German national broadcaster NDR has withdrawn Xavier Naidoo as their candidate for the Eurovision Song Contest 2016. After much critical speculation over the broadcaster’s choice, NDR announced this morning that they will be looking elsewhere and will announce in due course when they have decided on a new path to Stockholm 2016. NDR’s Head of Entertainment Thomas Schreiber praised Xavier as an “outstanding” singer and refuted accusations that he has been a homophobe and a racist.

Schreiber however acknowledged NDR had not anticipated the strong reaction from fans and will be returning to the drawing board for Stockholm 2016.

Fans will likely be hoping for a more democratic alternative, after Ann Sophie was selected last year in a shock national final which saw actual winner Andreas Kummert decline the ticket to Vienna.

Update: Xavier has posted a statement to his Facebook page:

Xaivier Naidoo Facebook

A few months ago, ARD approached me and asked me to compete next year for Germany at the Eurovision Song Contest in Stockholm.

That was the sole proposal of ARD. I finally agreed after careful consideration, because this competition would have been a very special event for me. When shortly after our contractual agreement with the NDR and the completion of all preparations, things have changed due to a unilateral decision by the ARD, then that’s OK with me. My passion for music and my commitment to love, freedom, tolerance and coexistence has not slowed down.

Xavier Naidoo, 21.11.2015

Are you pleased NDR have reconsidered their selection or do you think they should have stuck to their guns? Do you think NDR will go for a national selection now? Comment below!

Source: NDR

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My Name Is Feminnem?
9 years ago

net bullies and hysterical pink chauvenist fans had their way – a crying shame! Personaliality counted…not that he is a totally competent act with 15 years of fame under his belt. Could have been great for Esc!

9 years ago

@eugene Well, take my own country Holland recently… the initial reaction to both Birds and Calm After the Storm was terrible, whereas people thought Walk Along was a great Eurovision song. In hindsight of course everyone claims they hated that song, but really the first reaction was overwhelmingly positive. It’s just that both Anouk and the Common Linnets didn’t do what the people expected of them: a balls to the wall rock song. The people couldn’t put aside their expectations and judge the actual song. The rest of Europe has no idea about what Xavier Nadoo has said or done… Read more »

9 years ago

Better yet, get Alex M.O.R.P.H. next time Ann Sophie has a song ready for Unser Song.

9 years ago

@mawnck: Only if PvD or ATB is producing. I could imagine how she would sound with their music. >:-P

9 years ago

Hey … I wonder if we get Ann Sophie again?

9 years ago

One of the biggest names in German music accepts to go and they withdraw him… if in Spain we had one of our biggest names wanting to go, we would cry of joy. At least I hope they peak someone who sings in German, like Johannes Oerding (came 2nd at the Buvisoco), Cro, Revolverheld (won the Bovisoco), Oomph (also Bovisoco winners), Andreas Bourani, Max Herre, Philipp Poisel, etc.

9 years ago

@Robyn: Suffer no delusions; they will be checking for anyone who has show any dubious dispositions with regard to being in this kind of spotlight, and no doubt they will ban anyone who has openly and hotly bad-mouthed Eurovision in the past. Andreas will obviously not be welcome anymore, should he ever have a change of heart and wish to try again.

9 years ago

I love German people!

In fact I don’t have any idea who’s Xavier Nadoo, I have seen many of my non-Eurovision-related German friends posting on Facebook, explaining they should have to right to choose the representer of their country, as they are paying for the national broadcaster etc.

They’re really cool as they are not open to loose any of their rights!

Good luck Germany at Stockholm! There are really cool acts in this country like Mighty Oaks or Hundreds. With that type of bands, they could be the next the Netherlands of Eurovision!

9 years ago

Publicity of a song that had been meant for Xavier or otherwise is irrelevant. The SUSPICION, that the song given to someone else might have been meant for Xavier, might be enough to turn off a portion of would-be voters, especially if it reminds them of any of Xavier’s songs in the past… …Then again, who is to say that they’ve prepared or written ANY song meant for him at this point? If they didn’t give Xavier anything to look over, they pretty much have a clean slate to restart the open selection process for Unser Song, because I’m pretty… Read more »

9 years ago

@Robyn: Never show your poker hand, lest you give away any of your secrets to your opponents. In coming away empty with a replacement entry this past May, Germany can’t afford to use their Xavier Naidoo playbook with someone else in his place. People who are aware of the controversy will suspect that the song given to his replacement was meant for him, especially if it is similar in style to what he has sung in the past. That will prove detrimental to the German campaign at ESC 2016. I’m pretty sure they had several submissions (at least 2 dozen,… Read more »

9 years ago

I am very disappointed in NRD for letting rumors change their course of action without carefully investigating the claims.

And regarding homophobia, I believe that people have a right to be against homosexuality as long as their personal conduct is respectful toward gays as individuals.

9 years ago

germany is starting to become my favourite country in terms of delivering drama every year lol. 😛

i feel bad for xavier, honestly. ARD should compensate him i think. the fact that they withdraw him despite his stellar qualification seems to me like they acknowledge that he’s a racist and xenophobe.

AM Casablancas
AM Casablancas
9 years ago

there is a bizarre amount of talent in Germany to sent this joke:
Cor + Madeline Juno + Glasperlenspiel + Adel Tawil + Chima + Frida Gold + Juli, just to mention some.
And the list goes on and on, THANKS FOR THE WITHDRAW!

Slightly Biased ESC Fan
Slightly Biased ESC Fan
9 years ago

WELP… Guess they better send Cro then.

9 years ago

And in case you are wondering, my “QED” refers to this comment I made on Friday:

CookyMonzta – November 20, 2015 @ 9:55 pm
@adrianauk, Charles: In the end, the German people will ultimately decide if he goes to Stockholm or must be replaced.

9 years ago

<> QED. Ultimately the German people decided; and they decided that he was too hot to risk losing points over. The name of the game is to put forth an artist, a song and even a performance, that other countries are MOST likely to give their 12 points to. Unfortunately, the controversy became hot enough, in so short a time, that it became impossible for German broadcasting to stand behind their selection, given the possibility that the distraction alone could cramp their ability to score points in May. Will they proceed with another internal selection process? Or will they relaunch… Read more »

9 years ago

Can we please just go back to a normal national selection please?? Unser song fur Malmo was such a good show! Internal selections are so risky…

9 years ago

Eurovision SONG contest … but there wasn’t even a SONG to start with … there was plenty of fan-crazy-massive-anger commentary against someone’s character and views within a community that praises freedom of speech and thought, respect and tolerance … slightly awkward and a tad hypocritical if I may say. Whatever this guy did or said … it comes to show that we can easily become the ones who discriminate after all the discrimination we had to endure over decades … and giving second chances is not something we know how to do much less are we are to give anybody… Read more »

Marcus (day one)
Marcus (day one)
9 years ago

Just wish the BBC had listened to the public when they picked electro velvet.
As for the national selection.
I’m pretty sure if a German act was planning to enter for esc then they would have already had a song prepared and we’re just waiting for the broadcaster to reveal the details of the selection.

I think all countries should have a national selection.

9 years ago

However, Germany is in real trouble now, because their concept it dead. ESC is less than 6 months away and the national final less than 3 months. They have not called for songs and artists to enter the competition. The only thing what they could do know it to ask an artist with a recent charts hit to enter ESC, and it would be an internal selection again. I do not see how they can pull off an elimination show in short time without artists and songs.

9 years ago

For me it is very sad news. Xavier is very valuable Artist who could bring to Eurovision great song.
The biggest mistake in on german broadcaster’s site. If they choosed Xavier, they should be sure about their decision and don’t change it just because of few illogical opinion.

9 years ago

Eurovision lost the biggest star in next few years thanks to arrogant LGBT community. I dont agree with their sexuality too. It is democracy, I can say it. If we want only LGBT singers on ESC, so goodbye, dear contest. It is about music. He makes great music, unlike this years tragedy by Ann Sophie, who had 0 pts, it everyone expected. But she was not homophobe. The stupidiest decision I have ever seen in Eurovision.

Btw, it will be year 2016, female singers are out, so send male singer or group, if you want to save this stupid decision.

9 years ago

so what do people think of Helene Fischer for Germany !!
with the right song she would be perfect .. great vocals and performer

Hanner McSinny/Calvin
9 years ago

Am I thrilled with the way the Eurovision media has been handling his bigotry? No. “OMG HE’S A HOMOPHOBE (and also an anti-Semite I guess)” leaves a bit of a bad taste in my mouth. But my discomfort with that is completely overshadowed by how some people are trying to turn him into a victim. Excuse me for not being tolerant of someone who thinks 9/11 was a Jewish conspiracy and that Germany’s pre-WWII borders should stay intact. The German broadcaster was wrong to select him, and maybe they were also wrong to withdraw him, but either way, I don’t… Read more »

9 years ago

I don’t understand why this man has been accused of racism and homophobia. Has he said or done something that caused this to happen?

Hanner McSinny/Calvin
9 years ago

Sarah – if you think LGBT people are stupid, might I suggest that you go to a blog that isn’t run mostly by and read mostly by gay men?

9 years ago

at least NDR did what the public wanted and got rid of xavier … BBC should have done the same with electro velvet this year .. tragic

9 years ago

All thanks to the stupid lgbt people they always make us look bad!! He wasn’t homophobic but people were quick to hate poor man a disgrace!!

9 years ago

I for one find this hilarious
less than a week and they’ve already withdrawn him lololololol

9 years ago

I did n t expect this option for national brodcaster of Germany. I thought that happened only in Belarus, Ukraine, where they change singer , song, both singer and song.

9 years ago

“The public HAVE TO be behind their own artist and song, it is VERY important. If you get negativity from your own country how can the whole of Europe support the entry?”
Well, this is rather nonsense… the taste of the German public isn’t necessarily the taste of the European audience as a whole. I don’t find this guy Naidoo’s music particularly special either, but he probably would have been capable of doing a good job, if he had a decent song.

9 years ago

Or Ivy Quainoo!

9 years ago

Oh ok. Poor Xavier and his questionable views. Plus, though I liked Ann Sophie, Fahrenhaidt should have gone to Vienna. Hopefully for 2016 I guess!! 🙂

9 years ago

Good decision on NDR’s part, methinks. He wouldn’t have any chance of winning under the circumstances.

Isn’t it interesting that nobody’s talking about the Australia thing any more? Just sayin’.

ct greece
ct greece
9 years ago

@ Osterrike

“Naidoo made big headlines in 2014 by starring at a rally by the Reichbürger, a movement of citizens allegedly linked to far right parties who assert the existence of the German Reich and consider the current Federal Republic of Germany an occupied state.”

You should tell that to him.

Callum Nowacki
Callum Nowacki
9 years ago

The German broadcaster should run a small national final that isn’t just aimed at big German musicians. Nothing major, nothing extravagant, just something that still allows the German public the say — oh, and the artist is fully committed to representing German as soon as they submit their song to the broadcaster. I think an internal selection might go the opposite direction for Germany, like the UK. They expect good results after a last place but it just doesn’t happen. In 4-5 years, if this year is an internal selection, I think the broadcaster will return to public-say just as… Read more »

Mei International
Mei International
9 years ago

As much as it sucks for Xavier, he is not new to music and has had plenty of time to be in consideration for ESC…..

9 years ago

@ ct greece, if Xavier Naidoo were in favour of the German Reich, he or rather his parents would have never set their feet on German ground. This comment about him is just ignorant and silly.

@Eugene, NDR is a member of ARD and serves as a publicly funded broadcaster for Northern Germany (Hamburg, Bremen, Lower Saxony, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and Schleswig-Holstein). That is why the points are always coming from Hamburg. There are several stations like NDR to cover the German federal states, like MDR (mid german states broadcaster) or BR (Bavaria), which also were already in charge of Eurovision.

9 years ago

WTH? This is some unproffesional bs, what is going on, Germany?
Seriously how problematic can an artist be if he is so succesful across the germanic countries? I haven’t seen a reputable claim with a credible source of his supposed homophobia yet.
I do agree with the complaints about this being an undemocratic decision tho.

9 years ago

NDR is actually a part of the ADR. Or something like that. Look into a Wiki article, they have everything explained. And it is silly that you didn’t know about NDR till now. 🙂

Mario = Legend
Mario = Legend
9 years ago


I can’t wait to see what they do this year… I think we will end up with heavy metal or opera. Surely the BBC will never learn that you can win without sending something odd.. Whether be an O.A.P, a under practiced dead-bird-wearing ‘chesticle’ jiggler, or voice reject with club look-a-like who’s always been into scat. 🙂 🙂

9 years ago

Eugene : NDR is part of ARD, I think.

9 years ago

If only the BBC listened to the public in 2015 with Electro Velvet!!

9 years ago

ndr and ard work together on eurovision .. i think ..

ct greece
ct greece
9 years ago

@ Osterrike

You do understand that he took part in a rally in favour of the German Reich? Do you understand what that is or how offensive it would be to the rest of Europe if Germany decided to send him anyway? The only thing he could possibly add to the contest is controversy and anger.

9 years ago

helene fischer come to the rescue !!!

9 years ago

quite shameful 2 years in a row of controversy, the ones that are responsible for this mess should’ve resigned first

9 years ago

The Germans are the worst and least supportive ESC fans ever! Totally negative and intolerant towards their own acts! Xavier Naidoo was the biggest name since decades, that they could have sent to the ESC and yet the public totally raged out! Shame on you, Germany!

This is the silliest thing I have ever witnessed. Sillier than the sh*tstorm against Conchita, because her nomination was never withdrawn!

9 years ago

I’m hoping for Cascada!!!

jr esc nl
jr esc nl
9 years ago

to be honest, they kinda had it coming…