After finishing 15th in his semi-final, only managing to beat the acquired taste that was PKN’s “Aina mun pitää,” Daniel Kajmakoski was optimistic about the future. He told wiwibloggs that he’d had a blast and planned to return to Eurovision very soon. Now summer has arrived in Ohrid, and Mr Kajmakoski is cranking up the heat in his new single, “10 Leta.”

The song – translating to ’10 summers’ – is an uplifting piece of guitar-pop perfection. Daniel sings about his love for a very special lady, stating “even after one summer, 10 I will celebrate.” In the video we see him canoodle with his lover in a restaurant, on a boat, in a lake, by the campfire, in a hammock (basically a lot of canoodling). The song was produced by Darko Dimitrov, the same man responsible for the production of the country’s entries in 2006, 2013 and 2014, as well as Elhaida Dani’s “I’m Alive” this year. Watch out Ralph Siegel, cos Eurovision’s got a new veteran!

The release of this song follows the apparent trend in Macedonian Eurovision stars’ careers to send a mess to Eurovision, and then follow it up with an absolute corker as their next single. First, Lozano releases the feel-good summer anthem, “Mandarina“, after sending a song that sounded more like a goat being sacrificed than a Eurovision entry. Then, after the cringey wannabe dance-hit “To The Sky,” in Copenhagen, Tijana gives us Balkan ska realness in “Paranemija”. And now, after the soulless ballad “Autumn Leaves,” Daniel gives us this little treat. We don’t know who will represent Skopje in 2016, but all we can say is, please consider sending your second single to Stockholm instead!

Daniel Kajmakoski — “10 Leta”


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9 years ago

Mario, I have to disagree. I think Daniel is a hunk. Of course, he’s not Nadav, our Golden Boy is the hottest babe, but still, I find Daniel quite sexy. 😉
And the song is nice.

9 years ago

He did have the best song out of the non-qualifying entries and the best voice. Unfortunately, it was just one of those cases where it did not all come together on the night. It is really good to see him getting another song out quickly and moving forward. This is another great song from him and I am really hopeful that he will be back at Eurovision someday.

#MarioVision ~ You Failed Daniel...Just Deal With It..
#MarioVision ~ You Failed Daniel...Just Deal With It..
9 years ago

@ With no offense but Daniel’s performance was fail & not good enough..
His song was not bad at all but it went all down after his live disappointing performance..
He justifiably did not pass to the final & he knows that of course..
When we had other countries that had better songs & good live perfomanceslike Belarus,Malta,Netherland,Switzerland but didn’t qualify as well to the final then why Daniel’s country would deserve to see the light of the big final then??
I’m just fair & honest here..
And no i’m not mean or b*tchy towards Daniel…Its just his own problem..

9 years ago

Great song! Till now I can’t believe Daniel couldn’t make to the final this year… Go Macedonia, always! I love songs in native macedonian…

9 years ago

He was from my least liked participants in Vienna.. He hasn’t got anything special & its really lame that he won the XFactor talent show even.. He looks so much inferior invisible if we compare him with other truly talented artists from FYR like Tose Proeski & Lozano with such GreAtY voices.. Daniel’s voice sounds like s**t compared to theirs.. He did NOT deserve to win in FYR’s NF as there were others much better songs than his…Like the masterpiece ballad of Tamara 4 example…And he only just won because of his popularity & the fact that he was the… Read more »

#MarioVision ~ Its Always
#MarioVision ~ Its Always
9 years ago

Oh i don’t care…He can celebrate as many summers he wants really…
I didn’t favor him in Vienna’s Vision…His song was not that good…His performance was too weak…He deserved to get eliminated on the SF..
And he is not that handsome…Honestly i do NOT find him hot at all..

9 years ago

Macedonia is a great country