Two-time Eurovision finalist and piano virtuoso Ovi has just released his new single “Eu si Tu”. It’s not a brand new track, though: it’s the Romanian and remixed version of his song “One Day” from back in 2012. Ovi co-produced the song along with StereoMilk, and co-wrote it with Stefan Marin, Thomas Shulz and Gabriel Huiban.

As we are still waiting for Paula and Ovi’s revamped version of “She’s After My Piano“, lets review Ovi’s first solo single after their 11th place in Copenhagen with “Miracle“.

Ovi might get overshadowed by Paula Seling on their duets, but his solo tracks shows how versatile of an artist he really is. “Eu si Tu” is a real feel-good song, with a warm breeze from the West Coast – just what we Europeans need for the upcoming winter.

Ovi tells us that the song is about a guy in a relationship, who realises that it is not working and considers getting out of it. Romania really should use their native language more in Eurovision, as it’s a beautiful language and sounds good to us foreigners who don’t understand the lyrics.

“Eu si Tu” lyrics


Stii tot ti-am spus destul
Si-am sa imi vad de drum, departe de tine
Ma simt ca la cinema traiesc viata altcuiva, atunci cind sunt cu tine
Alerg in lumea ta nu pot sa ies din ea


Eu nu te vad decit pe tine (e filmul eu si tu)
Hainele nu iti fac bine (cind arde sufletul)
Eu nu te vad decit pe tine (e filmul eu si tu)
Hainele nu iti fac bine (cind arde sufletul)


Iar joc la loz in plic
Inca nu vad nimic, din ce ai spus ca esti (nu esti!)
E gol in inima mea si nu mai pot visa, ca totul e perfect
Alerg in lumea ta nu pot sa ies din ea


Eu nu te vad decit pe tine (e filmul eu si tu)
Hainele nu iti fac bine (cind arde sufletul)
Eu nu te vad decit pe tine (e filmul eu si tu)
Hainele nu iti fac bine (cind arde sufletul)


E de-ajuns nu-i nimic nou, trezeste-ma cad printre stele
Te simt dar nu esti tu, e doar produsul mintii mele
Actori intr-un vis eu si tu, amatori intr-un cuplu mai bine nu
Ca sa iubesti cit dai primesti spune ea, dar nu-i asa…
Alerg in lumea ta nu pot sa ies din ea


Eu nu te vad decit pe tine (e filmul eu si tu)
Hainele nu iti fac bine (cind arde sufletul)
Eu nu te vad decit pe tine (e filmul eu si tu)
Hainele nu iti fac bine (cind arde sufletul)

“”Me And You” lyrics translation


You know everything, I told you enough
And I’ll be on my way, away from you
Feels like I’m at the cinema, watching somebody else’s life when I’m with you
I’m running through your world, can’t get out of it


I only see you (it’s the me and you movie)
You don’t need clothes (when the soul is burning)
I only see you (it’s the me and you movie)
You don’t need clothes (when the soul is burning)


I’m playing the lottery again
I still can’t see anything from what you said you were (you’re not!)
My heart is empty inside and I can’t dream anymore that everything is perfect
I’m running through your world, can’t get out of it


I only see you (it’s the me and you movie)
You don’t need clothes (when the soul is burning)
I only see you (it’s the me and you movie)
You don’t need clothes (when the soul is burning)


It’s enough, nothing is new, wake me up I’m falling through stars
I feel you but you’re not you, just a product of my mind
Actors in a dream me and you, amateurs in a couple, better without
In love you get what you give, she says, but that’s not true
I’m running through your world, can’t get out of it


I only see you (it’s the me and you movie)
You don’t need clothes (when the soul is burning)
I only see you (it’s the me and you movie)
You don’t need clothes (when the soul is burning)

Photo: Ovi’s Facebook page

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Sami Luukela
10 years ago

@Hellen, no darling, it was there all time. 🙂

10 years ago

It’s because they changed it Nade

10 years ago

@Hellen — that is already in the very first paragraph of the story 🙂

10 years ago

Sorry, but this isn’t not a new song. It’s a remake of his song “One Day”. You may want to fix that article.