These Icelandic fans are excited

Post-Eurovision Depressionย is hitting Iceland, just like every other nation in Europe. But Icelanders are a happy bunch in general, and we don’t let a little summer depression stop us or our love for Eurovision. The nation actually devours everything Eurovision related, all year round, and those who say otherwise are lying. Fact. 95% of the Icelandic people watched the final this year. The other 5% said they were watching Game of Thrones, but they weren’t. They were eagerly practising Mรฅns’ dance moves, so they could show off on the dance floor during the summer. Here are the top fiveย reasons why Iceland is the best place to be a Eurovision fanatic.

1.ย You never fly solo amongst Icelandic Eurofanatics.

Eurofanatics tend to seek each other out.


And once they meet, they’ll unite in sheer Eurovision happiness.


2. We’re optimistic by nature.

This is done every year before the semi finals:

Loreen gif

And then followed by this:

Flip gif

Except this year, which brings us to reason number 3.

3.ย Quick recovery is our trademark.

OK, so our masterplan of music didn’t work. Oh, the tragedy! So for five minutes, we were like this:

Benedict Cumberbatch gif

But then we brush off the negativity and decide that dwelling on the past is soooo yesterday, and we do this:

Pollaponk gif

4. ย We’re extremely loyal.

If you befriend an Icelandic Eurofanatic, you’ve got a friend for life. You’ll never experience this:

Not invited gif

But plenty of this:


5. Icelandic Eurovision parties are epic!

There’s a big chance, you’ll witness this:

Party gif

And this:

Bucks Fizz gif

And most definitely THIS:

Verka Seduchka gif

This is just a wee glimpse of what its like to be a Eurovision fanatic in Iceland. But it goes so much deeper. We welcome everybody, and we judge nobody. Because in the end,ย Eurovision is about love. Don’t you agree?

Eurovision kiss gif

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9 years ago

@Mario I find a lot of your comments helpful, but then I see this “I give you my G(ay)ood L(ove)uck” It will definitely bring WiWiBloggs down if there are young readers, Eurovision is for all ages, but please, do not make it homosexual or sexual, we went through enough of that in 2009. (I was actually there).

9 years ago

@ Harry
Well you shouldn’t get upset & have an issue with this..
You ask me really why?? I really do not need you any explanation for that & i do not do any harm at all with that..
It really bugs me that you have a problem with that..
NO i do not see it at all as unnacceptable in my own view..
And since its my own comments i will not ask for permission by others like you about what im gonna write here & what not..
And yeah…I do not have anything personal against you….xx

9 years ago

“G(ay)ood L(ove)uck Iceland! <3"
This sort of comment is completely unnecessary and in my view unacceptable. I have nothing against you Mario but I feel this sort of stuff is just pointless! Why?

Mario just whatever
Mario just whatever
9 years ago

This thing with the memes is just pretty cool & rocks <3
I really like this <3
So i want new wiwi articles to throw away the negativity that i received yesterday..
Thank to them that they ruined it to me for one more time..
I will just move on..

9 years ago

@ Emm…No actually… Because it is my personal policy to comment on every wiwi article here…Except on certain occasions though.. It is like a ritual to me…I really enjoy it & its fun for me.. <3 Well tone of my comments are just OK.. You should had already noticed that.. If you want to accuse me that all of too many of my comments contain s*xual words or gay homosexual stuff then i'm gonna lose you on that.. How many times i'm writing comments like that but not all the time or so frequently.. @ So you can't be the… Read more »

9 years ago

You better recover till next year cause you’ve been sending absolute crap for the past 2 years.

Mei International
Mei International
9 years ago

Mario can you read a wiwibloggs article and not comment on it? serious question. also is it possible for you to not make a comment about sex or being gay?

I think his ridiculous comments undermine the value of the stories and reports here.

9 years ago

I want not only one of these acts to represent Iceland again in a future EuroVision but to have the honour of being one of them that will take the debut victory in Vision! <3

~ Yohanna
~ Jonsi
~ Hera Bjork
~ Greta Salome
~ Maria Olaffs
~ Regina Osk
~ Fridrik Omar
~ Sylvia Night

I want even Bjork to accept representing Iceland in EuroVision! <3
She will gonna boost her career if she does that and EuroVision wil do her much good! <3

9 years ago

The tv ratings were huge! 95% of the icelanders were all watching EuroVision!
And given the fact that the others 5% were watching an extremely popular tv show like *Game Of Thrones* makes it even more impressive!
From the 400.000 population of Iceland more than 350.000 were tuned in Vienna’s Vision Final..!

Really pity that they did not watch their own Maria Olaffs in the final..

You 're hurting me! :P :P
You 're hurting me! :P :P
9 years ago

Sylvia Night Queen Bee ~ Get that w**re s**t out of my parade! ๐Ÿ˜› [although she didn’t say exactly these words.. :P]
Sylvia’s bouncer then goes to throw her out..:P
and the female fake ”journalist” was like : you re hurting me…! you re hurting me..! ๐Ÿ˜› LMAO! ๐Ÿ˜€
ahahaha.. i still remember this vividly.. <3 ๐Ÿ™‚
GreAtY memories <3

May The 29th Be The Lucky One 4 U Iceland! :)
May The 29th Be The Lucky One 4 U Iceland! :)
9 years ago

Was really unfortunate that Iceland didn’t qualify to the final this year and marked the first time in ages that Iceland missed the final sadly..
Iceland has to win in Vision at last!
28 whole participations & zero victory!

Im wishing to dear Icelanders 4 their next 29th participation in Vision to be the lucky one! <3 ๐Ÿ™‚

G(ay)ood L(ove)uck Iceland! <3

9 years ago

Oh my mood is ruined now again because of what happened on the other post..
And excuse me if i change the line on my ”nickname” all the time almost in every comment of mine..
It might seems too much but i really feel like doing it..
In a while im gonna post another new comment here..
(( oh…my stomach is filled with food and i hate that because i can’t concentrate myself to write coments here.. ๐Ÿ˜› if only there was an option to eat food & not have to digest for hours…that sucks.. ๐Ÿ˜› ))

9 years ago

You forgot to include the Lithuanian kiss in the last gif. ๐Ÿ˜‰

9 years ago

Is Eurovision really that popular in Iceland? 95 percent of the TV audience watched Eurovision? I kinda adore Icelandic artists from Mugison, Soley, Rokkuro, Samaris, Sin Fang, Retro Stefson, and I do really hope that someday one of them would represent Iceland in Eurovision.

Just Love Sylvia Night :)
Just Love Sylvia Night :)
9 years ago

The loud booing that poor Sylvia Night heard while she was on stage was even worse than the boooing that Russia received last year! ๐Ÿ˜› ๐Ÿ˜€ LMAO! hehehe.. Well its ridiculous that…Greeks were so dumb to react like that with Sylvia.. She was just a nuts crazy possesed girl that had problem & was swearing everybody…Not only just us f***ing Greeks ๐Ÿ˜› hehe I really LOVE her! <3 I want the fabulous pink diva Sylvia to make the GreAtY comeback next year in Sweden & at least give the present to the gay parties there in Stockholm! <3 If i… Read more »

(Ro)Mario ~ A GreAtY Monster Volcano Gave Birth To The Vision Crazy Gay Island Iceland :)
(Ro)Mario ~ A GreAtY Monster Volcano Gave Birth To The Vision Crazy Gay Island Iceland :)
9 years ago

This explains totally then why im that crazy nuts obsessesd maniac fanatic about our EuroVision! <3 ๐Ÿ˜‰
The year i was born ICELAND debuted in our Vision! <3
And no other country debuted except Iceland ๐Ÿ™‚
Sylvia Night that represented Iceland in the Vision of my country back in 2006 was lunatic crazy! <3 ๐Ÿ˜€
And in certain ways im just like her in my inner! <3 ๐Ÿ˜€ hehehe..