We recently shared with you some Photoshopped celebrity takes on the Conchita beard. But we have just discovered another bearded gem on the Queen of Eurovision’s official YouTube channel. Behond: the knitted Conchita beard!

This April, in support of Conchita Wurst, young Viennese people of all shapes, sizes, genders and sexual orientations knitted their own version of die Conchitabart. They then modeled them (and busted a move) for cameras to an electroacoustic version of Pharrell William’s “Happy”.

Members of the Eurovision press will remember seeing Conchita’s manager wearing a knitted beard in Copenhagen in May.

You can take a gander of the video here.

We’re glad to see Austrian youth supporting such an awesome idol on the European music scene. What do you think of the video? Let us know in the comments!

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10 years ago

Wergie, are you Russian? That would explain everything. Anyways, you are pathetic.

Marcelo N
10 years ago

Thank you for a colourful, harmless article, Sopon!

On the other hand: @ Wergie – Pathology has been defined as “that branch of medicine which treats of the essential nature of disease.” Good to know wearing knitted beards can make people experts at interpreting microscopic views of body tissue. Perhaps you were misled by the surgical-mask shape of some of the beards?

10 years ago

This is a pathology.