The Wiwi Jury — our in-house team of music unprofessionals — is continuing its journey through Hungary. Earlier today, they checked out one of the biggest favourites in A Dal 2015 – Boggie, a natural beauty with a lovely song of peace. The A Dal jury loved it but what did we think of “Wars For Nothing”? Read on to find out…
Patrick: I’m still impressed by how touching the song is and how I get goosebumps all over my body. I don’t know – it’s just beautiful! Her performances are always so strong and I really love them. I still think that Boggie would be a great choice for Europe with this ballad. Why wouldn’t Hungary send a ballad like this? I think Europe would appreciate it! Love you Boggie – GO FOR IT!
Score: 9.5/10
Francheska: It’s a cliché “ignore the haters” song, which seriously bothers me. If a song is meant to be empowering, it shouldn’t put me to sleep. It has no sense of drama or being able to translate into a stage performance. This sounds like it belongs in a small church’s production of the Nativity. Yawn.
Score: 2/10
Angus: This song’s message is endearing but Boggie’s delivery isn’t the strongest. The use of so many backing vocalists is a distraction to, and uncomfortably reminiscent of Anmary in Baku.
Score: 7/10
Deban: I really feel that I should like this entry, after all, what’s not to like? It ministers to the human soul with strong messages that linger and touch. The narrative does no harm, but does it buy my vote? Perhaps not. It needs more spunk, and a driven creative team behind it. The LED, for instance could have more impact, and the choreographer could infuse more movement into the piece.
Score: 7/10
Max: I don’t know how to feel about this song. The verses are slow, steady and flow wonderfully but if I’m honest this song leaves me feeling quite melancholic which isn’t really how I want to feel after listening. It’s a song about peace and the ending of wars and (at the risk of stereotyping the contest) like so many others that have graced the Eurovision stage I worry it would get lost in the chaos of glitter and pyros.
Score: 5/10
Renske: I’m probably not the only one who gets distracted by the LED screen. The song is more like a charity song for “Help Hungary to have a decent song” rather than a Eurovision entry. It’s too monotonous to deliver a message, people will just get bored. Others like Alyosha and Hungary’s own András Kallay-Saunders made their songs enjoyable and interesting to watch and that’s what I’m missing with this song.
Score: 6.5/10
Judit: One of the big favourites in Hungary, her personality could win over anyone. But week after week I’m not sure this song could work in Vienna. A lovely ballad, but my biggest problem is her dress! Please, she’s a beautiful woman and deserves a better look!
Score: 7/10
Robyn: The more I watch this performance, the more depressing it gets. The lyrics – about how awful humanity is – are bleak, and the background graphics just add to the buzz kill. The melancholic performance picks up near the end when everyone is joining in, but that doesn’t last for long. Excuse me while I slip into a coma.
Score: 3/10
Padraig: Songs of love and peace are old hat these days. But just because we’ve heard a message before, doesn’t make it clichéd, especially when delivered by a performer as skilled as Boggie. Delicate and tough at the same time, the performance is raw with emotion. Perhaps there’s a bit too much going on on-stage. Although, to be honest, my attention was solely focused on Boggie. I’m bewitched.
Score: 9/10
In fact I think it will resonate with people around the world. For the people in these countries that suffer in these places with wars being fought in pockets around the globe right now, the average person feeling the impact of these struggles wants to just tell everyone to lay down their guns and let everyone live in peace. Brava. It will also stand put from all the shouty songs at eurovision this year and the way Boggie sings it really draws you in. In think staged properly it could bring Hungary their very first win, appropriately in a contest… Read more »
I think this was a touching well composed song. I can’t say if it will win but it’s definitely my favorite
This is so so beautiful!
I love this song as it is very powerful and moving. It is clearly my favorite of the bunch. That said, I strongly want to leave political messages outside of Eurovision and this may be too close to home given what’s happening in the Region right now.
Best song in the selection by far. Hungary should pick this.
Wolf Kati, please.
To give my own rate…{Although its not my thing to rate songs…Its either great/good/mediocre/bad 4 me..}
8 / 10 my general grade as a song..
but 10 / 10 4 the certain kind/type of its song as it can’t get any better than this though..
Beautiful song indeed though…I actually prefer this to win the A DAL 2015 over some others instead…I won’t mind at all if this song represents Hungary in the Diamond Esc Vision of Vienna..
We will see how it goes..
{ ^^ We Can Only Have Peace In The State Of *WAR* ^^ }