Mama always said you can be whoever you want to be. But when it comes to our “Guess the Star” video series, you don’t have any say at all.
Instead, one vlogger takes a pink Post-It note, writes down the name of a Eurovision star and then forces you to figure out your new identity.
In Episode 4 of our series we once again use gender, nationality and song style to narrow down our choices. But that info isn’t enough and frustration and giggles follow.
Guess the Eurovision Star (Episode 4)
Still looking for ways to waste time? Consider rewatching our other episodes on
Besides “Guess the Star” you’ll also find Eurovision charades (with endless gesticulation), Eurovision recaps (with plenty of out-of-tune singing), Train Games (more out-of-tune singing while speeding through London) and Misheard Lyrics (plenty of innuendo).
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