It’s been a while since we’ve heard any Eurovision news from Poland, but Donatan, who represented the country at Eurovision 2014 together with Cleo, has just made a very bold claim. Writing on his Facebook page, Donatan stated that Cleo will return to Eurovision in 2016 thanks to her international success. Is he having a laugh or will THE Slavic girl actually make a comeback?

cleo eurovision 2016 donaton facebook

Translated that goes something like this:

It seems that everyone has already guessed that, so we can say it straight — Cleo will sing at Eurovision again in 2016. There is a huge interest in her music abroad — take a remix of “Zabiore Nas” by BASTA as an example. A lot of things went very dynamic and some of them that seemed to be impossible are now facts! It’s even more pleasant to say that such a boost in her career is partly my accomplishment. Wanna achieve something? — Work with me! It’s f*cking hard, but it’s worth its!

In the comments under his post he jokes about a song he might write, but amid the joking manages to express his political views: “Germans cry, France cries — what did tolerance give them?” Donatan is known for controversial jokes such as these — remember his infamous remarks in 2015 that he wanted to stage a “straight march” on the streets of Vienna?

Meanwhile, Donatan threw some shade on Michal Szpak, who is rumoured as a potential candidate for Poland. Responding to a comment that “people want Michal Szpak”, he wrote that he is straight and prefers Cleo. Thanks for the reminder…

However, nothing has been confirmed by Polish broadcaster TVP, which announced long ago that the representative won’t be revealed until the end of February. So can we trust Donatan with this? Watch this space…

What do you think? Would you like to see Cleo again? Let us know in the comments below!


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9 years ago

Cleo can stay, but Donatan must go.

9 years ago

Get rid of these homophobes/transphobes…

9 years ago

I’m fine with this. Their music was awesome!! too bad juries marked them down because of the Slavic dancers’ bossoms..

9 years ago

I do not like and like Cleo to return. I don’t because it seemed early (Valentina is an exception), yet I like her to return because she’s one of the best singer representative that Poland has to date.

9 years ago

I wouldn’t believe in anything Donatan says, he’s a moron. However, I would love to see Cleo back representing us with “Zabior? nas” or something similar. Her music took really good direction and she’s an amazing singer.

And I agree with maslo, I think most conservatives here, including the ruling party, were quite ok with Cleo’s performance in 2014 and were only appalled at Conchita. So, I would say it’s Micha? Szpak who has no chance, because he’s known for his controversial metrosexual look.

9 years ago

If it is just Cleo, with maybe a song written by Donotan, OMG PLEASE!!!

9 years ago

That would be great. Hopefully there’s not much “porn” like last time 🙂

9 years ago

@V – dude, you need to calm down and stop making such sweeping generalizations. Besides, false statements like this one make you seem like an ignorant boob.

9 years ago

Polish people are homophobic.

9 years ago

I am from Poland and there is 85% that Cleo will represent Poland at ESC, but without Donatan.

9 years ago

lol, people who are in goverment now loved Cleo’s perfomance in 2014 😀
I am sure that they will allow her to take part 😀
and I hope for English version of “Zabior? Nas”

9 years ago

Cleo is great but I don’t think the new tv workers would allow it because of their conservative thoughts. And if she takes part she would have to dress very conservative, too. But if they really chose her i’d be happy cause she is a nice singer and I like her. She deserved a better place in 2014! Too bad the jury voted her down.

9 years ago

As a Polish myself, I don’t like neither Donatan’s nor Cleo’s music. Donatan is really arrogant so I wouldn’t believe him in the first place. Cleo, however, has some good potential so we’ll see how things turn out!

9 years ago

Having Cleo on the Eurovision stage again would be wonderful! I pray that it’s true!

9 years ago

Well, if she brings a song like “Zabior? Nas” or even better, why not?

9 years ago

I quite like the idea of Cleo returning to the contest as long as her entry is strong and memorable.

9 years ago

edit: well, actually it’s 3:30, but My Slowianie originally was also too long, and they just cut out one chorus or something

9 years ago

Yeah, Donatan is an idiot, we could all agree with that statement, but please check out Cleo’s newest song – “Zabiore Nas” – it’s very modern, it’s a hit here in Poland, and it it 3 minutes long. To me it’s a perfect contestant

9 years ago

He is so arrogant.

Ben Rafter
Ben Rafter
9 years ago

She was so funny and sexy in 2014! Love to see a return!