

10 years ago

A Dal absolutely

10 years ago

Melodifestivalen – Sweden