Russia has just announced that Polina Gagarina will sing ‘A Million Voices’ in Vienna! Russian broadcaster Channel One just confirmed the news and also announced that the song has been composed by an international team made of Russians, Swedes and Australians.
The broadcaster hasn’t still confirmed when the song will be released. Meanwhile, you can enjoy this video released by Channel One which includes some parts of the song and the music video! Here is what Polina says about her entry:
This is a song of the world. It is a song of everyone: children, elder people, pregnant… This song is kust about love. Love is the only thing what you should live, breath, keep working for – this is the only sense of life. And million voices are talking about it.
There are 25 children and their parents engaged. Some parents are pregnant and it is even more wonderful, because it is incredibly toching, when there is a husband and wife and one more small human inside. It is so beautiful. I can be myself here, because my song is such a rock ballad, very topical with such a message. It all fits me so much. When I had heard the song, I understood at that very moment that it is mine. I think that everything will be achieved. We have such an amazing team and I am very happy that I have such a sincere, kind and symbolic song will be the voice of Russia.
Polina Gagarina is a famous singer and composer who shot to fame in Russia after winning ‘Fabrika Zvyozd’ (Star Academy) in 2003. Since then, Polina has released three solo albums and has won the ‘Golden Gramophone’, a very prestigious award.
Rumours about Polina representing Russia this year began on Monday and a rush of informations, presentation dates and song names have followed.
With this announcement, Channel One ends all the speculation behind Russia’s participation this year, which began early in the season with the rumours pointing to Alexandra Vorobyeva, the winner of the third season of ‘Golos Rossii’ (The Voice of Russia). However, the broadcaster decided that they didn’t want to stick to the same selection method they used in 2013 and went for Polina. Do y’all think that it will be a wise choice? Let us know in the comments section below.
I don’t like this. Russia ciuld send greater singers than this girl who screem, and when it doesn’t, the music covers her voice. She doesn’t have voice for singing but she was the best option of Russia 2015? Yeah. Who knows who ensured her a place at Esc?
She looks nice but I haven’t heard a song without her voice being covered heavily by instruments and other sound effects. This leads to her voice being always shouty which is unpleasant and not allowing to connect with the artist’s feelings and to what she/he wants to transmit. But who knows maybe her song will be now different of those 6-7 that I heard and haven’t had the patience to listen more than 1 min of each.
oh surprise Russia send a balad about love and peace, i was expecting another warrior with five boys in military uniform in a beatiful coreography where the boys in the end give a kiss eachother,
@Daniel the Secret Poison song was a cover…
Ukroboty went on the warpath? Clowns Ragul’skii Polish litter 🙂
???????? ????? ?? ????? ?????, ??????!
I just don’t want her to be booed this year. She was and still a respectable artist in Ukraine…
*about instead of on, I mean. I need to sharpen my grammar next time lol
And, as usual, forum participants here have to connect Russian Eurovision entry to politics. How about focusing on the song?
Thank you for translating her message on her interview.
i was so confused reading the description… lol
There’s a bigger picture, Donna. There’s a massive propaganda on Russian TV. The song is just a tool to brainwash people… Oh look this girl is so innocent, we are all innocent, singing about peace, we have nothing to do with the war in Ukraine. It’s old soviet methods.
And the commenters calling Russia’s entrants hypocrites have finally arrived! Yup, it is the Eurovision already. For fucks sake we don’t even know Polina’s political stand yet for all we know she’s apolitical!
Another middle-of-the-pack song that will reach the top 10 just because it’s Russia? It’s possible. It’s annoying how overrated Russia and Azerbaijan almost always are in the actual contest, no wonder their winning entries are considered the worst winners since semis were introduced.
Also Montenegro’s Knez will sing Adio.
If Elhaida is smart she must bring something different than a balld, although I doubt it.
Putting all political/social differences aside, in my humble opinion, the best ESC was held in Russia in 2009. They set a new standard for the contest.
@RUSSIA as much as I admire your wish to be heard, please don’t use Google Translate (or whatever it was) next time—just ask a friend to translate whatever you wanna say.
P.S. “Who is not with us is beneath us.” Seriosuly? That’s really fascist.
You know what…. come on you all in the ass . Beautiful Poline, with a beautiful song, going to Austria, and will tear all. In accidental everywhere were stunned to smear Russia?? You are like assholes who haven’t achieved anything in his life. In the end this is a song contest and not policy. How to treat people, I don’t understand. First shooed 17 year old girls that no matter what did great, and now say mean things about her. You all put together even hold a candle to them is not good enough. RUSSIA always was and is the… Read more »
I dont care if it is a ballad. A song is good or bad, this one already sounds good and its just a snippet. My body is ready to get back to Russia. Im sure this will finish top 5 🙂 Believe me, she is amazing live.
Self-parody. I love Polina and wish she weren’t saddled with a peace ballad.
Nygma, don;t forget Armenia
Don;t deny will be about the genocide and being strong in exile/diapora
France sings about World War I and
Cyprus is regretiig what he should have done.
Even The Netherlands tries to lift someone up…..
I guess Eurovision is in depression 😉
I’m feeling the ballad police’s anguish already
Hopefully it won’t be preachy
(Sorry, Polina’s 2013 song was ‘Habek’. Wiwibloggs comment boxes don’t accept cyrillic.)
When I was in Moscow two years the fantastic “?????” by Polina was on all the time on the radio. I thought then that she might make a great Eurovision contender
This seams to be a repeat of Russia 2013 What if again!
Wow. Polina looks so nice)) good luck, Russia!
Another ballad omg. With every song announcement I’m becoming less and less excited. I think Armenia will end up being a ballad as well but at least Israel has been confirmed to be uptempo!
Surprised Russia’s not a big six country
@Edward Nygma
I believe Serbia is like a continuation on last year’s “Cake to bake” …. The result of too much baking and how to go from white pastry to a full blown red velvet cake….. all baked.
I am very disappointed that we are getting another ballad.
And I am all for songs with strong social messages, BUT:
Malta – song about the suffering of people in today’s society
Switzerland – self-empowering song
Romania – song about the suffering of children away from their parents
Serbia – song about self-empowering through love
Poland – song about the power of love and self-journey
Meanwhile, we have zero sassy sexy songs about seduction, which Secret Poison might have been like.
PS. Just wait for Albanian entry about being strong and surviving…
It definitely sounds like it’s well produced but from what I’ve heard it’s one of the weakest ballads this year. Maybe a key change will make it stand out, but I feel like it’s gonna get lost in the final (especially if it has a low draw) and Russia isn’t gonna experience the success they have recently and place a little higher than they did in 2011.
I try, lol.
oh dear… yet another hypocritical cheesy 1980’s song from Russia. Would this very same song enter the contest for Switzerland, it’d end up right in the bottom. But hey! It’s mother Russia… so top 5 just like in Malmö.
It might be another ballad, but to me it sounds like the best one this year along with Greece. I wanna hear the full version now 😀
Is it another ballad? It is another ballad. Sigh.
Another hypocritical song from Russia. Lovely.
Oh Yes, as you generally relates to the policy of another country? This bring you harm?
Go to hell, the Russophobes! Eurovision is a song contest, not politicians! Polina is a gorgeous girl who did not deserve osvescivanje. She writes great songs and she has a strong voice. You just sit somewhere in the ass and criticize position and morals of the country. No need to specify that we love.
What a load of drivel. This song is just thinly veiled Russian propaganda. Let’s all pretend Putin thinks everyone deserves love and the freedom to love (as long as you are a man and a woman producing babies of course.)
Lemme guess, people are complaining about a ballad… again!
Is it a ballad-heavy year? Yeah. But back in the day, most of the songs in the ESC were ballads.
Back to the song, it looks promising but we’ll see.
The Secret Poison song seemed better.
Not another bland and generic entry about peace, love and unity from Russia again this year. Please Europe, don’t let this go to the final.
Your comment cracked me up! 😉
I don’t think anyone will win the Eurovision song contest this year……
I will wait to hear the whole full version of the russian entry and not listen now just some blurry parts instead.. Ok Russia will not gonna get booed by the audience in Vienna at least heavily…We might expect some mild booing but it won’t be something way too much & over the line like we all witnessed in Copenhagen last year…The noise that has been made by the outrage last year has calmed down now in significant degree.. I can only expect the situation to get worse if Russia continues the same anti gay homophobic policy or votes even… Read more »
You ask what is wrong with her arms…?
She must be posessed with demons and we must practise an exorcism to dear Polina & save her..! 😛
Personally i expected a russian hot hunkie babe to fly the flag of Pride 4 Russia in the Diamond Vision instead but anyway.. 😛
OMG, another ballad….sigh.
what is wrong with her arms in that photo? the photoshop disaster!
You can hear different parts of the song in the background of this video:
Song+Interview Eng Sub!