In what has already turned out to be one of the hottest topics of the Eurovision 2017 season, Greece’s selection now seems to be much clearer. Greek news website NewsIT report that ERT have asked both Demy and Stereo Soul to submit songs for selection, ahead of a national final in February.

It would be a straight battle between the two acts, who have been asked to prepare two songs each. ERT are believed to have selected the acts based off of conversations with record labels. Both acts have also indicated their willingness to go to Eurovision as well, so it seems likely that they’ll take the offer up. If one act pulls out though, then we’ll probably know for sure who Greece’s representative is!

About Demy

Demy has been a long time favourites of ours to fly the Greek flag, as well as heavily featuring in rumours. Back in December, we talked about Demy’s open interest in Eurovision. There’s also the hints that she may indeed be working with Dimitris Kontopoulos, composer of Sergey Lazarev’s “You Are The Only One” amongst others. Just last week, Demy’s bid for Eurovision also got the support of former Greek representative Kalomira on Instagram as well.

About Stereo Soul

Stereo Soul come as more of a surprise candidate, but as the above video shows, they have Eurovision pedigree. The duo (made up of UK-born Bradley White-Dale and Panagiotis Pallis) were finalists on the 2016 edition of X Factor Greece. It was during the final of the contest that they performed a duet with ESC winner, Helena Paparizou. The band released some new material at the end of the year, whilst their Facebook page shows how busy they’ve been touring around Greece.

We’ll know more soon hopefully as to the exact format of this national final and just what songs have been submitted by the acts. What’s clear is that ERT have definitely been listening to public reception. Choosing either act would be a definite step change from last year’s Greek entry, Argo. Y’all, Greece could be back in the game in 2017!

Are you excited for Demy or Stereo Soul to go to Eurovision? Who would you choose as the Greek representative? Let us know in the comments section below!

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8 years ago

@Angela: I couldn’t agree more. I love Stero Soul but I’m afraid they won’t have the best song written for them. Though they have great potential, maybe the song won’t suit them well, so they won’t be able to show this potential as well as their talent. Demy will propably have a better song, so she may be the winner. Actually, this article cites that each artist will prepare two songs. So, propably four songs to choose from. No need to rush and make conclusions, as nothing is certain yet. Even ERT is’n sure of exactly how they’ll do it.… Read more »

8 years ago

Kostas Martakis

8 years ago

Well if heard stereo soul live (since I live in Greece) and they are FLAWLESS. But! They probably won’t write them the appropriate song so they will fail even though it will be undeserved. On the other hand I’m not really crazy about demy is an average pop singer, but she will probably have a better song… So even though I prefer stereo soul as artists I think demy is more appropriate

an esc fan
an esc fan
8 years ago

Unfortunatelly , because of global warming, now all Europe has summer from may until september, but I meant no offence, I just think that Greece has much more to offer than summer hits, but the rest of Europe don’t want to hear.
I love Greece !

8 years ago

@ an esc fan

We have summer from May to September, so that’s plenty of months 🙂 Besides, most people’s idea of Greece has to do with their summer vacations. In wintertime, our wild mountains and forests are only visited by greeks and not exactly swarming with foreign tourists 😛

8 years ago

I like your idea! Each artist for each year. Not bad.

I haven’t seen her live that’s why I wrote “I am not sure how good she is live”. I don’t doubt she’s a good singer. (BTW I really want to see her on the ESC stage at some time!)

an esc fan
an esc fan
8 years ago

I liked Argo 2016, and I like Stereo Soul, but I’m afraid that Europe wants from Greece some summer hit, and that is weird. Greece does not even have so many months of summer, why everybody thinks about beach and sea when they think about Greece ?

8 years ago


8 years ago

@ Angie

“I am not sure how good she is live”

Demy has starred in all the major musical theatre productions over the past few years in Athens because she is an amazing live singer. Check out the YouTube video where she sings the Addams Family songs in Mega’s morning TV show.

8 years ago

Stereo Soul

8 years ago

Stereo Soul have awesome voices but it depends on the song…In a first thought Stereo Soul

8 years ago

I love Demy’s song ‘Nothing Better’ I hope she sends something like that

irish esc
irish esc
8 years ago

greece i am done with you until you choose your act for the eurovision

8 years ago

ERT wants Demy.

Stereo Soul is there as a back-up act, just in case Demy pulls-out.

The price tag for sending Demy w/ a song by Kontopoulos will be HUGE!

8 years ago

Demy for 2017, Stereo Soul for 2018. Easy solution 🙂

I want Demy’s song to be something like “H Alitheia Moiazei Psema” (with less instrumental breaks). Something modern with a Greek flavor to it.

8 years ago

So much to say here! I am Greek and I keep up with the news about Eurovision! Let’s start: Demy is a fan favourite and fans really want her to represent Greece in Kiev! I really believe she’ll do well, considering the fact that she’s collaborating with Fokas and Kontopoulos which guarantees a strong entry. I am concerned though about her performance as I am not sure how good she is live. So important in ESC! (remember Shaya in the national final 2015 and recently Azerbaijan 2016). In addition, she’s a bit lost lately, meaning that she hasn’t released anything… Read more »

(J)ESC Fanatic
(J)ESC Fanatic
8 years ago


There’s a lot interest here, that’s why. ERT would be dumb to withdraw from Eurovision, when it’s one of the very few programs of theirs that have high-viewing figures.

8 years ago

Surprised Greece even wants to participate given budget predicaments with the broadcaster and the country.

8 years ago

Love Demi, don’t mind the dream team to deliver an interesting staging for her. The question is whether the song of choice will be contemporary enough. Looking forward!

8 years ago

Stereo Soul of course.
They are fresh, very talented, they have incredible characters, they love their fans in a unique way which is very adorable.
They have little experience but their voices are huge.

8 years ago

Demy is working with Dimitris Kontopoulos and Fokas Evaggelinos who are the dream team of Eurovision with only top10s! Dimitris+ Fokas have worked with Helena Paparizou(2005-> 1st place)+ Sergey Lazarev(2016-> 2nd place)+Dima Bilan(2006+2008-> 1st and 2nd place)+Ani Lorak(2008-> 2nd place)+Sakis Rouvas(2004+2009-> 3rd place)+ Farid Mammadov(Azerbaijan 2013-> 2nd place) plus some other eurovision stars! So if Demy is gonna represent Greece,i am pretty sure Greece will be in top10 again,hopefully top5! 😉

8 years ago

It depends on the songs.

8 years ago

One word: Demy! 😀

(J)ESC Fanatic
(J)ESC Fanatic
8 years ago


Interesting how you refer to wiwi readers without including yourself. 🙂

(J)ESC Fanatic
(J)ESC Fanatic
8 years ago

Either way, I really hope we will finally send something of high quality.

8 years ago

Stereo Soul are very different and international. Excellent voices but they need a big song…

Demy has huge support from her record company, she has an ESC team behind her so she will probably win! She used to be big in 2011-2013 but now she hasn’t produced any hits… Some say she is not good in live shows but i have no idea. She is a cute girl

8 years ago

Demy of course,with Demy Greece is back in top 5 ,Europe wants Demy

8 years ago

Female or band. Who will be favourite for wiwi readers? Lol. No comment. I prefer Stereo Soul of course, more original music for ESC.

8 years ago

Demy by far

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
8 years ago

They better not. Just send Demy and get back into the final.

Mei International
Mei International
8 years ago

Demy ftw

8 years ago

Stick with Demy. She’s been a top prospect for ESC 2017 since July.