Over the weekend wiwibloggs plunged full steam ahead into the Eurovision 2018 season by heading to the resort town of Setúbal, Portugal for the Eurovision Live Concert 2017. It’s the 9th edition of the event and as ever a select group of Eurovision stars has turned out for some fun in the sun.
A packed house awaits the singers this evening for a series of live performances. But before the music gets real loud, we thought we’d share some of our behind-the-scenes coverage. If you follow us on Twitter (@wiwibloggs) or Instagram (@wiwibloggs) then you may have seen some of these clips already. But there’s nothing wrong with double-dipping…
Austria’s sweetheart Nathan Trent was the first star to touch down on Portuguese soil. He kindly waited one hour for wiwiblogger Deban Aderemi to arrive before both got into a car and sang their hearts out. Poor taxi driver.
Dapper and as enthusiastic as ever, Nathan didn’t show any signs of being tired after his flight from Vienna. Instead he channeled some Lana del Rey “Young and Beautiful” realness.
In Lisbon, where the stars took in a bit of sightseeing, Timebelle’s Miruna brought poise, charm and charisma.
Armed with that disarming smile, she greeted all of you with a special message while trying to find Apollo.
While in the capital, we couldn’t resist calling Rui Andrade — the Portuguese hunk who premiered his latest single on wiwibloggs.
We talked Eurovision and his career plans. You can see that interview on wiwi.tv soon. For now, enjoy his laid-back cool as he watches our Deban exercise.
From Festival da Canção to Dansk Melodi Grand Prix, our readers know all the stars. So when Anja Nissen showed up at the welcome cocktail party in Setúbal, we just had to get cozy with the Australian power vocalist.
We talked about her new EP and what is coming next for her both in Denmark and Australia. Exciting stuff!
In Portugal you go from fancy parties to outdoor extravaganzas. It’s a way of life. This year, the stars were treated to a stunning boat trip along the Sado river.
Lithuania’s Sacha Song didn’t miss the opportunity to strip down to his swimming shorts and jump in the water. He made a splash but always with style and while wearing his sunglasses.
Rocking a casual, sporty look, Serbia’s very own Sanja Vucic always makes an impression. She is bringing sass to Portugal on top of that power-house vocal.
The Eurovision Live Concert, currently in its ninth year, will take place on the 9th of September in the Jose Afonso Auditorium — a large outdoor space in the picturesque fishing town of Setubal, some 35 miles south of Lisbon. Entrance is free.