Eurovision 2019 news 5 April 2

Every day between now and the grand final in May, the team from wiwibloggs will be rounding up the latest titbits from the world of Eurovision 2019. We’ve trawled through Instagram, Twitter and elsewhere so that y’all don’t have to. This is the Daily Digest for Friday 5 April.

Stig Rästa will provide backing vocals for Victor Crone

He’s the Swede representing Estonia at Eurovision 2019. But Victor Crone’s on-stage support team will consist completely of locals. The four backing singers are Kaido Põldma, Dagmar Oja, Kaire Vilgats and Stig Rästa. Of course, Stig co-wrote “Storm” and was centre stage himself at Eurovision 2015.

Notably, Saara Kadak, who featured prominently in the Eesti Laul performance, is no longer in the picture. Estonia’s second-biggest newspaper, the tabloid Õhtuleht, speculates that her absence may be due to marriage plans. It also surmises that our William and Deban will be “clapping joyfully” after they questioned her presence in a reaction video. The rest of the staging is expected to remain largely unchanged, although a fifth backing vocalist may be added.

Proving that Eurovision is more than one night, Victor and Stig have also announced a series of concerts for July(Padraig)

Give me Spotify, I’m a streamer

After a seemingly never-ending wait, Michela’s “Chameleon” has finally landed on all the major streaming platforms, including Spotify and Apple Music. But frustratingly, we’re still one song off completing our Eurovision 2019 playlist. Despite being published last week, Oto Nemsadze’s “Keep On Going” is no longer available. (Padraig)


At the start of the week, Viktor Drobysh — composer and producer of ZENA’s “Like It” — caused controversy with comments in support of Brunei’s new anti-gay penal code. He claimed it was dark humour, although his unapologetic apology didn’t convince many. Of course, his views don’t represent those of 16-year-old Zena or the rest of the Belarusian delegation. The songstress hasn’t made any public statement on the matter, but she appeared to make her views clear in an Instagram comment. Mimicking Jamala’s questioning of Maruv during Ukraine’s Vidbir, Insta user nicolasparodybaus wrote “Zena, I have very uncomfy question for u. Belarus and your producer @vdrobysh homophobic??”. Belarus’ Eurovision 2019 star responded with a simple “nooo💕”. (Padraig)

A grand time in Gran Canaria

If you happened to be sunning yourself on Gran Canaria this week, you may have been lucky enough to see a Eurovision star… or five. Germany’s S!sters and Switzerland’s Luca Hänni were on the second biggest Canary island for the recording of German network ZDF’s Fernsehgarten on Tour. The remaing Eurovision quotient consisted of Cesar Sampson (Austria 2018), Netta (Israel 2018) and Il Volo (Italy 2015). Broadcast dates have yet to be confirmed. (Padraig)

A “Sister” lyric video

Carlotta teased the “Sister” lyric video earlier in the week. And yesterday it arrived on YouTube. The clip shows inspiring images of women sharing time together, which ties in nicely with the meaning of the song. And while it might seem like a music video, it’s not.  The official clip is still to come. S!sters don’t do things by halves. (Florian)

Nevena sings for charity

On Tuesday evening, Nevena Bozic performed “Kruna” at the tenth RTS Teleton. The evening’s focus was to raise fund and awareness for the battle against cancer. More than 84,200 calls and text messages were received on the night. Nevena wasn’t the only familiar Eurovision face — Sara Jo (Serbia 2013), Sergej Ćetković (Montenegro 2014) and Jelena Tomašević (Serbia 2008) also made appearances. (Padraig)

Conan also does his part

The charitable spirit is strong amongst the current crop of Eurovision stars. This week also saw Portugal’s Conan Osíris perform “Telemóveis” at a fundraising concert for the victims of last month’s Cyclone Idai. The Hand Given to Mozambique event took place at Lisbon’s Cineteatro Capitólio in Lisbon and was broadcast live on TV. (Padraig)

Kate Miller-Heidke films postcard

She’s since departed for Amsterdam, but it seems like Australia’s Kate Miller-Heidke had a howl filming her Eurovision postcard in Tel Aviv. The “Zero Gravity” songstress doesn’t give much away, but her Instagram shows her flexing before dance rehearsals, being spoilt for choice at dinner and posing with her “idol” Netta. (Padraig)

Making of “Proud”

Another day, another behind-the-scenes clip from a music video shoot. This time it’s the turn of North Macedonia. From the footage, we learn that over two days Tamara Todevska’s “Proud” involved lots of coffee, laughs and selfies. (Padraig)

Duncan likes to jam to “Dance You Off”

During an interview with, Duncan was asked what his favourite Eurovision song of all time was. In what is perhaps a slightly surprising decision, based on the genre of his own entry, he revealed that Sweden’s 2018 song “Dance You Off” by Benjamin Ingrosso is his number one pick. “I know it’s only one year since he was in Eurovision, but I love the track; it’s so funky, vibe-y and his dance moves are great”. The rest of the interview sees him discussing how “Arcade” came together, and that it was Ilse DeLange (Netherlands 2014, as part of The Common Linnets) who first suggested he sent the song to broadcaster AVROTROS for consideration for Eurovision. (Jonathan)

Additional contributions from Jonathan and Florian

Do you have “Chameleon” on repeat? Are you dreaming of Gran Canaria? Let us know in the comments.

Follow all our Daily Digests for Eurovision 2019.

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Loin dici
5 years ago

So, Tamara’s stage director is Tina Matulessy and Mari Forsman Ryberger. I’m seeing good signs. (DOWNVOTES, SHOOT ME DOWN!)

5 years ago

Stig Rasta is trying to go for Valentina’s record, or it’s just my suspicious? Loving Katie’s look on Israel, berets is one of my favourite accessories.

Off Topic: A Polish friend from my local Eurovision fanclub has discovered one of my new animal patterns is a Polish hen and now I have three enthusiastic alumni learning how to crochet their own bird Tulia members in time to take them to Tel Aviv.

5 years ago

If you in wiwwibloggs will ask Zena that question you have lost my respect. Its about her and the song. She dont have to answer this all week in Tel Aviv and pre parties. For me its over.

uwu vision
uwu vision
5 years ago
Reply to  Rasmus

Oh, fully agreed!

5 years ago
Reply to  Rasmus

Well, true, but if she’s in fact homofobic, do you think she’ll want to be interviewed by Wiwibloggs to begin with?

Loin dici
5 years ago

Kind of funny, Mr. Stig decides to sing his own song, but as a backing vocalist. Seems he’s still eager to sing it for himself, if Victor’s not there.

5 years ago
Reply to  Loin dici

He’s just mad that he lost last year

5 years ago
Reply to  Loin dici

he stated back in 2015 that he doesn’t consider himself as a “great vocalist” and he prefers writing songs to performing them; so I think thats why he didn’t want to be the main character again… but whats wrong about being a backing vocalist then?

5 years ago

Now a duncan cover to dance you off is required.

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
5 years ago

Nice lyric video from the Sisters team. Bravo.

Loin dici
5 years ago

(Just for your information, the thread about the women who sings ‘Doviduvanje Tago’ and ‘Proud’ has its section disabled and reduced to 16 comments. A good comment moderation, thank you, Wiwicrew!)

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
5 years ago
Reply to  Loin dici

It might have been coz of something I typed, literally just before everything shut down.

Frisian esc
5 years ago
Reply to  Purple Mask

Now i’m curious for that comment xD

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
5 years ago
Reply to  Purple Mask

I lost my temper. I am very sorry.
Obviously I can’t repeat my statement. 😀

Loin dici
5 years ago
Reply to  Loin dici

Good for you.

5 years ago

It is Nevena Bozovic not Bozic..
And Tijana Bogicevic (Serbia 2016) was there that night to close the show with her latest hit ‘Hajde onda nista’ from her new album.
Wonderful event!

Loin dici
5 years ago
Reply to  Stef

Serbia 2017, perhaps? 😛
Is Tijana’s album available on platforms like Spotify?

5 years ago
Reply to  Loin dici

Yup, 2017 it is, my bad
It is available on all streaming and downloading platforms:
Here is a link to her website and you will find your way to get the cd :)) I truely recommend it! There are live acoustic versions of songs on Youtube as well, she is even better live!

5 years ago

His own musical taste shouldn’t reflect our own when it comes to his song. I’m sure a lot of out top list favorites would support some of our ”bottom feeder” songs and vice versa. Same like we disagree on certain matters too. It’s the way it goes. And it’s okay.

5 years ago

Slightly unrelated news: Dami Im was in town last April 3 and I got to see her perform live. This was the first time I got to see an international star up close, moreso a Eurovision veteran, so it was a very surreal moment as a fan of the contest.

Loin dici
5 years ago
Reply to  James

Wait, what event did she attend to? I wish she could perform in Indonesia one day, seems luck hasn’t come at thr right moment.

5 years ago
Reply to  Loin dici

Well, she was in Bali in January…
Relaxing rather than singing though!

5 years ago

I can’t wait for tomorrow… i’m wondering if the odds will change after Amsterdam performances

5 years ago
Reply to  Bossy

Not so much a question of “if” but a question of “how much”.

5 years ago

Don’t be too hard on Zena. She’s probably not in a position to publicly distance herself from his comments.

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
5 years ago
Reply to  aroncido

yet she’s in a position of saying “hihi dobbie is not a homophobe even tho there’s clear evidence he wants gays to be beaten up” ? aight….. home girl should’ve just said nothin

5 years ago

Perhaps she was expected to show her support. Perhaps some people behind her career would not be content with her staying silent.

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
5 years ago
Reply to  aroncido

her support for someone who openly says gays should be beaten up ? k i guess. y’all a bunch of self-hating gays, thank goodness i can’t relate 🙂

5 years ago

You clearly don’t have an idea about how a non-free country works.

5 years ago

Stig Rusty needs to stop we are tired of him

5 years ago

I’d let Mahmood spit in my mouth no homo

5 years ago
Reply to  Zay

lol 😀

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
5 years ago

does zena think we’re stupid or ? we all kno viktor dobrtrash issa homophobic rat, why is she denyin it ? she could just say she disagrees with his barbaric views n we can all move on.

leave ZENA alone
leave ZENA alone
5 years ago

She is 16 like Laura Bretan. ESC fans defended the “kid” Laura (a religious freak that said with her own mouth that marriage is only between man and woman), but poor ZENA is forced to answer in somebody else’s place, just because she was the wrong person in the wrong context. Leave ZENA alone. She did nothing to be in this mess.

5 years ago

Exactly. If a parent commits a crime – and she has no parental links with that stupid man who can’t even measure the consequences before he makes public these statements from another age, joke or not – Do the children have to respond toward the justice ? and be punished too ?

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
5 years ago

juss stop….. she’s literally denyin the evidence n sayin that dobtrash is not a raging homophobe. it’s like she’s takin the whole thing as a joke when it’s not.

5 years ago

In some situations, you can’t publicly disagree with some people’s views.

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
5 years ago
Reply to  aroncido

in some situations, u need to grow balls n have common sense

5 years ago

Belarus is a dictatorship and dictatorships are not known for being kind to people who oppose their dictator’s views. Saying she supports gay rights could have very bad consequences for her.

leave ZENA alone
leave ZENA alone
5 years ago

But what was that she did? Is she the spoke person for that guy? Meanwhile fans cry over the homophobe Bretan. Twisted world.

leave ZENA alone
leave ZENA alone
5 years ago

It’s also true that Hitler made very nice paintings.

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
5 years ago

wow expose your utter insensibility n ignorance girl u doin great

5 years ago

You really think being “sassy” helps strengthen your arguments, huh?

She’s not the person who stated the homophobic claims, so apparently you’re the person who exposed your own “utter insensibility n ignorance”

Thank god I didn’t subscribe to your YT channel

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
5 years ago

you’re defendin someone who’s usin hitler in an argument about…… ? expose yourself too i guess

leave ZENA alone
leave ZENA alone
5 years ago

Polegend, you had too much fun last night and still have hangover. Hitler was talented in painting, like Laura is talented in music. The question is : Can talent make you ignore the faults of a person, how much can be forgiven, just because someone is talented?
ZENA did nothing wrong, and she can be arrested for propaganda if she says something pro LGBT.

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
5 years ago

you’re STILL comparing laura to hitler i-

leave ZENA alone
leave ZENA alone
5 years ago

both believe in conversion

5 years ago

then don’t watch eurovision pls

uwu vision
uwu vision
5 years ago

So, she is 16 and also a representative, which means she is probably under close management. In c o n t r o v e r s y a representative would probably be told to not say anything too c o n t r o v e r s i a l (“don’t disagree with the lads on her team but also don’t say anything that would get the eurofans raging”) so all she could really reply with is a short “nooo[heart emoji]” (shes not stating her personal views on songwriters ugly comments.) If she we’re to reply with “I… Read more »