They’re the Russian girl band with a revolving line-up that would put the Sugababes to shame. But when it comes to Serebro, one thing remains constant — the group’s hit rate.
Earlier this spring, the Eurovision 2007 third place finishers released their latest single “Proidet”.
It’s a pleasant track, similar to much of their existing back catalogue. (And sorry, no sexually charged video to go with the song — yet.)
Scroll down for audio
And while “Proidet” is perfectly fine, it quickly fades into the background. Try to focus on the track and you’ll find yourself drifting off to something else, anything else. It’s as if they’re not even trying to grab your attention.
But as background music, say while eating dinner, it’s great and doesn’t intrude on your thoughts or conversation at all.
By this measure it is disappointing. Serebro’s hits usually reach out and grab you by the earlobes.
Hopefully this is an anomaly and their next release will return to what we expect — a compelling song with a visually pleasing video.
Maybe it’s a language thing. Sung entirely in Russian, the song is already charting high on the local iTunes chart.
Serebro Proidet (Official Audio)
Serebro — a history
Serebro were created by music mogul Maxim Fadeev. While they don’t have quite the churn rate of Via Gra, they have had seven members over the last ten years, usually with three members but at times four..
Initially centred around Elena Temnikova, Marina Lizorkina and Olga Seryabkina were added to round out the group.
Created for the express purpose of participating at Eurovision 2007, they went on to secure a very respectable third place for Russia with “Song #1” (we’re still waiting for “Song #2”).
What do you think of Serebro’s latest release? Let us know in the comments or react using the wiwibloggs app.
Listen to our new music playlist on Spotify.
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Sokol, you’re overestimating the importance of Russian women’s protests, it has nothing to do with Ukraine (but I can agree at some point – Ukraine always hated Russians and tried to escape from its dirty paw whenever possible, by staging havoc in Russian lands or by using havoc created by Russians themselves, I’m happy to know that we always helped Russia to ruin their “empire”). I have to be aware that we have different history marks with Russia. when Russians celebrate 9th May – day of victory in WWII we grieve for lost of our land and for millions of… Read more »
@Oxana March 8 is the most important date for the Ukrainians. On that very date in 1917 women started demonstrations against the Emperor of Russia, Nicholas the Second marking the beginning of Russian Revolution which lead to Civil War and as a result the breakdown of the Empire. Ukrainian separatists declared independence which lasted only a year, however without the revolution and Lenin, Ukraine would’ve been an average Russian province now. Viva 8th of March. Viva Lenin.
@Oxana I am so glad I live now in Russia. There are so many people like you in the Zombieland we used to be part of before 2014. Me and my family have never wished evil on anyone and I sincerely want Ukrainians to be as happy as we Crimeans are. But you’ll have to fight your enemies first. I mean Kolomoyski, Poroshenko, Yatsenyuk and other devils. I’m not going to prove you anything. If Russia wanted to cease Ukraine, it could do that overnight 🙂 You have stopped nobody, unfortunately. You have oligarchs getting richer day by day –… Read more »
I like this song, good enough to chill with while sipping margaritas at a rooftop bar. Need to add to my library fast. Anyway, I wouldn’t be surprised if Russia withdraws this year, as it’s like sending Armenians to Azerbaijan & vice versa. Unless they send a Ukrainian singer. The best instance for me was when Turkey was cool with Cyprus attending the contest ar Istanbul despite them not having diplomatic relations & them having a generally hostile political relationship, and the song ended at 5th place. Or how Taiwanese athletes can compete on international sporting events in China despite… Read more »
Auroreborealis happy 8th March to you 🙂 I have nothing to do with this communists selebration of “woman’s day” because I stay a woman for all 365 days per years, despite to men’s wishes to get a female servant for 364 days and congratulate that idiotic female oce per year so she’ll recall she’s not a servant but a woman. Russians who’s bubbling down the thread about attacking Crimea and taking an action why don’t you remind me how this tiny Ukraine stopped your mighty and big Russia from grabbing all our land? where’s your Novorossia – half of the… Read more »
@David Thielen Well google translate is a dangerous tool, especially when translating to or from Russian. Other guys from wiwibloggs (e.g. Dayana or Mikhail) can help you with translations (or transliteration) in the future. Thank you for the article.
Sorry about the song title screw-up. I put the Russian title from YouTube into Google translate and that’s what I got. Since I speak zero Russian, that’s all I’ve got.
Thanks Padraig.
Indeed, that word is so confusing. 🙁
Back in 2007, Serebro had ONE lead singer and TWO backup singers.
Is it the same way today??
Plus, are any of these girls currently in Serebro the same as those who went to Eurovision?
Padraig and David, thank you for the nice job anyway. You re great guys.
@Oxana Ukrainian government blacklisted 600 Russian journalists, singers, writers and photographers because of what they say or what they think. Any time an article about Russia Is posted you make the comments section a Packard of propaganda. We don’t like your position, yet we live in a civilized society and cannot restrict Your actIons. However we ask you o be as polite as you can. Thank you in advance. Happy March 8.
Poltical comment must be delete from this bloggs and also TOP list in comment.
@!sebalter You’ll note that David is the author of the post, not me. 😉
Disclaimer: I’m not a Russian, neither am I from Europe. @Oxana The ones who have stolen your land and innocent people’s lives in Maydan, in Odessa and in Donbass are your oligarchs. You say Russians have occupied Donbass and Crimea? Ok, then stop shelling Donbass and start shelling Crimea. In that case Russia would put Ukraine in place shortly and without much effort and you’ll learn there’s no Russian army in Donbass. Your country is desperately nauseating. Stop crying, start acting. Attack your enemy – Russia – in Crimea. Don’t attack Russia in wiwibloggs. Stop spreading hate and politics. People… Read more »
Youve always been mistaken or misunderstood things these days. Is everything OK with you? I am worried about you.
Oops guys! Song title mistake rectified. Thanks for pointing out.
@Purple Mask – the others are correct. It’s common to say a singer is dropping a new song or album instead of releasing. On the other hand, if a record label drops an act it means they’re getting the axe. So I can see your confusion. 😉
I feel terrible for the situation that Russia has faced. Nobody has right to do this to a delegation. Good and right people always win. Keep your head up and stay strong. We are sharing your suffering.
A pleasant reminder: The Eurovision Song Contest is supposed to bring people together through music.
3 days left for remaining countries to reveal their songs. I’m excited to see how most passionate member will say they are “not interested” this year. cmon, bring it on 🙂 make all of Ukrainians happy. btw Russians, look how we react to detention of corrupt politician Nasirov. he’s laying in hospital bed in a cage, in court and we laughing and saying nasty words. whole country makes fun of him. just because he stole tax money and got caught. you Russians stole our land, lives of our people, our stability and our income. be sure we’ll react properly to… Read more »
@chr0n0s Oh really ? I hope they will participate, but I could understand if they don’t. Safety first. Btw is this just a rumor or are you Russian that you know about that ?
chr0n0s, sure Russians are not that ambitionous and always participate just to participate (cough). any new justiffications for Russian chicken mode this year? blokade in Donbass (Ukrainian land blocked by Ukrainians to prevent smuggling and to avoid buying goods from terrorists – OK. Russia dropped all trade with Ukraine and rejected even ability to pass trade routes for Ukrainian cargo 3 years ago – it it OK with you)? haven’t you scared of Japanese volcanos as well? LOL you Russians just pussies without honor and wits. if you’re scared to participate then don’t cry and just say it:) I’ve told… Read more »
Kasia Mo? (Poland 2017) will perform in 5 countries: Latvia, Israel, the NEthelands, Spain and UK.
She also fights for the rights of animals. Write something…
Yes, it’s called ‘proidyot’…where has ‘tartjak’ come from :S
…And while “Tartják” is perfectly fine, it quickly fades into the background. Oh my God. What is this about? 😀
@Silmane: Instead of assuming something that isn’t correct, we could instead consult the dictionary. 🙂
Interestingly, both meanings seem to be correct. I find this confusing, because it’s not how I was taught. Ah well. 🙁
Well it is not a crime. It’s a violation of contract and any country can withdraw whenever and for whatever reason they like. Taken into account the actual situation in Ukraine (i.e. blocade of Donbass by nationalists) Russians (neither representatives, nor fans) cannot feel safe in Ukraine. Safety first.
@ Purple Mask
I see your mothertongue is not English. When you say drop the beat what do u mean of?
@ chronos
As i know its a crime if they say they wont participate after that time just before 2 months contest. Is it probable?
@Silmane. Thanks; I knew that it wasn’t the Russian ESC entry. 🙂
I’m surprised to hear that “drop” means “release.” Who uses “drop” in English to mean “release?” I’m in the UK, and if a song is “dropped” it definitely means “discontinued,” not released. :S
@HelloItsMe Russia will decide whether to boycott or not Eurovision this Friday. If they decide not to boycott, then they are going to participate just for participation (with no ambitions at all). After a scandalous talk-show on Zvezda channel and and due to most producers openly expressing their lack of interest in this year’s contest there have been a lot of speculations on Russia’s participation. Two days ago some producers who had previously applied bids for Channel have, reported that they had received a notification from the channel informing that Russia would most likely boycott the competition. After that Sergey… Read more »
@Purple mask
It is not representing Russia . What are u talking about? Its just a new music release of an old representer band. Drop can be used as release btw.
Apologies to Wiwibloggs, but I am confused by this story. The headline states that Serebro “drop” the song, which to me means “withdraw.” However, the actual article talks about the song’s release? Which is it – has the song been released or been withdrawn? Thank you.
I guess author of this article was looking for some thing(?) when he was writing this article and he wrote it as song title by mistaken. Such a faux pas LOLLL
Tartjak means pussy in russian and it is not song,s real name.
What is Tartjak?
Why “Tartják”?
The song is called ‘Proidyot’, not ‘Tartják’. And tartják means ‘they hold’ in Hungarian, but there’s no Hungarian in the song whatsoever. Am I missing something, or has the title been mistakenly translated into the wrong language?
This song’s name is Proidet , not Tartjak
They re the most valuable thing Eurovision gave me. Am i the only one who adores them? So classy so stylish. I love their artworks too. Look at this song’s artwork, looks super cool and sexy!
Yeeees me too! And it had already been my #1 , though it was just for 3 seconds 🙁
@azeriboy96: yeah me too! russia had been slaying these past couple of years and it is one of my fav countries in eurovision so i hope their entry this year won’t disappoint. 🙂
it’s not a bad single. quite dance-able actually.
@AzeriBoy96 Haha me too:D I wonder when Russia will reveal their entry as I am beyond excited to see what they are up to after the fantastic choices in 2015 and 2016!
LOL! I thought it says “Russia: Eurovision 2007 girl group Serebro to Kyiv”.