We’ve endured weeks of sub-zero timelines and chilled Twitter feeds, but after millions of donations and a fair few lols, it seems that the thaw has set in – the “Ice Bucket Challenge” is almost at an end. Y’all can once again click on the notifications icon without an impending sense of dread – if you haven’t been nominated yet, chances are you’re safe. And while the torrent may have subsided, there’s still a slow drip drop of people who are only getting acquainted with their buckets now, including some stars of the Eurovision world. So here’s what will probably be our final round up of Euro ice buckets (due to privacy settings we weren’t able to embed every clip, but if you click on the still the relevant video will open in a new tab).

To check out our complete “Ice Bucket Challenge” archive click HEREFor an explainer on the reasoning behind the campaign and donation details scroll to the bottom of the page.

Anton Ewald (Sweden’s Melodifestivalen 2013 and 2014)

Daria Kinzer (Croatia 2011)

Daria Kinzer ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Alyona Lanskaya (Belarus 2013)

Oscar Zia (Sweden’s Melodifestivalen 2014)

Martin Stenmarck (Sweden 2005)

Sophie DeBattista (Malta JESC 2006 and MESC 2014)


Charlotte DeBattista (Malta JESC 2004)

Charlotte DeBattista ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

No to the Ice Bucket Challenge

We’ve already seen that the “Ice Bucket Challenge” isn’t for everyone. Austria’s Conchita Wurst decided to “donate twice instead of ice”, while Croatia’s Igor Cukrov labelled the whole thing “nonsense”. They’re not alone, with two of Hungary’s biggest stars also declining the opportunity to be drenched.

ByeAlex (Hungary 2013)

#icebucketchallange I have been nominated by Bogi and my friend from MosaicTV, Laci. I won’t pour icy water over myself, however, I was pleased to note that this initiative, based on an ice-water theme, works quite well in the west. I liked so much that it brought people together. Really. But I have doubts whether people understand why it is so important to help people who suffer from ALS. But the most important thing is they have collected more than 40 million dollars. (So far.) Unfortunately it becomes a meme on the Internet, and some people think it’s just fashion and nothing more, they pour the water and say “I donated” and that’s it. The act of giving is more complex than doing it because others did it too. I’m not used to following others like a parrot. I usually help because of myself, but I like it when a civil initiative work well. In this case, the collective consciousness (momentarily) wakes from slumber. But it’s complicated, can a person who takes part in that campaign understand the meaning of this? For me it’s very important to know and feel why I help. That’s why I sympathise when I take part in something. I help voluntarily with responsibility. My sister usually supports animal shelters, and I admire ill children who act like heroes, I support them, their fight, their family. I think they play that game – what we call life – better and they deserve it more. I always think about my life when I hear about a little kid who fights for his life calmly. This time I chose the Hungarian EGYÜTT A LEUKÉMIÁS GYERMEKEKÉRT ALAPÍTVÁNY (Together for Children with Leukemia Foundation) Why not the foreign ALS? Because I live here in Hungary, I breath this air and these affairs affected me deeply. I am, I was and I will a big admirer of these kids and hopefully later I can do more. A little help not a big thing for you, but counts for a lot and can save lives. (Since I didn’t make the Ice Bucket Challange, I won’t nominate anybody. You have to decide when and where you will help, and of course HOW is important too. It depend on you and it won’t be a one-off.)
Bye Alex

Kati Wolf (Hungary 2011)

Kati was also nominated, but opted to make a donation to one of the foundations she supports, asking her fans to do likewise.

Kati Wolf ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

What is the “Ice Bucket Challenge”?

For those of you who’ve been living in a social media vacuum, the “Ice Bucket Challenge” was started by the American ALS Association in July to raise awareness of the degenerative and incurable ALS or motor neurone disease, the campaign completely snowballed last month, as more and more people got involved. The challenge involves participants recording themselves pour large quantities of water and ice over their heads, posting the clip online, and then nominating others to complete the challenge within 24 hours, while making a charitable donation.

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10 years ago

Eurovision Stars ??? We don’t really have to know the Estonian non-qualifier that came ninth in the fourth semifinal of the Estonian National Final 2003.

10 years ago

Sebalter also declined the Ice Bucket Challenge. Instead he’s running in the Marathon of Hope.

Daria Kinzer Fan
Daria Kinzer Fan
10 years ago

Bless the soul of Daria Kinzer.