The Wiwi Jury — our in-house panel of music unprofessionals reviews the eight acts who will be competing in the andra chansen round of Melodifestivalen 2018. The final andra chasen act we take a look at is former FO&O singer Felix Sandman with his debut solo effort “Every Single Day”. Did we make a place for him in our diaries? Read on to find out!

 Felix Sandman – “Every Single Day”

“Every Single Day” reviews

Angus: Minimalist teenage boy balladry was original two years ago but not anymore, as evidenced by Felix being passed over for one of the two direct qualifier spots last Saturday night. In fact, the lack of inspiration is the biggest problem here. “Every Single Day” is a fine song, and Felix has a fine voice, but the end result is just fine. No wow, no shivers, no cool. And sadly that all ads up to give it no chance of winning the competition.

Score: 4/10

Bernardo: This is — easily — the best song in this year’s Melfest. Unfortunately for Felix, being sick doesn’t help you with your performance. Lyrically engaging, classical yet modern. Vocals apart, Felix delivers fragility with strength, grabs your heart for three minutes and makes you fall in love with him. Bravo!

Score: 8.5/10

Deban: Delicate and dripping with sensitivity — “Every Single Day” is a modern ballad delivered in a timeless fashion. This unusual pop song is touching, emotional and despite its very evident fragility, packs a ton of strength. Felix Sandman may be a newcomer to the scene, but definitely a contender for victory here. He drives the message and yet manages to pull back from overselling it.

Score: 8/10

Josh: I loved FO&O last year, but where “I Gotta Thing About You” felt like Omar and his posse, Felix gets his time to shine in “Every Single Day” and I am eating what he is serving. There’s a quiet fragility in his voice which is really charming, including those Sia-esque voice cracks. And Felix is a bloody cute boy too — so sweet and endearing in his interviews with wiwibloggs. I’m bothered by the fact that Rolandz went DTF over this, but I’m confident he’ll breeze through Andra Chansen and he can win Sweden and the world over with his pretty face, and even prettier song.

Score: 8/10

Robyn: This song is dripping with melancholy — and it’s the best kind, mourning for a lost love. Felix might not have the strongest voice, but the song suits a bit of fragility so his vocals work well with the song. Most importantly, “Every Single Day” has a rock-solid melody. It can withstand being bashed about a bit — cleverly suggesting an inner strength that will withstand a broken heart. If Felix can up his game at andra chansen and make it to the grand final, this could be a contender for Lisbon.

Score: 9/10

Tobias: I don’t know whether to love it or hate it. A lot of people say Felix will be this year’s Frans and I couldn’t agree more. It will either surprise us and win the whole thing or it can flop as well. It’s a tricky song and I still haven’t made up my mind if I like it or not. I had the same thought about Frans when he competed and we all know what happened to him. It is a beautiful song which is all dependent on Felix’s voice and he truly does it damn well. The staging goes well hand in hand with the song — its very minimalistic and I think his love song touches us all.

Score: 6.5/10

In our Melfest Wiwi Jury, we have 16 jurors but only room for 6 reviews. The rest of our scores can be found below:

Anthony: 7.5/10

Antranig: 6/10

Bogdan: 8/10

Chris: 6.5/10

Cinan: 5.5/10

Jordi: 8/10

Luis: 7/10

Natalie: 6/10

Ron: 8/10

William: 8.5/10






Before calculating the average score, the highest and lowest scores are dropped. This is to remove outliers and reduce potential bias. We have removed a low of 4 and a high of 9.


Read all our Melodifestivalen 2018 Wiwi Jury rankings here

Read more Melodifestivalen news here

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7 years ago

It is my favourite of all entries this year. Stunning song. I actually could see him winning the whole thing. He is a serious contender unlike most AC qualifiers. This could be the year.

7 years ago

Definitely a stand out. Beautiful ballad, well sang.

7 years ago

yess I love this song too!!!

7 years ago

MY AC rankings and winners Duel 1: Margaret (7/10) wins over Moncho (3.5/10) Duel 2: Renaida (6/10) wins over Olivia (5/10) Duel 3: Felix (8/10) narrowly wins over Mimi Werner (7.5/10) 🙁 Duel 4: Mendez and Sigrid are both equally weak at 4/10 and I don’t care who wins. I’d replace them both with Felix and Mimi. Review of Every Single Day – It starts slowly (almost a’capella, but not really) and then it builds up to a quite memorable chorus. After explosive earworm of last year, I am impressed to see the other, more emotional, side of Felix. He… Read more »

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
7 years ago

I think this might be a case of a great song being sung by the wrong kind of singer. It feels like a missed opportunity, so far.

7 years ago
Reply to  Purple Mask

Why do you think that? I think this is very good choice of singer.. When you look at the lyrics and atmosphere of the song, fragility in his voice lovely delivers that teen-love-broken-heart feeling and he convinced me in that 🙂 i think it wouldn’t suit to more mature singer..

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
7 years ago
Reply to  Eve

Because it reminds me very much of when an immature musical about teenagers (like “Grease”) suddenly gets a song that calls upon the singer to deal with deep and mature emotions. Unless the singer’s voice is already fully developed (like Olivia Newton-John’s was, singing “Hopelessly Devoted”), then the “wow” factor of the serious parts of the song are lost. Does that make sense? I know it is too much to ask for Felix to mature 5-10 years overnight, so the end result is he’s trying to compensate through over-acting. On the other hand, I know Felix was ill for MelFest,… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Purple Mask

Thanks for reply! I didn’t know he was ill, that can explain his live.. I hope he can give better and more confident performance second time, cause I really like the song 🙂

7 years ago

I’m falling asleep… am I the only one who thinks Gotta Thing About You was so much better?

Charli Cheer Up
Charli Cheer Up
7 years ago

Out of all the songs in Andra Chansen this has the most potential.

7 years ago

I absolutely hate it. Thank you

Eurovision Junior (NL)
Eurovision Junior (NL)
7 years ago




7 years ago

He’s on #9 in the Spotify Global Viral Charts 😀
(Rolandz are #19 and Liamoo #48)

7 years ago

The only Songs I love and want to see winning are from Felix and S&V. I know both have noch Chance, but they’d be the best choice… (Benjamin would be okay, but he’s also kinda meh…)

7 years ago
Reply to  Weißbrot

You stole my words. S&V and Felix are best opinions! 🙂

7 years ago
Reply to  Weißbrot

Exactly! My overall 3 are S & V, Felix and Emmi. She is not an option anymore, so…

LIAMOO and Benjamin are kind of okay, but nothing that would grab me, and Mariette is quite meh.

Fazrin Jamal
Fazrin Jamal
7 years ago

This is the kind of song that make it to the Billboard 100 but somehow it only got 7.29? Like seriously?

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
7 years ago
Reply to  Fazrin Jamal

Owh dear. It’s that low an average overall score for MelFest? Wow.

7 years ago

I love this song. It’s the best of MF, this year. It made me cry when i heard it for the first time. It gives me goosebumps. Felix’s emotional performance made this close to perfection.

7 years ago

”Ever since you left
I can’t get out of bed”
”I ho-hope you don’t see me when I go out
I don’t think you’d approve of who I am right now”

So, is he in bed, or does he go out? Anyway, I love the song, I hope it wins, if Frans could do it, Felix can too.
My second is S&V.
My third is nobody else. Sweden must accept that these two are the best songs, and this was a weak year overall.

7 years ago
Reply to  cara

Same, I only like Felix and S&V, others are just meh for me.

7 years ago
Reply to  cara

Exactly these two Songs. More true words have never been spoken.

7 years ago

Saara Flopto got a 9/10 and Felix only a 7/10 ?
What the hell ? You drunk ?

7 years ago

It’s okay. I’d be rather glad if Sweden achieved “okay” this year.

7 years ago

I wouldn’t be surprised if he does a Robin Stjernberg and wins the whole thing. This would be the year to do it. He can expect a similiar Eurovision result too, if he does make it to Lisbon.

Stranger things have happened.

Krys Ka
Krys Ka
7 years ago

He hasn’t grabbed any of my organs, I certainly won’t fall in love with him, and I’ve seen chess matches more exciting than his song!

7 years ago

It’s a good song but Felix’s mannerisms and that microphone makes the performance inauthentic to me. Vocals need work but definitely amongst the quality songs in Melfest this year. A 7.5/10

Polegend Godgarina
7 years ago

Aight those delulus saying it’s the best song in years and our saving grace are doing tew much. It’s a cute song and it’s a beacon of quality among all the trash we were fed with this year, so I wouldn’t be mad if it won.

7 years ago

Didn’t Renaida get a higher score? Then it can’t be the best in this years MF.. lol.

7 years ago
Reply to  Milla

Nah….Renaida had gotten something closer to 7. Felix got higher

7 years ago

For me the best song in this years mellofest by a mile. Hope he can still somehow win cause this is quality. The lyrics, simple instrumentation, voice and raw emotion that the song brings is why it is so great. In a year where I guess ‘quality or ‘non fast food music’ being selected I think this would be the best choice as it is a pop song but a touching and emotional one with real feelings.

7 years ago

This does nothing for me just like the song from Germany. I can’t get connected to to the song.

7 years ago

Not a good match of vocalist and song. Felix is not a strong vocalist nor does he have the most pleasant voice to listen to….so he enters with a stripped-back ballad. I like the song but it is all a bit too awkward to be Sweden’s Eurovision entrant.