Nina Sublatti — Georgia’s Eurovision 2015 singer — has released the music video for the updated version of her song ”Warrior”. Or should we say she has unleashed it? This video is alive!
Our Georgian correspondent Rezo is currently at the video presentation in Tbilisi at cafe “Innova”. He’s already spotted famed choreographer Sacha Jean Baptiste and will upload pics to our Instagram soon. You can watch the video and see exclusive HQ photos below.
David Gogokhia, a highly experienced producer, web designer and director, oversaw the video shoot. He co-founded Studio Big Cake a few years ago along with Givi Magradze and George Mkheidze. They have worked with famous Georgian singers, including Eurovision stars like Nina Sublatti, the band Eldrine, and Anri Jokhadze.
Five females appear in the video with Nina. They are: Nina Potskhishvili (a model from Look Models), Mariam Sanogo (a model from the Geomodels Agency), Keta Gavasheli, Lina Tsiklauri, and Dea Aptsiauri. They look just as fierce as Nina! Designer Lasha Jokhadze, whose previous credits include hit shows “Dancing with the Stars” and “Two stars”, has delivered once again.
the second version is really improved. The song is super catchy! The first time I listened to it i didn’ t like it but each more time i listen the more i fall in love.
I seriously don’t get it, what is wrong with all these people puking negative like dark rainbow here. Smells like the pack of a loser
Warrior- wohrehr
Shes definitely not saying w a i r
U cant hear the difference cuzzz
Number one you’re not an English native speaker
Number two you’re not a singer and have no knowledge about belting
And of vowel modifications
First of all im an american not Georgian
And second her pronunciation is just like us when shes singing/belting
She doesnt even sing e in the word warrior
no I’m not an english speaker not even a singer. Sorry for saying that her pronunciation is not good… but I think you should tell your singer to work on it…she sounds like she is saying wire instead of warrior… it sounds funny…. and I said before chill out Georgia 🙂 …you don’t have the best song in this competition by far…this campaign you are doing to put Georgia in the top of polls etc…it will work against you….people are not dumb.
Clearly you are not a english speaker or a singer
That why u cant hear her
Iam hearing to this song again…I Think people from Georgia or nina’s team..need to chill loool…THIS IS NOT A WINNING SONG!! I Know you want to someday win the eurovision..SORRY NOT WITH THIS SONG!!! it is not even a radio song!! her English is sooo bad!!! she can’t even pronounce the name of the song WARRIOR loool she says WIIIIRRREEE…Trying to put negative commets on te Maltese entry is really working against you! there are 40 WARRIORS NOT 2.hahahaah. I think the best so far is ESTONIA! 12 points Italy 10 points and Malta 8 points.
1. Georgia
2. Spain
3. Estonia
4. Malta
5. The Netherlands
Amazing <3 #TeamNina
Of course it a good video. The concept is totally ripped from Woodkid – Iron haha
ohhh I love both warriors so much!!! but Georgia is my favorite, I would be so happy if they win
Yes, I said Sweden is my favorite… I know they haven’t announced yet but I’m crossing my fingers for “Heroes” to win. Regardless, if they announced it or not, sweden’s songs are all better than this one. Hopefully you Got me?
The song still sucks.
I can’t decide which Warrior song is worse. Both give me the heebie jeebies. (For those unfamiliar with the term, Wikipedia describes it as a feeling of anxiety, apprehension, depression or illness – yep, that about sums up my reaction)
A huge improvement (and I still loved the original version). Hands down the better of the Warriors and I can see this doing really well in Vienna. I love all the historical women warriors in the video, especially Queen Tamar of Georgia who’s extremely inspirational in my opinion. Nina looks gorgeous as always as well.
I read two comments people saying Sweden is their favourite. How can Sweden be someone’s faourite when I am going to attend the final this Saturday. We have not chosen a song yet. Or am I missing something?
Georgia has improved and this is better than a previous version of the song. The video is also way better than what I expected after seeing backstage photos. So glad they cut out all shots of full dress. I believe Georgia will place higher than ever this year. Best of Luck!
The song still hasn’t improved – the lyrics are just awful and the music sounds hollow because it’s basically just drums. I don’t understand why they haven’t changed the name of the song as well.
nina’s voice is better then Amber. Nina is different and original
listen to this >>>>>>>>>>>>>
I just have to say that nina is fantastic!!! gorgeous, beautiful ,sexy ,tallented and she’s only nineteen :)))))) WoHooo u are warrior #teamnina
The dubstep is gone :O ..but Nina is still the better of the two Warriors.
I don’t remember how the original version sounded like. But, judging this from the beginning, I find it really repetitive, and dark not in the good way. There are moody/dark songs that for really work, like for me, France 2013. She was breathtaking. But, I just don’t like the song. It depresses me. Anyway, good luck Georgia.
This is absolutely different from youtube comments. out of 300 the is only 3 or 4 negative comments and the 99% rest is prise. Someone Shared this page to Ambers fan page… I feel retired warriors . You better buy a kitten for your miau Queen Amber.
The old version was my least favorite song in the competition, but this is pretty good.
I just Love Word OXIMATED!!! <3 <3 <3 Amazing lady you are miss NINA!
Woodkid – Iron ripoff much?
Oh, now I get it… Is she trying to sound like Kathy Perry? I totally think soooo!
Oh well… It’s still an ordinary song. Nothing special. Vocals are good, but still, there is some disconnection that I can’t figure out why? I can name a hundred songs like this one… I’m not impressed at all. My favorites remain Italy and Sweden. So far.
Wow. What a difference between youtube’s and wiwiblogg’s comments 😉
Does anybody shared this on Ambers fan page? :))
Lol, what just happened… just a week ago Georgia was my second last and now it rose to a possible top 10 entry for me XD
She is Definitely belting high which means she has to make vowel modifications and neglect the Consonants for sure
That how you sing people
She is the best now n i know she is still revamping the song
I like both ‘Warrior’ songs much more now.
I prefer Georgia’s video more.
I prefer Malta’s song more.
This song is completed
It became NUMBER 1 in my list
Anybody whos not a singer and doesnt speak english need to stop judging
How about come here in USA learn english and singing and judge
What a let down. You can not understand a word she is saying. She cannot pronounce the name of the song right… all i understand is wire wire. Definitely with the last 5.
I agree the song needed to be changed somehow, but this is NOT what I had in mind!!!! They managed to make worse, I’m sorry… Before I didn’t like that it was repetitive and that the back up track didn’t change much the entire song, but it was lively and overall I quite liked it. Now, I don’t like….well, anything…
Nina is really talented! The video and the song are pretty amazing!!!!!!! LOVE YOU, NINA !!!!
That’s strange, I used to hate this, but after the first seconds I suddenly had to turn up the volume. I love it now.
First of all, definitely an improvement over the original–slightly more upbeat, but I wonder if she can maintain that live on stage. Will have to see her in rehearsal before I decide where to place this. Right now 10th-20th.
Second, as native English speaker, I find nothing really lacking in her vocals/pronunciation, so not sure what people are hearing (?).
Finally, the video itself matches the song quite well. Definitely a contrast to the other “Warrior”!
@Krishyby: Australia performs in the final…they were given a spot there so as not to take a possible spot from any other country in the semis. Smart yet fair, since theirs is to be “one-shot” appearance (barring a win, of course!). 🙂
I’ve just realized something, when is Australia performing? They weren’t drawn in into either of the semi-finals during the allocation draw. They also weren’t mentioned as part of the big five. Am I being stupid about about something?
The song sounds a lot more expensive and a lot less amateur now, the video is also better than I expected, but I’m gonna have to agree with most other people about the diction, it’s awful and distracting, she can’t even pronounce the name of the song right, and the verses are initeligible.
It’s still an improvement though. I actually can’t decide which Warrior I like better.
woodkid – iron videoclip complete rip-off
I like it.
If the only thing that you can complain about is her diction, there mustn’t be much else wrong with the song.
My number one
No Georgia why why why 🙁 Diction awful. Nothing special in the song
What a let down 🙁 i expected much much more from Georgia. This was my 8th, now its in my bottom 10. I just can’t understand why they did not work on her vocals. All i can hear is wire wire wire. In my honest humble opinion this song just went down the drain. Just her looks will not get her anywhere. She has to work on so many things. Sorry Georgia but you disappointed me.
It’s nice but so repetitive !
Fierce video! I like it better than the song itself.
…but I enjoy the song and the revamp overall, just sayin the video shows some interesting similiarities, very much so!
I like this new version! An improvement from the original in my opinion.
I love how both “warriors” went in completely different directions, while Amber went for a more melodic and even sweet path, Nina went for a more strong and aggresive one, but both are good in their on way.
Sorry but I expected more from Georgia! I was hoping for a better version…so repetitive…..I agree Nina need to work hard for her diction…. I do like the video!.. My favourites so far…
1: italy
2: Malta
3: Estonia