georgia national final eurovision 2017 tblisi concert hall

Get ready for a marathon. Georgia have confirmed they will be hosting a 25 song national final on January 20, at the Tbilisi Concert Hall. Georgian broadcaster GPB are really pulling out all the stops, y’all!

This means that all 25 songs that were competing in our last update will indeed be in the final. Voting will be held on the night of the show, with a 50/50 split in place. Both the audience at home and an international jury will be having their say to help Georgia find their Eurovision entry for Kyiv!

Interview: Nutsa Buzaladze — “White Horses Run” (Georgia 2017 Finalist)

This mega final is a far cry from past selection shows. In 2016, Nika Kocharov & Young Georgian Lolitaz’s “Midnight Gold” was selected from five songs, broadcast on the GPB show “Communication”. The same show hosted the 2015 selection, where Nina Sublatti was victorious. Again, that was only from a pool of five artists.

The huge increase in numbers just goes to show how far GPB are stepping up production this year. With its own dedicated show and by hiring out the Concert Hall, it’s clear that they’re taking this very seriously.

Of course, there could be a very good reason why they’re doing this. GPB could be aiming to show the EBU that they can handle a larger scale production. If they can, then it helps their case to host Junior Eurovision 2017. Mariam Mamadashvili’s win in Valletta puts Georgia in prime position to host — but they’ve failed to do so having won previously. Lizi Pop made a point of that when she spoke to us following Mariam’s win:

If GPB can indeed pull off the show without a hitch, it will be a great sign to the EBU. For their sake (and Lizi’s) we hope they do! We’ll keep you informed with more details on the national final as and when we get them. Make sure to keep checking our Eurovision 2017 calendar as well!

So, are you excited at by the big plans for the Georgia national final? Who do you want to win the selection? Let us know in the comments section below!

Vote in our Georgia national final poll 

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8 years ago

Trio Mandili all the way! They have the most authentic and really Georgian song. Plus it’s in Georgian, y’all, as all should be

8 years ago

The same day the final in Belarus.

8 years ago

Just wanted to ask…..Are Rezo and Nutsa together??

Marcus (day one)
Marcus (day one)
8 years ago

25 does seem like a bit much for just the one show. Unless they do like a super final to narrow the choice between a few songs.

Although I love how their broadcaster really tries it’s hardest.

I’d love a song like Visionary Dream (2007)

8 years ago

25 songs? Great!! This year Georgia had a great song. More rock and indie in esc please

8 years ago

They don’t care about the number of songs, me thinks. Everyone that applied will sing his/her song. LOL

And yes, maybe it is because the JESC and maybe that is the theater in which JESC may be happening later in 2017.

8 years ago

Judging from my FiK experiences, 25 is too much.

8 years ago

OK, that’s cool Chris 🙂

@Purple Mask……understood……thanks for explaining.

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
8 years ago

Ah!! It IS 25 songs. Because…
“GPB received a total of 28 entries for their Eurovision national final, out of which 3 acts opted out of the competition (Natia Bidzinashvili, Ancho Dolidze and Ani Kekua).”

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
8 years ago

I really admire what the Georgian music scene is currently doing, and GPB extending the national final to 25 (or 26?) songs is a reflection of how much good interest there has been there. I have listened to some of the songs, and for the most part I really like what i’m hearing.

P.S. Perhaps someone should count the number of songs again.

8 years ago

Also a poll on eesti laul’s 2nd semi seems to have gone missing 🙁

8 years ago

Weren’t there 26 songs? Which one got cut?

8 years ago

I hope the choose something weird like they always do. They make the contest more interesting.

Isaac Visser
Isaac Visser
8 years ago

Me again! I think its clear that Georgia are trying to stage big shows ahead of JESC in 2017. I’m very interested in the Georgian national selection this year! I hope for a dancefloor killer to win!