Twenty-eight acts started the battle to represent Sweden at Eurovision. Tonight, only twelve remained to battle for the Melodifestivalen 2019 crown. Following an intense grand final at the Friends Arena in Stockholm, John Lundvik has emerged victorious. He will fly the Swedish flag in Tel Aviv with “Too Late for Love”.
Ahead of the finale John placed first with the Wiwi Jury — and it had little to do with the hype from last year, when he also made the final. As Antranig wrote:
“Take it from someone who thought ‘My Turn’ was awful — ‘Too Late for Love’ is incredible! John Lundvik is an exceptional performer and his connection with the song is so pure, genuine and engrossing. He feels every note and his delivery is captivating. The soulful nature of the song gives it its identity and John Lundvik is undoubtedly one of the best options for Sweden.”
“Too Late for Love” — John Lundvik
International jury results
The votes of the eight international juries came first. The voting countries included last year’s top three at Eurovision — Israel, Cyprus and Austria — as well as Australia, Finland, France, Portugal and the United Kingdom.
It was clear from the start that John Lundvik made a lasting impact with the juries, for he led the scoreboard after the jury voting, with the maximum douze points from every single jury. Nano finished the jury vote in second place, with Hanna & Liamoo a close third.
Public vote results
The Swedish public fully agreed with the juries when it came to the winner, as it was John Lundvik’s to lose from the beginning.
- Too Late For Love – John Lundvik, 85
- On My Own – Bishara, 69
- Hold You – Hanna Ferm & LIAMOO, 59
- Norrsken – Jon Henrik Fjällgren, 55
- Hello – Mohombi, 42
- I Do – Arvingarna, 37
- Ashes to Ashes – Anna Bergendahl, 36
- Not With Me – Wiktoria, 28
- Torn – Lisa Ajax, 23
- I Do Me – Malou Prytz, 12
- Chasing Rivers – Nano, 10
- Victorious – Lina Hedlund, 8
Combined results
He won Melodifestivalen 2019 by a significant margin with 181 points. Bishara came second with 107 points after finishing second with the Swedish public, and Hanna & Liamoo finished third, also with 107 points.
Full results
What do you think of the results? Did the right song win in Sweden? Can they challenge for the trophy in Tel Aviv? Let us know in the comments below.
Think Sweden peaked a few years ago. Admittedly American gospel is not my thing, and I’m willing to bet it’s not Eastern Europe’s thing either. Absolutely sure the juries will save Sweden’s blushes, like er… ahem, last year.
Every time I hear this all I get are Andy Abraham vibes. Except I know he’ll have the support of the usual bloc voting, I can see this song sinking
The eurofans bashing Sweden as usual, no surprises there. And the comparisons to Austria’s entry last year is ridiculous; they’re similar because both artists are black? Because other than that I see no resemblance whatsoever. Sweden is in it to win it this year, and I’m personally rooting for John in Israel. I hope for the love of God that we get to go back to beautiful Stockholm and have Petra Mede host this circus one more time! Go Sweden!
Sort out your comments, Wiwibloggs, poor Robyn can’t wade into the mouthbreathers below on her own every time. Maybe it’s time to turn on registration and get to banning.
Strachan Readen, couln’t agree more. <3
Registaration should make this blog so much better. More love and tolerance and more comments in the spirit and values of esc.
What I get most upset about, is when they don’t remove totally impropriet comments towards children that has participated in national selection or esc.
3. Ansvar för bloggar Var och en som skriver på en blogg ansvarar för sina egna inlägg och kan därmed bli ansvarig för till exempel olaga hot enligt svensk lag (Brottsbalken). Också den som kommenterar i bloggen svarar för sina inlägg på motsvarande sätt. Om innehavaren av bloggen har en förhandsmodererad kommentarfunktion svarar dock blogginnehavaren för inlägget. Många bloggar och andra sajter har uppföranderegler och funktioner där besökarna själva kan anmäla olämpligt innehåll. Om någon bryter mot uppförandereglerna kan innehavaren stänga av personen. Anmälda kommentarer underlättar för innehavaren att rensa ut olämpligt innehåll och att både behålla trovärdigheten och fullfölja… Read more »
Wwi, what actions do you take?
The responsibility for hate and threats on the net is obviously on those who express themselves hatefully and abusively. But those who host different forums on the internet must also take their responsibility to set up clear guidelines and comment on and remove offensive posts. Then everyone who is out on the net can make an effort and tell persons that their behaviour aren’t ok and can support those who are exposed.
Very happy for him! I remember him from last year and he was so good. He deserved to go to Eurovision. I like the song and love the harmonies. Good luck!
This song is a great improvement over the last two Swedish entries. Not for the song in itself, which I would place in the same ‘competent pop’ category. This entry has something that the others did not have: a singer with a soul! And Sweden understood the difference and skipped the fancy gimmicks. The result: top 5 for sure. But imho he is not winner for the most ugly reasons, which we have seeen in this comment section a hint of it. And this is very very sad
Wiwibloggs, I am truly disappointed in you. You should moderate the comments better than allowing comments saying that a competitor is ugly and other much mote hateful comments. I am really disappointed in you and all other media that allows ppl to write hateful comments. It’s ok saying that you don’t like a song, the singer voice or something like that. It is not ok to write such hateful comments that I see here.
I agree, you should delet comments that obvius is totaly dissrespectfull. Or do you as responsible publisher stand behind this kind of messages and think that this is morally ok.
AND – WHEN will you delet a comment about a child – that has participated in a national selection this year – is the catholic priests wet dream?
Bra Sandra! <3
Now that all the songs are out – this is the winner. Stockholm 2020.
My favourite is the Netherlands! What a song. But I hope we will get a good result! John is fantastic. : )
Heja John! <3
Or Gothenburg:)
Nä, Sundsvall ; )
Definetely one of My favorite for the Grand finale in Tel Aviv ! I like happiness and energy of the song.
Very well produced ! I like it very much
Well Sweden never disappoint when it comes to catchy memorable songs that’s for sure. He sings well and his stage presence it’s great, but comparing this to Austria’s song last year Ceaser just had the charm likeability that just made his song instantly good that’s separates his song with Sweden this year, Sweden have done well, but hopefully people don’t sleep on them because their the safe bet. But good luck to Sweden from the UK.
Now he has two songs in ESC. First was My Turn from UK and now his own, Too Late For Love 😉
The finale was a clean sweep for John. His song and performance was the strongest. The other artists were a bit nervous and missed their cues a bit. Overall it was a great show!
If I were Caeser from Austria I would be insulted at all the comparisons between this yawn anthem and his class song from last year. Let’s park the lazy comparisons. An extremely dull song from a usually Innovative nation
I liked John’s song last year much more. But I think this one is the best what Sweden have this year. All others are not even close to this.
cheap effort
Hej alla glada och även besvikna Svenskar! Väljer skriva bara till er och höra vad ni tyckte!? Vill dela mina tankar med er, inte alla de som bara för en att tappa lusten för ESC . Mello är vår fest. Kände på mig att John skulle vinna och han är absolut kanon även om det inte var min favorit. Tyckte det var en superbra show överlag, inte itopp men verkligen bra. Själv röstade jag på Hanna och Liamo, Anna och Bishara som planerat. Men sedan kunde jag inte låta bli att rösta på Wiktoria. När Juryrösterna var klar bestämde jag… Read more »
Hej Malin! Tänkte skriva så du inte blir ensam:)
Röstade på John Lundvik och tur var väl det. Bishara hade bra röst fast låten var sådär. Hanna och Liamoo var duktiga fast jag kände ingenting för låten, typ som Azerbaijans vinnarlåt.
John Lundvik tycker jag är vår bästa låt det här decenniet, förutom vinnarna. Jag tror faktiskt till och med han kan vinna. Se bara på responsen på Youtube och hemsidan
Ja, jag tror det kan gå bra för honom och kommer heja fram honom. Kanon låt och kul att han är uppskattad. Men är positivt förvånad att så många tycker den är SÅ bra eftersom jag inte själv inte är SÅ svag för den typen av låtar. Till skillnad från de flesta så gillar jag mer Benjamins sound … så var rätt ensam ifjol. ; ) Men håller med och känns som det kan bli pallplats eller top tio om det inte blir något drama som :det blev ifjol. Misstänker att tvkommrntatorerna säkert berättade för tv-tittarna om Benjamins olyckliga respons… Read more »
Tror inte kommentatorerna ens hänger på denna sajt.
Tror snarare att han inte fick röster eftersom det var svårt att connecta med låten. Till och med vi svenskar var lite kalla inför den. Dessutom tror jag att det var lite Robin Bengtsson style igen, typ samma sound igen. Men det var förra året, nu är det nytt år:)
Japp, nytt år och nya tag : )
Kan vara som du säger ….. men lite misstänksam att det spreds.
Jag tror aldrig att jag sett så mycket kärlek och värme till Sveriges val av låt, så som det har varit hittills på Youtube 😀 men jag är tudelad ändå….Loreen och Måns fick så mycket hat och vann. Benjamin fick extremt mycket hat och det reflekterades också i själva finalen, men nu ser jag väldigt lite hat i kommentarerna. Det får mig att undra om ingen direkt ser oss som ett hot med den låten och kan unna oss beröm den här gången. Robin Stjernberg fick mest beröm vad jag kommer ihåg….så jag blir å ena sidan så glad för… Read more »
Nej, där tror jag att du har fel. Kärleken beror nog inte så mycket på låten, det är han som person. En underbar glädjespridare som gör att alla ler när de ser honom. Han kanske inte vinner men hans personlighet har redan vunnit hela Europa.
Verkligen fin personlighet och tillräkligt klok att inte dras med i något tog. Benjamin är ju även trevlig men visade dålig förmåga att se att hans skoj om andra nummer skulle bli helt galet fel… och stackare Måns som uttalade sig galet efter några glas i tv-program.
Inte alls rörigt Sara
! Jag är mer glad om vi slipper se hat och lite sämre placering än tvärtom. Hmm.. känns som det kan bli topp tre eller som sämst topp fem. Men det är kanske lite för optimistiskt. Oavsett så är ju topp 10 toppen. : )
Hej! Min favorit var John Lundvik och blev så glad att han vann. Röstade även otroligt mycket på Bishara, så otrolig talangfull unge och en bra låt!
John Lundvik har väl ett av årets starkaste låtar så jag tvivlar inte en sekund på att han kan ta hem det hela i maj!
Ja, Bishara är ju såå duktig. Men tycker det är bra han inte vann. Hoppas han får vara barn klart innan han deltar igen och håller sig till Sverige några år. För hans egen skull. Lite Let dans och Alsång på Skansen odl och skola så klart. Inte mello där han hängs ut i internationella bloggar som denna där de låter folk skriva att han är de katolska prästernas våta dröm etc. etc utan att ta bort. Vill inte han ska behandlas bla på denna sida så som Frans blev behandlad. Finns det inget som helst publisistidkt ansvar för vad… Read more »
Hej, det är absolut första gången min favorit har vunnit melodifestivalen. Andra år har man fått gå efter vad juryn har valt, för att veta vilken låt som var rätt. Jag blev rörd så jag grät, över alla tolvorna. Jag ser fram emot att kunna känna stolthet ända in i själen, när det är dags för eurovision.
För mig spelar det ingen roll om han vinner där, han är den som har vunnit flest hjärtan, alla kategorier, och hur det än går har han redan vunnit den största segern.
Ja, gud då kul att vinnaren fick med sig alla tolvorna och vad härligt det var att se hanns reaktion <3
Håller med vinst är inte viktigast. Men vill ju att det ska gå bra. Själv gillar jag många låtar i ESC. Ungers sångare är en favorit sedan förra gången och jag tycker mycket om bla den låten. Men även Nederländerna, och en massa andra.
Så kul med variationen på ESC . : )
Ska vara lite kringelåtar också… annars är det inte ESC.
Israel’s song released here –
What do you guys think?
I still think that “Hello” was the best choice.
or Malou Prytz
Sweden is playing the same safe game year by year and goes away with it… Because it’s Sweden, of course. The song is boring, nothing memorable about it and the chorus is getting very irritating… It will get low points from the televoters, as it happened last year with that InGross-oh creature, well deserved result
ooooh the jealousy is great in this one! :D:D:D:D:D
Skip the jealousy argument. No one is jealous of you!
Whatever you need to tell yourself.
See you in Stockholm 2020.
Does anyone know why the site of oddschecker dont let me in?
Love it, love it, love it! Ok, Not the most original entry, but it’s uplifting and catchy as heck! Go Sweden.
They not only copied the type of the song from Austria but also the lighting structure above Cesar. I am done with Male pop songs by sweden. Try to be more original
What parts of the song are copied?
not sweden’s boldest effort ever
Mohombi should have won! This winner song is so mainstream. I think mohombi could have won whole esc.
Yes, cause Mohombi was much less mainstream:)
I think he was less mainstream. I mean those high vocals sounded funny ? He sang little bit off the note but I somehow liked it.
What’s up with people? Both Russia and Sweden chose MUCH better songs than last year!
Julia was way better than Segeys dull ballad.. Lundvik might be better but it is hard to be worse than Benjamin lol
people are getting so toxic.. I don’t get it either
Agreed here too. What ever happened to just politely saying: “it is not to my taste, but best of luck”?
Yes! It’s ok to have diffrent tast. You don’t have to share the taste that the majority in Sweden hav.
Tank you Colin, Anna and Purple Mask, you got the right ESC spirit! <3
Hate is prevailing… 😉
That does it. Next year I am sending an entry called: “Manners will prevail.”
He’s ugly as FUCK
F*** is nice and feels good, not ugly, dude
That’s what I call a direct person
I agree he’s not very handsome but there are better ways to say it or not say it at all LOL
Sometimes being honest hurts..
How does such a rude comment have so many likes… honestly kind of disappointed.
This is the reason why eurovision fans should be banned from voting. Their judgement is not about the songs and performances, they look to someones appearence and hate on countries for being successful. Or perhaps support countries with bad songs because the country deserve it after a long time of bad placements. It doesn’t matter what Sweden sends or which songs compete in Melodifestivalen, there will always be hate torward us just because it’s Sweden. It’s really a pity. This is surely a toxic site to visit and the atmosphere sucks and is unfourtunetely very contagious. Esc should be about… Read more »
Relax. The Russians have activated their bots, trying to troll and make this a toxic community.
Sååå sant! Konstruktiva åsikter är ju ok, men hela glädjen för Esc försvinner av dessa kommentarer. Mello är trots all vår fest och vad super kul det varit! Trist, idag är det dags att plocka undan mellopyntet och melloljustaken! : ) Men tycker det är konstigt att denna sait verkar hels sakna tankar om att uppmana till god ton i sann esc anda. Om du följer Markus Oscarsson på FB. Hur underbart är det inte med hans uppmaning om god gon och att han plockar bort saker som inte är passande, Gräsligt om det har med ekonomiska intressen att fler… Read more »
Get glasses, he is beautiful outside and inside. Your heart seems to be black and you have probably an ugly personality . Probably love to bring people down and really love to bully others.
I just woke up. I listen to this crap like last year…
This should be unacceptable for a country like Sweden that invests so much and organises MelFest which is like a second Eurovision
Let me guess.. your own country sucks.. each year.. and you hate Swedens entries since you wish your own country would stop being lazy and start sending acceptable songs.
Swedish supramacist like you suck.
Good voice but the song is dire. Too 1990s eurovision for me. This will struggle to qualify in my books.
A bit outdated. Late nineties eurogospelpop. But it will end high because it’s Sweden.
Yasss!!!! I just heard Israel song….OMG…….Israel is taking double….prepare to cry hard…the contest can be closed(:
my friend instagram..cant publish it…its going out today in the evening. stay tuned(:
It’s here –
Justice for Malou Prytz :’(
Really?? Come on!!
Nothing new here, and another very mediocre song..what a disappointment.
Lol.. Delusions
Just because he has a handicap he won
It will happen the same it happened to Russia last year
Face or body? I realized he is a little bizarre but I didn’t notice anything….
Being black is not a handicap.. Grow up
The best song? Come on!!
come on what??.. swedens song is awesome
… what handicap
small dick
What is that Sweden?? We are in 2019 (not Israel entry 2006):
Maruv (Queen) – We miss you!!…..
This was the most average Melodifestivalen I’ve ever seen. Yeah, he slayed because there were no other decent entries. But any other country would place top 20 or 15 at best with this same entry.
There were more decent entries my dear!! Don’t joke plz
My real friends are 100% more positive persons then ESC fans are. Sad that people here are so mean all the time.
Agree, I’m visiting also one forum in my country about Eurovision, it is much more funny and relaxing atmosphere there. This site is so toxic. Good luck to Sweden 🙂
Ja, men du är jäkligt kaxig själv. Börja med dig själv grabben. Hur ofta dissar du inte andra länder och deras artister på ett drygt sätt ? Du låter dig provoceras hela tiden och ska ge igen. Du är en av de där dryga svenskarna som vi andra får skit för.
It’s like Austria last year, and the clothes is the same! :/
You dont know any black persons i see?
The Netherlands and Sweden are my top 2. Netherlands song is better if we look at studio versions but if we compare live versions of the songs then Sweden are stronger.
Switzerland, Cyprus and Italy will fail hard when they sing live.
Good for John take down discount Justin Bieber
I like it, not that I want it to win, but again Sweden sent something solid and different, even if y’all think it’s the same bop they are used to produce. Maybe not a winning material, but certainly contender for top 5, as usual 🙂
Too late for winning I would say
Well, I have it as my no 30 so far
This is the best song in ESC this year. So special and dynamic. First it starts as a ballad, then becomes uptempo and it also includes gospel. It is nice that Sweden always sends top quality songs. In a year when so many countries sends not contemporary ballads and average pop songs Sweden really stands out.
Sidebar: Ester Peony Official Video release:
The revamp worked much! It now sounded more variative and each part of the song is less predictable. Good for a staging surprise moment!
Love it! Enchanted castle cursed by the presence of a left lover. It’s so unsettling, but in a good way.
Will do great with juries because it’s Sweden, but the real question is how it will do with the televote. It’s not the best song Sweden have sent so I’m not sure.
Juries appreciate great music. As they consists of music professionals. Stop being a jealous brat
Yeah very professional, like when Mariette ranked Mall dead last.
Mall is a baaad song which did not chart anywhere after ESC. Mariette was right.
Didn’t you just write down below that this is a SONG contest?
Anyway, I guess they should hire youtubers, radio station workers and spotify employees to do the job instead of “musical professionals”.
Jo. Take the stick out of your a…
“this is a SONG contest”, so any song should be valued artistically and not commercially, in that regard–a flaw of your argument, here.
You prefer bs songs. so yeah.. my argument stands
And you prefer bs arguments. Bring something else, we’re bored.
Plus, it’s not like I hate the Swedish entry this year–I love it. So do you want me to hate your entry because of your attitude in this forum?
You are such a sh@thead!
Ah AH AH, sure last year they dare Sweden 2nd place while Portugal 25th
Exactly.. Sweden great. Portugal bad. Simple
Except that often they are pretty bad musicians prioritising similarly bad music. They usually go for safe sounds with strong vocals. Hardly the definition of great music.
Portugals song was by every definition a bad song
There are interests my dear, jury is bought and corrupted.
This is one of the best songs of 2019.
For sure!
In Swedens forum there are A LOT of comments if you compare it to others. Its nice that we in Sweden are so facinating to you all :). Cant you be intrested like this in Montenegro,Latvia, Lithuania to for example ?
Ni i Sverige är inte alls fascinerande. När ska Eurovision höra nånting intressant eller original? När ska ni sjunga på svenska?
Wow, you are a jealous little person… Will laugh hard when Sweden do great in May
You are a bad person. What is your problem? Every year….
Lol isnt it up to us what we send to eurovision? why are you guys so salty about OUR choice?
its not our fault that sweden is always overrated by juries, wonder when uncle bjorkman leaves what will happen 😉
My top 5 stay fast
1 Netherland
2 Italy
3 Spain
4 Belgium
5 Iceland
Thx for Belgium :3 And same winner
Too many people here think “This song isn’t to my tastes, so it will fail.” Get a grip and understand your opinion isn’t the final say. This song is going to contend for victory whether any of us like it or not. Sweden wins again, eurofans complain again. The toxicity towards Sweden is pathetic.
thank you!!
Some will even compare it to last year’s Nobody but you! It’s like saying all dance songs or all ballads are the same.
Sometimes they are when it’s just mainstream english radio pop .
It’s called jealousy 😀 some people from countries that send crappy song every year can’t stand the fact that Sweden does well every year.
Last year a lot of fans were complaining because of the weak voice of Benjamin and I can understand. But this year the song and the voice are really great! He is 7th in my top but sure he will be at least in top 5.
Pure jealousy.
For me personally, it’s no jaleousy. I don’t like most of the songs from Melodievestivalen – they are so generic radio-pop with no emotion or depth. Most of them are so robotic and manufactured, with no creativity. The other thing is, from my observations songs by Sweden or Swedish producers are sooo much more favoured by the juries and show producers (always in a favourable spot in the final). And I think it is just not fair. Last year Sweden and Cyprus (Cyprus song was produced and composed by Swedes) were favoured by the juries, even though there were much… Read more »
Men snälla! Fatta att om vi tjatar om hur jäkla bra vi är och kommer vinna blir de galna på denna blogg. Släpp att säga att vi är så fantastiska annars blir det sånt jäkla liv och otrevligheter mot alla svenskar här! OK?
Vinner vi kan vi säga att vi var bäst, vänta tills dess om du är övertygad att vi kommer vinna.
Watch out Ireland, your record is in severe danger
No, I think the Netherlands have a better chance at winning. Sweden will probably come close, but I think there’s better songs this year.
No, it’s not
is it tho