Last night marked the summer solstice—the longest day of the year. That means there was more time to party. All across France people poured onto the streets to enjoy the first night of summer and to watch the popular Fête de la musique, which brings together musicians both emerging and established. State broadcaster France 2 organised a huge concert, held this year in Montpellier, and it featured three Eurovision veterans.

It was a huge success with an average of three million viewers tuning in and around 20,000 people gathered in Montpelier’s Place de la Comédie for a gigantic show. The biggest star of the night was not French but Austrian, as Conchita Wurst gave her first live performance in France. In rising from the ashes, Conchita set fire to Montpellier.

The audience roared during “Rise like a Phoenix”. And once again, the diva delivered a message of freedom and tolerance. “I made a decision: I want to be a bearded lady on stage and I’m allowed to do that,” she said. “And everybody’s got the right to create their own faboulous life”.

Gérard Lenorman, who represented his country in 1988, invited other artists to join him to sing his legendary feel good anthem “La ballade des gens heureux” (Happy people’s ballad).

The famous Coriscan star, Patrick Fiori, also attended the show. Patrick, who sang “Mama Corsica” in the 1993 edition of the Contest, invited the audience to a romantic break with his latest song “Elles” (Them girls).

Who said that singing at Eurovision leads your career straight to nowhere?

Photo copyright: Pascal Cardonna

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10 years ago

Like Patrick Fiori

10 years ago

Best of luck with the project, it sounds good
Shame RTE are tight and stingy as f*ck but its a very well thought out project and if it was given to a broadcaster that actually cared about eurovision (ahem SVT) then maybe it would get the funding it deserves, but best of luck man!

Deven O'Kearney
Deven O'Kearney
10 years ago

Hi Easpag No, I actually have not to be honest with you. Which is weird because I am finished my Junior Cert and I should know that expression by now (It did not appear on any of the Exam papers, but anyway.) @Easpag, Darren, Mickateriyan and RyanIreland Now that I am finished my Junior Cert and off to Torremolinos next Thursday for 9 days, I am doing my Eirevision Song Contest project now. If you don’t know about it, here is what I am blabbering on about: It is a brand new national selection process for RTE, which I want… Read more »

10 years ago

Deven, have you ever heard the saying “feeding the trolls”? Because you’re feeding them all for life.

Deven O'Kearney
Deven O'Kearney
10 years ago

Hi Charles

It’s bad manners not to reply to a comment if it is addressed to you. BUT STILL, let Dhani talk to the brick wall because HE IS A CHILDISH IMBECILE AND IS ANNOYING EVERYONE ON THIS WEBSITE. EVEN OTHER SPAMMERS LIKE SteliosN AND GREECE NO. 1.

10 years ago

@Deven: Allow me to tell you this for your own good. There is a fine line between being naïve and being real … You have clearly chosen the path of being 100% believable of the Conchita character, what it may represent; others have chosen not to believe it in. And there is nothing wrong about it, because if you really think about it, being straight or gay does not prevent you from being fake, hypocrite and egocentric. You are still a human being with good and bad things. The reason why we are all human is because we all possess… Read more »

10 years ago

People have the rights to like or not like a artist whether they want as some right is for them write here want people not be against some artist

Deven O'Kearney
Deven O'Kearney
10 years ago

For all you anti Conchitans (I am talking about you as well Dhani.)

Conchita did nothing wrong. He is a calm and gentle person who sang a song that was very personal to him. You need to become more open minded about homosexuality because as Pollaponk said, Inside we’re the same.