The Wiwi Jury — our in-house panel of music unprofessionals — continues to rank and review the 43 songs competing in Eurovision 2018. Next we head to France where the Destination-Eurovision-winning duo Madame Monsieur has “Mercy”. Were we moved by their message? Read on to find out!
Madame Monsieur – “Mercy”
“Mercy” reviews
Anthony: “Mercy” is a simple but effective pop tune. And although Madame Monsieur did well on highlighting the refugee crisis through their lyrics, it might be a case of lost in translation for non-fluent French speakers. Adding to the fact they only finished third with the international juries at Destination Eurovision, there’s a risk France could end up begging for mercy.
Score: 6.5/10
Chris: Simple and beautiful, “Mercy” ticks a number of boxes right out of the gate. It’s easily accessible on a number of levels: for starters, it has one of the “easiest” stories to explain of the year. Couple that with a striking lead performer in Emilie and you’re already on to a winner. Many of the French phrases used are also fairly recognisable: it’s a remarkably well constructed song. Merci, Madame Monsieur, for bringing one of the true standouts of the year.
Score: 8.5/10
Deban: Madame Monsieur have crafted a beautiful piece of pop music that is simple, yet stirring. Minimalist in style and presentation, the strength here is their emotion and the song’s play on words. “Mercy” is touching when it’s on, but forgotten when it’s gone. Hopefully, the right visuals would fix that.
Score: 6/10
Jordi: Le France is another time showcasing their powerhouse status when it comes to Eurovision. And this year’s stars – Madame Monsieur – serve such a beautiful gem among today’s 43 selected entries. Simplicity at its best, subtle yet sophisticated, this piece speaks on its own while cleverly giving voice to an important subject social matter. And joining their emotional message, a magical but quiet quality is palpable. By bringing their song to life in the stage France can’t go wrong with this one.
Score: 9.5/10
Robyn: I’ve been a fan of the French Eurovision renaissance, but I’m not feeling “Mercy”. It’s a nice enough song, but I’m struggling to find the great emotional resonance that some fans find. I suspect it’s down to the language. My two years of high-school French is enough to pick up a few basic phrases, but the depths of the lyrics are lost on me. It will take some clever staging to get the message across.
Score: 6/10
Jovana: France has been one of my favourite countries in Eurovision ever since I started watching it. And this year they have delivered once again. “Mercy” is a perfect combination of art pop and contemporary pop, such that it is not too contemporary to be mainstream, and too artsy to be snobby. With a good staging and a little bit of luck with the running order, “Mercy” could easily be another great result for this Big 5 country.
Score: 9/10
In the Wiwi Jury we have 20 jurors but only have room for six reviews. The remaining scores are below:
Angus: 9/10
Antranig: 8/10
Bernardo: 5.5/10
Bogdan: 10/10
Cinan: 7.5/10
Jonathan: 7/10
Kristin: 8.5/10
Luis: 9.5/10
Padraig: 8/10
Renske: 8/10
Ron: 6/10
Sebastian: 6/10
Steinunn: 9/10
William: 6/10
We have removed the highest and lowest scores prior to calculating the average. This is to remove outliers and potential bias. We have removed a low of 5.5 and a high of 10.
Wiwi Jury verdict: 7.67/10
What do you think of this song? Share your own score and review below!
This song is really good and i wouldn’t mind to see this win.I like the message . the only thing i worry about is the live performace,it left a lot to be desired. This song can really tank live, if its not done properly. They need to work on that. Otherwise this is a 7/10 for me.
Really hoping for Paris 2019, I’d be happy to only have to go for a walk to go to the show! Anyway, I’m not usually happy with our national entries, but Edoardo Grassi is doing a great job since 2016. “Mercy” is my overall 4th this year (and that never happened before) and is probably the biggest dark horse of this edition. Would be a more suitable winner than Israel and Bulgaria (and, please, Czech Republic, just no)
I’m sorry but I’m not a fan of it. I know it will do well in Lisbon, it’s not a winner song tho. The song lacks some kind of energy and charisma – I mean, it’s not about that there are no fireworks on the stage or that they are not screaming. For me they fail to translate emotions behind the meaning. Italy, that also has strong meaning behind the song, is much better to me in my opinion. Good luck, France, anyway 🙂
Thank god for those 0,06, right wiwiblogs? Still Cyprus… You can’t correct that damage done.
Yeah… it’s too late to add more points for Cyprus. Ah, well! 😉
Its all too slick and too clever. Gallic elegance goes a long way but the song runs out of ideas halfway through. Its all an exercise in style but this contest needs more than that. This year its about music with filling. They will entertain the snobs and ppl with big noses but the voters will be left bored. Its not about which big name designed your polonecks and arrogant footwear….its about who wrote your song.
I largely agree with you about the style in the sense that it seems to be made to be “cool” and “professional”. And it is. But at the end of the day I do not think the voters will desert them. It’s a fine pop song – one of the better ones this year – and it’s well presented. Even though its inate flawlessness makes me feel it lacks a bit of soul I still think it’s very good. I just don’t think it can win as it doesn’t grab you by the b*lls and sounds better when you listen… Read more »
I don’t like the politics in eurovision and I don’t like the black polonecks and the woman is not pretty with a big nose 2/10
So finally, we head to France. I followed the final of Destination Eurovision and “Mercy”, alongside “OK ou KO” and “Eva” were all very amazing songs for France. In the end, Madame Monsieur and “Mercy” won and I was cheering because it was my favorite. And I’m proud to say, that after almost three months since the end of Destination Eurovision and it’s still my number one favorite. elee I might not listen as much as I do with other songs, but “Mercy” has it all. The minimalistic and modern production, the polished and refined vocals, the indie-electro beat and… Read more »
It’s a nice and emotional song. It has a deep meaning behind which I love. Overall, I like this song, but I feel it’s lacking something. Maybe the language will be a barrier for Europe to fully understand the message and the wordplay. I don’t know if the juries will be voting for Madame Monsieur as they only place 3rd with the international juries. But I think France will place, at least, in the top 15 this year. France is in my 12th place: 1. Germany (9)| 3. Spain (8.5)| 7. Ukraine (7.5)| 11. Italy (7.25)| 12. FRANCE (7)| 13.… Read more »
France never ceases to impress. After hosting one of the most amazing national finals of the season, with a really competitive pot of songs. And even thought it wasn’t my #1 choice at first, this was without a doubt the right choice. This has much of what the other songs in the NF had: a slick production, a good build up, strong vocalists… However, this has a message and a story to tell that’s just way too powerful to ignore. As I said, the production is very slick and modern and should be accessible to anyone who listens to it,… Read more »
Take for example this extract in the first verse: “We left home, there was war Of course she was right, nothing left to lose Oh no, nothing but our lives” This is not only beautiful and poetic, but it conveys exactly what it wants to convey, the way it wants to convey it. It’s simple, it’s direct, is doesn’t sh*t around, and it doesn’t come across as self-righteous or manipulative Then finally that ending, when they start chanting “thank you I’m doing well” is a magnificent way to finish it off, because it gives me hope. Despite all the awful… Read more »
OK, so apparently I’m not allowed to post my full review.
It’s a powerful four-chord minimalist piece of music. There are 3 musical ideas to match the 3 meanings of the word “Mercy”. Normally I love the French language, and French music. But, controversially (look away now if you’re sensitive about national identity)… I saw Madame Monsieur debut the English version of the song in London. And shockingly, I cried when I heard it in English! 😮 The directness of the rhythm and the “in your face” message is all there and it is startling. What I love about this song is how it demonstrates how similar we all are when… Read more »
I’m glad to see that your opinions are back, even if under a different format. 🙂
I totally agree with you that the lyrics are amazing. Interestingly enough, I found the English version even more effective than the French.
Bonsoir Lisboa, Très belle chanson de Madame Monsieur. Nette victoire lors du télévote à la finale de Destination Eurovision. Certains avaient des doutes et préféraient Lisandro Cuxi. Je pense qu’il s’agit du meilleur choix pour représenter la France. Je ne sais pas si la victoire est possible mais je suis fier que cette chanson nous représente. Chacun est libre d’aimer ou pas, mais c’est un hymne à la tolérance et à l’ouverture. Même ceux qui ne comprennent pas le Français seront séduit par cette chanson qui véhicule un message d’espoir et d’harmonie. Que dire de plus ? On se laisse… Read more »
Je serai aussi fière de cette chanson si j’étais français. Bonne chance 🙂
The fact that this wasn’t even my winner in Destination Eurovision shows how strong the selection was (given, it was my second and my winner Ok Ou Ko would have been my first place in the contest).This song has a message, great vocals and sounds like a radio song. I love this style and this could do very well with the juries. This entry is deffo in my top 10.
Go refresh your La Marseillaise, y’all!
This one has been my favorite since January. I wasn’t expecting for it to hold the position until the end of the process, but it turns out that I haven’t found an entry that could check all the boxes like this one. It’s accessible and sophisticated at the same time. It carries a beautiful message and do it in the most ellegant way. It has an universal appeal, but at also sounds very french. Extra points for being extremely personal, while the majority of Eurovision songs tell us nothing about those who wrote them. The instrumental background is minimalist and… Read more »
The most obvious political song of the year is ”not political” to you ; well maybe it’s because you have a child -like grasp of politics …if you had lived in the former Soviet Union you’d have believed everything the government spoon fed you while at the same time insisting that it’s ”not political ” !
Just forget politics and concentrate on the music that you do actually know something about
It’s a song about humanism, not polítics. People who cant understand that are deprived of sensitivity and compassion.
Miguel and Eugene said it well.
Then I’ll just add that there’s a difference between doing social commentary (in this particular case about a subject that has, of course, political ramifications) and being political. For example: if you write a song about an abandoned kid that lives on the streets of a big city, you’re not necessarily blaming the current administration for that, unless you include this particular thought on the lyrics.
We share a favorite song, Sabrina. 🙂 Still, my rating is 0.5 higher, keeping it consistent for us. 🙂
I haven’t even tackled that in my review, but I 100% agree this isn’t political. It may somewhat collide with general views of the current left politics, but it’s basically a matter of general compassion. The song doesn’t name countries or religions.
Yay! 🙂 I always love when I’m on the same page with people whose opinions I value and appreciate! I won’t give any 10, so it’s clear that I’m a much more rigorous judge than you. A 10 would require perfection. Anyway, if they get the right staging for Lisbon… I wish I could avoid the controversy about the song (I really don’t think this is the place to discuss politics), but since many people use it to undermine its value, I thought I needed to address this matter, because one of the things I most like about the song… Read more »
Sorry but you simply don’t understand politics …you have just wrote in a previous comment below that the ”anti-war message is strong here” …..THAT is a profoundly political comment , but apparently you aren’t aware of it probably think that every anti war protest march from the Vietnam war to the war in Syria is ”not political ” either probably think that the ”Appeasement policy ”of Britain and France in the 1930s was not political because it was ”anti-war ”
Being anti-war concern politics, but it’s not *about* politics, as one can be a member of any party, while being anti-war. War is about killing. Politics is about difference in opinion, which can be arranged with reason, negotiations, seduction or bribery rather than merciless killing. No matter who does the killing and to whom. If you really want to turn it into politics, surely you can, as politics in broad sense sticks it’s nose in every pore of society in one way or another. In the same manner, Malta’s song could be mistakenly considered political, because there are laws oppressing… Read more »
I don’t care if this song has a deep message or not.
This song has a great melody and good vocals too. I felt like repeating it since the snippet of the song was released. In terms of production too it sounds modern.
The fact that it has a great back story is an added good thing but irrelevant for me.
An 8.5/10
Modified score: 9.13(3rd/31)
Total: 16.8(3rd/31)
20-25 in the final
That’s more like it!
Best written song of the contest BY A CLEAR MILE. Had to say that first and foremost.
Mercy just feels like it was the natural progression in France’s ESC path. The juxtaposition of Mercy as in a name/begging/Thanks it’s nothing short of brilliant. The artists got a really strong look and the whole package balances itself between being accessible and high-end. The message is underlying on a clever and easy-to-follow package, making the French feel available for all without being alien. Overall, France should be really proud of what they’ve sent, they are on their way to good things.
One of my top 5 countries for the trophy
The scores of Robyn and Deban are not really surprising for me, but William is disappointing me since I nearly always share his opinion…
When it comes to the song, the reviews of Colin and NickC pretty much summed up my feelings, so I won’t repeat them and risk that the right-wing haters throw their dirt on me, too…
Yes, run away- they would kill us if they could for having mercy and emphaty. As an academic, I am really curious what could create so much hate and disdain towards other human beings.
I think the answer is – unfortunately – quite easy… simple-mindedness and fear…
some friends and I btw had a preview voting party tonight and France was the runaway winner – before Switzerland, notably..
Funny enough, Switzerland is my number 2 as well
I think this is the song with the most special vibes this year. It’s emotional and at the same time cheerful. The production is lacklustre but I don’t mimd it because it’s a very unique song. This will probably do very well with the televote.
Spain got a higher score than this masterpiece? OMG!
My 2nd place this year- appropriate average for “mercy” ????
My problem with this one is that it’s perhaps a bit TOO polished and I find the repeted “mercy-mercy”-bits… well, repetitive. Having said that, it’s a beautiful pop song, expertly presented at it’s core. With a different chorus I would rate this even higher although somehow it still managed to make it into my top 10. It’s just that when I look back on the song I tend to value it lower than while I am actually listening to it. Not sure if that’s a problem or not but France should end op with a good finish for this, if… Read more »
Oh. I stand corrected.
It doesn’t really change anything for me though. However you spell it, it does get a ,tad repetitive. And the casual viewer won’t stand a chance of hearing the difference either. I literally cannot tell when it’s one meaning and when it’s the other if the context isn’t clear lyrically (my French isn’t that strong but maybe that helps) since they pronounce it the same way. I know the subject material of the song but little else.
Anywho. You should learn something new every day, so… check! 🙂
One of my favourites this year!\
After probably the best national selection this year, Madame Monsieur couldn’t lose the ticket to Lisbon. Their performance was stunning! I love this song! It makes me emotional every time I hear it. Great composistion, great voice, great performance, great message. I love everything about it!
It’s rare for me to give a 10, because the song must be perfect. This is almost perfect, so it’s a 9.5/10.
P.S.: Hope we get to beautiful Paris next year!
This is such a great song, not only in Eurovision terms but in terms of music in general. I’m a huge fan of well-executed minimalism, so “Mercy” grabbed me based on the melody and the arrangement alone. The music and the lyrics are a perfect match. It’s a mélange of sorrow and hope that is not bitter, but it’s not cheesy either. What I love most about this song is the fact it delivers a message of peace through pure storytelling. It’s not preachy and it doesn’t romanticise humanitarianism. It’s just a simple narrative that reminds us that we’re talking… Read more »
”we’re talking about human lives when we’re talking about “the refugees”
go away, please go away, just do that please.
you breathe the air for no good reason.
Are you neo-fascist? You should hang out in some KKK forum, or dark web, not ESC website
Listen you hypocrite AMERICAN that you are. Don’t tell me how to talk with this GERMAN – M_K that has destroyed Europe with his politics. He should welcome refugees only in his country, and in his personal house.
Oh, I see. You must have been following me around for quite some time because even I can’t remember when was the last time I mentioned in the comments that I’m German.
Are you Romanian?
You’re close.
I have to admit I phrased that statement in a cheesy way and I hope that this is the reason for your harsh comment. English is not my native language but I want to express myself properly, so here’s another try:
We often refer to the hundreds of thousands of people who came to Europe as “the refugees”. This song reminds us that they’re individuals and that they all have their own stories to tell.
No, your country will have the same fate since 2015 since the refugee crisis began. People will even think Schulte sings about refugees. At least voXXclub were not in that risk.
Erm, the message of the song by voXXclub is actually “let’s dance together, no matter where you’re from, let’s dance for those who can’t live free”. So basically, out of the six songs in the German national final, you picked the only one that actually has kind of a “let’s overcome borders” message to prove your point. Haha.
As if anybody outside Germany will ever know what voXXclub sings about….is about the funny genre. But you had to send Salvador 2.0. Give him a sweater with ”SOS Refugees” too.
Nah, I’m not so sure about that. Michael doesn’t seem to me like the kind of guy that wears sweaters.
Michael’s song might be about sheltering and staying together but it doesn’t scream refugees. Plus, if it was about refugees, I don’t think Michael would have been first in the televote, with how polarizing the migrant crisis issue is in Germany.
@ M_K
why do you even bother to answer this troll? He’s not trying to make an argument like you… I mean, refugee crisis actually is a topic which can be discussed controversially, but he’s not doing that. Just spreading his hatred… kudos to you though for being so patient…
I always answer trolls because remaining silent means agreeing by default (at least that’s my opinion)… so at least I had the last word in this “discussion”. 🙂
There’s a “if you don’t like this song you’re a bad person” quality to this that makes me dislike it. This sounds like propaganda to me, unlike Italy, who have a similar message but feel authentic and from the heart.
”There’s a “if you don’t like this song you’re a bad person” quality to this that makes me dislike it.”
You are right, just ignore it. It’s fans are what they are.
Beautiful song with meaningful lyrics. I listen to French music anyways so this belongs to my playlist no doubt. I felt emotional during their national selection.
But I have some feeling that this might not do that well like the bookies are thinking (I hope I’m wrong). I don’t know why, I love the song but for some reason I got this feeling recently. I do want them to get respectful place, why not even win. I wish them good luck.
I love this so much! Part of my 3 winners along with Serbia and Macedonia. The wordplay, message, It minimalistic sound, everything! I am hoping for a Top 10 possible Top 5 finish. I have a weird feeling the juries will punish this. A 10 for me. Surprised to see William give it a 6 I thought he rated it higher.
I’d say these 2 go found a little nice political party and compete in elections, not in Esc. Italy can join them at rallies. I don’t care about their political view, their sanctimonious preaching annoys me to death. Life vests in the video in quest for pity votes and Jean Paul Gaultier on scene, coz’ they’re French, quoi?! And, oh, the song is not good eather.
Life vests on video – Gaultier on stage
You are right. Such a mess.
Sorry to say but this song is boring and absolutely Eurovision unfit. For a lot of people the hartwarming message says it all, but this is still a songcontest where you wanna hear good songs – and this is not. I speak French, which makes it even more dull and dreadful. France doesn’t understand at all for 30 years what people wanna hear on a Saturday night in the world’s biggest extravaganza show – and they had bad results ever since. In destination Eurovision they had a great song to me, which was Lisandro Cuxi with Eva. There was a… Read more »
I love the fact that France has brought a song well rooted in the best tradition of French pop music. It is pleasant, infectious, and catchy as any pop song should be, but it is such an intelligent song both in structure and message. I also love the final breach before the final chorus. And here is for me the biggest flaw: it gets a bit repetitive towards the end. However, I think it will be my nr 1 this year (still undecided) 9/10
Message or not… for me, the song is just okay and nothing special. I’m pissed that it’s so damn overrated by the fandom. It’s okay but I really wouldn’t be happy to see it as a winner.
Change Greece with Italy or/ and Norway so I can agree
Well done, France! Meaningful lyrics with a memorable melody… the chorus sticks in our head.
In Tel Aviv, Moldova was received much better than France.
Just think about it. World is tired of your artsy-fartsy lyrics.
When I saw the final of France, the public in studio were very happy with Mercy winning, and Mercy has had a very good reception when it came out, so I think Mm. Mr. can think that they will give the Big 5 their 1st win. 🙂
Merci, Mercy, Merci, Mercy, je vas bien Merci… ??
(I said 1st because when Satellite won, it was only Big 4)
Without any doubt the best song in the competition. Simple and pure and with a beautiful message. I wouldn’t be angry if this would win not one bit.
This song is so beautiful and heartwarming, that goes beyond any ranking. It restores faith in humanity (even for three minutes). I ‘m hoping for an exceptional outcome in the contest and wishing that “professional” juries won’t kill it.
I actually really like this. The lyrics are moving and it’s so French.
But gurl work on the staging. That black silhouette ain’t flattering to that beak
# PARIS 2019
This song is one that I can almost thoroughly enjoy every time. I am by no means a fluent speaker of French, but the message can be explained quickly, especially since the line in the chorus (Je m’appelle Mercy) will be recognised by the European audience. As for the song, it’s very pleasant to listen to and has a contemporary and simplistic feel that doesn’t feel aggressive in any way. However, I find the weird ‘Spotify’ sounds, like the warped voice thing that I don’t know how to describe, slightly annoying. Ovrrall, this is an entry that France can be… Read more »
Is there a summary of all the jury scores revealed so far? Would be helpful now that quite a few have been published.
Now there’s a war starting in Syria, Italy is the one that benefits the most. This one stays in the background.
Watch Italy climbing up the odds soon.
For TripAD, the last Eurovision winner is probabily Moltiva or Beleive. (Hope I don’t spoil things :X )
Italy is winning right not on may 12th!
9/10 This song is simple but emotionally deep. It conveys it’s message in a very powerful way; but yet allows some empathy with the story being told. The block colouring with the staging is also very dynamic. I also like the use of mercy and merci very clever. Top 10 song, with its originality could go top 5. Tres Bien.
Music is good, lyrics are great, vocals are adequate. However, to me it just doesn’t work as an ensemble for some reason, it’s almost cringeworthy. Probably because the way of singing and Emilie’s facial expressions are somehow begging for votes without actually conveying the message of the song.
and mark my words, you will eat your words regarding Mercy.
This is a song for the people with a heart, soul and conscience. 2014 victory of Conchita, 2016 victory of Jamala, and 2017 victory of Salvador proved that there are many of us in Europe. My winner, my only perfect 10 for the year. 10/10.
”heart, soul and conscience”
So now it’s all about pity votes?
I respect Netta because she has a social problem, but the genre of the song doesn’t look for pity votes.
Do you think that who doesn’t vote for France doesn’t have conscience?
Is about the music ffs.
No, Please do not twist my words. Netta’s song is also for those with conscience, and this is one of the reasons why she will do well. France is my personal winner, but I support all songs with meaningful lyrics
Umm they are not begging for pity to begin with. If you think it’s just about pity votes, you are mistaken. That’s just how you really view it…
Melody = Vanessa Paradis in the 90’s
Lyrics = the result of this song will show us how many leftists are in the 200 mil. viewers (maybe the war that started today in Syria will help)
It could win. The Eurovision demographic is one that could lean towards the issues brought up by the song, irrespective of the quality of the song itself. Take away the message and I do not think you have a lot there. It’s pretty simplistic and the vocal is nothing much more than adequate. If you replaced the lyrics with something more generic, such as those of Azerbaijan’s….would this be rated anywhere near as high? I’m not trying to make a point here, if anyone thinks this is a strong, standalone piece of music, please reply to me and tell me… Read more »
Actually, I loved it from the first listening, with no idea of the message behind it. I admit that the powerful message gives it another layer, but even without it, it’s an outstanding piece of music, modern, minimalist, yet intriguing and effective. Only my opinion, of course.
Thanks for sharing, Colin!
Just out of interest. Was it your favourite in the French selection initially?
It was a tie between Ciao and Mercy. Most of them were solid, though. 🙂
Haha. The only song I disliked more than Mercy in the final! I love that viewers can have such different opinions about Eurovision.
I dont think you can separate the music from the lyrics. The minimalistic approach fits well with the depth of lyrics. This is the whole package for me. It is well thought as a concept to the smallest detail.